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Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e11

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Creating an integrative assessment system for green schools in Iran

Hossein Meiboudi a, *, Akramolmolok Lahijanian a, Seyed Mohammad Shobeiri b,
Seyed Ali Jozi c, Reza Azizinezhad d
Department of Environmental Management, Faculty of Environment and Energy, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Department of Environmental Education, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Department of Environment, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Many assessment systems for green schools exist to guide schools toward environmentally responsible
Received 23 October 2015 choices. To identify a nation's green schools, an assessment system must be developed for their selection.
Received in revised form When green school standards are lacking, measures must be created, including an information model
31 January 2016
enabling decision makers to recognize these schools. The aim of this study is to create an integrative
Accepted 1 February 2016
system for assessing green schools in Iran and to develop scientific support in school selection, in order
Available online xxx
to avoid hasty choices and to respect the selection of these schools. In this study, by using fuzzy multi-
criteria decision making methods, the criteria of green schools have been gauged across 6 criteria and 15
Green school
sub-criteria, using a consistent testing methodology. This renders paired comparisons more reliable.
Assessment Ghazanfari and Mikhailov methods were utilized. To evaluate practical applications, the developed
Fuzzy analytical hierarchy process criteria were used in assessing 5 selected green schools in Tehran. The integrative assessment system
Fuzzy technique for order of preference by with proposed criteria showed that green schools 5, 3, 4, 1 and 2, respectively, have earned first to fifth
similarity to ideal solution rank in terms of proposed criteria for green schools. Establishing an assessment system and its appli-
Iran cation through methodology limits incorrect choices, removes the green schools' selection from the
domain of non-specialists, restrains subjective methods, and puts selection into the hands of pro-
fessionals and specialists with scientific support. Due to the need to communicate effectively, to engage
experts and to address the complexity involved in the assessment system for green schools, the proposed
integrative system was designed to assess green schools.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Under such circumstances, environmental issues have only

belatedly been recognized in school activities worldwide (Hens
Current environmental problems are rooted in the lack of proper et al., 2010). In 1992, twenty years after the Stockholm Confer-
awareness and cultural weakness regarding the relationship be- ence, the Rio Conference was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The
tween man and nature. A wide range of environmental education result was the preparation of a charter entitled Agenda 21. Ac-
opportunities have been incorporated in the curricula in schools cording to Agenda 21, “(Principle 22) ... local communities have a
worldwide (Hens et al., 2010). Effective school programs should not vital role in environmental management and development because
only help students to progress the knowledge, attitudes and skills of their knowledge and traditional practices. States should recog-
necessary for responsible environmental behavior, but also have nize and duly support their identity, culture and interests and
the potential to spread awareness of the concept (Cin ^ ^cera and enable their effective participation in the achievement of sustain-
Krajhanzl, 2013; Zhao et al., 2015). able development” (UN, 1993). Furthermore, Chapter 36.3 of
Agenda 21 states, “Education is critical for promoting sustainable
development and improving the capacity of the people to address
environment and development issues” (UN, 1993).
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ98 51 33870315.
E-mail addresses: (H. Meiboudi),
In response to this statement, green school efforts have been
(A. Lahijanian), (S.M. Shobeiri), (S.A. Jozi), initiated worldwide. For instance, the International Eco-Schools (R. Azizinezhad). program was started by the International Foundation for
0959-6526/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Meiboudi, H., et al., Creating an integrative assessment system for green schools in Iran, Journal of Cleaner
Production (2016),
2 H. Meiboudi et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e11

