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Natural Sciences and Technology

Grade 4

Extension and Remediation

Worksheet Book


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Natural Sciences and Technology

Grade 4

Extension and Remediation Worksheet Book

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Pearson Marang (Pty) Ltd
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ISBN 978-0-636-14174-2

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Illustrations by
Antoinette Cloete Nel
Tanza Crouch
Claudia Eckard
Dedre Fouquet
Rob Foote
Adrian Owen
Barend Potgieter
Robin Taylor
Lynda Ward

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Topic 1: Basic Target Worksheet
Label each of the pictures below with the correct word from the box. (7)

growing feeding breathing moving reproducing excreting sensing

a. b. c.

d. e. f.


2. a. Circle the living things in the pictures below. (4)

b. Name three things that seem dead, but are alive. (3)

Total: 14

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Topic 1: Advanced Target Worksheet
1. Choose one of the three answers for each item listed. (10)
1. Metal pot A. Living
B. Non-living but once part of a living thing
C. Non-living and never part of a living thing
2. Cotton shirt A. Living
B. Non-living but once part of a living thing
C. Non-living and never part of a living thing
3. Fossil A. Living
B. Non-living but once part of a living thing
C. Non-living and never part of a living thing
4. Fire A. Living
B. Non-living but once part of a living thing
C. Non-living and never part of a living thing
5. Seed A. Living
B. Non-living but once part of a living thing
C. Non-living and never part of a living thing
6. Paper A. Living
B. Non-living but once part of a living thing
C. Non-living and never part of a living thing
7. Earthworm A. Living
B. Non-living but once part of a living thing
C. Non-living and never part of a living thing
8. Leather shoes A. Living
B. Non-living but once part of a living thing
C. Non-living and never part of a living thing
9. Bird A. Living
B. Non-living but once part of a living thing
C. Non-living and never part of a living thing
10. Coal A. Living
B. Non-living but once part of a living thing
C. Non-living and never part of a living thing

2. Sarah and Bongile carried out an investigation to see how to make seeds grow. They put their seeds
on a saucer and covered them with cotton wool. Sarah put her seeds in the fridge. Bongo put her
seeds on a windowsill.
a. Which seeds will grow better and why? (3)
b. Name one other thing that the seeds need to grow. (1)
c. Is this thing living or non-living? (1)
Total: 15

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Topic 2: Basic Target Worksheet
1. a. Label the different parts of the plant in the picture. (4)

b. Name two other parts that plants can have. (2)

2. a. Label the different parts of the animal in the picture. (8)

b. What type of body covering does the donkey have? (1)

Total: 15

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Topic 2: Advanced Target Worksheet
1. Complete the Venn diagram below to compare the two animals in the pictures by answering these
a. Does it have a head?
b. Does it have a body?
c. Does it have a tail?
d. What sense organs does it have?
e. What type of limbs does it have?
f. What type of body covering does it have?
g. Is the animal large or small? (14)
Write the parts that both animals share in the middle where the two circles overlap.
Write the parts that are different in the circle for that animal.

Cat: Both: Pigeon

2. Name an animal with no limbs and a body covered with scales. (1)
Total: 15

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Topic 3: Basic Target Worksheet
1. a. Plants grow from seeds. Fill in the labels on the drawings of a germinating seed. (5)

b. Name one other way to grow plants. (1)

c. Name the parts of the plant that we use to grow plants this way. (2)
2. Look at the pictures of plant A and plant B below.


