13 May

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May 13th, 2022

MEMOREE JOELLE, RUSSIA TODAY ............................................................................................................... 2

ANDREI SOLDATOV AND IRINA BOROGAN, FOREIGN AFFAIRS ...................................................................... 4

BENN STEIL, FOREIGN AFFAIRS ..................................................................................................................... 9

EZZATULLAH MEHRDAD, THE DIPLOMAT .....................................................................................................12

SHANNON TIEZZI, THE DIPLOMAT ...............................................................................................................15

The Roe v Wade decision is not about abortion. It’s about
preserving a republic
It’s about time we Americans remembered we are supposed to govern our own lives

Memoree Joelle, Russia Today

of judges to make Roe’s case

W hile feminists and

left-wing activists
nationwide decry
the leaked Roe v. Wade
the law of the land, was, in
fact, anti-Constitutional.
decided at the state level.
James Madison described this
in Federalist 10 when he
Supreme Court decision draft
“The influence of factious
as an attack on women’s Nearly fifty years later, the
leaders may kindle a flame
rights, the real issue is not Supreme Court has decided to
within their particular States,
about women or even about reverse this bad decision
but will be unable to spread a
abortion. What happens next based on these exact
general conflagration through
with Roe v. Wade could help constitutional grounds. Of
the other States. A religious
steer the US back toward what course, the social
sect may degenerate into a
the founding fathers intended consequences of righting such
political faction in a part of the
– a Court that keeps a wrong will be further civil
Confederacy; but the variety
majoritarianism in check as it unrest. America is already a
of sects dispersed over the
upholds the Constitution. very divided country, and our
entire face of it must secure
political and cultural division
the national councils against
has put increasing pressure on
any danger from that source.
When debating issues such as state governors and legislators
Roe v. Wade, it is important to use their full constitutional Thus, we have state laws and
that we all first and foremost powers. I believe this is for the federal laws, but the ideal
understand that America is a best in the long term, as it will vision for America is for state
constitutional republic, not a decentralize some of the law to govern citizen’s lives in
democracy. In a democracy, federal powers that never most circumstances, not
the minority of a population should have been established. federal law.”
are always subject to majority What’s unfortunate is that it
rule – no matter how morally has to happen over a hot-
bankrupt that majority may be button cultural issue. Protest One of the great things about
or may become. The founders fatigue is real. America is that if you don’t
feared that very scenario, and like the politics or laws of a
Depending on which side of
thanks to the wisdom and particular state, you can get up
the abortion debate you’re on,
foresight of men like James and move. And we do. Since
you might be happy or
Madison, our system of 2020, we’ve seen a steady
angered by California
government doesn’t function migration of people moving to
Governor Newsom’s
that way. Instead, we have a states that more closely align
emotional vow to make his
system of checks and balances with their political, cultural,
state more abortion-friendly
under republican governance, and world views. If this trend
than ever before. By contrast,
where the minority is not at intensifies in the coming
the more conservative-leaning
the mercy of the majority. years, as we are
states will likely greatly
Over time, this essential simultaneously returning
restrict or outright ban
characteristic of our power back to the states, such
abortions. But both of those
government has been diluted as with the repeal of Roe v
scenarios represent exactly the
and sometimes outright Wade, America will come to
way our system is meant to
ignored, as with the original look very different even
work. Because the US is a
Roe v. Wade decision. If the within one generation.
large and religiously diverse
judges in 1973 had respected
country, and thus The knee-jerk reaction might
the role of the Court in relation
encompasses an array of be to presume that we will be
to the Constitution, abortion
personal beliefs, an even more divided country
law would have stayed at the
inflammatory issues such as than we are now, but in my
state level. For a small group
abortion are usually best view, limiting federal power
will lead to peace and Convention of States. Under more federal control, a
compromise nationwide. Article V of the US Convention of States would
Constitution, such a help to counter some of the
convention can legally be overreach.
Let’s not forget that once upon called for the purpose of
a time, ALL Americans – red, proposing amendments and
blue, and purple – believed in limiting federal power. It As Americans, it seems, we
and wanted less government, would be a win-win for all are gradually waking up to
not more. I could write a book Americans if at least thirty- realize that we’ve been
about why we regressed, but four states came together to sleeping passengers for far too
what matters now is that we make it happen, and now long on a ship we are meant to
return to our heritage. We would be the perfect time. steer.
have a shot at doing just that Given the Biden
with solutions such as the administration’s push for
Escape From Moscow
The New Russian Exiles—and How They Can Defeat Putin

