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Unit 6: The Reaction Paper and Review Paper

Lesson 3: Writing a Reaction Paper and

Review Paper


Engage 1
Introduction 1
Objectives 2

Explore 2

Explain and Elaborate 3

Prewriting for the Review and Reaction Paper 3
Constructing a Review and a Reaction Paper 11
Revising and Editing the Reaction and Review Paper 18

Extend 19
Activity 1 19
Activity 2 20

Evaluate 22

Wrap Up 25

Bibliography 26
Unit 6.3: Writing a Reaction Paper and Review Paper



Fig. 1. Just like a table that needs its legs to support it, claims need to be supported by
strong evidence or justification.

When one wants to share his or her thoughts about a movie, television show, or book, he or
she should remain objective in doing so. Discourse can be done about the said piece of
work, but all claims should have supporting ideas from the piece of work. Without claims,
the opinion has no basis. Why should a writer use evidence to support his or her claim
about a piece of work?

Unit 6.3: Writing a Reaction Paper and Review Paper

In this lesson, you should be able to do the following:
● Construct a thesis statement and outline for a reaction paper.
● Apply techniques in compiling data for a review paper.
● Write balanced reaction and review papers considering factual data, appropriate
language, and coherence.
● Practice reviewing and editing review and reaction papers.

DepEd Competencies
● Form opinions based on facts (CS_EN11/12A-EAP-Id-f-11).
● Use the appropriate language for a specific discipline (CS_EN11/12A-EAP-Id-f-14).
● Apply the principles of writing effective reviews and critiques
● Write an objective/balanced review or critique of a work of art, an event, or a program


10 minutes

Work with a partner and choose a movie you both would like to make a reaction paper for.
List all the points to be discussed and agree on how the arguments should be presented.

Guide Questions

1. What points did you and your partner agree upon about the movie?

Unit 6.3: Writing a Reaction Paper and Review Paper

2. What is your overall claim about the movie?

3. How do you plan to back up your claim?

Explain and Elaborate

Prewriting for the Review and Reaction Paper

Prewriting the Reaction Paper

Prewriting is the first stage of the writing process. For the review and reaction paper, it is
necessary to make use of prewriting strategies. These strategies include reading from
various sources and materials, outlining, and/or using graphic organizers. This can also
include creating the thesis statement. The thesis statement should be included and
integrated into any of the prewriting activities for the review paper.

Example 1
Topic: The Little Prince 2015 movie
I. Introduction
A. Summary
B. Thesis statement: The Little Prince movie is a close adaptation of the book of
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, and the magic of the book is carried over to the

Unit 6.3: Writing a Reaction Paper and Review Paper

2015 adaptation of the book, which is visually stunning with additional stories
that build on the delightful classic.
II. Body
A. Parallels of book and movie
1. Mostly faithful adaptation
2. Consistently charming characters
B. Visual appeal of the movie
1. Beautiful animation
2. Colors as tool for storytelling
C. Extra story in the movie
1. Grandfatherly relationship between protagonists
2. Exploration of Mother-Daughter relationship
III. Conclusion
A. Restatement of thesis statement
B. Summary of main points
C. Recommendation for audience

Example 2
Topic: The Baptism of Alexandra Trese (Volume 3, Issue 9 of Trese)
I. Introduction
A. Summary
B. Thesis statement: The origin story of Alexandra Trese is found in the third
volume of the local graphic novel series, and the story is a beautiful and
modern take on Philippine mythology.
II. Body
A. Who is Alexandra Trese?
1. 18-year-old Trese
2. Trese’s family and prophecy
3. Interesting take on fate and destiny
B. Why is her baptism so significant?
1. Importance of Trese’s family legacy
2. Trese’s decision makes or break the world
C. Why does her origin story matter in Philippine mythology?

Unit 6.3: Writing a Reaction Paper and Review Paper

1. Trese in traditional Philippine mythology and its impact

2. Trese in modern Philippine mythology and its impact
III. Conclusion
A. Restatement of thesis statement
B. Summary of main points
C. Recommendation for audience

Each thesis statement is an opinion about the topic. The main ideas dictate the central
theme for each review paper. The thesis statement must have evidence in the body of the
review paper. Each thesis statement is located in the introduction of the outline. Thesis
statements should reflect the claims of the writer that will be discussed in the reaction
paper. The supporting details, found in the body of the outline, are based on facts and help
support the thesis.