2. a. Which plant gets enough water? (1)

b. Which plant does not get enough water? (1)
c. Why do plants need water? (2)
d. Name three other things plants need to grow. (3)
Total: 15

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Topic 3: Advanced Target Worksheet
1. The pictures below show the growth of a seedling. C

a. Measure the length of the longest root and longest shoot

in each picture. Record your measurements in a table. (6)
Plant Length of root Length of shoot
(cm) (cm)
8 b. Draw a bar graph to compare the growth
7 of the root and the shoot in the seedling.
Use the block grid to help you.
Make each bar two blocks wide.
5 Colour the bars for root and shoot length
Length (cm)

in different colours. (6)


Stage A: Stage B: Stage C:
Root Shoot Root Shoot Root Shoot

c. Which part grew most? (1)

d. Suggest another way to show the growth of the seedling without measuring its length. (2)

Total: 15

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Topic 4: Basic Target Worksheet
1. Match each animal in the list with the name of its habitat from the word box. (8)

grassland | sea | forest | river

a. hippo
b. blue duiker
c. impala
d. fish eagle
e. zebra
f. shark
g. monkey
h. octopus
2. Which of these statements about habitats are incorrect? (2)
a. A habitat is where an animal lives.
b. Animals go to other habitats to find food and water.
c. A frog is suited to its habitat because it can hide underground there.
d. The colour of many animals helps them to escape danger in their habitat.
Total: 10

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Topic 4: Advanced Target Worksheet
1. Choose the right descriptions for each of the habitats in the table. We have included a desert habitat
as a challenge for you. (10)
Insert the names of the plants and animals, and the description of rain and temperature, from the
boxes below, under the correct headings for each habitat in the table. (10)

Grassland Forest River Sea Desert

Plants and animals
Rain and temperature

Descriptions: camel, gerbil, palm tree whale, turtle, kelp buffalo, cheetah, acacia tree

frog, fish, water lilies monkey, green pigeon, yellowwood tree

salty water, not much change in temperature little rain, very hot during the day, very cold at night

summer rain, warm summers, cold nights freshwater, not much change in temperature

rain all year round, not much change in temperature, shady

2. Read about the tiger’s habitat and answer the questions

The tiger lives in a forest habitat in parts of Asia. The tiger has a striped coat which helps it blend in
well with the sunlight filtering through the treetops to the forest floor. The stripes also help break up
the tiger’s body shape, making it difficult for their prey to see them. There is not very much light in
the forest but the tiger has very good hearing so it can hear other animals moving around.
a. Which habitat does the tiger live in? (1)
b. Explain how the tiger’s coat makes it suited to its habitat. (3)
c. Describe one other adaptation that makes the tiger suited to its habitat. (1)
Total: 15

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Topic 5: Basic Target Worksheet
1. Write ‘H’ next to the human-made animal shelters in the list below, (3) and ‘S’ next to the shelters
which have a shell structure. (3) (6)
a. rabbit hutch
b. weaver bird’s nest
c. tortoise shell
d. wooden nesting box for a bird
e. fenced kraal for goats
f. cells of a wasp’s nest
2. Use the above habitats as a guide and complete the sentences.
a. The _____________________ gathered materials from the environment to make a nest.
b. The nesting box is made out of ___________________________.
c. The tortoise’s shell is different to the other shelters because _______________________.
d. Humans used wire fencing and wood to make both the _______________ and the
_____________. (4)
Total: 10

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Topic 5: Advanced Target Worksheet
1. Read the article below and look at the pictures. Then answer the questions.

Birds and their nests

Birds build a variety of different nests. Each type of bird builds a nest that suits its
own special needs.
Some birds fetch materials like twigs and grasses and drop them in a pile. Eagles and pelicans build nests
like this on a rock or on the ground.
Male weaver birds collect grasses that can bend easily. They carefully tie one end of the first piece of
grass onto a branch and then begin to weave the nest.
Swallows build a nest under a structure that will protect it. They collect lumps of mud and build a
nest, one lump at a time. Woodpeckers use their sharp beaks to dig out a space in a tree trunk. Then they
line it with soft feathers and plants.
Use the information from the article to complete the table. To help you, some blocks have been filled in

What it is made What shape is it? How is it made?

out of (materials)
Eagles nest twigs and sticks No clear shape, it is quite The eagle collects twigs and
messy and spread out. drops them in a pile.
Weaver’s nest
Swallow’s nest
b. Why do you think birds build nests? What is the most important function of a bird’s nest? (2)
2. People farm with birds like chickens and ostriches. Here are two examples of shelters that people
build for these birds.

