New Narrative (d6 May 2021) - Not Used in Final

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D6 pool Narrative

Basic System: roll pool

- pool of dice to generate ‘hits’ (or misses)
- trait + skill
- apply modifiers
- roll pool
- hits = 4+ on a dice
- compare amount of hits to outcome table

- outcome table
--- resounding failure (failure + 2 costs)
--- failure (failure + cost)
--- mixed success (success + cost)
--- success (success)
--- resounding success (success + boon)

- costs and boons

--- costs
--- boons

- advantage and disadvantage
--- situational challenge, difficulty or easing
--- going forward and momentum

- threat and critical threat

--- situations that are particularly dangerous or costly

- dice pool
--- equipment (+1d6 for useful equipment)
--- focus spend (+1d6 per point of focus spent)
--- combat (range, 2 weapon)
--- injuries and conditions

- extra d6
- buy off costs
- buy a boon (inc. advantage)
- second wind
- extra action
- use talent

Story Points
- narrative points

Extended Tests
- use fronts and clocks

Communal Tests
- help, +1d6
- help, advantage
- group actions
--- front and clock


- range 0 to 3

- 15
- range 0 to 3
- specialities

Archetype and Talents

- archetype
- talents

- optional




Cybernetics and Body Modification

- Head, Torso, Arms, Legs, Whole Body
- Major and Minor

- work by themselves, have own initiative, stats etc.
- can be direct controlled, character uses action to give drone an action. Uses characters attribute +

GM’s Bit

- Running the game

--- milestones
--- scenes
--- fronts and clocks

- changing things up
--- archetypes and careers
--- talents
--- skills
--- setting (no magic, fantasy? etc.)

- npc’s and adversaries

--- how to make them

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