Andrei Soldatov and Irina Borogan, Foreign Affairs

R ussians are fleeing

Georgia, Uzbekistan; Estonia,
Latvia, Montenegro. In the
fell out with the Kremlin). The
outflow accelerated in 2020,
after Putin intensified his
crackdown on civil society
and changed the constitution
The new wave of exiles from
Putin’s Russia can be grouped
into four categories. The first
and largest consists of IT
first two weeks of the war to allow him to stay in power
specialists; according to the
alone, Georgia took in 25,000 at least until 2036.
Russian Association of
Russians, and Armenia was
Electronic Communication, at
receiving some 6,000
least 100,000 such
Russians per day. By the end But it was the assault on
professionals have left since
of March, 60,000 Russians Ukraine that has turned this
the invasion began. Long
had gone to Kazakhstan. And trend into a giant wave.
known for its engineers and
many more have sought During the initial weeks of the
computer scientists, Russia is
refuge in a number of different invasion, amid ever-
one of a very few countries in
countries in Eastern Europe. tightening repression at home,
which local Internet platforms
Since Russian President hundreds of thousands of
can compete successfully with
Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Russians are believed to have
global platforms such as
Ukraine began, Russians who left the country. Those who
Google and Facebook. Before
have the means to do so have have fled come from many
the war, many of these
been racing for the border in different professions and
professionals were employees
what has become the largest backgrounds. Many had never
of U.S. and other Western
exodus since the Bolshevik contemplated emigration
companies; others ran their
Revolution. before. But nearly all of them
own companies and did work
have three things in common:
for foreign clients.
they have a high level of
The dramatic flight education, are from the bigger
underscores the far-reaching cities, and have a liberal
After February 24, however, it
effects of Putin’s war. For outlook.
became clear that this kind of
Russians who came of age in
international work would no
the 1990s, it seemed at first
longer be possible. The
that the days of having to For Russia, the departure of so
sweeping sanctions imposed
abandon the country for many educated professionals,
by the West hampered access
political reasons were over. academics, and
to Western technologies, and
One could leave for economic businesspeople raises
many were unable to be paid
reasons, but there was no profound questions about the
by their Western clients or
longer a fear of persecution or future makeup of the country.
even connect to the servers of
restrictions on personal For those seeking large-scale
their companies. Moreover,
freedoms. In recent years, as political change, it also poses
many of these people are
the Putin regime has become a new challenge: whether it
young, in their mid-20s to 40s,
increasingly autocratic, all will be possible to effectively
and fear being drafted into the
that has changed. The first pressure the regime from
army if they stay.
large group to be affected abroad, with so much of the
were opposition politicians, domestic opposition now in
independent journalists, and jail or simply gone. And for
The second group of
political activists, who started those left behind, the
emigrants are journalists,
fleeing to Europe and the hollowing out of civil society
activists, and
United States after 2013 means that they may be stuck
(Putin reintroduced political with a country that is
organization employees: this
emigration as early as in 2000, culturally impoverished,
group numbers probably not
but back then, it was mostly paranoid, and hard line.
much more than 1,000 people,
limited to the oligarchs who
although their departure,
given their importance in isolating itself from the
undergirding an independent outside world, and many of
In taking this approach, Putin
civil society, will have outsize them had been working for
is drawing on a long Russian
consequences for the country. companies that are now
tradition. In past upheavals—
They quickly recognized at subject to Western sanctions
anti-Semitic pogroms under
the start of the war that the or might become subject to
the tsar, the Russian Civil
regime had made it impossible sanctions pretty soon. When
War, World War II, and anti-
for them to pursue their work the war started, many of these
Semitic campaigns during the
in Russia, and for many of people abruptly left their jobs
Soviet era—millions of
them, staying in the country and fled to Europe. But their
people were allowed and even
presented a very real risk of chances of finding
encouraged to emigrate. Even
arrest and possibly prison. employment or a project or
when ordinary Russian and
business to invest in remain
Soviet citizens struggled to
slim, owing to their
get permission to leave,
Russians are fleeing their citizenship and the taint of the
troublemakers were actively
country in droves. Russian corporate world.
pushed out. In 1922, for
The third group is made up of example, Vladimir Lenin
the liberal intelligentsia of big personally drew up a list of
Already, two months into the
cities like Moscow and St. 220 “undesirable
war, some of the recent
Petersburg—professors, intellectuals,” over 160 of
émigrés—above all, IT
researchers, and historians. whom he packed onto the so-
specialists—are returning to
Until now, members of this called philosophers’ ships and
Russia because they lacked
group were employed by sent to Germany. In the 1970s,
resources to remain abroad.
universities, museums, or Leonid Brezhnev expanded a
Having spent all the cash they
other research organizations. policy of stripping dissidents
brought with them and found
Many worked on projects of Soviet citizenship and
themselves unable to access
supported by Western throwing them out of the
their Russian bank accounts,
foundations rather than the country.
they were forced to go home.
Russian government and had
But now, with the rumors of a
previously pursued their work
general mobilization in the
largely free from Kremlin But unwanted Russians could
cards, many are trying to find
propaganda. Many had ties to also make trouble overseas.
a way to leave again—this
Western universities. But in As we described in our book
time, for good.
today’s Russia, this kind of The Compatriots, throughout
independent work is seen as the Soviet years, Russian
unpatriotic. The fleeing political exiles never stopped
intellectuals do not think that trying to change the regime
their lives are in danger, but In part, the current exodus has they had left behind. In the