Chicken coop Ostrich shelter

a. Write a sentence to describe the size, shape and materials used for each shelter.
The chicken coop ______________________________________________________________ (3)
The ostrich shelter______________________________________________________________ (3)
______________________________________________________________ _______________
b. The chicken coop and the ostrich shelter were designed by people. How did they try to meet the
birds’ needs for shelter and safety in these designs? (2)
c. What other needs do you think the designers were trying to meet in their designs? (1)
Total: 20


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Topic 6: Basic Target Worksheet
1. Look at the pictures below and circle all the things that are solids. (3)

2. Complete the sentences below using the words in the word box.

gases | solids | liquids

a. have a definite shape and do not flow. (1)

b. do not have a definite shape and match the shape of the container they are in. (1)
c. do not have a definite shape and fill the space around them. (1)
3. Study the pictures below, and answer the questions that follow.
a. How did the ice change? (1)
b. Why did the ice change? (1)
c. What do we call this kind of change? (1)

Block of ice


Empty glass


4. Name the change of state that takes place in the water cycle when:
a. clouds form (1)
b. snow forms (1)
5. Study the figures below and record the temperature readings on each thermometer in the space
provided. (3)

2. Explain what a thermometer is used for. (1)

Total: 15


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Topic 6: Advanced Target Worksheet
1. Look at the pictures below and complete the sentences using the words in the word box.


gas | solid | liquid | matter

a. A is an example of a _____________. B is an example of a _____________. C is an example

of a ___________. All of the above are the different states of _________________. (4)
b. Explain what would happen to C if you put it in a square plastic box. (1)
2. Look at the pictures below and answer the questions that follow.

Melting butter Liquid gold Melting ice Boiling water

0°C; 35°C; 100°C; 1 064°C

a. Match the correct melting or boiling point with each picture. (4)
b. Which of the substances shown above will be a solid at a temperature of 50°C?
Give a reason for your answer. (2)
3. Name the processes in the water cycle by which the following take place:
a. water moves from the land into the air (1)
b. clouds form (1)
c. hail forms (1)
d. the water in snow enters rivers (1)
Total: 15


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Topic 7: Basic Target Worksheet
1. Match the manufactured products in the word box with the following sentences. (10)

paint; a roll of paper towels; milk in a carton; a leather

handbag; a glass jug; a plastic plate; a clay pot

a. List the materials made of the raw materials coal and oil.
b. Name a container made of wood fibres.
c. What can be used to protect and decorate a wall?
d. What will feel hard and is made of the raw material sand?
e. What will feel soft? Name one.
f. Which one can hold a liquid? Which property makes that possible?
g. Which one is made from animal hide?
h. What is absorbent? Name one.
i. Which one was fired to become hard?
2. Look at the objects listed in the word box and answer the following questions.

glass bottle; plastic spoon; wooden spoon; grass broom;

leather belt; a sheet of paper; a small container of paint

a. Which objects are made from natural raw materials coming from plants. (3)
b. Which objects are made from manufactured materials. (3)
c. Which objects are made from raw materials coming from animals. (1)
d. Which object will break when it falls? (1)
e. From which raw material is the plastic spoon made? (1)
f. From which raw material is the sheet of paper made? (1)
Total: 20


