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Wouldn’t you agree with me that lockdown for coronavirus give a rise to two different

opinions? Nowadays about 70% of people say that lockdown came in beneficial way for them, as
the spreading of the virus will reduce gradually. Corona virus which is known as (Covid-19)
starts to spreading out in china which is the mainland that came from and the crisis begin
worldwide for that disease. The world health organization said that the syndrome of the virus is
targeting the respiratory system for people. Although myriads of people say that lockdown has
its drawbacks, I strongly believe that lockdown is better for people’s physical health, avoid
spreading out of the virus and students in education.
One of the main reasons for taking the decision of lockdown by government is people’s
physical health. The lockdown has great opportunity for people as they can use their lockdown in
useful things like doing home exercises and can maintaining a healthy diet plan. Healthy life
mainly depends on the food plan that human follows, as eating the right food is essential for your
overall all health by having five to six meals daily to keeping a healthy diet, with doing some
exercises daily to keep your body in good condition. Doing these things will make your health
better even if you got the corona virus your body will be prepared for that virus to get rid of it in
short time of period without affecting your body by any side effects, as your body condition will
be perfect from the exercises and healthy food you followed. In the article entitled “10 ways to
boost your physical health during lockdown “the author mentioned that to boost your body and
keep it healthy you should follow healthy food plan and doing exercises that keeps your body
ready if you got corona virus. (
The lockdown will avoid the spreading of coronavirus between people by staying at home and
keep social distance. Social distance means that people must reduce the social interaction
between each other like physical interaction like touching each other. The world health
organization said that the more distance the less spreading of virus and the instructions of
distance between people should be followed.

Due to the crisis of corona virus around the world the education shifted to online learning,
so they can go on their daily routine for studying and learning they will attend the online lectures
which only require a speed internet. As a result of the lockdown applied by the government to
control the covid-19 pandemic, many online learning platforms are offering their services to
schools and universities like zoom and google meet which help the students to attend the online
classes easier without any struggles that would face them while using it. The online education
during the lockdown came with great benefits for students and teachers which allow them to
easily communicate and see each from the app, and by this student won’t feel a big change in
their life. In the article entitled “The best bet during lockdown” the author Doctor Anjana
Kannankara mentioned how the online learning become important for students during the
pandemic and illustrated the benefits of online learning. “”
On the other side, minority of people say that the lockdown applied by government came
with a negative way to the county’s economy. As the lockdown is applied for the country, the
economy of the country will decrease gradually from the decline production activity to the
factories and organizations and the great massive loss will start from here as the losses and
expenses will raise. The stock market will be affected from the pandemic the price of the share
will decrease because there is no production activity between the companies. In the article
entitled “This is what the economic fallout from coronavirus could look like” the author Nouriel
Roubini mentioned the impact of the coronavirus for the economy and how it will be affected
from this pandemic. “”
To conclude, the lockdown that occurred from the pandemic of covid-19 came in beneficial
way for students as they learned how to communicate through the online learning apps with their
teachers, how to focus for their health by following the right nutrition plan with doing some
home exercises to be in shape and how your body will respond to the virus if you got it and how
social distance between people are effective for them as the virus will reduce gradually by
decreasing the interaction.

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