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Aliza Masroor and Madhunisha

What is a Info graphics

► An infographic example is a visual

representation of information, data
,complex ideas, location and
functions. Infographics are graphs,
charts or art communicating ideas that
can be hard to understand with words
representation of Wine
And Cheese Pairing
Here through this visual
representation we can clearly
difference between different
types of cheese and wine We can
pair with. Each kind of cheese
have different texture, colour
and quality and taste. So to
make them easier to understand
here the data is represented
pictorialy with the cheese
images along with the wine we
can pair with
This is a infographic
representation of about different
hair textures. Than writing the
data in huge paragraphs here the
information is delivered through
eye catching images and headline
,which makes is attractive and
easier to understand. Various
information is collected related
to hair and each data is delivered
through minimal words And
interesting graphics
This is a infographic
representation of climate
change and environment
Here the overall information about the
climate different places, temperature, global
warming, marine life etc and many more
things are represented clearly in a single
poster with visual and colourful images which
makes us easier to understand large data
February 2012 Employment Report

Types of Data
1. Number of job created
2. Jobs categories

Data sets
● On the basis of what kind of job it is
● On the basis of gender
● Unemployment by race
3. Underemployment
Web Designer

This infographic by UK based Internet Service Provider

Heart Internet is called The Anatomy of a Web Designer.
500 UK web design professionals took part in a survey on and Heart have published the results in
this easy to understand infographic.

Types of data
1. Number of services
2. On the basis of age
3. On the basis of charges

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