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Hypertensive emergencies and urgencies in emergency

departments: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Anna Astarita a,, Michele Covella b,, Fabrizio Vallelonga a, Marco Cesareo a, Silvia Totaro c,
Luca Ventre d, Franco Aprà e, Franco Veglio a, and Alberto Milan a

Objectives: The prevalence of hypertensive emergencies


and urgencies and of acute hypertension-mediated organ ypertensive emergencies are potentially life-threat-
damage (aHMOD) in emergency departments is unknown. ening conditions in which a symptomatic acute rise
Moreover, the predictive value of symptoms, blood in BP levels leads to the development of acute
pressure (BP) levels and cardiovascular risk factors to organ damage [1]. The term hypertensive urgencies, tradi-
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suspect the presence of aHMOD is still unclear. The aim of tionally used to define a symptomatic rise in BP in the
this study was to investigate the prevalence of absence of organ damage, should be abandoned in favour
hypertensive emergencies and hypertensive urgencies in of the term ‘uncontrolled hypertension’ [1] as these patients
emergency departments and of the relative frequency of do not require hospitalization. A close outpatient follow-up
subtypes of aHMOD, as well as to assess the clinical is recommended to ensure BP control is achieved.
variables associated with aHMOD. Although both conditions are potentially linked to
Methods: We conducted a systematic literature search on increased morbidity and mortality, their management
PubMed, OVID, and Web of Science from their inception remains challenging because of lack of evidence. Firstly,
to 22 August 2019. Two independent investigators in contrast to the ascertained burden of chronic arterial
extracted study-level data for a random-effects meta- hypertension, the relative prevalence of hypertensive emer-
analysis. gencies and hypertensive urgencies in emergency depart-
ments and the frequency of each form of aHMOD remains
Results: Eight studies were analysed, including 1970
debated, in part, because of heterogeneous diagnostic crite-
hypertensive emergencies and 4983 hypertensive
ria and paucity of publications. Moreover, though BP values
urgencies. The prevalence of hypertensive emergencies and
have a central role in making the diagnosis, it is uncertain if
hypertensive urgencies was 0.3 and 0.9%, respectively
the presence of aHMOD should be suspected solely based on
[odds ratio for hypertensive urgencies vs. hypertensive
elevated BP levels, and if there is a relationship between
emergencies 2.5 (1.4–4.3)]. Pulmonary oedema/heart
presenting symptoms and presence of aHMOD. Lastly, the
failure was the most frequent subtype of aHMOD (32%),
differences in terms of cardiovascular risk factors between
followed by ischemic stroke (29%), acute coronary
patients presenting with hypertensive emergency and hyper-
syndrome (18%), haemorrhagic stroke (11%), acute aortic
tensive urgency are poorly investigated.
syndrome (2%) and hypertensive encephalopathy (2%). No
Given these uncertainties, we conducted a systematic
clinically meaningful difference was found for BP levels at
review and meta-analysis to assess the prevalence of hyper-
presentations. Hypertensive urgency patients were younger
tensive emergencies and hypertensive urgencies in emer-
than hypertensive emergency patients by 5.4 years and
gency departments and the prevalence of each subtype of
more often complained of nonspecific symptoms and/or
aHMOD. In addition, through a comparative analysis
headache, whereas specific symptoms were more frequent
among hypertensive emergency patients.
Conclusion: Hypertensive emergencies and hypertensive Journal of Hypertension 2020, 38:1203–1210
urgencies are a frequent cause of access to emergency a
Hypertension Unit, Division of Internal Medicine, Department of Medical Sciences,
departments, with hypertensive urgencies being significantly AO ‘Città della Salute e della Scienza’ University Hospital, Turin, bEmergency Depart-
more common. BP levels alone do not reliably predict the ment, U.Parini Hospital, Aosta, cEmergency Division, Department of Medical Sciences,
AO ’Città della Salute e della Scienza’ University Hospital, Turin, dOphthalmology
presence of aHMOD, which should be suspected according Division, ‘Città della Salute e della Scienza’ University Hospital, Turin and eHigh
to the presenting signs and symptoms. Dependency Unit, San Giovanni Bosco Hospital, Turin, Italy
Correspondence to Anna Astarita, MD, Hypertension Unit, Division of Internal
Keywords: acute organ damage, emergency departments, Medicine, Department of Medical Sciences, AO ‘Città della Salute e della Scienza’
hypertensive emergencies, hypertensive urgencies, meta- University Hospital, Turin, Italy. Tel: +39 3331925112; fax: +39 116336931; e-mail:

Anna Astarita and Michele Covella are joint first authors.
Abbreviations: aHMOD, acute hypertension-mediated Received 5 December 2019 Accepted 3 January 2020
organ damage; BP, blood pressure; CI, confidence interval; J Hypertens 38:1203–1210 Copyright ß 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights
OR, odds ratio reserved.

Journal of Hypertension 1203

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Astarita et al.

between hypertensive emergency and hypertensive aHMOD, BP levels and symptoms at presentation, clinical
urgency patients, we sought to investigate the role of BP characteristics of hypertensive emergency and hyperten-
levels, symptoms and cardiovascular risk factors to predict sive urgency patients (age, sex, cardiovascular risk factors).
the presence of aHMOD. Figure 1 details the research process.

METHODS Data analysis

The first part of the analysis aimed to assess the epidemiology
Study selection of hypertensive emergencies in terms of: overall prevalence,
This systematic review and meta-analysis adhered to Pre- subtype of aHMOD and relative frequency compared with
ferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta- hypertensive urgencies.
Analyses (PRISMA) Statement [2]. The prevalence of hypertensive emergencies was com-
We included studies assessing the prevalence of hyper- puted for each study as the number of cases divided by the
tensive emergencies by enrolling consecutive patients pre- total number of emergency departments visits over the same
senting to the emergency departments. In order to be time period and expressed as a percentage [95% confidence
considered eligible, the following data had to be reported: interval (CI)]. The relative prevalence of each subtype of
definition of hypertensive emergency/hypertensive urgency aHMOD was calculated as the number of cases divided by the
adopted, BP values at presentation and subtype of aHMOD. total number of patients with hypertensive emergencies.
We excluded the following types of publications: studies These frequencies were then meta-analysed across studies
investigating hypertensive emergencies in pregnant women to calculate the average frequency. The relative frequencies
or in patients 18 years old or less; enrolment taking place in of hypertensive emergency and hypertensive urgency were
any setting other than the emergency departments or setting compared by calculating the odds ratio.
not clearly specified; retrospective studies in which the The second part of the analysis involved only publications
diagnosis of hypertensive emergency was based on Interna- reporting data for both hypertensive emergency and hyper-
tional Classification of Diseases codes at discharge. tensive urgency patients. Baseline BP values, age, prevalence
Data regarding patients with uncontrolled hypertension in of known hypertension and frequency of presenting symp-
the absence of aHMOD (i.e. hypertensive urgencies) were toms were meta-analysed across studies and compared
also extracted to perform a comparative analysis of hyperten- between hypertensive emergencies and hypertensive urgen-
sive emergencies and hypertensive urgencies. Data regarding cies. Continuous variables (BP, age) were compared by
presenting symptoms were extracted when provided. calculating the mean difference; categorical variables (pre-
viously known arterial hypertension, presenting symptoms)
Search strategy were compared by calculating odds ratios (OR).
Two independent authors (A.A. and M.C.) conducted a The proportion of variability explained by true hetero-
comprehensive search without language restrictions trough geneity (i.e. between-studies variability) was estimated by
PubMed, OVID and Web of Science Medline databases calculating the I2 for each analysis. Random-effect models
from their inception to August 22 2019 using the following were used because of high heterogeneity of the study
search terms: hypertensive emergencies, hypertensive cri- samples. All statistical analyses were performed with R
sis, hypertensive urgencies, malignant hypertension, accel- software version 3.3 [3] with the Metafor package version
erated hypertension, myocardial ischemia, myocardial 2.1 [4].
infarction, unstable angina, coronary artery disease, hyper-
tensive encephalopathy, posterior reversible encephalopa- RESULTS
thy, posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome, intracranial
hypertension, pulmonary oedema, heart failure, congestive Characteristics of the studies
heart failure, ischemic stroke, intracranial/subarachnoid Eight study samples (five prospective [5–8], three retro-
haemorrhage, haemorrhagic stroke, papilloedema, optic spective [9–11]) from seven different publications were
papilla oedema, hypertensive retinopathy, aortic dissection included in the final analysis, for a total of 1970 hyperten-
(see text document, Supplement Digital Content 1, http:// sive emergency patients and 4983 hypertensive urgency, which reports the full search patients. The definition of hypertensive emergencies
strategy used). The research was extended by a manual always included the presence of aHMOD, but varied with
review of the references from selected studies. regard to the BP levels considered, with older studies only
considering DBP for inclusion. Five studies [5,6,8,10] were
Data extraction conducted in European countries, one in Thailand [9] and
Two reviewers (A.A. and M.C.) initially screened titles and two in Brazil [7,11]. The characteristics of the studies
abstracts and then reviewed the full text of selected pub- included in the final analysis are shown in Table 1.
lications; a third reviewer (A.M.) concluded controversies.
In case of studies conducted by the same research group, Prevalence of hypertensive emergency and
we investigated the possibility of overlap of the study hypertensive urgency
sample and if it was confirmed, we considered the most The mean prevalence of hypertensive emergencies was
recent one. The following data were extracted from the 0.3% [0.14–0.46] whereas the prevalence of hypertensive
eligible studies: number of patients admitted for hyperten- urgencies was 0.94% [0.29–1.59] (see Figures, Supplemen-
sive emergencies and hypertensive urgencies, number of tal Digital Content 2 and 3,
total emergency department visits, prevalence of each B258). Both estimates showed high variability across the