Environmental Education (FEE) in 1994 (FEE, 2015). The program about the amount of error is responsible for hesitancy in accepting
offers a flexible approach for schools to implement an Environ- the results and seeing without caution.” Sources of uncertainty
mental Management System (EMS), the so-called 7 steps, based on contain both vagueness and ambiguity. Vagueness characterizes
EMAS/ISO 14001 standards (To €nük and Kayihan, 2013). The world data that lack clarity, and ambiguity characterizes data with several
system refers to the integrated aspects of an organization (Hens overlapping values. While vague data are uncertain because they
et al., 2010). Green school, also known as Eco-Schools, have a lack detail or carefulness, ambiguous data are uncertain because
range of beneficiaries, including managers, teachers, families, stu- they are subject to multiple explanations. An integrative assess-
dents, and school personnel, and provide training with a focus on ment system for green schools' problems involves ambiguity and
students, particularly where they adopt an integrative system for vagueness, and fuzzy sets theory has been widely used to handle
sustainable development that embraces activity, curriculum, imprecise and ambiguous data in MCDM.
building, and research. A similar study was conducted by Hens et al. Analytical hierarchy process (AHP) is a well-known decision
(2010). With the aid of universities, EMSs were developed and support tool used for complex decision-making by providing a
implemented in 39 primary schools in northern Gauteng and multi-level hierarchical structure for discrete decision-making
southern Limpopo provinces, South Africa. Between 2006 and problems.
2008, the supporting universities monitored the implementation This study uses FAHP with consistent testing methodology and
process to evaluate the progress the schools made in environ- FTOPSIS in order to establish the scientific support for and rational
mental management and performance. The monitoring results approach to the selection and creation of green schools for Iran.
exposed the main parameters, which led to development of the TOPSIS has also found wide use in decision-making applications
environmental performance of the schools. These results can be over the past few decades (Tavana et al., 2013).
used to improve the process of EMS implementation in the future. The motivations for the concatenation of AHP with TOPSIS in
Lozano et al. (2013) analyzed the texts of 11 declarations, charters, this study are threefold: 1) the concepts of positive ideal solution
and partnerships developed for higher education institutions, and negative ideal solution in TOPSIS are attractive for bench-
which can be considered to represent university leaders' intentions marking purposes; 2) using TOPSIS after AHP avoids the predica-
to improve the effectiveness of Education for Sustainable Devel- ment that the units under assessment are of the same value and
opment. Sammalisto and Brorson (2008) at the University of Ga €vle, cannot be properly ranked; and 3) various successful applications
Sweden, indicated that training is a key factor during imple- of the integrated AHP-TOPSIS methodology provide guidance in the
mentation of EMS within a university campus. literature (see, for example, Pires et al., 2015; Kluczek and Gladysz,
Similar activities have also taken place in Iran. For instance, in 2015; Bai et al., 2016).
2009, the headquarters of the Tehran Municipality's Environment Since the field of assessment systems for green schools is varied,
and Sustainable Development, in collaboration with a nongovern- the aim of this study is to clarify that field by an integrative
mental organization, the World Green Star, led environmental ed- assessment system for Iran. Facilitating the discovery of potential
ucation projects in green schools. Finally, after several revisions in green schools is discussed. Furthermore, there is scientific support
FEE's Foundation Council, on 31 December 2010, Iran was selected in school selection, to avoid hasty choices and to respect the se-
as the 69th member of the Foundation (Shobeiri et al., 2014). Now, lection of these schools for development. This paper proposes that
in Iran, green schools are those that complete the verification an integrative assessment system for green schools in Iran and in
process with the World Green Star organization, and receive their the system's current situation be tested. The proposed system will
licenses. 1) utilize a set of an integrative assessment system for green
Today, the green school assessment system in Iran tended on a schools' criteria that impacts green schools' readiness in a com-
single target, such as furthering the development of green schools munity; 2) lend importance to the weights of these criteria, with
through networking, and commending those schools that were consistent testing methodology; and 3) provide an overall green
willingly contributing to environmental education by citing them schools' readiness score by incorporating these criteria into an
as green schools. Such a lack of integrated efforts takes a serious toll integrative assessment system and fuzzy system.
on their commitment to further green their schools and may result This article is organized into 6 sections. In the next section, a
in ineffectual and inefficient implementation of their planned tar- review of the assessment systems for green schools is presented. In
gets. Therefore, it is necessary to create an integrative assessment Section 3, research methods and underlying mathematical support
system for green schools in Iran. are given. In Section 4, the evaluation framework is proposed. In
The present assessment system for green schools in Iran raises Section 5, the pilot study and its findings, as well as limitations and
several questions, which should be addressed in determining future research directions are discussed. Finally, Section 6 presents
which schools are indeed green schools. Are these schools actually the conclusions.
green schools? What are the differences in quality among green
schools? At what point would the quality differences become so 2. Assessment systems for green schools
consequential that a lesser school could not be considered a green
school? What meanings does the specification, green schools, According to the Center for Green Schools at the U.S. Green
convey? Building Council, a “green school” is a school building or facility
An integrative assessment system for green schools' problems that creates a healthy environment conducive to learning as well as
frequently involves a complex decision-making process in which saving energy, resources and money (Lysgaard et al., 2015). To build
multiple criteria and uncertain conditions must simultaneously be a green school, the systems and integrity of the green school must
considered. Measuring and operationalizing the various features of be fully examined from planning to monomer design, to reduce
readiness are complex and inherently imprecise, as they involve costs in the whole life cycle and to bring students from behavioral
subjective conditions and information, linguistic assessments, and awareness to the education significance of green design (Zhao et al.,
multiple and conflicting criteria. The multi-dimensional essence of 2015).
an integrative assessment system for green schools justifies the use Many assessment systems for green schools exist to guide
of Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods. schools toward environmentally responsible choices (Henderson
An often-cited definition of uncertainty, given by Hunter and and Tilbury, 2004; Mogensen and Mayer, 2005; Zhao et al., 2015).
Goodchild (1993) is, “the degree to which the lack of knowledge These systems are typically comprised of a set of criteria that a

Please cite this article in press as: Meiboudi, H., et al., Creating an integrative assessment system for green schools in Iran, Journal of Cleaner
Production (2016),
H. Meiboudi et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e11 3

