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Backing Up from Secondary Storage

Lab 7

Learning objectives
After completing this lab, you should be able to:
• Add a target Nimble array
• Create a backup from a storage replica job
• Run a new backup job
• Verify backup from storage replica with File Level Recovery

One of the key benefits you get from backups from the secondary storage is minimizing of the performance degradation that
impacts your production storage during the backup process.
To be able to back up a VM from the secondary Nimble array, you must create a snapshot on your primary storage and
replicate it to the secondary storage first. After that, Veeam Backup & Replication will back up the VM from the secondary

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Backing Up from Secondary Storage

Exercise 1: Configure a target HPE Nimble array in Veeam

1. In the bottom left of the screen, click the Storage Infrastructure menu option. Then in the main panel, click Add Storage.

2. Select Hewlett Packard Enterprise from the list of storage vendors.

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3. Select HPE Nimble from the list of HPE Storage products that are supported with Veeam.

4. Enter the DNS name ( for the second (target) array. Click Next to continue.

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5. Select already saved credentials (used for the original Nimble array) from the Credentials drop-down menu. They should
be named Nimble Credentials. You can also verify they are correct by hovering over them and checking they are
currently used for the gr-prod-array [Storage]. Click Next.

6. If you see a certificate security alert, press Continue.

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Backing Up from Secondary Storage

7. Make sure that the checkbox next to iSCSI is selected as the protocol to use for connecting to the array. Click Apply to

8. Wait for the Apply process to finish and click Next to continue.

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Backing Up from Secondary Storage

9. On the summary page, click Finish.

10. Allow storage discovery to finish. When it is done, click Close to return to the main Veeam management screen.

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Backing Up from Secondary Storage

11. Verify that you can now see both arrays under the Storage Infrastructure.

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Backing Up from Secondary Storage

Exercise 2: Create a backup from a storage replica job

1. From the top menu bar in the Home section, click the Backup Job icon and from the drop-down menu, select Virtual

2. Enter Backup from Nimble replica as the name for the backup job and click Next to continue.

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Backing Up from Secondary Storage

3. On the right side of the screen, click the Add button to add VMs to this backup specification.

4. In the Add Objects screen, expand the tree structure to find the win2016fs-01 VM. Select it and then click Add.

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5. Make sure win2016fs-01 has been added and then click Next to continue.

6. In this scenario, we assume that we want to initiate a Nimble remote replica to a target Nimble array that will be used as
a source for a backup written to a backup repository. From the backup repository drop-down menu, select Default
Backup Repository. Also check the Configure secondary destination for this job checkbox. Then click Advanced.

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Backing Up from Secondary Storage

7. In the Advanced Settings window, click the vSphere tab. Select the checkbox to Enable VMware Tools quiescence if it
has not been selected automatically. This setting enables application-consistent backups. Also enable CBT. Click Save
As Default to set this option as the default if not enabled yet. Then click OK.

8. In the New Backup Jobs window, click Next to continue.

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9. Press the Add… button to add our second Nimble as a target.

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10. To eliminate impact on the production (Nimble-01) array, the actual backup will take place from a replicated snapshot
located on the destination (Nimble-02) array. Check the checkbox and press OK.

11. Press Next to continue.

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Backing Up from Secondary Storage

12. As in the past, leave the Enable application-aware processing checkbox unselected. Click Next to continue.

13. Normally the administrator will complete a schedule for the backup to run on a regular interval. For this lab, leave the
Run the job automatically checkbox unselected. The lab manually starts this backup in the next exercise. Click Apply to

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Backing Up from Secondary Storage

14. In the Summary screen, leave the Run job when I click Finish checkbox unselected. The lab first checks the status of the
volumes and snapshots on the array before starting the backup. Click Finish to complete the backup configuration.

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Backing Up from Secondary Storage

Exercise 3: Run a backup from a storage replica job

1. Go back to Veeam (Home → Jobs) and run your recently created backup from the storage replica job (Backup
from Nimble replica).

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Backing Up from Secondary Storage

2. When the job starts, observe its progress in the Actions section. As you can see, it detected our volume collection, took a
local snapshot, and started a snapshot transfer from nimble-01 to the nimble-02 array.

NOTE: If the job fails, it means that Veeam has not yet refreshed information from Nimble arrays. Simply wait
up to 5 minutes and try again.

Go back to nimble-01. From the top menu, click Manage → Data Protection → Volume Collections. Click the existing
one (WinFS in this example).

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Backing Up from Secondary Storage

3. Change to the Snapshot Collections tab. Notice that, based on our Volume Collection, a Snapshot collection has been
created. Based on it, our volume has been snapshotted and is now being replicated remotely. If you cannot see it, wait a
bit more and refresh the browser (F5). Note that you should look for a snapshot called VeeamTransferSnapshot-
Backup-from-Nimbl… Other snapshots you might see were created by the Nimble array schedule itself.

4. If you check the same section in nimble-02, you will probably not see anything other than “standard” Nimble taken and
replicated snapshots. In that case, proceed to the next step.
If that is not the case and you see VeeamTransferSnapshot-Backup-from-Nimbl… snapshot, jump directly to step 9.

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The reason for that is that replication is still being in progress. Go back to nimble-01. From the top menu, click Monitor
→ Replication. You can observe your Volume Collection being replicated along with how much data is remaining to be

5. It should take less than 5 minutes to transfer the remaining data. Remember than initial full copy has been already done
based on the standard Nimble schedule configured in the preparation lab. Once in a while you can monitor the
replication progress as shown above. Remember to refresh with F5.
6. When data remaining reaches 0 GB, proceed to the next step.

7. Go back to nimble-02. From the top menu, click Manage → Data Protection → Volume Collections. Click the existing
one (WinFS in this example).

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8. Change to the Snapshot Collections tab. Notice that the VeeamTransferSnapshot-Backup-from-Nimbl… snapshot has
appeared here, too, because it has been successfully replicated from the nimble-01 array.

9. Go back to Veeam (Home → Jobs). Your job is either already finished or will be soon. As you can see in this example, it
took around 7 minutes.

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10. Go to the Home → Backups section and verify the “Backup from Nimble replica” job VM has a restore point.

11. If you want to run extra checks, you can right-click the backed up VM (win2016fs-01 in this example) and use the same
guest file restore procedure as in one of the past labs.

You have successfully completed a Backup from Replica.

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