their careers are, and many of been encouraged by Putin 1920s, they launched a
them have already lost their himself. During the first two campaign of terror, sending
jobs because of their liberal months of the war, the undercover agents to bomb a
views. And for the most part, Kremlin has made clear that it Bolshevik gathering in Russia
they are reluctant to work and would rather drive its and attacking Soviet officials
live in growing isolation from opponents out of the country when they traveled abroad. In
the West. than have them make trouble the 1930s, when the Red
at home. Until now, for Army sent forces to back up
example, the Russian the Republicans in the
The last category of exiles is government has not put any Spanish Civil War, exiled
made up of businesspeople restrictions on leaving. As veterans of the White Army—
and managers of big Putin said on March 16, “The the Bolsheviks’ opponents in
corporations, including state- Russian people will always be the Russian Revolution—
owned companies such as able to distinguish true went to fight for Francisco
Gazprom, as well as the patriots from scum and Franco. And when the
Russian banks. These traitors and simply spit them Germans invaded the Soviet
Russians no longer feel out like a fly that accidentally Union in 1941, some Russians
comfortable in a country that flew into their mouth.” abroad saw a chance to fight
is closing its borders and communists and joined with
the Nazis. Later, during the But there was one area in software giants have moved
Cold War, Russian exiles which Russians abroad scored their Russian personnel to
proved instrumental in some spectacular successes: Ireland. But those IT workers
shaping the anticommunist they wrote a number of who emigrated on their own to
propaganda war being waged important books that, once continental Europe have
by the United States and the they were smuggled out of the struggled to get visas and bank
United Kingdom: it was country, proved instrumental accounts. That is why many IT
Russians who sent balloons in changing Western opinion specialists have sought refuge
laden with leaflets over the about the Soviet Union. (The in Georgia, Armenia,
borders of Eastern Europe, Gulag Archipelago, by Kazakhstan, and Turkey
and it was their voices that Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, and instead of Europe. The cost of
were broadcast from Radio the memoir of Svetlana living in Tbilisi or Istanbul,
Liberty and other West- Alliluyeva, Stalin’s daughter, two popular destinations, is
backed stations that were are just two examples.) And much cheaper than in the
beaming information across when those books were read Baltic states. (In addition to
the Iron Curtain. Similarly, aloud and discussed in Russian exiles, Istanbul has
when the Soviet army invaded Russian on the radio stations also become home to many
Afghanistan in 1979, Russian that targeted the Iron Curtain, foreign correspondents who
political émigrés in London they helped reshape public cover Russia and had been
and Paris launched a opinion within the Soviet based in Moscow until the
propaganda effort to try to Union itself. Other efforts new censorship made their
convince Soviet soldiers to were less efficacious, but work impossible.)
defect to the mujahideen. these books and broadcasts
worked. Ultimately, for exiles
to make a difference in Russia
Liberals who have remained itself, they had to somehow
Throughout the Soviet years,
in Russia have found their find a way to reach those who
Russian political exiles never
situation increasingly had stayed behind.
stopped trying to change the
regime they left behind.
At the same time, throughout
BUDVA, NOT BERLIN For the IT specialists, the
the communist years, those
landscape has continued to
who had fled tried to influence In many ways, the new
change as the war goes on.
public opinion in Europe and Russian exodus differs from
Armenia has made an effort to
the United States. They staged previous waves. After the
help them register companies
protest rallies in numerous 1917 revolution, some
and open bank accounts in the
Western capitals, and in 1971, Russian émigrés went to
country—and it helps the
they even tried to bomb the Prague, Istanbul, and
local economy, too, since
New York office of the Soviet Shanghai. But above all, they
there is a requirement to hire
trade company Amtorg to went to Paris and Berlin. In
local staff. On May 3, the
raise awareness of the plight those cities, vibrant Russian
United States also announced
of Soviet Jews. communities developed,
that it plans to make it easier
publishing their own journals,
for Russian IT workers to
newspapers, and books and
move to the States. A small
Most of these efforts had little forming important Russian
colony of the Russian
measurable effect. It didn’t connections in the West. Now,
intelligentsia has also
help that Russians émigrés by contrast, visa restrictions
emerged in Montenegro,
were notoriously bad at and the high cost of living
where Russian passport
building political mean that only a small number
holders are welcomed and real
organizations, mostly because of Russians are heading to
estate is affordable.
they had very conflicting Berlin. Even smaller numbers
views on the Russian future have gone to London, and
once it was liberated from Paris is almost entirely out of
The European Union has
communists—democrats the picture.
received its own wave of
clashed with imperialists and
Russians, though they are
going to different countries
Today’s exiles head
than previous generations.
elsewhere. Some U.S.
Vilnius, the small and cozy Telegram. Thus, the portion of
capital of Lithuania, emerged Russian society that is well
But Russian exiles have been
as the most important center educated and independent
more successful in giving the
for the Russian political minded—perhaps 15 percent
world—and Russians
exiles—it is here that Russian or more of the population —
themselves—an accurate
opposition leader Alexei have continued to get reliable
picture of what is happening
Navalny’s organization has information about the war
under Putin. Consider the start
set up shop, along with many from abroad—often from the
of the war, when around 100
independent Russian same independent Russian
of Russia’s top independent
journalists and bloggers. This journalists they had followed
journalists left the country,
has been possible thanks to the before the invasion.
joining colleagues who had
position of the Lithuanian
left earlier. Many of these
government, which welcomed
journalists have continued to
refugees from Belarus and That content is now in huge
do their work from abroad,
Russia. Riga, the capital of demand: YouTube videos
