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Cambridge Primary Path Level 3

Study Guide, Unit 3

Unit Vocabulary
1 endangered 11 fur 21 branch
2 extinct 12 ice 22 destroy
3 grasslands 13 seal 23 flood
4 habitat 14 survive 24 mud
5 honeybee 15 world 25 shine
6 orangutan 16 climate 26 storm
7 pollution 17 melting 27 warn
8 rainforest 18 rising 28 worried
9 adapt 19 temperature 29 yell
10 desert 20 blow 30 dump

Vocabulary Review

1 Look and match.


branch desert grassland honeybee mud rainforest seal storm

a b c d


e f g h

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Cambridge Primary Path Level 3

2 Read and choose the correct words.


a We must do our best to protect endangered / adapt animals.

b There is a lot of habitat / pollution in our city because of cars and factories.
c Dinosaurs became extinct / climate thousands of years ago.
d Our oceans are melting / rising because ice in Antarctica is melting.
e After a heavy storm, the sun usually blows / shines.
f Meteorologists always destroy / warn us when bad weather will hit.
g There are many things we can do to stop climate / flood change.
h Many animals adapt / survive in deserts so they don’t die.

Grammar in Context
Past Progressive

3 Read and make sentences using the past progressive.


a The dolphins were jumping in the ocean.

(jump / in the ocean).

b The panda
(eat / bamboo).

c Penny and Gina

(sleep / in a tent).

d Lady LuLu
(sing / at the concert).

e Frank and Sia

(play / computer games) yesterday afternoon.

f Dad (make / a pizza)

in the kitchen.

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Cambridge Primary Path Level 3
Interrupted Past

4 Correct the underlined words.


a Mary ate when she heard a noise. was eating

b Fred fell while he skated in the street.

c While we were skiing, we were seeing a fox behind a tree.
d Mom heard the news while she watched TV.
e Henry found some money while he cleaned his room.
f While the nurse made the milk, the babies started to cry.
g While we were playing in the park, it was starting to rain.

5 Mark ( ) the correct sentences.


a While George was playing tennis, he heard a loud noise.

b We reading books at 6 p.m. yesterday.
c While Maria was playing the piano, the telephone rang.
d While her sister was speaking, Rena sneezed.
e Sam was listening to the news this afternoon.
f While the children did their homework, a storm began.

Final Grade: / 30

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Cambridge Primary Path Level 3

1 4
b grassland b was skating
c honeybee c saw
d desert d was watching
e seal e was cleaning
f branch f was making
g storm g started
h mud

2 Mark: a, c, d, e
b pollution
c extinct
d rising
e shines
f warn
g climate
h adapt

b was eating bamboo
c were sleeping in a tent
d was singing at the concert
e were playing computer games
f was making a pizza

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Cambridge Primary Path Level 3
3 Big Question: Why do we need to take care of nature?

Phonics and Reading Improve Your

Vocabulary Grammar Oracy Skill Spelling Strategy Writing Oracy Performance Task
Key Words 1: Past Active Vowel Identifying Possessive Collaboration: Planning
rainforest, Progressive Listening Diphthongs: the Main Nouns: the a Trip to the Arctic
habitat, The camels Cue Cards: oi and oy Idea ladybug’s
Key Words: fishing net,
orangutan, were walking 7 I see. Using spots, the
Examples: pot, knife, chocolate
endangered, slowly. Background ladybugs’
8 That’s coin, toy bar, bottle of water,
extinct, Knowledge spots
Interrupted interesting. can of beans, sleeping
Past 9 Really? bag, spoon, flashlight,
While Luisa sunglasses, first-aid
was brushing kit, snowshoes, rope,
Key Words 2: her teeth, she matches
survive, desert, heard a loud Review of Cue Cards:
fur, adapt, seal, crash. Units 1–3
ice, world

Key Words 3:
melting, rising,

Key Words 4:
branch, worried,
warn, storm,
blow, flood,
yell, shine, mud,

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