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My name is Radu F.

Maria-Ruxandra and I graduated from National College ”Matei

Basarab” from Bucharest. My majors were Mathematics- ICT.
I looked carefully at ASE’ s educational offer on its website and I was excited to find
out that I could study International Economic Relationships in a field that has emerged as a
dream of mine from 11th grade. Besides, I was advised by some friends that either graduated
from this college, or are still studying. As soon as I heard their words of praise, I decided to
apply here as well.
I want to enrol this college mainly because I want to learn from the best and I think I
can fully develop myself here. Also, the Erasmus+ partnership has attracted my attention, as I
want to promote national values abroad.
As a student of ASE, I want to mix the time needed to acumulate knowledge with the
time to outline a minimum of experience, either through volunteer activities or as a part-time
employee. I am convinced that a thorough preparation for a career in this field is made only
by continuing the undergraduate program with a master’s degree, which I will also follow at
ASE; I believe that a coherence between these two educational stages is beneficial for my
training and can only be achieved both with the help of the teachers, and by completing a
programme in an institution to which I have entrusted myself from the beginning.
During the four years of high school I tried to get involved in as many activities,
volunteer stages and school competitions as possible, in order to get to know myself better
and evolve. Thereby, I tried to develop my creative side by actively participating in the high
school magazine ’’BHM- Basarab Highschool Magazine” as an editor, a photographer and a
coordinator of the PR and Marketing department. I also got involved in a partnership called
„Asociația Asistență și Programe pentru Dezvoltare Durabilă – Agenda 21, 28.02.2019”. In
addition to these, for three years I was a member of the debate team ’’Basarab Debate Club”
for which I attended multiple competitions and during the pandemic I was in the PR team of
the volunteer stage ’’The Connect Project”. Fortunately, all the hard work paid off when I
won a free trip to Greece, ofered by Proedus, for showing devotion. All these activities have
helped me to develop my team spirit, my empathy and also my patience. I have learned how
to accept others’ opinions and how to manage delicate situations in a mature way.
The extracurricular activities organized during the college years will be opportunities
to know and understand how society works today in many areas, to create connections with
people and institutions. I intend to participate in as many such activities as possible, in which
I will assume as many different roles as possible - as forms of self-knowledge and constant

Date: Candidate signature:


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