producing independent
neighboring Latvia, has about the actual course of the
reporting on Russian affairs
agreed to host a small number war in Ukraine routinely
and generating original
of NGOs and journalists, and gather several million views,
content on YouTube,
an even smaller number have and even some of the
Telegram channels, and other
moved to Tallinn, the capital individual Telegram channels
social media.
of Estonia, and Prague, the of exiled Russian journalists
capital of the Czech Republic. have tens of thousands of
Even before the war, some
political organizations of
Overall, in contrast to the
Russian exiles understood the
earlier waves of Russian RETHINKING RUSSIA
power of foreign-based news
exiles, which went to Western
and information directed at As the war in Ukraine
Europe in the early twentieth
the Russian public. Since the continues, liberals who have
century and the United States
start of the war, supporters of remained in Russia have
during the later decades of the
the jailed opposition leader found their situation
Cold War, the current wave
Alexei Navalny and of the increasingly untenable. The
has largely been aimed at
oligarch-turned-exile Mikhail reality of the Russian present
Central and Eastern Europe.
Khodorkovsky have moved has become horrible, but the
entirely to online journalism, Russian future appears even
producing continuous streams more bleak: a joke that has
of content on YouTube and gone viral on social media has
other channels and reaching it that English classes in
Although they have ended up millions of Russians. Russian schools have stopped
in different countries than teaching the future simple
their Soviet forebears, the tense—because Russia no
current wave of exiles has In part, this is because Russian longer has a simple future.
faced many of the same government censors have Nor does the Russian past
challenges in bringing about failed to build a complete offer much hope anymore.
change at home. Over the past information monopoly inside After the Soviet Union
decade, for example, Russian Russia. Despite recent efforts collapsed, then President
émigrés have launched several to ban or shut down Boris Yeltsin’s narrative was
political organizations in the independent news sites, and to straightforward and
West, like Free Russia Forum, block access to global appealing: the Soviet period
launched by chess world platforms such as Twitter, was a terrible deviation from a
champion and political Facebook, and Instagram, more glorious past, and
activist Garry Kasparov, who many Russians remain Russians simply needed to
is now in exile in New York. connected to the world via the regain what they had before
Predictably, they have fallen Internet through virtual 1917, the Russia of Leo
into the same trap as their private networks. Besides, for Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoyevsky,
Cold War predecessors, unknown reasons, Russian and Anton Chekhov. But
unable to form a coherent or censors have not blocked when Putin invaded Ukraine,
united front. access to YouTube and the Russian Empire suddenly
ceased to look so attractive. need significant Western start thinking of these exile
Russian liberals, disgusted by support, and European populations far more
this new war of Russian countries in particular would strategically. Rather than
aggression, have begun to need to take the lead. remaining on the defensive,
look on the imperial exploits trying to deflect the
Europe should not regard
of the eighteenth and disinformation and
Russians exiles as the enemy.
nineteenth centuries with cyberwarfare campaigns that
horror. During the long Cold War, the Moscow aims at the West,
United States was the only they should draw on this
country that had a strategy crucial resource to wage a new
To work on a new national aimed at Russian exiles. In an kind of information war on the
narrative, Russians badly need effort spearheaded by the Kremlin. And although much
not only journalists but also diplomat George Kennan, the of the emphasis in the Western
larger institutional support, United States in the early media has been rightly
and that support can no longer 1950s established the focused on Ukrainian
be based in Russia. Despite American Committee for the refugees, European
the long history of Russian Liberation of the Peoples of governments should be wary
emigration, however, there is Russia and the Free Europe of falling into the trap of
only one successful example Committee, which used regarding Russians exiles
of such an offshore institution: political refugees to foment themselves as the enemy,
the Russian Free University, resistance behind the Iron rather than crucial allies, in the
established in Prague in the Curtain. These committees in effort to counter the Putin
1920s, when Prague was a turn set up Radio Free Europe regime.
center for Russian intellectual and Radio Liberty, which
exiles after the Bolshevik brought vital information to
Revolution. Dubbed the audiences across the Eastern By funding and supporting
“Russian Oxford,” the bloc. Yet European countries Russian media, educational,
university was financed by the stayed largely on the sidelines. and research projects based in
Czech government, thanks to For example, although there Europe, European
the patronage of the country’s were numerous Russian governments could help bring
first president, Thomas dissidents in West Germany liberal ideas and independent
Masaryk. Until it was shut and the US-backed Institute reporting about Russia to
down by the Germans in 1939, for the Study of the USSR and Russians themselves and help
it managed to keep the Radio Liberty and Radio Free counter the propaganda of the
Russian intellectual tradition Europe were headquartered in Putin regime. Over time, they
alive and thriving. Munich, the German could also help give rise to a
government did not have any new narrative about Russia
part in running those and what the future of the
Now, there is increasing talk institutions. country might be. If Western
about the need to establish a governments fail to support
similar kind of university-in- this sudden wave of exiles,
exile. There is certainly no That inaction needs to change however, they will squander
shortage of professors to lead now. With hundreds of what could be one of their
such an institution, given how thousands of Russians on the most effective forms of soft
many have fled the country. European continent, it is time power against Russian
But such an institution would for European governments to autocracy.
No Marshall Plan for Ukraine
Geography and Geopolitics Dictate a Different Reconstruction Model