Why should a writer’s claim have evidence to

support it?

Compiling Data for the Review Paper

Before a writer composes a review paper, research must be done. Electronic databases, the
Internet, and the library are essential for research. The writer must narrow down the
research topic in a way that there is enough information to discuss and synthesize the data.
In addition to that, the writer must be able to make recommendations based on the
predetermined research questions for the review paper. Creating research questions about
the topic will help the writer deduce which studies can be included in the review, as the
results found from the research fulfill the scope of the review paper.

Compiling data includes scrutinizing the methods of data collection, the results of the
studies, and the analysis of the data. These will be the basis for the synthesis. There are
several ways to compile data for a review paper. One way is to use a research matrix,
wherein all the data about the research can be found in a table.

Unit 6.3: Writing a Reaction Paper and Review Paper

The information found in the matrices can be either presented
using key terms and statements or complete sentences.

Table 1. Sample Research Matrix

Title and Objectives of the Methods for Data Results

Author Study Collection

A writer can also take annotations in a notebook, word processing document, or

spreadsheet, if that is his or her preference. The information that should be found in the
notes include the following:
● Title and Author
● Objectives of the Study
● Methods for Data Collection
● Results
● Analysis

How does compiling the data make the process of

writing easier for the writer of a review paper?

Once the data are compiled, the writer can now answer his or her own research questions
about the review. A synthesis can be formed based on the data collected by the researcher.

Unit 6.3: Writing a Reaction Paper and Review Paper

Example 1
Table 2. Research Topic: Blended Learning for High School

Citation of Objectives of the Methods for Data Results

Reference Study Collection

Yapici, İ.Ümit & The study aimed to The pretest-posttest From the "Biology
Akbayin, Hasan. determine the control-group model Achievement Test"
The effect of the effect of the was used among the and "Internet
blended learning blended learning experimental models. Attitude Scale" that
model on high model on high 107 students attending were applied to the
school students' school students' Nevzat Ayaz Anatolian experimental and
biology biology High School were the control groups, the
achievement and achievement and participants of the scores they
on their attitudes on their attitudes study. Those to obtained were
towards the towards the constitute the control compared. The
internet. internet. group and study results
experimental group revealed that the
were determined blended learning
randomly, therefore model contributed
there were 47 more to the
participants in the students' biology
experimental group achievement than
where the lessons were traditional teaching
taught via the blended methods and the
learning model, while statistics of the
in the control group, students' attitude
which had 60 towards the
participants, were internet developed
taught via the significantly.
traditional method.

Unit 6.3: Writing a Reaction Paper and Review Paper

Citation of Objectives of the Methods for Data Results

Reference Study Collection

Yushau, B. The The purpose of 70 student samples of The results

effects of this study is to the preparatory year indicated that the
blended examine the program of King Fahd subjects’ attitude
e-learning on influence of University of Petroleum toward
mathematics and blended e-learning and Minerals (KFUPM) mathematics and
computer on students' was randomized. computers was
attitudes in attitude towards Dhahran served as the positive. However,
pre-calculus mathematics and sample of the study. The the analysis of
algebra. computers. data from the variance in students'
pre-program (beginning) attitude towards
and post-program mathematics and
(ending) of the semester computer showed
were collected. Aiken no statistically
Mathematics Attitude significant change,
Scale and Greessen and except for computer
Loyd Computer Attitude confidence and
Scale ascertained the anxiety subscale.

Chandra, V. The The research In Queensland State The study

impact of a aimed to study the High School, 406 established a
blended impact of an students in junior positive perception
web-based environment on science and physics of a blended
learning students' participated. The data web-based learning
environment on perceptions and collected from the environment and
the perceptions, the impact of such students were that led to a positive
attitudes, and an environment ascertained through influence on
performance of on students' quantitative and students' attitude
boys and girls in attitude towards qualitative methods. towards their
junior science physics and junior Web-based Learning subjects. The
and senior science. Environment Instrument research also found
physics (WEBLEI) was a modified that web-based
version that was used in learning improved
collecting quantitative the performance of
data and in qualitative junior science and
data on students' senior physics
attitude were gathered assessments.
through emails and
written surveys.

