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SS COMER Cheat Sheet

by sicognates via

preret​irite of stem-c​hanging double object pronouns  tidbits to compare and superb verbs that have the '-zco' like
verbs (cont) conocer (cont)
direct and indirect object pronouns
yo -i replace nouns bien and mal traducir (to traduzco, -
translate) cimos, -cis
tu -iste have same compar​ative forms
indirect object pronouns singular:
ud/el/ella o st-ch as bueno/a and malo/a. conductir and traducir are -ir verbs,
me, te, le (se)
so they differ in their nos- and vos-
nosotr​os/as -imos
indirect object pronouns plural: saber and conocer forms.
vosotr​os/as -isteis
nos, os, les (se)
saber means
uds/el​los​/ellas -eron st-ch compar​atives, superl​atives
direct object pronouns know​ing a fact or facts, pieces
stem changes e>i or o>u
of inform​ation, or knowing how compar​isons of inequality are
lo, la, los, las
in PR go from:
to do something. formed
stem changes in third person if object pronouns are used
by placing mas or menos before
in PR happen: singular and together conocer means
adverbs, adject​ives, or nouns,
plural indirect before direct pronoun to be fami​liar with; expresses
and que after them.
stem changes in -ir stem famili​arity or acquai​ntance (or
indirect ojbect pronouns le and les
lack thereof) with a person, compar​isons with numerical values
in PR only changing verbs,
always change when coming place, or thing.
happen: not in -ar or -er use de before the number being
before all direct pronouns
irregular compar​itives and se can be clarified by saber and conocer conjug​ation
verbs with compar​isons of
superl​atives subject pronouns in third tenses inequality
 saber conocer
 adje​cti​ves double object pronouns (DOP​s): yo se cono​zco [verb] + mas/menos que

bueno/a good are to be placed before a tu sabes conoces mas (que)

malo/a bad conjugated verb
ud/el/ella sabe conoce more (than)
grande big; old with infini​tives and present
nosotr​os/ sabemos conocemos menos (que)
partic​iples, double object pronouns as
pequeno/a small; young less (than)
joven young vosotr​os/ sabeis conoceis
be placed before conjugated compar​isons of equality are formed
viejo/a old
verb or attatched to the end tan + [adv,adj] + como
uds/el​los​/ saben conocen
 comp​ara​tive
accent marks ellas compar​isons of equality are formed
mejor better
added to maintain stress in tant​o/a​(s) + [sing. noun,
peor worse DOPs attatched to infini​tives  tidbits to know
plur.noun] + como
mayor older and present partic​iples
when direct object of conocer is a
verbs with compar​isons of equality
menor younger pers​on/​pet, the personal a is
 tidbits to compare and formed by placing tanto como
 supe​rla​tive used.
superb after the verb (tanto does not
the yo forms of saber and conocer
el/la mejor the best conform to number or gender)
when grande and pequeno/a refer are irregular in the present tense.
el/la peor the worst tanto como
to age,
el/la mayor the oldest verbs that have the '-zco' like as much as
use the irre​gular comp/super
el/la menor the youngest forms, mayor/​menor conocer

when grande and pequeno/a refer ofrecer (to ofrezco

to size, offer)

use regular forms mas paracer (to parezco

grande/mas pequeno/a. seem)

conducir (to conduzco, -cimos,

drive) -cis

By sicognates Published 20th March, 2018. Sponsored by Last updated 20th March, 2018. Measure your website readability!
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SS COMER Cheat Sheet
by sicognates via


el/la/​los/las + [noun] + mas/menos + [adjec​tive] + de

definite article oversh​adows the noun

de = in or of

noun can be ommitted if it is clear to who/what superl​ative

refers to

absolute superl​ati​ves ends in -isimo, which is equivalent to

extrem​ely​/very + [adj or adv]. sp-ch

By sicognates Published 20th March, 2018. Sponsored by Last updated 20th March, 2018. Measure your website readability!
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