Benn Steil, Foreign Affairs

P erhaps the

massive U.S. program to

rebuild Western Europe’s
enduring legacy of the
Marshall Plan, the
Stay informed.
In-depth analysis delivered
Yet Ukraine suffers from an
substantial: about $160 billion
in current dollars. During that
period, the 16 Marshall
economy after World War II, immutable characteristic that economic output expanding
is the endless desire to repeat even the most noble and nearly 60 percent. This fact
it. Daunting geopolitical generous of foreign saviors underlies the belief that those
challenges invariably spawn cannot change: geography. dollars were the source of its
appeals for new Marshall Ukraine borders a powerful achievement. Yet economists
Plans to foster stability and country to the east, Russia, who have analyzed the aid’s
prosperity. The global whose government does not direct impact on Western
financial crisis seeded in 2008 wish it to look westward for Europe’s economic revival
brought forth calls for a salvation or to succeed as a have concluded that the effect
Marshall Plan in southern prosperous, independent was modest. My own research
Europe. The Arab Spring did country. And Russia is fully suggests that other, less
the same in the Middle East. capable of undermining, with quantifiable, factors were
Ditto the civil war in Syria. mere threats, any steps comparably or more important
Ukraine may take in this than those dollars or, at the
Today, Ukraine, victim of
direction. very least, vital complements
horrific mass brutality and
to them.
destruction, is only the latest
in a procession of stricken
To be sure, Ukraine’s rich
countries spurring calls for the
friends in the United States No doubt, Marshall aid did
legend’s reapplication. “There
and western Europe can do serve to reverse the rising tide
will be a new Marshall Plan
much to aid the country’s of communist political
for Ukraine,” declared
suffering people and to influence, particularly in
Ukrainian President
rebuild its damaged France and Italy. But an
Volodymyr Zelensky in
infrastructure. Yet without indispensable complementary
March. European Council
Russian cooperation or at least factor in the success of that aid
President Charles Michel
committed noninterference— was credible U.S. security
concurred, announcing that a
a noninterference that is guarantees. These had been
May donor conference was
inconceivable currently or in wholly absent from the
“the starting point for [a] kind
the foreseeable future—the original State Department
of European Marshall Plan for
robust and enduring revival blueprint for the Marshall
experienced by the Marshall Plan, which aimed to boost
On its surface, Ukraine would countries is simply beyond production capacity in the
appear to be fertile ground for Ukraine’s reach. recipient countries as quickly
a Marshall Plan. It is, much as possible so they could
like most of the 16 Marshall provide for their own defense.
Plan recipients of 1948–1952, BUTTER, AND GUNS At the insistence of France
a market-oriented European and the United Kingdom,
The fundamental error made
country with democratic however, U.S. defense
by champions of new
foundations, anxious to pledges quickly became
Marshall Plans is to presume
integrate more closely with its integral to the program.
that the essence of the original
neighbors to the west. It has
program was simply the
great untapped potential in
application of vast amounts of
energy production, chemicals, Without Marshall aid, Paris
government money. The sums
agriculture, and industrial and London, fearing an
committed by the Truman
manufacturing. industrially revived Germany,
administration between 1948
would never have cooperated
and 1952 were indeed
with U.S. plans for quickly allowed the Marshall sponsored militias in Iraq. In
repairing German countries to quickly integrate such inherently fragile
infrastructure and ramping up economically rather than security environments, in
the country’s industrial pursue hopelessly inefficient countries never friendly to
production, which proved a autarkic policies of the sort Western-style market reform
major engine of Western necessary to assure supplies of to begin with, the private
Europe’s stunning recovery. steel and other commodities domestic and foreign
But even that aid would not critical to unaided self- investment necessary to
have been sufficient to defense. generate sustained
overcome French and British transformational economic
resistance had the United growth never materialized.
States not also agreed to It is notable that the United The lesson for today is clear:
provide them with security States committed large annual security must come first.
guarantees—guarantees sums, comparable to those of Positive political reform and
against aggression by either the Marshall years, to economic revival, assisted by
the Soviet Union or Germany. European relief efforts in foreign aid, can only follow in
Those guarantees, enshrined 1946 and 1947—with no stability’s wake.
in Article 5 of the 1949 North material effect on economic
Atlantic Treaty, represented a recovery. This earlier pan-
fundamental shift in U.S. European aid, funneled THE RUSSIAN SHADOW
policy. This policy had, until through the new United
Ukraine’s remarkable courage
1948, been to continue rapidly Nations Relief and
and will to resist foreign
withdrawing troops and Rehabilitation
aggression have earned it
materiel from Europe. Administration, was
enormous respect and
Between 1945 and 1948, undermined by the Soviet
admiration around the world.
annual U.S. defense spending Union, which subverted
The country will, however,
plummeted from $963 billion democratization, economic
never attract large-scale
to $95 billion. In 1949, reform, and private
investment while it remains
however, it increased sharply, investment in Eastern Europe,
under the shadow of a hostile
to $128 billion, and U.S. as well as by communist
Russia, which is willing and
troops began surging back to Yugoslavia, which shot down
able to unleash devastation at
the continent. It was this U.S. relief planes. Going
a moment’s notice. Whereas
reversal of earlier U.S. forward, the Truman
the creation of NATO was
designs for deindustrializing administration was therefore
integral to the success of the
Germany (known as the determined to take full control
Marshall Plan, ending the
Morgenthau Plan) and of U.S. aid dollars, focusing
prospect of Ukraine’s
disengaging from Europe that them on only those countries
incorporation into NATO is a
animated the revival of capable of making full and
stated Russian war aim.
business confidence and productive use of them.
Unless the United States is
private investment in the
willing to escalate all the way
to nuclear confrontation with
Fast forward to the new
Russia, it will never be able to
millennium, and the same
neutralize the ongoing threat
Ukraine will never attract challenges exist. The United
to Ukraine and its economy.
large-scale investment while it States committed $210 billion
remains under the shadow of a to war reconstruction in just
hostile Russia. two countries, Afghanistan
The regrettable but
and Iraq—$50 billion more
Because the countries inescapable conclusion is that
than it committed to the 16
ultimately covered by the long-term, credible internal
Marshall countries, in current
Marshall Plan were not as and external security is a
dollars. Yet there is precious
geographically vulnerable to precondition for a successful
little to show for that money.
the threat of Soviet attack as, Marshall Plan in Ukraine, and
The main reason for this
for example, the eager but that the United States and its
failure was the inability of the
unfortunate Czechoslovakia allies are incapable of
United States to defeat the
and Poland, the United States providing it. If the latter were
Taliban insurgency in
could credibly underwrite to mount a massive aid
Afghanistan and Iran-
their security. This fact program aimed at cementing
Kyiv’s western orientation, making it a hellish place to be forthcoming unless it is
Russia could credibly threaten live and do business. safe from expropriation and
Ukraine, its officials, its allies, destruction. When it comes to
its trading partners, and any making a Marshall Plan, there
enterprises operating there Humanitarian relief aid is, of are simply no substitutes for
with costly cyber, military, course, desirable in its own auspicious geography and
and economic attacks. To be right. But it will not seed a donors willing and able to
clear, Russia may never be stable, prosperous democracy deter or defeat determined
able to conquer Ukraine, but it without major domestic and opponents. The Marshall
is more than capable of foreign private investment, countries had both. Ukraine,
and such investment will not sadly, has neither.
Far From Home: The Afghans Aiding Afghanistan
Global attention on Afghanistan has largely dried up, but the Afghan diaspora cannot look away.