1204 Volume 38  Number 7  July 2020

Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Hypertensive emergencies and urgencies

Records identified through database searching:

n = 4094
• PubMed: n = 1663
• OVID: n = 1538
• Web of Science: n = 893

Records after duplicates removed:

n = 2105

Records excluded:
n = 2001

Record retrieved for more detailed evaluation:

n = 104

Full-text articles excluded:

n = 97
• convenient sampling: n = 18
• missing data: n = 23
• other setting than EDs: n = 13
• overlapping population: n = 1
• unofficial definition of HE: n = 4
• case-control studies: n = 33
• ICD-codes: n = 5

Studies included n = 7synthesis:
Studies included in quantitative analysis: n = 8
n= 9
FIGURE 1 Flow chart for the selection of the included records. ICD, International Classification of Diseases.

different studies, with prevalence ranging between 0.08 and 4– 9,; the overall preva-
0.76% for hypertensive emergencies (I2 99.7%) and lence is shown in Fig. 3. Acute pulmonary oedema/heart
between 0.24 and 2.4% for hypertensive urgencies (I2 failure was the most common aHMOD [32%; (28 –36);
100%). Hypertensive urgencies were more common than I2 72.6%], followed by ischemic stroke [29%; (23 – 35); I2
hypertensive emergencies in most studies (OR for hyper- 87.9%], acute coronary syndrome [18%; (14 –22); I2 83.3%],
tensive urgencies vs. hypertensive emergencies: 2.5 [1.4– haemorrhagic stroke [11%; (7 –14); I2 86.8%], acute
4.3]; Fig. 2). aortic syndrome [2%; (0– 5); I2 82.7%] and hypertensive
encephalopathy (2%; [0– 5]; I2 98.7%). For this latter
Prevalence of each subtype of acute aHMOD, the prevalence ranged between 0 and 5% in
hypertension-mediated organ damage seven studies, up to 17% in the remaining one [8] (see
The prevalence of each subtype of aHMOD was assessed Figure, Supplemental Digital Content 6, http://links.
separately (see Figures, Supplemental Digital Content

Journal of Hypertension 1205

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Astarita et al.