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Topic 7: Advanced Target Worksheet
1. Match the manufactured products in the word box with the following sentences. (10)

ceramic floor tile; clay pot; knitting wool; plastic

shopping bag; grass basket; a leather boot
a. A flexible, natural, raw material is used to make this object in which you carry something.
b. You carry your groceries in this bag made out of the raw materials oil and coal.
c. A thread that can be used to knit a jersey.
d. Name the object which is waterproof and flexible.
e. Which object is made from animal hide?
f. Which of these objects are made of the raw material clay?
g. Which material will be the lightest?
h. Which material is flexible and absorbent?
i. Name one object that cannot be dented. Explain what was done to it to make it hard like that.
2. Look at the words in the word box and answer the following questions:

a wooden crate; a newspaper; a tissue box; tissues

a. What raw material are these products made of ? (1)
b. Describe what the wooden crate and the tissues feel like. (2)
c. Which of the paper products will you use to wrap around a small clay pot? (1) Explain why you
would not choose the other two. (2)
d. Which one will be the strongest? (1)
e. Are these objects absorbent or waterproof ? (1)
f. Explain why milk can be sold in a carton? (1)
g. Explain how coal can be linked to the raw material used to make these objects. (1)
Total: 20


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Topic 8: Basic Target Worksheet

1. In your answers for this worksheet you may use words from this list:

tubing, circular hollow pillar, square hollow pillar, fair test; triangular hollow pillar; bar graph

a. On the pictures you see materials that are shaped in different ways. Name these shapes and label
the structures in the pictures. (3)
b. Give a reason why these shapes are used. (1)
c. When testing hollow pillars to compare their strength, you must conduct a _________ . (1)
d. How can you make and compare the strength of hollow pillars made of paper? (2)
e. How can you show your results to be clear by one quick look at it? (1)

2. a. Which of them will be the strongest: A or B? (1)

b. Explain how you will set up your experiment to prove your answer. (2)
c. Which factors must be kept the same to make it a fair test? Name 2. (2)
3. How can you make struts from paper? (2)
Total: 15


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Topic 8: Advanced Target Worksheet
1. Make line drawings to illustrate the following strong parts you can use in a structure. Label your
drawings. Write down an example of where such parts can be used in a structure: (6 marks: 3 for
drawings, 3 for correct labelling) (6)
a. folding
b. circular hollow pillars
c. strut
2. Answer the questions about a fair test.
a. Describe which test can be called a fair test. (2)
Explain how you will do a fair test to find out whether a folded sheet of paper can carry a heavier
load than a flat sheet of paper.
b. Which factors will be kept the same? (3)
c. Which factor will differ in experiment and control? (2)
d. What will be your result? (1)
e. Write a conclusion for this experiment. (2)
3. Draw a bar graph using the following results of testing how strong hollow pillars are. (9)
A triangular hollow pillar could carry 2 text books.
A square hollow pillar could carry 3 text books.
A circular hollow pillar could carry 5 text books.
Total: 25


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Topic 9: Basic Target Worksheet
1. Name 3 strong frame structures that make use of triangles. Explain why each of these structures
should be strong. (3 x 2 = 6 marks) (6)

2. a. Look at the pictures of these two structures made out of struts. Which shape is each of them? (2)
b. Label them A and B in the diagrams. (1)
c. Which one of them is used in all the structures in question 1? (1)
d. Why are they used in these structures? (1)
e. Explain what will happen to each of A and B when they are pressed from above. (2)
f. Describe the struts that are used to construct these structures and say why they are shaped like
that. (2)
3. Draw the shapes of a Zulu hut, Matjieshuis and a Xhosa rondavel and label them. (3)
Do you think these houses are strong structures? Explain why. (2)
Total: 20


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Topic 9: Advanced Target Worksheet
1. Draw a design for a strong structure that can bridge a gap over a small stream of one and a half
metres wide in a garden. Your design must include tubular struts and triangulation. Label your design
features. (5)
2. Describe how you will strengthen the corner joints of a square picture frame using tubular struts.
a. Why is it necessary to strengthen the corner joints? (1)
b. Explain your plan by using labelled drawings. The sides of your drawing must be 5 cm long.
Show the front and back view of the frame. (4)

3. a. Describe why cranes must be strong. (1)

b. Explain how they are strengthened and label the parts in the diagram. (4)