green school must meet to earn a score, as well as technical support (Pasupathy et al., 2008). Noise pollution matters, too. According to
and other resources to help participants meet the criteria the National Institute of Standards of America, the hearing standard
(Dautremont-Smith, 2012). The literature on green schools drawn in US schools is S12.60 (ANSI, 2002). Singer (2003) states that
from many countries reveals that each of the green school schemes hearing problems adversely impact students' learning for two
has its own assessment system and unique features (Zeng et al., reasons: they misconceive the teacher's words and misconceive the
2009). One recent overview of assessment systems for green pronunciation of homophones and consonants.
schools, both local and national, found over 50 English-language Orr says innovations in the environmentally friendly architecture
green school recognition programs and assessment frameworks of new educational buildings are important (Orr, 1994). Daylight
(Chan et al., 2015). plays a role in children's learning. A study from Heschong Mahone
Apart from the differences in the agencies responsible for Group (2003) showed that elementary students in a class with
coordinating green school development in various countries, there maximum brightness have 21% more learning progress compared to
are differences in the orientation and focus of attention in green students in classes with the lowest brightness. This result indicates
school development. Japan, for example, has given more attention the importance of design and architecture of schools and suggests
to the development of equipment and school infrastructure in that daylight has a positive and important impact on students'
accordance with green architecture and facilities (Matsumoto and learning. This leads to greater energy efficiency and cost savings in
Daudey, 2014). The Alliance to Save Energy supported the green schools (Nicklas and Bailey, 2012). The criterion of building location
school project in the US and encouraged schools to improve their and condition refers to the 3 components of building orientation,
technical facilities for energy saving and to conduct energy-related noise pollution, and design and architecture criterion.
teaching and learning activities (Asdrubali et al., 2015).
Researchers have reported several criteria for evaluating green b) Indoor air criterion
schools, which, despite their multiplicity, convincingly converge. In
this research, criteria for selecting green schools were developed Indoor air quality contributes to overall indoor environmental
based on 6 categories and their compliance with Iran's conditions. quality (Dougan and Damiano, 2003). Measurements for indoor air
In this regard, the criteria provided by FEE (FEE, 2015), EMS (Hens quality mean specifying acceptable levels of air pollutants, such as
et al., 2010), Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design volatile organic compounds, carbon dioxide, and other pollutants
(LEED) (USGBC, 2009), the US Environmental Protection Agency including pathogens and allergens, such as viruses, bacteria, fungi,
(EPA) (USEPA, 2008), the Collaborative for High Performance and molds. The first way to prevent these pollutants is to identify
Schools (CHPS) (CHPS, 2004), and Iran's Department of the Envi- their source in the school, such as wet areas, radiator construction
ronment (DOE) (DOE, 2014) were used. materials, or some cleaners and disinfectants (Gordon, 2010). Low
Obviously, criteria proposed by international organizations are indoor air quality can cause respiratory problems and student
introduced only as a general guideline (Zhao et al., 2015). Wide- absenteeism. Moreover, if air ventilation is poor, students will
ranging guidance cannot be generalized among unique and var- suffer from headaches, drowsiness, and loss of concentration
ied national circumstances. Some of these criteria may not even be (Smedje and Norback, 1999).
applicable in some countries due to the lack of necessary conditions Thermal comfort is also important. Wargocki et al. (2005), in a
(Datnow, 2005). The existence of a wide range of socioeconomic study of ten-year-old children, reduced the classroom temperature
and cultural differences is one of the main reasons for providing the from 23.6  C to 20  C for a week and increased the external air
criteria in a general form. Countries considering their own socio- source (fresh air) from 11 to 20.4 cubic feet per minute. He found
economic and cultural characteristics must be able to adapt these that lessons like reading and mathematics improved, concluding
criteria from generalities and to their own particular circumstances. that fresh air and gradual reduction in temperature can improve
This issue in itself explains the reason for developing practical children's school lessons.
identification and selection criteria for green schools in Iran.
In green schools, in addition to teaching environmental pro- c) Green space criterion
tection programs, the school building itself is considered as one of
the components of environmental education (Day, 2009). The Ecosystem services support a city's flexible behavior and sus-
buildings and learning environment of a green school themselves tainability (Jabareen, 2013). Because of the great enthusiasm for the
promote environmental conservation by involving students and greening of schoolyards and learning outside classrooms, research
inspiring them. This leads to the sensitivity to correctly use and in this field has continued since getting underway about two de-
reduce waste in the students' families and subsequently in the cades ago (Rickinson et al., 2004). The green space criterion refers
community. This process reveals the role of the learning environ- only to the components of green space.
ment in promoting culture and education (Cole, 2013). The criteria
introduced below include only those criteria planned for Iran's 2.2. Behavioral criteria
green schools. The type and range of criteria, taking into account
socioeconomic and cultural differences of other countries, are a) Management criterion
different from the classifications presented above.
Thus 6 criteria and 15 sub-criteria, of which approximately 50% This criterion matches the managerial aspects criterion
were engineering-architectural and 50% behavioral as described in mentioned in EMS (Hens et al., 2010) and the 7 stages of the
Table 1, were utilized in the integrative assessment of green ecological schools plan implementation in FEE (FEE, 2015).
schools. The energy criterion matches the energy and paper organization
criterion (DOE, 2014) and environmental aspects-energy covered in
2.1. Engineering-architecture criteria EMS (Hens et al., 2010). A green school should be efficient and
productive in the fields of energy saving and materials, efficient use
a) Criterion of building location and position of energy resources, water, and paper, and minimization of solid
waste and produced waste in everyday activities.
The physical orientation of school buildings matters. Buildings The waste criterion is consistent with the recycling criterion
facing south are much more effective in utilizing solar energy mentioned in LEED (USGBC, 2009), and the criterion of

Please cite this article in press as: Meiboudi, H., et al., Creating an integrative assessment system for green schools in Iran, Journal of Cleaner
Production (2016),
4 H. Meiboudi et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e11

Table 1
Eligible school engineering-architecture criteria and behavioral criteria in previous studies.

Criteria Sub-criteria Authors (year)

Engineering-Architecture A. Location and position of the building A1. Building orientation USGBC (2009), USEPA (2008), CHPS (2004)
A2. Noise pollution
A3. Design and architecture
B. Indoor air B1. Air quality USGBC (2009), USEPA (2008), CHPS (2004)
B2. Thermal comfort
C. Green space C1. Green space Hens et al. (2010), FEE (2015), USGBC (2009)
Behavioral D. Management D1. Management features Hens et al. (2010), FEE (2015), DOE (2014)
D2. Energy
D3. Waste management
D4. Transportation
E. Education E1. Environmental education Hens et al. (2010), FEE (2015)
E2. Environmental activities
E3. Attitude
F. Participation F1. Participation in school FEE (2015), DOE (2014)
F2. Participation outside school

environmental aspects-waste discussed in EMS (Hens et al., 2010), uses fuzzy AHP (FAHP) with consistent testing methodology and
and the waste and purchase criteria of Iran's DOE (DOE, 2014). Fuzzy Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal So-
Schools are responsible for the energy consumed in people's lution (FTOPSIS) to establish the scientific support for and rational
commutes to them (USGBC, 2007). Until the present, there had approach to the creation and selection of green schools for Iran.
been relatively little attention to the study of the overall energy The criteria required to evaluate green schools were determined
consumption effects of transportation to school, although this en- according to the world's relevant criteria and by their compliance
ergy consumption is considerable and can be discernable in with national conditions and the quantification of any criterion.
greenhouse gas emissions. A survey conducted in 2006 in the Limited criteria aids analysis was utilized, due to the higher
United States found that only 7.6% of 424 surveyed training centers applicability of the criteria and the ease of use of each criterion by
encouraged the use of clean transportation and had policies or the assessors. This guaranteed the efficiency and practicality of the
programs such as walking and biking to school (Elzeyadi, 2012). The use of each criterion. The criteria were then given to experts and
management criterion refers to the 4 components of managerial better defined with the aid of their comments. The concepts of
aspects, namely energy criterion, waste criterion, and the design fuzzy set theory, the related analytical tools, and data collection and
and transportation criteria. questionnaire design are briefly illustrated in the following
b) Criterion of education