TABLE 1. Main characteristics of the studies included in the analysis

First author, Known
year Entry BP hyper-
[reference Exclusion Patients levels Age Males tension
number] Country Enrollment HEs definition HUs definition criteria Prevalence ¥ (n) (mmHg) (years) (%) (%)
Kotruchin, Thailand Retrospective, SBP >180 or DBP SBP >180 or DBP Pregnancy; HEs: 15.5/100 000 HEs: 172 HEs: 200  18/ HEs: HEs: n.a. HEs: 63
2018 [9] years 2012– >120 with aHMOD >120 without known HUs: 48.5/100 000 HUs: 537 110  15 61  13 HUs: 40.3 HUs: n.a.
2017 aHMOD secondary HUs: n.a. HUs: n.a.
Guiga, 2017 France Retrospective, SBP >180 or DBP SBP >180 or DBP Pregnancy; n.a. HEs: 385 HEs: 197  21/ HEs: 7  18 HEs: 47 HEs: 77
[10] year 2015 >10 with aHMOD >110 without acute kidney HUs: 285 99  20 HUs: HUs: 42 HUs: 82
aHMOD injury HUs: 199  24/ 67  15
98  18
Salvetti, 2015 Italy Prospective, SBP >180 or DBP SBP >180 or DBP Pregnancy; HEs: 271/100 000 HEs: 187 HEs: 193  16/ HEs: HEs: 55 HEs: 83
[5] year 2015 >120 with aHMOD >120 without resuscitated HUs: 1486/100 000 HUs: 1027 98  15 73  13 HUs: 40 HUs: 71
aHMOD cardiac arrest HUs: 189  12/ HUs:
94  15 69  15
Pinna, 2014 [6] Italy Prospective, SBP >220 or DBP SBP >220 or DBP Pregnancy HEs: 117/100 000 HEs: 391 HEs: 204  29/ HEs: HEs: 53 HEs: 79
year 2009 >120 with aHMOD >120 without HUs: 346/100 000 HUs: 1155 115  18 70  14 HUs: 47 HUs: 76
aHMOD HUs: 204  27/ HUs: 69 
115  16 15
Vilela-Martin, Brazil Prospective, DBP >120 with DBP >120 with Pregnancy; HEs: 290/100 000 HEs: 231 HEs: 202  30/ HEs: 63  HEs: 51 HEs: 86
2011 [7] year 2006 aHMOD symptoms and no pseudocrisis HUs: 164/100 000 HUs: 131 130  15 13 HUs: 43 HUs: 92
aHMOD HUs: 205  33/ HUs: 57 
132  18 16
Salvetti, 2008 Italy Prospective, SBP >180 or DBP SBP >180 or DBP Pregnancy; HEs: 411/100 000 HEs: 317 HEs: 193  15/ HEs: 71  HEs: 54 HEs: 78
[5] year 2008 >120 with aHMOD >120 without resuscitated HUs: 1599/100 000 HUs: 1234 102  15 14 HUs: 41 HUs: 73
aHMOD cardiac arrest HUs: 189  13/96 HUs: 70 
 13 16
Vilela-Martin, Brazil Retrospective, DBP >120 with DBP >120 with None HEs: 233/100 000 HEs: 179 HEs: 193  26/ HEs: 60  HEs: 55 HEs: 84
2004 [11] year 2000 aHMOD symptoms and no HUs: 356/100 000 HUs: 273 129  12 15 HUs: 38 HUs: 80
aHMOD HUs: 191  27/ HUs: 50 
127  14 19
Zampaglione, Italy Prospective, DBP >120 with DBP >120 without None HEs: 760/100 000 HEs: 108 HEs: 210  32/ HEs: 67  HEs: 49 HEs: 92
1996 [8] years aHMOD aHMOD HUs: 2400/100 000 HUs: 341 130  15 16 HUs: 40 HUs: 72
1992–1993 HUs: 210  27/ HUs: 60 
126  10 14

Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

aHMOD, acute hypertension-mediated organ damage; BP, blood pressure; HEs, hypertensive emergencies; HUs: hypertensive urgencies; n.a., data not available.