4. a. Which material is used to construct the framework of each of these houses? (3)
b. What is the shape of the floor of each structure? (1)
c. Which of them do not have a separate roof ? Explain. (2)
d. Which one has a separate roof structure? (1)
e. What is the shape of the roof ? (1)
f. Do you think this rondavel was a strong structure? Explain why. (2)

Total: 25


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Topic 10: Basic Target Worksheet
1. Write down four activities that your body needs energy for. (4)
2. Can we live without energy? (1)
3. What does your body use to get energy? (1)
4. What type of living things use energy from the Sun to make food? (1)
5. Draw an energy chain, using words and arrows, for the plant and animals shown in these pictures. (4)

plant sun snail bird

6. Can a seedling grow into a healthy plant if it is kept in a dark cupboard and given some water? (4)
Write a sentence to explain your answer.

Total: 15


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Topic 10: Advanced Target Worksheet
1. Write down three things that you need a lot of energy to do. (3)
2. Identify one thing that your body uses energy for when you are asleep. (1)
3. What is the source of energy in our food? (1)
4. Complete the sentences to describe each picture. Choose words from the box below.

a. A plant uses energy ______ in its seed to grow a radicle.

b. A plant uses _____ energy from the _____ to make its _____. The plant uses energy in food to
_____. As the plant grows, it stores _____ in its body. (6)

stored | light | Sun | food | grow | energy

5. Draw an energy chain to show how energy from the Sun goes to an animal that eats other animals.
Write the names for each type of plants and animal in your chain. (4)
Total: 15


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Topic 11: Basic Target Worksheet
1. What type of energy can you hear? (1)
2. What type of energy do you need to see when it is dark? (1)
3. What type of energy does a moving soccer ball have? (1)
4. Name two other types of energy that you know. (2)
5. What source of energy does your body need? (1)
6. Look at the picture below.

a. What appliances, or machines, can you see in the picture? (2)

b. Fill in the missing words in the sentences below to describe each appliance. Choose words from
the box below. (4)
The lamp uses ________ as a source of energy. The output of energy from the lamp that is
useful for us is ________.
The source of energy for the heater is ________. The heater is used to make the room ________.

light | gas | warm | electricity

7. Complete these sentences. Choose words from the box below. (3)

plants | Sun | animals | stored | moon

Energy is ________ in coal. The energy in coal came from ________ that lived millions of years ago.
The energy in the plants came from the ________.
Total: 15


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Topic 11: Advanced Target Worksheet
1. Complete this sentence:
When a torch is on, the energy stored in the ________ changes into ________ and _______ . (4)
The output of energy that is useful for us is ________.
2. What is the source of energy for the appliance in this picture? (1)

a. Draw a flow diagram to show how energy from the Sun is transferred to mains electricity. (4)
The pictures above may help you.
3. Look at the picture below and answer the questions that follow.

a. Which three different sources of energy can you see in the picture? (3)
b. For each source of energy in the picture, think about how safely it is being used. Make a list of
things that could be done to reduce the risk of accidents or health problems in the kitchen.
You can do some research to find information to help you answer this question. (3)
Total: 15


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Topic 12: Basic Target Worksheet
1. Many musical instruments use movement input of energy to make them work. Look at the pictures
of musical instruments below. Then fill in the table.

Instrument Type of movement of input of energy

triangle hit with a stick

2. a. Draw your favourite musical instrument. Label the different parts. (2)
b. Which part or parts of your musical instrument can move (vibrate)? (1)
c. What is the main output of energy of your musical instrument? (1)
d. Is your musical instrument a percussion, wind or string instrument? (1)
Total: 10


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Topic 12: Advanced Target Worksheet
1. Look at the pictures of musical instruments below. Draw a circle around the part or parts of each
musical instrument that can vibrate. (7)

2. Classify the instruments into percussion, wind and string instruments. Use the table below.
Percussion instruments Wind instruments String instruments

3. Write a short paragraph about your favourite musical instrument. Describe what it looks like, what
kind of movement input of energy it needs to make it work and what kind of sound it makes. Also
explain why it is your favourite instrument. (6)