3.1. Fuzzy set theory

Environmental education is the most fundamental way to pro-
tect the environment, teaching children and adults the best
The establishment and management of green schools require an
methods to provide content, activities, and structural imple-
array of decisions. Independence in decision making and reliance
mentation to raise environmental awareness (Meiboudi, 2013). In
upon the input of experts are critical. A framework bringing
this way, each person in society deems him/herself responsible to
together all the issues is needed. Significant decisions must be
preserve and protect the environment by respecting nature (Power,
given priority over those less critical. Therefore, in the context of
decision making, educators can call upon fuzzy set theory in
This criterion complies with the criterion of collateral aspects,
ordering and making their determinations.
discussed in EMS (Hens et al., 2010). According to the mentioned
Professor Zadeh (1965) used fuzzy theory, including uncertainty
references, this criterion is associated with EMSs in schools. Their
and ambiguity, in solving problems (Rostamzadeh and Sofian,
attitude includes interest or disinterest and support or disregard
2011). Zadeh recognized the importance of decision making
(Zhu, 2015). The criterion of education refers to the 3 components
frameworks. In this study, triangular fuzzy numbers such as ae
of environmental education, environmental activities, and attitude
(l1,m1,u1) show that l  m  u, as Fig. 1 shows. The membership
functions are displayed as follows (Büyüko € zkan et al., 2011):
The diagram represents the triangular fuzzy numbers, indi-
c) Participation criterion
cating the informed educators' preferences. The functional value is
expressed in mA~ ðxÞ:
Participation of school students in environmental decision
making should be considered a key prerequisite to the success of
^ ^
green schools (Cin cera and Krajhanzl, 2013). In green schools,
students learn to interact and participate in solving environmental
challenges and eventually become citizens who share an approach
aligned with the environment. The participation criterion refers to
2 components of participation in school and participation outside

3. Research methods

The present study's goal is an applied one, in terms of both

technique and data gathering for a descriptive survey. This study Fig. 1. The triangular fuzzy numbers.

Please cite this article in press as: Meiboudi, H., et al., Creating an integrative assessment system for green schools in Iran, Journal of Cleaner
Production (2016),
H. Meiboudi et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e11 5

> 0 x31 or x_u 8 wi
> >  l
< x1 >
> wi
1xm   > >
< m l  mij
mA~ ðxÞ ¼ m  1 (1) wi ij ij wi
> mij ¼ (4)
> ux wi > w
: mxu >
> u  i
um : ij wi wi
In this study, the broadest possible method for final numbers' uij  mij wi
ranking was investigated, using the fuzzy numbers listed below Using the maxemin approach, the solution can now be deter-
(Chang, 1992). mined by using the constraints intersection with the min operator
A greater degree of probability, a fuzzy triangular number and utilizing the maxemin approach to determine the answer to
ae1 ¼ (l1, m1, u1) of the triangular fuzzy number ae2 ¼ (l2, m2, u2), is the model:
equal to 2 memberships:

~2 > a
Vða ~1 Þ ¼ subyx ½minðma~1 ðxÞ; ma~2 ðyÞÞ (2) Maxl
For comparison, given the baseline ae1 and ae2, it is necessary to m  lij lwj  wi þ lij wj  0
calculate both the amount V (ae2ae1) and V (ae1ae2). To greater uij  mij lwj þ wi  uij wj  0
likelihood degree of a convex fuzzy number (ae) of K convex fuzzy
number other (aei; i ¼ 1, 2,…,k) as follows is break down (3 P
memberships): wk ¼ 1
k¼1 (5)
Vða ~1 ; a
~2 ; …; a
~k Þ ¼ V½ða
~1 Þ; ða
~2 Þ; …ða
~i Þ wk _0; k ¼ 1; 2; …; n; i ¼ 1; 2; …; n  1; j ¼ 2; 3; …; n; j_i
¼ minVða ~1 Þ i ¼ 1; 2; …; k (3) Furthermore, this model can also reveal the incompatibility of
weight factors. Positive values for the l index represent the relative
consistency, while negative values show that fuzzy judgment is
3.2. Fuzzy AHP very inconsistent.

AHP, developed by Saaty (1977, 2000), is one of the most

powerful techniques for multi-criteria decision making. It is 3.4. Ghazanfari and Nojavan method
designed to address complex decision making. It is particularly
relevant to group decision making, in the plethora of decisions in The consistency of decision matrices, in certain cases or in a
establishing green schools. The Saaty method was introduced in the fuzzy case, has an effect in determining the accuracy of the
late 1970s (Saaty, 1977). AHP analyzes complex combinations and compared analysis results. Saaty first raised the issue of compat-
selects variables based on hierarchical order. Despite the simplicity ibility, and he defined the features of full compatibility and
and efficiency of this method, it lacks consideration of the inherent accepted consistency. Critical to many FAHP researchers is pos-
inaccuracy and uncertainty reflected in the perceptions of decision sessing the only current method for adequate weight gain, and
makers, whose voices are often criticized upon reaching decisions. sometimes they have not even mentioned the need to be consis-
The proper way to deal with this uncertainty is a comparison of tent in matrices in order to achieve certain weights (Leung and
expression values using fuzzy sets or figures that carry far less Cao, 2000).
ambiguity than group thinking. This method first was described by The research of Ghazanfari and Nojavan (2004), based on the
van Laarhoven and Pedrycz (1983), replacing the triangular fuzzy methodology of Leung and Cao (2000), presented a method for
numbers in fuzzy spheres that have developed matrices of paired detecting inconsistencies in the fuzzy judgment matrix and
comparisons. modification. These researchers, considering the scale of Saaty's
After much research, Chang (1992) and Wang et al. (2012) pairwise comparisons, show that the numbers in Equation (6)
developed the phase space AHP and FAHP methods, respectively. should be called “points allowed”; that said, judgment is to
One of the most important methods in this context is that of accept the form of this collection:
Mikhailov (2003).
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
J¼ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9 (6)
3.3. Mikhailov nonlinear fuzzy prioritization method 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
The researchers' judgments were based on the trapezoidal
Mikhailov's basic model was founded on a linear model and
method (m, l, u, d). Structural basis for the numbers l, Ө, and л is
the need for alpha-cut judgments on weights to solve the
present. l represents the distance between m and l; Ө between l
model, and then merged to obtain the final weight at different
and u; and finally л between u and d.
levels of alpha. He completed his work suggesting that the
In this method, it is assumed fuzzy judgment changes the
continued use of a nonlinear programming model is described in
four elements, while the structure remains constant. Thus the
a number of steps to achieve the weights removed. Suppose the
model strives to minimize changes while exercising judgment
initial judgment is aeij ¼ (lij, mij, uij). Then weights must be
(objective function), to establish the consistency of the weights
provided. Retaining structures, symmetry, and movement in the
wi authorized areas set by the limitations of the model are as
lij   uij follows:
XX 0 2
Instead of converting the above, 2 simple linear inequalities can
Min Z ¼ Pij lij  lij cði; jÞ2U
be used to make any judgment's membership function linear with
i j
respect to w
wi :