Ezzatullah Mehrdad, The Diplomat

global business yawning gap left by the failure Omar Haidari, an Afghan
enterprise pivoted to of the international advocate and fundraiser who
become a fundraising community to combat the lives in Berlin, Germany.
platform; a research institute layered crises in Afghanistan. “The diaspora saw the
became a charity; an selective solidarity of the
Over the past several months,
entrepreneur donated a West and felt Afghans have
a starvation crisis has loomed
portion of each sale to a only got themselves.”
larger each week in plain
charity; a community cooked
sight, with development The fall of Kabul to the
Afghan dishes to raise funds.
agencies sounding the alarm. Taliban in August 2021 drew
This is the Afghan diaspora,
The United Nations’ World the attention of Afghan
spread over the world from
Food Program says that as diaspora communities back
Germany to California to
much as 95 percent of the toward the country. The
Australia and working to help
Afghan population lacks sudden collapse of the
their homeland, Afghanistan,
enough food. Save the Western-backed government
survive a devastating hunger
Children said 14 million of Ashraf Ghani left Afghan
crisis from thousands of miles
children in Afghanistan faced diaspora communities
“life-threatening levels of desperate and hopeless as they
The lingering hunger crisis in hunger.” watched the Taliban return to
Afghanistan has provoked a rule over the country with
But in response, in late March
sense of responsibility and AK-47s and U.S. military
when the United Nations
generosity among diaspora vehicles abandoned by
made an aid appeal of $4.44
communities that stretch Afghan forces.
billion to help the country,
across the world. Decades of
only half of the appeal was The new reality of life under
instability flung the Afghan
met with pledges. the Taliban reached Afghans
diaspora around the globe, to
abroad via graphic images of
places as disparate as
hunger-stricken people
Australia and Germany,
Attention on Afghanistan, and circulating on social media
metropolises like London to
its many challenges, was pages. The desperation and
Los Angeles. These
already in free fall before devastation scrolled by under
communities are now raising
Russia’s February 24 invasion the fingers of diaspora
funds, donating, and getting
of Ukraine. The ongoing war communities safe in wealthy
creative to support those still
in Ukraine has further drained Western countries.
in Afghanistan, trapped in
attention from Afghanistan,
increasingly difficult
but it dealt other blows too.
Ukraine, once a donor of aid “Don’t eat out,” pled one a
The diaspora’s efforts are to Afghanistan, has now message on Twitter from a
driven by their personal become a competing recipient member of the Afghan
experiences wrestling with of aid. Furthermore, the war in diaspora, saying “one meal
poverty in the country, by Europe has stymied exports of out can feed an entire family.”
their age-old homesickness, wheat, which both Ukraine
Online fundraising efforts on
and by their lifelong love for and Russia previously
different platforms surged.
their country. With gestures as exported in vast amounts.
From GoFundMe to Global
small as sharing a fundraising With bread a main staple of
Giving, diaspora communities
link on their social media the Afghan diet, the war in
began raising funds and
pages or donating $5 to a Ukraine has further damaged
donating to support people
charity, they aim to save as already stressed food supply
still in Afghanistan. Hundreds
many people from starvation chains, deepening hunger.
of fundraising pages have
as possible. Despite the
“There is a feeling among the collected donations from the
monumental challenge of it,
diaspora community” to help Afghan diaspora and non-
they hope to fill in the
people in Afghanistan, said Afghans alike since August
2021. Slowly, non-Afghan Afghans in Germany’s diaspora in Melbourne,
attention and donations dried capital, cooked Afghan dishes Australia, provides raw
up and shifted elsewhere, but and invited people to enjoy a materials for carpet weaving
the Afghan diaspora cannot taste of Afghanistan. “Enjoy to widows. In return, the
look away. They have dishes cooked by our activist widows weave carpets and
continued to fundraise and women,” read an online poster sell them to diaspora
created new ways of for the event on March 11. communities through the
supporting Afghanistan. “Share its joy with children in institute. The systems creates
Afghanistan.” With the funds a sustainable source of
raised, the diaspora income.
One Afghan-led enterprise, community sent food
“The widows said they want
ASEEL, transformed from an packages to Afghanistan.
an income,” said Mustafa
e-commerce platform to a “Thanks for making the
Soroush, the 37-year-old chief
fundraising platform. Before kindness bridge between
executive officer of
the fall of Kabul, ASEEL was Kabul and Berlin happen,” a
Organizations for
an online platform that Facebook post after the event
Development Solutions.