Unit 6.3: Writing a Reaction Paper and Review Paper

The matrix contains data from different studies to contribute to the topic. The writers were
able to compile the objectives, methods, and results from multiple sources. With this data,
the writer now has a means to better understand and synthesize the research topic at hand.

Example 3
Topic: Eco-packaging and packaging alternatives
Research Study 1
Title and Author: Auliandri, T.A., Thoyib, A., Rohman, F., & Rofiq, A. “Does Green Packaging
Matter as a Business Strategy? Exploring Young Consumers’ Consumption in an Emerging

Objective of the Study: To examine several influencing factors for young consumers’
purchase intention toward green packaging

Methods for Data Collection: Empirical data was obtained through questionnaires given to
undergraduate students, which amounted to two hundred seventy-six answered
questionnaires. The data were processed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), as it
enabled the researchers to understand the influence between all latent variables at once.

Results: Young consumers’ purchase intention toward green packaging was affected by
attitude, subjective norms, Perceived Behavioral Control, and willingness to pay.
Furthermore, their attitude toward green packaging was affected by their level of concern
toward the environment.

Research Study 2
Title and Author: Van Den Elzen, J. “Consumers’ perception regarding sustainable

Objectives of the Study: To gain more insight in the perception of consumers regarding
sustainable packaging.

Unit 6.3: Writing a Reaction Paper and Review Paper

Methods for Data Collection: This study was a descriptive study with a cross-sectional
design. There was one measurement moment which respondents completed

Results: Convenience and use, package type, and sustainability were the most important
factors when evaluating products. Sustainability was judged by packaging amount,
recyclability, reusability, and biodegradability. Plastic was seen as a less sustainable material
than carton, glass, and bioplastic. Significant differences in the perceived sustainability for
normal and portion sized packages were found. No significant differences on sustainability
were found for returnability, recyclability, and biodegradability. Taste, quality, convenience,
and environmental friendly packaging are the best predictors of participants’ attitude
towards the products.

Research Study 3
Title and Author: Aditi Jaju. “A study of the Impact of Green Marketing on Consumer
Purchasing Patterns and Decision Making in Telangana, India”

Objectives of the Study: To investigate the impact of green marketing on consumer

purchasing patterns and decision-making in India

Methods for Data Collection: The researchers used survey as their research instrument. It
included socio-demographic questions then followed by questions about consumers’
environmental beliefs and their behavior. The results were analysed using descriptive,
regression analysis, and correlations from SPSS.

Results: The findings showed that intensity of green packaging and green branding,
importance of green products and premium green pricing have a significantly positive
impact on the behavior of the consumer that leads to green purchases. Some belief factors
were also found: (1) associations between place of residence and (2) environmental belief
factors. Correlations between eco-labelling, green branding, and green pricing, and the
environmental behaviour of consumers were also found.

Unit 6.3: Writing a Reaction Paper and Review Paper

The third example used annotations for the three research studies found for the topic. It still
presented the title, author, objectives, methods, and results; however, no matrix was used.
These are the kinds of notes which can be found in a notebook or in a word document.

Why is this matrix easier to use for planning a

review paper rather than utilizing an outline?

Constructing a Review and a Reaction Paper

Writing a Reaction Paper

The reaction paper is a three-part essay consisting of the following parts: introduction, body,
and conclusion. The introduction must contain the thesis statement.

The body should include the reaction of the writer, which can include the following:
● Feelings about the piece
● Evaluative merit of the piece
● New lessons and concepts introduced to expand any knowledge
The body usually has two or three main points that support the thesis statement and
contain examples for the said main ideas. These points are usually facts- or evidence-based,
which directly come from the text or work itself. The writer should be able to cite if he or she
uses a direct quotation. If there are no direct quotations, the writer can describe the text or
work, especially in describing art.

The conclusion should contain the thesis statement with a summary of the main points. A
recommendation can also be included in the conclusion.

Why should a writer organize the reaction paper

before writing it?

Unit 6.3: Writing a Reaction Paper and Review Paper

The language used for the reaction paper should be formal and simple. The wording should
be clear and concise, as it is essential for the readers to understand it, even if the topic is
complex. Generally, it is recommended to use the third person point of view. Some writers
may use the first person pronouns, “I” and “me,” as the reaction paper is a personal essay.
As the reaction paper is more of a personal essay, those personal pronouns can be used.
Connect the ideas amongst paragraphs with transitional devices.