Please cite this article in press as: Meiboudi, H., et al., Creating an integrative assessment system for green schools in Iran, Journal of Cleaner
Production (2016),
6 H. Meiboudi et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e11

Step 2: Clear scale matrix decision: In this step, the fuzzy deci-
s:t : sion matrix is converted to a fuzzy clear scale matrix (Re). To achieve
a matrix Re, it is enough to use either Equation (9) or (10) below.
lnð1  dÞLij1  ln wi  ln wj  lnð1 þ dÞUij1 ; cisj Step 3: Create a weight no scale matrix fuzzy Veof the vector Weij
given as input to the algorithm, calculated using Equation (11):
0 1 !
lji ¼ 0 cði; jÞ2U lij mij uij

uij ~r ij ¼ ; ; ~ ¼ ~r
R Cj* ¼ maxi Cij (9)
ij mn
c*j c*j c*j
0 1 !
uji ¼ 0 cði; jÞ2U
lij lj lj ulj
~r ij ¼ ; ; aj ¼ mini aij (10)
cij bij cij
1  lij  9  pij þ qij cði; jÞ2U

~ ¼ ~v
V ~vij ¼ ~r ij $w
~j i ¼ 1; 2; …; m; j ¼ 1; 2; :::; n (11)
ij mn
0 0
uij ¼ lij þ qij cði; jÞ2U Step 4: Define the fuzzy positive ideal (FPIS, Aþ) and negative
ideal phase (FNIS, A). In this study, the fuzzy positive ideal and
lij ¼ integer cði; jÞ2U (7) negative ideal phases introduced by Chen (2000) were used:

~vþ ~
j ¼ ð1; 1; 1Þ; vj ¼ ð0; 0; 0Þ
lij : New lower judgment after correcting inconsistencies
0 Step 5: Calculate the sum of the distances of each of the com-
uij : New upper judgment after correcting inconsistencies ~1, a
ponents of the fuzzy positive ideal and fuzzy negative ideal if a
d: Deviation from full compliance are 2 fuzzy numbers. Then the distance between these 2 fuzzy
CFij: Element reliability index Rij
numbers is obtained through Equation (12):
Pij: The coefficient of variation in the Rij penalty is calculated
based on CFij. ~1 ¼ ðl1 ; m1 ; u1 Þ
a ~2 ¼ ðl2 ; m2 ; u2 Þ

The following equation calculates the amount of fines, given that rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
CFij ¼ CFji:
1h i
~1 ; a
Dða ~2 Þ ¼ ðl2  l1 Þ2 þ ðm2  m1 Þ2 þ ðu2  u1 Þ2 (12)
Pij ¼ Pmin þ ðPmax  Pmin ÞCFij (8) Each component of the distance from the positive ideal to the
negative ideal is calculated using Equation (13):
where Pmin and Pmax are determined by the decision maker
(Ghazanfari and Nojavan, 2004). X

¼ d ~vij  ~vþ
j i ¼ 1; 2; …:; m
3.5. Fuzzy TOPSIS j¼1

Hwang and Yoon (1981) introduced the TOPSIS method. The X

basic principle of TOPSIS is that the chosen alternatives should have d
i ¼ d ~vij  ~v
j i ¼ 1; 2; …:; m (13)
the shortest distance from the ideal solution and the farthest dis-
tance from the nadir (negative ideal) solution (Yoon and Hwang, Step 6: Calculate the relative closeness to the ith component in
1995). This ranking method is widely used to solve problems, but the positive ideal. In the end, they are ranked in descending order of
has been criticized due to its inability to consider the inherent CCi. The relative closeness of the relationship is defined by Equation
ambiguity in the perceptions of decision makers. Chen (2000) was (14):
able to move the TOPSIS technique into phase space.
Chen's style is used in this study through the following steps: d
CCi ¼ i ¼ 1; 2; …; m (14)
Step 1: The fuzzy adaptive matrix formed opinions about the dþ
þ d
importance of each individual in each of the measures of impor-
tance to green schools. The matrix entries of Xeij are defined as fol- In this study, a decision-making process hierarchy (hierarchy
lows, where Xeij is ith person's view about the jth component of a modeling) is created as a result of the decomposition of the
fuzzy number: decision-making process, the objective of which is to provide for
preferential sequencing of options (Fig. 2). In the end, to evaluate
~ ¼ l ;m ;u
X practical applications, the developed criteria were used in assessing
ij ij ij
5 selected green schools in Tehran.
On the other hand, the importance of experts' views and their
weights (as expressed with Weij) is expressed in the fuzzy numbers
below: 4. Proposed framework
~ ¼ w ;w ;w
W 4.1. Selection of green school experts and defining the parameters
j j1 j2 j3