Total: 20


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Topic 13: Basic Target Worksheet

1. Lia is calling her friends for lunch.

a. Who will hear her most easily? (1)
b. Who will find it most difficult to hear her? (1)
c. How can Lia make sure that all her friends hear her? (1)
2. Choose the correct words to complete the paragraph.

sound | outwards | vibrate | see

Sounds are made when objects _____________. The sound always moves ______________ from the
part that is vibrating. We cannot always ___________ vibrations, but if there is no vibration there will
be no __________________. (4)
3. Complete these sentences:
a. Sound can travel through ____________________ _____________. (1)
b. The pitch of the sound is __________________________________. (1)
c. The volume of a sound is __________________________________. (1)
Total: 10


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Topic 13: Advanced Target Worksheet

You need: two empty, clean, dry tin cans with smooth edges; a piece of string 4 m long; a strong nail; a
hammer; scissors
1. Use the hammer and a nail to make a small hole in the bottom of each tin can. (1)
2. Push one end of the piece of string though the hole in one can. (1)
3. Tie a knot in the end of the string inside the tin can. (1)
4. Push the other end of the string through the hole in the other can, and tie a knot in the end of the
string. (1)
5. Now you have a string telephone. Talk to your partner. Make sure the string is tight. (1)
6. How does the string telephone work? Talk about this with your partner and then write a paragraph
below. (Hint: sound travels through solids.) (5)

Total: 10


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Topic 14: Basic Target Worksheet
1. Use the words in the box to complete these sentences:

Sun | rock | sphere | planets | Earth

a. Earth is the shape of a ________ (1)

b. Earth is made of _____ (1)
c. Earth moves around the ______ (1)
d. Earth is one of eight _____ that all move around the sun. (1)
e. The Moon moves around the _____ (1)
2. a. Complete this sentence: Earth is often called the Blue Planet because most of it is covered by
_____ which looks ____ from space. (2)
b. What is the name given to the seven large pieces of land on Earth? (1)
c. What is the name of the large piece of land that we live on? (1)
d. Draw a picture that shows that you know what an island is. Use the words ‘land’ and ‘sea’ to
label your drawing. (1)
3. a. Besides the land and water surfaces, what else does Earth have all around it? (1)
b. What do we call this layer of Earth? (1)
c. Name two things that this layer of Earth provides for plants and animals. (2)
d. What do we call the special homes that Earth provides for everything that lives on it? (1)
Total: 15


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Topic 14: Advanced Target Worksheet
1. Draw a picture that shows:
a. The Sun, Earth and Moon. (1½)
b. Labels for each of these three objects in space. (1½)
c. How the Earth and the Moon move around objects larger than themselves. Use arrows to show
these movements. (2) (5)
2. Below are ten descriptions. Draw three columns headed Sun, Earth and Moon. Write each
description under the correct heading.
• We cannot see it when the sun is shining brightly.
• This is a very large, bright star that gives us warmth and light.
• It is the smallest of the three bodies.
• Earth is one of its planets.
• This object in space is our home.
• It is dangerous to look directly at it.
• More than half of its surface is covered by water.
• It is a planet of the Sun.
• It moves around the Earth.
• It provides all living things with a habitat. (10)
Total: 15


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Topic 15: Basic Target Worksheet
1. The list below shows the names of the planets in order from the Sun. Use this information to label
the diagram below with the names of each planet, also label the Sun.
(1 x 9 = 9 marks) (9)

2. Which object in your list is a star? (1)

3. What is the name of the system that is shown in the diagram? (1)
4. What is the name of the pathway that planets travel around the Sun in? (1)
5. What is the name of the movement of the planets round the Sun? (1)
6. Which form of energy from the Sun is used by plants to make food? (1)
7. Which form of energy from the Sun is needed for the water cycle? (1) (6)
Total: 15


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Topic 15: Advanced Target Worksheet
Each of the statements below is incorrect. Write them out so that they are correct. Write your correct
sentences in the space below the incorrect one.
1. The Sun is the closest planet to Earth.