Example 1
A new adaptation of the book of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince, was released in
2015. It gave the classic tale a new twist, as it used stop-motion animation, unlike the
previous adaptation. This new take on the book followed a girl who lived with her mom in a
new environment. This girl found herself stuck in a monotonous routine similar to those
undergone by adults working in corporations, and she longed to escape in order to breathe
more color into her life. She later established a grandfatherly relationship with an eldery
neighbor, who told her the story of the little prince. By the end of the movie, the girl and her
mom became closer to one another, and she applied the lessons learned from her
neighbor, who had been taught by the little prince himself. The Little Prince movie is a close
adaptation of the book of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, and the magic of the book is carried
over to the 2015 adaptation of the book, which is visually stunning with additional stories
that build on the delightful classic.

The movie adaptation follows the classic tale of the little prince, one of the most beloved
characters in children’s literature. The movie does an excellent job of staying faithful to the
original piece, as the prince is still depicted as naive, innocent, and sad. The movie shows
the journey of the little prince from his home planet to Earth. It still shows all of his
encounters with a hodge-podge of beings and how he ultimately meets his demise.
However, the movie is also refreshing for audiences, as there are more characters to fall in
love with. Audience members could sympathize with the little girl in the movie, as her
tribulations are relatable. There are plenty of times wherein people feel pressure from their
own parents because of the weight of their expectations. That is what happens to the little
girl. Her longing to find friendship and companionship is relatable, and it is charming when
she befriends her neighbor. The two are so contrasting on screen, which only serves to
make their interactions more adorable to watch. Part of the appeal of this new storyline is

Unit 6.3: Writing a Reaction Paper and Review Paper

how well-executed the idea that the two give each other the company they have been
searching for.

In addition to the storyline, the movie was visually appealing. As mentioned previously, this
adaptation used stop-motion animation, which is part of its appeal to the younger audience.
However, audiences of all ages can enjoy it because the animation was beautifully rendered
and the cinematography was superb. There was one scene where the girl finds a grown-up
version of the prince in a modern world, though she did not realize it was him at first. The
revelation of the prince’s identity was well-done. There was a slow build up to the revelation,
with some well-placed foreshadowing leading up to the big reveal. This allowed the
audience to deduce his identity if they were paying attention and adds to the film’s appeal.
Additionally, they used clever changes in the color palettes of scenes in order to help tell the
story. The darker tones used to represent the girl’s sadness and defeat later became light
and bright on the screen. The vivid use of colors during the revelation of the prince is one of
the most beautiful parts of the film. It did not need a lot of dialogue from the characters, but
the visual effects told the story.

As The Little Prince is a classic story of the pilot who crashed in the Sahara and how his life
changed when he met the titular character, the film added the storylines in order to build on
the more philosophical scenes of the book to make it more accessible to the audience.
While most films that add new material to the source do not do well in their execution, The
Little Prince is a marked exception. One notable aspect of the new storyline was the
relationship between the old man and little girl. After spending time with one another, the
girl goes on a journey to find the prince from the old man’s story in order to make him
happy, as his greatest wish was to see the little prince again. That plot gave the audience a
reminder that friendship can bloom anywhere, and that love truly comes in different forms.
The story also gives importance to the relationship between a parent and child. The mother
was originally unforgiving and pushed her daughter to grow up too early and too fast.
However, because of the girl’s relationship with her neighbor and her determination to
show her mother that life can be enjoyed, her mom’s actions became more caring by the
end of the film. The film explores the possibility of different perspectives using these two
additional relationships.

Unit 6.3: Writing a Reaction Paper and Review Paper

The Little Prince was a truly beautiful film whose different parts made it an enjoyable
experience. It was relatable, had breathtaking visuals, and had a heartwarming ending. Like
the book, it attempted to teach the audience that there are opportunities for everyone to
enjoy life, make meaningful friendships, and repair broken relationships. The film was truly
worth the watch, and I encourage everyone to watch and rewatch it.