Note that in this study, because the same importance is given to

The assessment process begins by evaluating the readiness of
experts' views, Weij for all statistical populations is defined as
green school committee members who have a history of green
school project experience and related activities in this field. The
~ ¼ ð1; 1; 1Þcj2n committee determines the voting power associated with each
W j
committee member. In this paper, voting power has been assigned

Please cite this article in press as: Meiboudi, H., et al., Creating an integrative assessment system for green schools in Iran, Journal of Cleaner
Production (2016),
H. Meiboudi et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e11 7

Integrative Assessment
System for Green Schools


A. Location and
position of the B. Indoor air C. Green space D. Management E. Education F. Participation

B1 D1 E1 F1
A1 C1
B2 D2 E2 F2
D3 E3

Green school 1 Green school 2 Green school 3 Green school 4 Green school 5

Fig. 2. Decision-making process hierarchy modeling.

to each committee member in proportion to total power (where (2004), was modified and again placed in the weighting. In addi-
total power is normalized to 1), according to some prespecified tion, weights obtained from the modified questionnaire were
rule(s). Alternatively, the committee can assign equal weights to pooled before using the geometric mean (see Equation (7)). In
different committee members as they deem appropriate. The calculating the weights' engaged matrix, the Mikhailov Model
assessment of green schools readiness committee then identifies 6 design utilized green schools' criteria with software using LINGO™
experts to be evaluated in the assessment process. weight and dimensions, respectively. Then the matrices were
In order to identify and define criteria and sub-criteria of green normalized and index cij was calculated.
schools, a deep and wide pattern was built following a literature
search. This study reviewed criteria and sub-criteria of green
schools and their interdependencies by collecting and analyzing 4.4. Calculate the final weights of the sub-criteria and ranking fuzzy
the reports of various researchers. These criteria and sub-criteria scores
are the work of experts, and their comments were used.
Multiplication by weights of criteria and sub-criteria for green
schools at this stage gave the final weights of the sub-criteria. Ac-
4.2. Formulation of questionnaires and check the compatibility of
cording to weights of the sub-criteria, the present status of green
the experts' paired judgments
schools was evaluated and in the end, the score of the fuzzy final
analysis of green schools related to greening was determined. Final
Measures defined in this section for the formulation of ques-
fuzzy scores of green schools using fuzzy numbers in the rankings
tionnaires were used in the previous step. The questionnaire survey
were based on Chang (1992).
was developed in 3 parts: 1) paired comparisons criteria of
greening schools (FAHP questionnaire); 2) paired comparisons sub-
criteria of green schools (FAHP questionnaire); and 3) the integra- 5. Pilot study and future research directions
tive assessment of green schools readiness in 5 green schools
(FTOPSIS questionnaire). In this study, the surveys for collecting the Five green schools in Iran were assessed using the proposed
experts' opinions were conducted by the researchers themselves. system with questionnaires distributed among experts. The an-
All participants were contacted by telephone in advance to arrange swers of experts were evaluated by means of a relative dominance
the visiting time. scale arising from transformation of Saaty's original rating scale by
Mikhailov's Model 5, which is essential to the Materials and fuzzification of crisp values (Table 2).
Methods Compatibility Matrix for paired design, was solved using The data collection phase included the evaluations of decision
LINGO™ 10 software (Lindo Systems, Inc., Chicago, USA). makers to determine the importance of each criterion. Sample data
were obtained from 6 experts with a history of green school project
4.3. Establishing a compatibility matrix of paired comparisons as experience and related education in Iran. This phase was composed
needed and calculate weights' merged matrix of paired comparison matrices. Selected decision makers evaluated
each criterion with pairwise comparison. The associated evaluation
The previous section's matrix, which lacked the proper consis- of these decision makers forms the fuzzy pairwise comparison
tency per the mathematical models of Ghazanfari and Nojavan matrix data given in Table 3.

Please cite this article in press as: Meiboudi, H., et al., Creating an integrative assessment system for green schools in Iran, Journal of Cleaner
Production (2016),
8 H. Meiboudi et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e11

Table 2 Table 5
Saaty's original rating scale and corresponding fuzzy numbers. The importance weights for criteria and sub-criteria.

Dominance scale/ Corresponding Reverse Reversed Criteria Sub-criteria Weight

linguistic fuzzy number fuzzy
A (0.013) A1. Building orientation 0.102
assessment number
A2. Noise pollution 0.546
1/Equivalence (1, 1, 3) 1/1 (1, 1, 1) A3. Design and architecture 0.351
2 (1, 2, 4) 1/2 (1/4, 1/2, 1) B (0.140) B1. Air quality 0.651
3/Minor dominance (1, 3, 5) 1/3 (1/5, 1/3, 1) B2. Thermal comfort 0.348
4 (2, 4, 6) 1/4 (1/6, 1/4, 1/2) C (0.154) C1. Green space 1.000
5/Strong dominance (3, 5, 7) 1/5 (1/7, 1/5, 1/3) D (0.289) D1. Management features 0.451
6 (4, 6, 8) 1/6 (1/8, 1/6, 1/4) D2. Energy 0.103
7/Very strong dominance (5, 7, 9) 1/7 (1/9, 1/7, 1/5) D3. Waste management 0.406
8 (6, 8, 9) 1/8 (1/9, 1/8, 1/6) D4. Transportation 0.039
9/Absolute dominance (7, 9, 9) 1/9 (1/9, 1/9, 1/7) E (0.220) E1. Environmental education 0.413
E2. Environmental activities 0.361
2, 4, 6, 8 and corresponding fuzzy numbers constitute indirect sorting.
E3. Attitude 0.225
F (0.173) F1. Participation in school 0.661
F2. Participation outside school 0.338
Table 3
Pairwise comparison matrix for sub-criteria under the criterion of location and
position of building A.

A1 A2 A3 nadir green schools readiness score (d(t)) were determined first.