Volume 38  Number 7  July 2020

Hypertensive emergencies and urgencies

FIGURE 2 Forest plot of the odds ratio for prevalence of hypertensive urgencies vs. hypertensive emergencies.

SBP and DBP values: comparison between pain, dyspnoea, focal neurological symptoms and head-
hypertensive emergency and hypertensive ache) and ‘nonspecific symptoms’. The main symptoms
urgency complained by hypertensive emergency patients were neu-
SBP at presentation did not differ between hypertensive rological symptoms [35% (0.27–0.42)] and dyspnoea [31%
emergencies and hypertensive urgencies (1.4 mmHg; [ 0.8 (0.25–0.36)] whereas in hypertensive urgency patients pre-
to 3.6]; I2 63.1%), whereas DBP was slightly higher in sented more frequently with headache [22% (0.09–0.35)]
hypertensive emergency patients (2.3 mmHg; CI [0.3– and ‘nonspecific symptoms’ [48% (0.34–0.62)]. The preva-
4.3]; I2 78.1%; Figs. 4 and 5). lence of ‘nonspecific symptoms’ in hypertensive emergency
patients were 24% [0.14–0.35].
We assessed the predictive value of each symptom
Symptoms: comparison between hypertensive with regard to the presence of aHMOD by calculating
emergency and hypertensive urgency odds ratios of being diagnosed with hypertensive
In accordance to the current guidelines [1], we distin- urgency vs. hypertensive emergency for each presenting
guished two groups of presenting symptoms complained symptom. Hypertensive urgencies were more likely in the
by comparison between hypertensive emergency and presence of headache [OR 2.5 (1.4– 4.5)] and nonspecific
hypertensive urgency patients: ‘specific symptoms’ (chest symptoms [OR 3.1 (1.4 –6.5)]. Hypertensive urgencies

FIGURE 3 Forest plot of the prevalence of each subtype of acute hypertensive-mediated organ damage in hypertensive emergencies.

Journal of Hypertension 1207

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Astarita et al.

FIGURE 4 Forest plot of the SBP difference between hypertensive emergencies and urgencies.

were less likely when patients presented with focal neu- two groups (OR hypertensive emergencies vs. hyperten-
rological symptoms (OR 0.12 [0.07 –0.19]), chest pain (OR sive urgencies: 0.8 [0.5–1.2]; I2 87.4%). Among hyperten-
0.43 [0.22 – 0.83]) and dyspnoea [OR 0.27 (0.13 –0.54)]. In sive emergency patients, there was a higher percentage of
Fig. 6, the summary of prevalence and OR of hypertensive men (52 vs. 42% for hypertensive urgency), hypertensive
emergency and hypertensive urgency symptoms (see urgency patients were on average younger than hyper-
Figures, Supplement Digital Content 10– 24, http://link- tensive emergency patients by 5.4 years (2.6–8.3) I2, which detail the prevalence and 90.4% (see Figures, Supplement Digital Content 25–28,
the OR for each symptom)., which detail the analy-
sis of known arterial hypertension and age). No other
Cardiovascular risk factors: comparison quantitative analysis was performed because of lack
between hypertensive emergency and of data.
hypertensive urgency
The prevalence of known arterial hypertension in hyper- DISCUSSION
tensive emergency patients was 82.5% (78.6–86.3) I2 79%
whereas in hypertensive urgency patients was 78% [72.5– The current review and meta-analysis was designed to
83.6] I2 94.6% without a statistical difference between the assess the epidemiology of hypertensive emergencies

FIGURE 5 Forest plot of the DBP difference between hypertensive emergencies and urgencies.