Be sure to include your own opinions in the body. Without an opinion
and evidence to support it, it cannot be a well-constructed reaction

Example 2
The Baptism of Alexandra Trese is a meaningful issue for fans of the series. Trese is one of the
most popular local comics in the Philippines. The aforementioned issue is a flashback that
follows the protagonist, Alexandra Trese, on her 18th birthday. As her family is descended
from a long line of Mandirigma and Babaylan that has long served as liaisons between the
“mundane” world (that of the oblivious humans) and the world of the aswangs. Per her
family’s tradition, she has no choice but to undergo her “baptism,” which involves her going
through a Balete tree serving as a portal to a nexus realm where she would undergo seven
trials. Because of a prophecy that states that she will destroy either the mundane world or
the aswang tribes, the aswang, not wanting to take the chance that she would not choose to
destroy them, attempt to destroy the Balete with her still within. Her father, brothers, and
allies stand guard as she undergoes her trial, which lasts for three years. While her allies
succeeded in repelling their enemies, she discovers that she lost her father during the siege.
Having finished her trials, Alexandra chose to defy fate and try her utmost to maintain the
balance between worlds without destroying either. The origin story of Alexandra Trese is
found in the third volume of the local graphic novel series, and the story is a beautiful and
modern take on Philippine mythology.

The story of Trese is an interesting and somewhat underrated tale in local modern
literature, as it makes use of local mythology within the contemporary world. In this

Unit 6.3: Writing a Reaction Paper and Review Paper

flashback issue, Alexandra is shown as she was when she was 18 years old, different from
how readers usually interact with her, as in the “present day” setting of the comics she is 33
years old. In this volume, readers are introduced to how she became the Mandirigmang
Babaylan that she is, and when she became resolute in her mission to protect the mundane
world while maintaining the balance with the more peaceful aswang. Like many protagonists
in fantasy, she has a supposedly predetermined fate and it is up to her to either adhere to
or defy the prophecy surrounding her life. In the story, the Trese family is renowned for
their special abilities to interact with, liaise with, or when necessary, defeat, various
mythological creatures based on Philippine folklore. The most intriguing part of Alexandra’s
story is that while she accepts the role of Mandirigmang-Babaylan that is expected of her,
she also refuses to let a prophecy dictate her life and her actions. She is determined to
make her own choices.

As with any hero in fiction, her journey to become the keeper of the Underworld is not an
easy feat. She has to live up to her family’s legacy, as her grandfather, father, and brothers
have already made a name for themselves by the time she is 18. Being a woman in their
lineage is also significant, because while the men traditionally became mandirigma, women
became babaylan. However, as she was the prophesied “sixth child of a sixth child,” she is
given the weighty duty to be both. Because of this, she knows that her baptism in the Balete
tree is essential for her growth. She succeeds in the trials by herself, showing courage and
skill, and lays down the foundation of her quest to protect the good from the bad,
regardless of whether they are humans or aswang.

Trese’s story matters because it enriches and revitalizes Philippine folklore for a
contemporary audience. Readers get to explore modern takes on the different mythological
creatures, which can potentially pique their interest in learning more about them. Trese is
potentially a huge game changer in local literature, as the writing, story, and art are
distinctly Filipino. The volumes are available in either English or Tagalog, making it
accessible to a wider audience. By mixing traditional and modern-day characteristics in the
form of comics, Trese provides a new way to experience Filipino literature and get more
readers interested in local fictional narratives.

Unit 6.3: Writing a Reaction Paper and Review Paper

Trese’s take on mythology is fresh and interesting, contextualized for Filipino culture. It gives
readers an opportunity to explore traditional and modern mythology. Hopefully, more
Filipinos will give the comic books a chance.

Each reaction paper follows the outline which was made in the prewriting stage. The thesis
statements are integrated in the introductions, and the supporting ideas are thoroughly
explained in the body paragraphs. Though there are no direct quotations from the texts, the
writer was able to describe what was happening in order to support the thesis
statement.The writer used the third person point of view in writing the papers, and the
language used is formal and concise to explain the main points.

Writing the Review Paper

Once the data are compiled, the writer can now answer his or her own research questions
about the review. A synthesis can be formed based on the data collected by the researcher.
It is best that the writer outlines the paper before composing it.

The review paper does not need to present all the data found in the
matrix or notes done in the prewriting stage. The review paper should
synthesize the results of the different literature.