A1 (1, 1, 1) (1/4, 1/3, 1/2) (1/6, 1/5, 1/4) Table 7 presents the relative closeness of the 5 green schools under
A2 (2, 3, 4) (1, 1, 1) (1/2, 1, 1) evaluation.
A3 (4, 5, 6) (1, 1, 2) (1, 1, 1)
As shown in Table 7, green school 5 has the lowest ideal green
school readiness score (dþ(t) ¼ 2.901) and the highest nadir green
school readiness score (d(t) ¼ 5.724) compared to its counterparts,
Seven pairwise comparison matrices were constructed, 6 for
green school 3, green school 4, green school 2, and green school 1.
providing sub-criteria importance weights under the 6 main
In other words, green school 5 is the closest to the ideal green
criteria, and 1 for providing main criteria importance weights.
school and the farthest green school from the nadir green school. In
The next step was to check the compatibility matrix of paired
summary, green school 5 has the highest green school readiness
comparisons provided by the experts, using the Mikhailov method.
index (CC(t) ¼ 0.662). The final green school readiness ranking of
With LINGO™ software, the compatibility rate was calculated for
the 5 green schools in Iran is as follows:
each matrix. In the calculations shown, there is incompatibility only
Green school 5 > Green school 3 > Green school 4 > Green
in l2, l4, and l5 in the matrices, as follows:
school 1 > Green school 2.
Whole-school approaches to sustainability were vital to move
l2 ¼ 1:05 l4 ¼ 2:75 l5 ¼ 1:23 toward sustainable communities (Henderson and Tilbury, 2004).
The compatibility matrix of Ghazanfari and Nojavan (2004) was Iran's integrative assessment system for green schools was identi-
used; see Equation (7) above. For the sake of brevity, a sample fied with the aim of rationalizing the selection process, facilitating
matrix of paired comparisons before and after the compatibility has the detection of potential green schools, and providing scientific
been established in Table 4. Using the method of Ghazanfari and support in school selection, to avoid hasty choices and respect the
Nojavan's matrix with the parameters in Table 4 obtains the selection of these schools.
changes below. A decision system is provided for the green schools selection
After using the aforementioned reformation, and the method of problem in this study. FAHP and FTOPSIS compound decision-
Mikhailov's Model 5 (Mikhailov, 2003), l is recalculated and results making method have been used in the proposed system.
are as follows: In order to consider the uncertainties associated with paired
comparisons, the theory of fuzzy sets has been applied to the
investigation, leading to greater precision in context measurement.
l2 ¼ 0:666 l4 ¼ 0:891 l5 ¼ 0:758
While techniques such as AHP and ANP (analytic network process),
At this stage, integration of paired comparison matrices is un- commonly used in such decision making, increase the number of
dertaken to ensure compatibility matrices. This is calculated using criteria in the evaluation schools, reliability is lost and generally
the geometric mean for each element. Then, the normalized yields inconsistent assessments (Hsu and Hu, 2009). Factors critical
importance weight vector is obtained, as given in Table 5. to many researchers utilizing FAHP are not considered in the fuzzy
Fuzzy individual green schools readiness assessment values compatibility matrix (Leung and Cao, 2000). In order to check the
were collected from the 6 experts. These individual scores were compatibility matrix pairings, the Mikhailov (2003) method has
then integrated to compute the fuzzy weighted collective green been applied; it has several advantages over other methods of
schools readiness assessment scores presented in Table 6. compliance review.
In the next step, the TOPSIS concepts of the positive ideal so- The methods of Lee et al. (2009) and Kutlu and Ekmekçiog lu
lution and negative ideal solution were used for benchmarking (2012) have been used to determine the rate of adaptation in or-
purposes. The ideal green schools readiness score (dþ(t)) and the der to check the consistency of the method of paired comparison

Table 4
The calculated values obtained from Ghazanfari and Nojavan's Equation (7) (Ghazanfari and Nojavan, 2004).

Element lij qij pij Element lij qij pij Element lij qij pij Element lij qij pij Element lij qij pij
X13 2 0 1 X15 2 0 2 X21 2 0 2 X33 2 0 2 X42 2 0 2
X12 2 0 2 X22 2 0 2 X30 2 0 2 X36 2 0 2 X51 1 0 2

Please cite this article in press as: Meiboudi, H., et al., Creating an integrative assessment system for green schools in Iran, Journal of Cleaner
Production (2016),
H. Meiboudi et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e11 9

Table 6
The fuzzy weighted collective green schools readiness scores of the 15 sub-criteria for the 5 green schools in Iran.

Sub-criteria Green school 1 Green school 2 Green school 3 Green school 4 Green school 5

