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An Introduction to DevOps for

Project Managers

Dr.Ramesh M Swamy
2021 DevOps Market Vision

Welcome! We will examine:

• A bit of history
• Getting past DevOps as a buzzword and getting to
the real implications for project managers
• A typical enterprise environment and the life
cycle of IT and software delivery projects
• Enterprise agility as a bridge to DevOps
• The relationship between continuous delivery,
incremental workflows, and DevOps training
Some assumptions for our time
• DevOps practices are most powerful when applied
to contexts of software delivery and IT change
• DevOps, by definition, is never a “one-size-fits-all”
• DevOps is about drilling down on your own
organization’s specific problems and challenges
2013: The Phoenix Project:
A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win

Gene Kim

Kevin Behr

2015 Puppet “State of DevOps” Report
executive summary:
• High-performing IT organizations: 1) deploy 30x more
frequently 2) have 200x shorter lead times 3) have 60x fewer
failures and recover 168x faster.
• Lean management and continuous delivery practices create
conditions to deliver value faster, sustainably.
• High performance is achievable whether your applications are
greenfield, brownfield or legacy.
• IT managers play a critical role in any DevOps transformation.
• Diversity matters.
• Deployment pain is a key indicator of IT performance.
• Burnout can be prevented, and DevOps can help.
Today’s enterprise IT looks like this.
A simplified look at the enterprise

Change Management

IT Operations, Production
Environments, Support
Development teams
Business Customer

S e c u r I t y, G o v e r n a n c e S e c u r I t y, G o v e r n a n c e
A simplified look at the enterprise
The business! (different departments, needs, stakeholders etc.)

The triumphant Agile team! IT Operations!!

& Data
Deploy & Support


Customers / end users!!

A simplified look at the enterprise

Change Management

IT Operations, Production
Environments, Support
Development teams
Business Customer

S e c u r I t y, G o v e r n a n c e S e c u r I t y, G o v e r n a n c e
Increasing quality in software and IT
delivery as a product of work
Application Delivery & Cost of Defects

50% of defects introduced

2011: Continuous Delivery:
Reliable Software Releases Through Build, Test, &
Deployment Automation

Jez Humble

Dave Farley
Welcome to the 21st century!
A simplified
A simplifiedlook
atthe enterprise
an enterprise
The deployment
pipeline concept

Source: Continuous Delivery: Reliable

Software Releases through Build, Test,
and Deployment Automation
Test automation
What is DevOps Really?
What is DevOps?
Take 1 of 3:
What is DevOps?
TheTake 2 of 3: principles of DevOps as generally agreed
upon by the most influential early members of the DevOps
community, were summed up in the acronym “CAMS.”

• Culture
• Automation
• Measurement
• Sharing
What is DevOps?
Take 2later
Jez Humble of 3:
suggested adding an “L” to the
acronym, changing it to “CALMS.” We endorse
and encourage this addition!
Jez Humble

• Culture
• Automation
• Lean
• Measurement
• Sharing
What is DevOps?
Take/ 3ideation
Concept of 3: “From the ah-ha to the ka-ching”

DevOps is not about IT problems: DevOps is about

business problems.
What is DevOps?
Continuous Delivery Maturity Matrix
How can we get more specific about applying
DevOps principles for our own work?
Common goals of an enterprise DevOps practice
• Increased deployment frequency
• Reduced lead time for changes
• Faster recovery when problems occur
• More robust and better integrated security
• A “shift left” in quality – quality of code, testing,
architecture, “deployability” and culture
• Fast feedback loops and effective communication between
teams and departments

Obvious (and important) implications
for project managers…
Plan-driven corporate behavior
Equalizing Requirements
One of the most important tools of
DevOps: Failure
Getting from: To:

Failure is not a cause for blame, it is a vehicle for change,

learning, and improvement.
The “Agile Triangle”

Source: Jim Highsmith, Agile Project Management (2nd Edition)

Jason Bloomberg, Intellyx
Jason Bloomberg’s Agile
Architecture “Quality Star”
Jason Bloomberg’s Agile
Architecture “Quality Star”
To sum up:

• Stakeholders are oriented around teams and projects

• Quality is tied to value – and is everyone’s responsibility,
from requirements and code creation to deployment
• Technical non-functional requirements (and technical
debt) receive equal priority to functional requirements
• Deliver often, deliver early, learn and adapt. Roll planning
into your continuous processes
• Testing and QA is not a separate function: it is a key
enabler of continuous delivery
• Expect failure and plan for the contingency
ØWho is DevOps Engineer ?
ØWhat does it take to become
successful as a Dev Ops Engineer ?
ØDevOps Adoption
ØRoadMap to becoming a Devops
Who is DevOps
Engineer ?

DevOps assimilates
development and
operations teams
to improve the

A DevOps Engineer
will work with IT
developers to
facilitate better
among operations,
development, and
testing functions
by automating and
streamlining the
integration and
DevOps Skills to be
Expertise In the following tools:
• Source Code management
( GitHub )
• Expertise with Public cloud
deployment ( AWS , Azure ,
Google Cloud)
• Continuous Integration
( Jenkins )
• Continuous Delivery &
Automation ( Chef , Puppet
, Ansible etc. )
• Automation testing tools
( Selenium etc. )
• Containers and Container
orchestration ( Docker ,
Kubernetes )
• Continuous monitoring
( Splunk , ELK stack etc. )
• Able to Script ( Linux Shell
Industry DevOps Adoption
Roadmap to
becoming a
People, teams, technology,
processes and value
Thank you!

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