1208 Volume 38  Number 7  July 2020

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Hypertensive emergencies and urgencies

FIGURE 6 Histogram of the prevalence and the odds ratio of symptoms in hypertensive emergencies and urgencies.

and hypertensive urgencies in emergency departments and to identify variables that could predict the presence of organ
the main variables associated with aHMOD. damage. Since the definition of uncontrolled hypertension
Across the eight included studies, the combined preva- provided in the most recent ESC/ESH consensus document
lence of hypertensive emergencies and hypertensive [1] was not adopted in any of the studies included in the
urgencies in emergency departments was approximately analysis, patients with BP levels above a certain threshold in
1.2% with hypertensive urgencies being significantly more the absence of organ damage were defined as having a
common than hypertensive emergencies [OR 2.5 (1.4–4.3)]. hypertensive urgency. BP levels were overall similar
However, prevalence varied widely across studies (range: between hypertensive emergency and hypertensive urgency
0.08–0.76% for hypertensive emergencies and 0.24–2.4% patients. Although a statistically significant difference was
for hypertensive urgencies). This is at least in part explained found for DBP in favour of hypertensive urgency [2.3 mmHg
by the different definitions of hypertensive emergencies/ (0.3–4.3)], the small magnitude of such difference makes this
hypertensive urgencies adopted, making it difficult to finding irrelevant for clinical practice. This data suggests that,
assess the contribution of additional variables, such as despite the widely known linear association between BP
ethnicity, prevalence of hypertension in the population levels and the development of aHMOD [16], others factors,
and ease of access to healthcare. The results of our analysis such as the rate of BP rise, play a more important role in the
are similar to those of the largest USA database on hyper- development of the aHMOD.
tensive emergencies (STAT Registry) that estimated a prev- In accordance with the current ESC/ESH Guidelines [1],
alence of 0.2% for hypertensive emergencies [12]. we distinguished two groups of symptoms at presentation –
Acute pulmonary oedema/heart failure was the most specific and nonspecific – to assess their predictive value
common subtype of aHMOD, as previously reported in with regard to the presence of organ damage. Seventy-six
other retrospective studies [13,14]. Heterogeneity across percent of patients with hypertensive emergency presented
studies was highest for aortic syndromes and for hyperten- with specific symptoms. Chest pain, dyspnoea and focal
sive encephalopathy. Although this is partly justified by the neurological symptoms were strongly associated with the
rare occurrence of these two forms of organ damage, in the presence of acute organ damage. By contrast, headache
case of hypertensive encephalopathy, we observed a very carried a more benign prognosis, making the diagnosis of
wide range of prevalence (0–17%) suggesting a lack of hypertensive urgency approximately 2.5 times more likely.
uniformity in diagnostic criteria and in the utilization of Nonspecific symptoms were the most common presentation
diagnostic imaging. The growing availability of MRI and for patients with hypertensive urgency (48%). However, a
newer methods for ocular fundus examination [15], could significant proportion of patients with aHMOD (24%) com-
improve the detection of this specific aHMOD, otherwise plained of nonspecific symptoms as well, highlighting the
probably underestimated. need to perform a comprehensive clinical evaluation and to
In the second part of the analysis, we compared hyper- maintain a low threshold for ordering diagnostic tests in
tensive emergency and hypertensive urgency patients with patients with acute hypertensive disorders.
respect to their BP levels, symptoms at presentation and Hypertensive urgency patients were on average younger
baseline characteristics (age, sex, cardiovascular risk factors) than hypertensive emergency patients [5.4 years (2.6–8.3)]

Journal of Hypertension 1209

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Astarita et al.

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1210 Volume 38  Number 7  July 2020

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