A1. Building orientation (2.35, 5.70, 0.30) (4.35, 7.20, 0.75) (4.35, 5.60, 0.35) (6.70, 5.75, 0.02) (6.70, 5.20, 0.03)
A2. Noise pollution (2.35, 3.30, 0.00) (2.70, 3.30, 0.30) (4.25, 3.40, 0.75) (2.25, 3.30, 0.06) (4.25, 7.10, 0.55)
A3. Design and architecture (6.85, 5.70, 0.75) (6.85, 3.30, 0.02) (6.70, 7.20, 0.04) (2.25, 3.30, 0.06) (8.40, 8.40, 0.04)
B1. Air quality (4.40, 3.30, 0.75) (4.35, 5.75, 0.75) (6.70, 7.10, 0.02) (4.30, 7.10, 0.75) (6.70, 7.10, 0.02)
B2. Thermal comfort (2.25, 7.30, 0.30) (4.35, 7.20, 0.75) (2.80, 5.60, 0.75) (6.70, 5.75, 0.75) (4.25, 5.20, 0.55)
C1. Green space (2.35, 5.70, 0.65) (2.60, 5.75, 0.02) (6.70, 5.75, 0.35) (2.25, 5.75, 0.02) (6.70, 5.20, 0.04)
D1. Management features (2.70, 5.70, 0.75) (4.35, 5.75, 0.30) (4.35, 3.40, 0.02) (4.30, 5.60, 0.02) (4.25, 8.40, 0.02)
D2. Energy (4.25, 3.30, 0.02) (4.35, 3.30, 0.06) (6.80, 5.20, 0.04) (6.70, 5.75, 0.06) (6.70, 5.20, 0.04)
D3. Waste management (2.35, 5.70, 0.06) (2.70, 5.75, 0.30) (2.80, 7.20, 0.02) (2.25, 7.20, 0.02) (8.40, 7.10, 0.02)
D4. Transportation (2.25, 3.30, 0.75) (2.70, 7.30, 0.75) (4.35, 5.60, 0.74) (2.25, 5.75, 0.75) (4.40, 5.20, 0.04)
E1. Environmental education (6.85, 7.20, 0.75) (6.85, 3.30, 0.02) (4.25, 3.40, 0.06) (4.30, 3.30, 0.06) (4.25, 8.40, 0.55)
E2. Environmental activities (2.35, 3.30, 0.65) (2.60, 3.30, 0.30) (4.35, 7.30, 0.35) (2.25, 7.30, 0.06) (4.25, 7.20, 0.55)
E3. Attitude (2.35, 7.30, 0.02) (2.70, 7.20, 0.30) (6.70, 7.10, 0.02) (4.30, 5.75, 0.02) (6.70, 7.10, 0.02)
F1. Participation in school (4.40, 3.30, 0.30) (2.70, 3.30, 0.02) (6.70, 3.40, 0.35) (2.30, 5.75, 0.75) (6.70, 8.40, 0.04)
F2. Participation outside school (2.25, 5.70, 0.30) (4.35, 5.75, 0.75) (2.80, 5.60, 0.06) (2.25, 3.30, 0.75) (8.40, 5.20, 0.55)

Table 7
The green schools readiness scores of the 5 green schools in Iran.

Green school 1 Green school 2 Green school 3 Green school 4 Green school 5

dþ(t) 2.124 4.044 3.981 2.376 2.901

d(t) 3.761 4.339 4.809 3.383 5.724
CC(t) 0.511 0.478 0.591 0.532 0.662

matrices via FAHP. The fuzzy compatibility problem is a related procedures. This was a serious obstacle in the strict implementa-
research topic, and the detection of inconsistencies and determi- tion of the schools' evaluation. Second, the results depended on
nation of best data leads to inconsistencies that do not offer quantitative data and qualitative judgments. The integrative
appropriate suggestions for their correction (Zheng et al., 2012; assessment system for green schools, developed for a single
Dagdeviren et al., 2009). Ghazanfari and Nojavan's procedure was country, could have bias in the weights of the various criteria.
called upon in the study to judge the incompatibility matrix until Another limitation of the proposed system is that it ignores
the final weights obtained were found to have good reliability and behavioral and political factors that may influence the weight
validity (Ghazanfari and Nojavan, 2004). determination process. Third, Iran is a vast country with many races
The analysis results show that the main criterion, management and diverse cultures. There are remarkable differences in the level
features, is the most important criterion in the evaluation of green of economic development and variations in culture and social
schools and environmental education; waste management and environment. These differences are reflected in the number and
participation were the next most important criteria. Moreover, quality of green schools. This effort evaluated green schools in
previous studies have shown that engineering-architectural char- Tehran, a megacity. A valuable research direction would be to
acteristics have influences on student success (Rudd et al., 2008); include more areas (urban, rural or township) to reflect the socio-
however, this study found that experts consider the behavioral economic background in the research.
characteristics of beneficiaries, rather than school engineering- Furthermore, increased interest in the green school concept has
architectural characteristics, more important. led to a variety of rating systems assessing green schools, and
Weights of engineering-architecture characteristics in green contributions to their sustainability are emerging. Such systems
schools show that the criteria of green space and indoor air rank have substantial potential to contribute to green school efforts, but
first and second among the other criteria of engineering- few systems have been completed with data suggesting limited
architecture. Green space in urban areas generates demand for impacts. One interesting direction for future research would be to
goods and services, and supports resilience on the system investigate the influence of green school rating systems to help
(Lafortezza et al., 2013; Larondelle and Haase, 2012; Ioja  et al., sustainability. How could schools make use of rating systems to
2014). A great deal of research in the field of green schoolyards better serve their sites? Should schools also provide rating systems'
and learning outside the classroom has been completed (Beames methodology to improve interactivity? How should schools
et al., 2012). Schools offering outdoor education have hidden as- develop these rating systems and how would they play a part in the
sets and revise the approach of designing schools' green spaces, a schools' collaborative management processes? Finally, rating sys-
subject that needs to be addressed now. Weights obtained for sub- tems would consist of a standardized assessment instrument to be
criteria in green schools show that to improve indoor air, the most filled out. Based on their scores, institutions would attain different
important element is air quality, and thermal comfort is the next levels of achievement. Eventually, these may be independently
sub-criterion. Research shows that indoor air pollution in metro- scored, with a total score determined by combining category scores
politan areas mainly stems from outdoor air pollution, the source of according to an algorithm. This must be further explored in future
which is primarily the high volume of vehicle traffic (Halek et al., research.
2004). Processes such as increasing schools' green space depend
not only on increasing indoor air quality; they also help to maintain 6. Conclusion
proper thermal comfort.
This study, like any other, has several limitations. First, experts In order to cope with environmental and energy problems, great
experienced difficulty in finding adequate time to complete the attempts have been made all over the world in terms of projects,
required information and with the hierarchical decision-making agreements, instructions, standards and regulations. The green

Please cite this article in press as: Meiboudi, H., et al., Creating an integrative assessment system for green schools in Iran, Journal of Cleaner
Production (2016),
10 H. Meiboudi et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e11

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Please cite this article in press as: Meiboudi, H., et al., Creating an integrative assessment system for green schools in Iran, Journal of Cleaner
Production (2016),

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