2. The Sun is the smallest object in the solar system.

3. The Earth is at the centre of the Solar system.

4. Each planet moves in a pathway called a revolution.

5. The Earth is the only planet that receives light and heat energy from the Sun.

6. Mercury is much colder than Earth.

7. Day on Saturn is much brighter than on Earth.

8. Neptune takes less time to move round the Sun than any other planet.

9. The sun’s heat helps plants make their own food.

10. The Sun’s heat causes water to condense in the water cycle.

11. The Sun appears brighter than other stars because it is much bigger than they are.

12. In a food chain, energy passes from animals to plants.

13. The Sun would support life on Earth better if Earth were closer to the Sun.

14. Any water on Neptune would evaporate.

15. The sun is round like a plate.

(2 x 15 marks = 30)
Total: 30


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Topic 16: Basic Target Worksheet
1. Choose the right end to the incomplete sentences given below. Put a tick next to the letter of your
choice. (2 x 7 = 14 marks) (14)
The Moon is made of The closest object to the Earth in space is:
A: soil A: a star
B: rock B: the Sun
C: dust C: one of the planets
D: continents D: the Moon

On the Moon, there is no We see the same phase of the Moon

A: rock A: once in about every 29 days
B: frozen water B: once a year
C: liquid water C: every 45 days
D: dust D: whenever the Sun shines on the Moon

The moon does not have any The Moon shines because
A: mountains A: it is a ball of hot gas
B: craters B: it gives off its own light
C: rivers C: the Sun’s light shines on it
D: rocks D: the Earth shines on it

The Moon is
A: bigger than the Earth
B: smaller than the Earth
C: bigger than the Sun

2. Draw the missing phase of the Moon in the diagram below (2) (6)
3. Label the New Moon and the Full Moon (2 x 2 =4)

Total: 20


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Topic 16: Advanced Target Worksheet
The drawing on this page shows all the phases of the Moon – but they are not in the correct order.
1. Starting with the New Moon as 1, put the numbers 2- 3 etc under each of the other phases to show
the order in which they would appear after New Moon. (2 x 8 = 16) (16)
2. Label the Full Moon (2)
3. How many days are there between one New Moon and the next? (2)

Total: 20


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Topic 17: Basic Target Worksheet
1. Complete the diagram of a rocket.
a. Draw a line to the fuel in the rocket and label it. (1)
b. Draw the hot gases that are pushed out of the rocket when the fuel burns. (1)
c. Draw a large arrow to show which way the gases move. Label it: Hot gases move this way. (1)
d. Draw a large arrow to show which way the rocket moves. Label it: The rocket moves this way. (1)
e. Which arrow shows the output of energy of the rocket system? Write ‘output of energy’ next to
that arrow. (1) (5)

2. Draw a line to match the word with its meaning.

rocket to send a spacecraft into space
launch the people, equipment or other spacecraft carried
by a rocket
payload long tall structure that can be propelled into
propel a machine that is used to carry people or things
from one place to another
vehicle to move or push something forwards


Total: 10


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Topic 17: Advanced Target Worksheet
Imagine that you are an astronaut. You will be leaving soon on your first journey to the Moon. You are
travelling in a small space capsule that will be launched on top of a rocket. Your family are a little worried
about you. They are not sure that this is safe. They have seen fire and smoke coming out of the bottom of
rockets when they are launched. Write a short letter to a member of your family to explain to them how a
rocket works. Draw a picture and use notes and labels to help them to understand.

56 Anywhere Road
27 August 2013
Dear __________________
Yours sincerely

Total: 10


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Simply superior!

• Superior CAPS coverage and written by expert authors

• Superior illustrations and activities to improve results
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• Superior teacher support to save time and make teaching
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• Superior quality = exam success!
Natural Sciences and Technology

Grade 4

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Worksheet Book


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