The introduction should include conceptual definitions about the research area and include
the objectives of the review. The scope of the literature is also part of the introduction. The
body contains the synthesis of the literature found about the research topic. There is no
need to discuss explicitly the different methods and the results of each study. The review
paper should answer the objectives, and the synthesis should be able to answer the
predetermined objective. Fulfilling the objectives is not simply answering whether the
research studies answer “yes” or “no.” The review paper should be able to explain the scope
of literature for research at the current time. The body can also contain an analysis of the
data after the synthesis, wherein the significant findings are discussed. Lastly, the
conclusion should include the summary of the review. It should also contain the

Unit 6.3: Writing a Reaction Paper and Review Paper

recommendations to address any research gaps found while compiling the data for the
review paper.

Define the jargon by citing other authors, as it will avoid any issues
with plagiarism.

The language for the review paper should be formal and academic. As the research topics
will be discussed in the review, jargons may be utilized. Jargons are literary terms that are
defined as the use of a specific word or phrase in a particular situation, profession, or trade.
These terms are usually only known by a certain group of people who are familiar with the
words. As a writer, it is important to define these terms by citing authors who have defined
them. It may be difficult to find a more generic term for this word, so it is best to explain a
jargon which may be utilized throughout the paper.

Example 1
Blended learning is defined as an educational program in which learners use a form of
technology that helps deliver instruction and content. The learners have control over how
they learn in a blended learning set-up. Usually, blended learning entails that students still
meet the professor in face-to-face interaction to assist with the self-paced learning of the
students. This kind of program has been under scrutiny for the past few years, as it
advocates individualized learning for all its participants. A detailed review of ten related
studies was conducted. The publication of the studies ranged from 2008 to 2018, and the
research was conducted in a range of countries, including the United States of America,
India, and the Philippines. These studies aimed to see how blended learning enhanced
classroom instruction in the subject of math. Results of the review found that students
mostly enjoyed and were engaged in blended learning; however, there is no evidence to
show that blended learning directly helped their academic achievement. Further studies to
show how blended learning can accommodate and boost scores of students in subjects
should be conducted in future studies.

Unit 6.3: Writing a Reaction Paper and Review Paper

Example 2
The use of eco-packaging and other packaging alternatives have become useful during
contemporary times. Instead of single-use plastic bags, there has been a call to use canvas
bags, tote bags, and recyclable bags in order to follow the UNGA’s Sustainable Development
Goals, specifically Goal number 12. WIth alternative packaging and eco-packaging, the
movement to lead a more sustainable lifestyle is in full motion. However, there was a need
to look at research studies to see if people were aware that using eco-packaging and other
alternatives were better for long-term use and not an immediate solution for the problems
plaguing the environment. The researchers were able to find 50 studies on the use of
eco-packaging, while 14 of those studies helped review if people were aware of the basic
functions of eco-packaging. Based on the results from the studies, it was found that people
preferred eco-packaging because they felt that it was their own contribution to help save
the planet. However, the studies also showed that many people felt that buying
eco-packaging was too expensive, so the practice did not become prolific until there were
policies and laws that made alternative packaging mandatory. The studies failed to show if
eco-packaging actually helped people convert to a more sustainable lifestyle. Further
studies and reviews should focus on that aspect of research.

Each abstract gives an overview of the review paper. Found in each abstract are the
objectives of the review paper, the methods and scope of the literature found for the
research topic, and the specific findings.

Revising and Editing the Reaction and Review Paper

Revising encourages writers to reevaluate the drafts of their papers. It is supposed to help
writers review, modify, and reorganize their work. Keep this is mind when revising your
● Do the papers contain supporting evidence for any claims made?
● Is the information presented clearly?
● Is the word choice appropriate for the function of the text?
● Are there transitions between thoughts and paragraphs?

Unit 6.3: Writing a Reaction Paper and Review Paper

After revising the paper, editing must be done. This is a review of the grammar and
mechanics of the paper. It is best to ask a classmate to proofread the paper, then maybe a
teacher or expert in the field.


Activity 1
Search an online news article about any recent local issue. Once you have picked an article,
read and understand it carefully. Create a thesis statement for the article, citing your
opinion about the article itself. Then, create a sentence outline for a possible reaction paper
on the article and the issue it was reporting.

Unit 6.3: Writing a Reaction Paper and Review Paper

When creating a thesis statement about the topic, give your opinion about the article
and the report itself, not the issue. When creating the sentence outline, be sure to
utilize complete sentences to support your claim.