enabled the sale of Afghan read.
“They have young children
handmade art to global
“One night, Afghans had an and mostly lost their husbands
markets. The enterprise
event in London,” said to the war either in the form of
changed its mission to raise
Haidari, the 27-year old suicide bombing or combat.”
funds and took on the form of
activist in Berlin. “They raised Around 120 families have
a charity, using its online
45,000 pounds. But it is not received food packages –
presence and networks to raise
enough” for helping and many of them were on the
money and get it to those in
saving people in the long run. verge of starvation before
need. Its website and apps
Haidari, who volunteers at receiving the aid. Thanks to
began advertising
ASEEL, says that they are the carpet weaving scheme, 50
humanitarian aid efforts rather
working to create job families now have a stable
than product sales, allowing
opportunities for Afghans in source of income.
people to fund emergency
Kabul and elsewhere.
food packages and first aid The scale of the demand is
kits in general or direct them ASEEL, through which heartbreaking for Soroush, a
to specific beneficiaries. thousands of families have former government official
received food packages, who studied abroad but
added a new approach: decided to stay in Kabul to
The venture also allows Haidari and the team help people in need. He said
diaspora communities to purchased carts for dozens of that he faces an overwhelming
begin their own fundraising families, which they use for number of people stricken by
efforts, too. With graphic selling fruits, vegetable, and starvation. Whenever he
images of hunger-stricken other goods. The carts enable distributes food packages,
children, posts fill the employment, on which the people who have not eaten for
platform asking for as little as families rely for survival. “We several days circle him, asking
$5. “Help Children in need to run business and for as little as a single piece of
Badakhshan” read the title of capital in Kabul,” said bread.
one fundraising effort. Haidari. “We help them to
“There was a woman who
“Support Afghan families for making a living” without
burst into tears,” said Soroush.
Ramadan,” said another constant donations.
“It was obvious that she had
recent plea. And another
Organizations for not eaten anything for days:
asked for donations to
Development Solutions, a her skin had dried up, and her
“Support Widows, Orphans,
research institute turned bones were visible and her lips
and Improvised Families in
charity, took a similar were parched.”
approach after online
“Donations by the diaspora
fundraising and distribution of
really save peoples’ lives,” he
food packages to female
Beyond online fundraising, added.
widows in Kabul and
the diaspora holds events in
elsewhere in Afghanistan. The For the diaspora, the
person to raise funds. Etahad
institute, based in Kabul but motivation to help Afghans
Berlin, a community of
funded by the Afghan from abroad comes from
personal experience. Mariam Razaq was born in a Like many people hit by the
Farkhondeh Akbari, one of the refugee camp in Germany in global pandemic, Razaq was
founders of Organizations for 1981 after her parents fled the laid off from her job in
Development Solutions who Soviet invasion of 1979. California, where she lives
was raised in Melbourne, says Later, Razaq moved to with her two daughters. In
that many in the Afghan Virginia, in the United States, October 2021, Razaq, a single
diaspora experienced where she attended school and mom, booked herself a flight
starvation and hardship in then college. But in essence, to Istanbul, Turkey, pursuing
Afghanistan before leaving. she felt she was living in her dream of launching a
“They know what an empty Kabul, too, through her business. She walked around
stomach feels like,” said mother’s memories of her Istanbul’s shops, looking for
Akbari, a 24-year-old hometown. Afghan and other sellers of
postdoctoral fellow at Monash Central Asian jewelry.
After college, Razaq had a
University in Melbourne. Months into opening her
chance to go back to a place
business, Afsana Boutique,
“They carry Afghanistan where she grew in her mind:
Razaq now donates 10 percent
within themselves,” she She first visited Kabul in
of each sale to a charity to help
added. “The diaspora do not 2005. “I felt at home in
people in her home.
have luxury lives abroad, but Kabul,” said Razaq, who
they still share” what they volunteered with other women “I don’t want Afghan mothers
have with people back home. to run an orphanage in Kabul to sell their daughters or die of
until 2019. “I just can’t stop hunger,” said Razaq. “I don’t
One member of the Afghan
thinking about helping my want a fancy life, but I want to
diaspora defined her life
people.” be able help people back in my
purpose as helping her people
in her home: Afghanistan.
Instability in South Asia Spells Trouble for China
Once again, China is learning that its investments and influence in another country are always subject to
domestic politics.

