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Sensory Processing 

(or Integration as it is also known) is the effective registration (and accurate interpretation) of sensory input in the environment (including one’s body). It is the way the brain receives, organises

and responds to sensory input in order to behave in a meaningful & consistent manner.

Note: Each stage of development assumes that the preceding stages have been successfully achieved.

How to use this chart: Review the skills demonstrated by the child up to their current age.

Age  Developmental milestones  Possible implications if milestones not achieved 

 Recognizes scent of mother’s breast milk

 Hearing is mature
 Tracks objects with eyes
 Looks at own hands
 Responds to sounds and voice
 Reaches for nearby objects
 Actively coordinates suck, swallow, breath sequence, tongue is cupped,
forward rhythmical movements of the tongue, and jaw consistently moves up
and down in a coordinated pattern  May have difficulty with breast feeding
 Sleeps 4-10 hour intervals  May have difficulties settling to sleep
 0-6 months  Cries to communicate hunger, fear, discomfort  May cry often

 Plays 2-3 minutes with a single toy

 Imitates gestures  May have difficulty tolerating different textured foods
 Uses tongue to move food around mouth  May have difficulties settling and may wake often during
the night
 Opens mouth to be fed
 May have difficulties socialising with parents and joint
 Sleeps 10-12 hours with only 1 awakening Attention
 Tolerates a range of different textured foods  May struggle to copy and learn from others due to poor
 6-12 months  Drinks from a cup understanding and attention

 1-2 years  Bothered by soiled nappy  May have difficulties socialising with parents and joint
 Distinguishes between edible and inedible objects (18 months)
 Understands common dangers of hot objects, stairs, glass
 Enjoys messy play attention
 Reacts to extremes in temperature  May struggle to copy and learn from others due to poor
 Copies sounds that you make understanding and attention
 Looks for an object he/she watched fall out of sight (such as a spoon that fell  May have delayed play skills (e.g. show little interest in
under the table) toys)
 Follow simple 1 step instructions  May have difficulty tolerating different textured foods
 Solves problems with trial and error  May have difficulties settling and may wake often during the night

 Uses toilet with assistance and has daytime control

 Sits to look at books independently  May have trouble socialising with peers and joint attention
 Pays attention for 3 minutes  May struggle to copy and learn from others due to poor understanding and attention
 Begins to be able to take turns  May have difficulties following instructions at home/child care
 Explores surroundings  May demonstrate delayed play skills
 Points to 5-6 parts of a doll when asked  May demonstrate difficulties with toilet training
 2-3 years  Matches circles and squares  May have difficulty tolerating different textured foods (e.g. picky eater)

 Can count 1-5

 Knows most colours
 Can differentiate between real and pretend world
 Takes turns  May have difficulties socialising with peers
 Able to completely clothe self, only requiring assistance with laces, buttons,  May struggle to copy and learn from others due to poor understanding and attention
and other fasteners in awkward places  May have difficulties following instructions at home, childcare, kindergarten, pre-school
 Feeds self without difficulty  May have difficulties expressing wants, needs, thoughts and ideas
 3-4 years  Social encounters are acted out through play activities  May have difficulty tolerating different textured foods (e.g. picky eater)

 Can count 1-10  May have difficulties socialising

 Knows shapes  May struggle to copy and learn from others due to poor understanding and attention
 Develops friendships  May have difficulties following instructions at home or kindergarten
 Expresses emotions  May have difficulties expressing wants, needs, thoughts and ideas
 Able to follow rules  May have difficulties sitting still
4-5 years  Able to sit and pay attention (e.g. mat time)  May have difficulty tolerating different textured foods (e.g. picky eater)
 20/20 vision
 Able to write numbers and letters
 Begins to be able to write simple sentences
 Begins to recognise others perspectives
 Knows left and right  May have difficulties socialising
 Begins to reason and argue; uses words like why and because  May have poor attention and concentration
 Can categorize objects: “These are toys; These are books”  May have difficulties following instructions at home, school
 Understand concepts like yesterday, today, and tomorrow  May have difficulties retelling events
 Can copy complex shapes, such as a diamond  May have difficulties following routines
 Should be sounding out simple words like “hang”, “neat”, “jump” and “sank”  May have difficulties expressing thoughts and ideas verbally and in written form
 Can sit at a desk , follow teacher instructions, and independently do simple in-  May be easily distracted and have difficulty sitting still
5-6 years class assignments  May have difficulty tolerating different textured foods (e.g. picky eater)

 Forms numbers and letters correctly

 Recognises others perspective
 Develops a longer attention span  May have difficulties socialising
 Are willing to take on more responsibility (i.e. chores)  May have poor attention and concentration
 Understands fractions and the concept of space  May have difficulties following instructions at home, school
 Understands money  May have difficulties retelling events
 Can tell time  May have difficulties expressing thoughts and ideas verbally and in written form
 Can name months and days of the week in order  May have difficulties responding appropriately to questions
 6-7 years  Enjoys reading a book on their own  May have difficulty tolerating different textured foods (e.g. picky eater)

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