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Online education (the use of the internet to promote

learning) is a fast growing internet application. You can use
the internet to provide some or all of your education. Program;
It can also be used to complement or support traditional
education. father, Many high school and college courses use
web content such as online curriculum and schedules,
discussion forums, podcasts, tutorials additions as needed or
suggested. Web-based learning management system is often
used to provide course content, manage assignments and
grades, More; Use of Student Response System If Students Use
Special Devices Or you can use your smartphone to answer
surveys and ask questions during face to face lectures.
Growing up. In the next few sections we'll look at some of the
most popular online training courses.
Web Based training and Distance learning

The term web-based training (WBT) Instructions sent via the web.
it's com Employee training and To give lessons in the field of
education. Distance learning is always done when students do it
Classes from other places. the distance where the instruction is
sent Learning usually involves web-based training. Many high
schools, colleges, and not just at university Professional
qualification. Distance education Used to learn tasks and new
skills. You can do that too Used to take an online course or the
whole Get an online degree from an accredited university.
Usually most of the distance learning courses the school works on
the internet You may need to contact us personally. B. Sessions
for orientation and testing.
Web-based training and distance learning are usually
experienced individually and also content can be updated as
needed and online content and activities typically provide
immediate feedback to the student.
technical problems can occur. Dent needs a working device and
internet connection to access the footage.but you cant study
cause of internet connection goes down. another disadvantage
lack of face to face contact between student and teachers
0nline testing
In both distance learning and traditional classes , online
testing which allows students to take test by internet is a
growing trend . objective tests such as those containing
multiple choice or true or false questions. This tests are
graded automatically , providing fast feedback to the
One challenge for the online testing is ensuring that an
online test is taken by appropriate individual and in an
authorized manner in order to avoid cheating
How is online learning changing education today !!!

Online learning is a quality education with no ties From the

traditional barriers of time, physical location, High cost to enable
anyone with internet a connection to change your life. Today,
There are millions of learners around the world, many of them
never dreamed of taking a course at the best university in the
online Writing
some types of online writing, such as e-mail, instant and text
massaging , and social net working updates .
blog derived from the word web Logist a short website, Frequently
updated entries in chronological order, usually as a means of
expression, or communication In essence, blogs are online Publicly
available personal journal usually created and updated by one
person vidual. A wide variety of blogs are written
Of individuals, including the general public Not only celebrities,
writers, students.

For example food blog

Another form of online writing
Wiki, Named after the Hawaiian phrase wikiwiki. How to create
and edit a collaborative website Fast and easy. The content of the
wiki is similar to a blog Simply press to edit the page and republish
it on the web. Press the button to save or send. but wiki should do
it Especially suitable as it can be changed by others For
cooperation. B. For class websites or groups project. To protect
wiki content from sabotage You can password protect the entire
wiki or edit rights to the wiki

Mohamed gamal

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