Shannon Tiezzi, The Diplomat

t’s been one hell of a Washington’s “anti-China”

I month in South Asia. As

discussed in separate
articles later in this issue,
Pakistan and Sri Lanka have
general elections, bringing
K.P. Oli of the CPN-UML to
power as prime minister.
Oli was seen as a pro-China
strategy for the Indo-Pacific.
For its part, Beijing made sure
to amplify its allies in Nepal as
they denounced the U.S.
prime minister, particularly as
both seen major protests, with
anger in Nepal toward India
a full-on change of
was riding high in the wake of
government in Islamabad and Then Deuba turned the tables
New Delhi’s perceived
Sri Lanka’s rulers teetering on by defending the MCC – and
interference in Nepali politics
the edge. Meanwhile, Nepal bringing his coalition
and a flare-up in India-Nepal
saw its own governing partners, including the
territorial disputes. Oli upped
coalition collapse last year, Maoists, along with him. In
exchanges with China,
and the foreign policy impact the end, none of the major
including signing a trade and
of that is starting to become political parties voted against
transit agreement that would
clear. the MCC’s ratification,
reduce Nepal’s reliance on
leaving China looking a bit
The new developments in India for external trade.
foolish after its state media
South Asia are reshaping the
had embraced some of the
diplomatic landscape and
more bombastic warnings
China’s interests will But then in 2020, Oli’s
about the grant’s impact on
inevitably be impacted by the government began to crack
Nepali sovereignty.
domestic political debates. apart, as the CPN-UML and
Maoists clashed over power To be clear, it’s not accurate to
Instability is never good for
sharing arrangements. China say that Deuba’s government
Beijing, particularly when it
reportedly intervened to save is “anti-China” or that Oli was
touches countries where
the unified Nepal Communist “pro-China.” In fact, for all
China has major financial
Party that year, but couldn’t the talk of China’s courtship
investments at stake. More
repeat the feat in 2021. Oli of Nepal, even under Oli there
broadly, the power tussles will
was toppled when the Maoists was less progress than meets
impact the geopolitical
defected, joining with the the eye. Despite constant
competition underway in
largest opposition party, the nudging from Beijing,
South Asia and beyond, as
Nepali Congress, to create a Kathmandu has not approved
India, China, the United
new government. Oli was out a single Belt and Road project
States, and others jostle for
as prime minister; Sher since signing on to the
influence in the various
Bahadur Deuba was in. Chinese initiative back in
regional capitals.
Since returning to the prime
minister’s office in July 2021, That said, it is notable that
Nepal Deuba has lived up to the China’s first major foray into
Nepali Congress’ reputation Nepali domestic politics
China was riding high in
for being more amenable to ended so quickly. Beijing put
Nepal five years ago. In 2017,
India. He also notably pushed serious effort into bringing the
China helped broker a long
parliamentary ratification of CPN-UML and the Maoists
hoped-for unification between
the Millennium Challenge together and spent a lot of
the two main communist
Compact, a $500 million grant diplomatic energy trying to
parties, the Communist Party
from the United States to keep them unified – only for
of Nepal - Unified Marxist
Nepal. The MCC had become things to fall apart in the end.
Leninist (CPN-UML) and the
a fraught political issue, with China, as a long-time
CPN - Maoist Center. The
the Maoists especially champion of non-interference,
resulting coalition swept to
insisting that ratification may not have realized just
power with a whopping two-
would rope Nepal into how difficult it is to interfere
thirds majority in the 2017
effectively in another Once again, though, it’s too after all, was originally
country’s domestic politics. simplistic to paint the inaugurated under a PML-N
Rajapaksas as “pro-China” or government. Talk of China
“anti-China.” For example, and Pakistan as “iron
Sri Lanka upon the family’s return to brothers” has remained
power in 2019 under President consistent through Pakistan’s
In Sri Lanka, meanwhile, an
Gotabaya Rajapaksa – many changes of government.
economic crisis galvanized
Mahinda’s brother – they
protests demanding the ouster China’s concerns after the
didn’t fully resurrect their
of the Rajapaksa family, change of government are
previous approach to China.
which has a reputation for pro- more general. Clearly
Instead, the Rajapaksas made
China policies. Under Pakistan’s chronic political
a point of turning to India as
previous President Mahinda instability – no civilian prime
much as Beijing for support,
Rajapaksa, Sri Lanka took out minister has ever completed a
including during the ongoing
major loans from China for full term in office – remains
financial crisis. Sri Lanka
mega-projects like very much a problem. While
inked a deal with India to
Hambantota port and support for Chinese
develop the Trincomalee oil
Colombo Port City. Despite investments and interests has
terminal – long a dream
the billions of dollars now been the one constant,
project for New Delhi – earlier
owed to China, neither project political instability brings
this year. Meanwhile,
is turning a profit. Sri Lanka economic consequences as
relations with China have hit
famously ceded control of well. Pakistan still hasn’t
high-profile snags, in the form
Hambantota port to a Chinese finished the reform program
of canceled energy projects
company in return for cash to from its last IMF bailout, for
and a spat over contaminated
help with its debt crunch. instance, and never finished
fertilizer imports.
Colombo Port City is still the previous one either due to
under construction after abrupt government turnover.
facing delays and lawsuits.
But in the realm of politics,
perceptions may be even more
Meanwhile, Pakistan’s
important than reality, and
Now Sri Lanka’s debt woes opposition parties are apt to
there’s an undeniable
have sparked a balance of turn to purposefully disruptive
perception in Sri Lanka that
payments crisis, as Colombo tactics like sit-ins in major
the Rajapaksa regime cut
no longer has the foreign business districts and
corrupt deals with China, to
currency to finance purchases highways to press for political
the detriment of the nation. No
of sufficient oil and gas, much change. And that’s not to
matter how the current protest
less pay back its debts. Fairly mention growing concerns
movement ends, that narrative
or not, Chinese loans have about a resurgence in
will resonate in Sri Lankan
become a potent symbol of Sri terrorism in Pakistan, with
politics for the long term,
Lanka’s financial bloody attacks by the Islamic
limiting the ability of the
mismanagement. In actuality, State and Pakistani Taliban
Rajapaksas (if they remain in
as Umesh Moramudali has becoming more frequent in
power) or a potential
explained in several articles the past two years.
successor to craft close ties
for The Diplomat, most of Sri
with Beijing. China made a huge
Lanka’s debt is in form of
investment in Pakistan with
international sovereign bonds, Pakistan
CPEC – literally (to the tune
not Chinese loans, but the
Pakistan’s recent change of of $62 billion) and
perception of China bearing
government poses a different metaphorically. CPEC is the
responsibility for the current
kind of challenge for China. “crown jewel” of the BRI,
crisis continues to dog
The new government, under which means the reputation of
Beijing. As protesters seek to
Shehbaz Sharif of the Pakistan China’s signature foreign
oust the Rajapaksas, accusing
Muslim League - Nawaz policy framework is now
them of financial
(PML-N), is unlikely to riding on Pakistan’s economic
mismanagement and
significantly change stability. Imran Khan’s ouster,
corruption, their demands
Pakistan’s close ties with and his pledge to agitate his
come unavoidably tinged with
Beijing. The China-Pakistan way back into office, make
suspicion of Colombo’s
Economic Corridor (CPEC), that look like a risky bet.
dealings with China.
Any shifts will be a matter of game of thrones is never really
degree. won because it never ends.
China in South Asia: Down
But Not Out If we should take anything
from the political turmoil in
Of course, the above For China, the lesson is that
South Asia, it’s this: There are
developments do not mean cultivating lasting influence in
no permanent “winners” or
that China’s South Asia policy a partner country is much
“losers,” whether in domestic
is permanently damaged. harder than signing a
politics or geopolitical
Beijing’s main rivals in the landmark document and
influence. The party on the
region, India and the United declaring a “new golden era”
outs today (along with its
States, have also seen their in relations. Even in a country
preferred foreign policy
geopolitical gambits fluctuate like Pakistan, where all the
partners) could be back on top
or falter due to domestic major political parties agree
just a few short years later – or
politics abroad (with the on the “iron brotherhood”
vice versa. Take the
Taliban takeover of with China, political
Rajapaksas as an example:
Afghanistan as the most instability takes a toll on how
The family ruled for 10 years
dramatic example). Plus, no agreements are implemented
before being voted out of
country in the region is likely and enforced – and on what a
office in 2015; they were
to take up a directly hostile regional partner even has the
voted back into power in 2019
position toward China, no energy to discuss with China
but now are fighting for their
matter the outcome of the in the first place.
political lives once again. The
various political crises at play.

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