Activity 2
Review and rewrite the following summary of a review paper.

There is an overwhelming increase of cases of eating disorders in modern society. According to

multiple case studies, Anorexia nervosa was identified as the third most prevalent chronic disease
among adolescents - with the highest mortality rate. Common symptoms of the aforementioned
disease include a limitation of calorie-intake, drastic weight loss, and fear of weight gain. The
study aims to determine if there is a significant relationship between AnorexiaNervosa and the
presence of structural brain abnormalities. The researchers applied the qualitative research
design in gathering data for the research. Through the use of modern technology, by utilizing the
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), structural
changes were observed in 100 participants currently diagnosed with Anorexia Nervosa (AN). The
results showcased that of 100 participants diagnosed with AN, 100 were confirmed to have the
presence of structural brain abnormalities.The results are compared using standard regional and
global analyses. Moreover, 54 previous case reports of eating disorders and brain damage are
systematically reviewed. In the MRI scans,reduction of gray and white matters were found.
Additionally, results from fMRI showcased altered neural activity in the brain involving the frontal,
parietal, temporal and occipital lobes.The results found that in the case of AN patients, the
cerebrospinal fluid increased whilst the left hypothalamus, left inferior parietal lobe, right
lentiform nucleus and right caudate are observed to have regional decreases. Previous studies
found that eating disorders are associated with hypothalamic disruption, indicating the
significant role of frontotemporal circuits with right hemispheric predominance in pathogenesis.
Given the results, it is therefore concluded that there is a significant relationship between having
Anorexia Nervosa and the inevitable presence of structural brain abnormalities. To thoroughly
investigate neurobiological distinctions between the subtypes of Anorexia Nervosa, further studies
are an essentiality.

Unit 6.3: Writing a Reaction Paper and Review Paper

Source: Enteral Nutrition in Dementia: A Systematic Review by Brooke, J. & Ojo, Omorogieva”

Unit 6.3: Writing a Reaction Paper and Review Paper

It is best to read and reread the summary before revising and editing. When revising,
there may be a need to rearrange the concepts found to have a better flow of ideas.
Choice of words can also be considered when revising the essay.


A. Answer the following questions as accurately and

precisely as you can.

1. What should the thesis statement about a reaction paper contain?

2. What are ways to compile data for a review paper?

3. How can a writer prepare to write a reaction paper?

4. What should be the components of the research matrices for a review paper?

Unit 6.3: Writing a Reaction Paper and Review Paper

5. Why should a writer consider writing an outline and compiling data in a matrix in
preparation for a reaction paper and review paper respectively?

B. Carefully think before writing a complete answer for each


1. How should a writer synthesize the data before writing a review paper?

2. Create an introduction for a reaction paper using the following thesis statement:
The article about encouraging girls to pursue STEM education was informative; however,
there are several biases found which could have been avoided.
Source: “Survey: Female students still lack confidence in math, science”

Unit 6.3: Writing a Reaction Paper and Review Paper

3. Create a thesis statement about your opinion of the article, especially in the Philippine
context. Source: “Online Gaming: Impact on the Academic Performance and Social
Behavior of the Students in Polytechnic University of the Philippines Laboratory High
School” (

4. Create one entry for a thesis matrix using the following study:
Source: “The mediating role of social capital in the relationship between socioeconomic
status and adolescent wellbeing: evidence from Ghana”

Unit 6.3: Writing a Reaction Paper and Review Paper

5. Create an annotation for the following research:

Source: “Properties of Torrefied U.S. Waste Blends”

Wrap Up

● Prewriting is essential in writing a reaction paper and review paper. There is a

need to prepare an outline and to create a thesis statement for a reaction paper.
For the review paper, data can be compiled in a matrix or annotated notes.
● The writer should compile data for a review paper using either a research matrix
or regular notes.
● The thesis statement should be supported by evidence found in the main ideas.
● Academic language and opinions based on facts should be considered when
writing reaction and review papers.
● Revising and editing are essential to producing the best quality paper. When
revising, one should consider the flow of ideas and if the evidence found in the
work supports the thesis statement. Consider mechanics and grammatical
conventions when editing the papers.

Unit 6.3: Writing a Reaction Paper and Review Paper

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