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Succeed in APTIS S-Study GUIDE Cover APRIL 2020_Layout 1 8/4/2020 11:51 AM Page 1

Self-Study Guide
Revised Format
Revised Edition that includes

The Self-study Guide includes:

All the NEW task types of the
APTIS General exam
l Model answers for all the Writing and Speaking tasks.

l Audioscripts for the Listening sections.

l Answer Key

Revised Format
Self-Study Guide
01-09-Succeed in APTIS - MODEL ANSWERS 4/3/2020 12:02 PM Page 1

Succeed in APTIS SAMPLE ANSWERS for Writing & Speaking tasks

Dear secretary,

Sample Answers Thank you for the email. I will definitely be coming to the
meeting on Saturday as I think it’s a great idea for members
of the club to go on trips together.
for the Writing & Speaking Tasks I think it would be a really interesting thing to do if we went

Test 1
to some cities abroad, too. I’m quite happy to drive in other
countries if we hire a minibus. Of course it would be fun to
visit some places that aren’t too far away, as well. We could
even do some half-day trips.
WriTing There is lots of information on the internet, so we could all re-
search different places and make suggestions. We should also
Page 18 work out how expensive each trip would be, too. I look for-
01 ward to seeing you all on Saturday so that we can discuss ev-
erybody’s ideas.
I’m a student. I’m studying English and Geography.
Last weekend I went shopping and then I went to the cinema. Jenny Bateman
My favourite place is London because there are so many
things to see and do.
Today it’s sunny and quite warm.
I like American rock and pop music. 04 Aptis for Teens option
Having a holiday abroad is a better experience than travelling
within your own country.
02 I believe it is true to say that both holidaying abroad and in
your own country have advantages and disadvantages. A lot
Over the last two years I have travelled quite a lot around of your experience depends on who you are, what you enjoy
Europe by train. I went through France, Germany, Italy and and where you go.
Spain. I liked Spain most, because the weather was good.
First of all, let’s look at the advantages and disadvantages of
having a holiday in your own country. When you stay in your
03 own country you usually have a good idea of what to expect.
You speak the same language as everyone else, so you don’t
Hi Andrew. have any problem communicating with people. On the other
hand, this can be a bit boring because you don’t have any ad-
The first time I travelled somewhere was on a school trip to ventures.
France when I was 13. We went to Paris for five days and we
stayed in a really big hotel. I enjoyed sightseeing in Paris but If you decide to go on a foreign holiday, most of your normal
I was a bit homesick, so I was quite happy when I went back everyday things are different. First of all, the environment
home. around you may be strange. The buildings may look different
and the same goes for the countryside too. Also the weather
Hello John. I prefer travelling in the summer when I go on may not be like it is in your country. That can be exciting be-
holiday to different Greek islands. The islands are my favourite cause you don’t know what you are going to learn and who
place to go because every one of them is different. They all you are going to meet. If you have problems on holiday and
have beautiful clean sea and beaches and I really like eating you are abroad then it is more difficult to solve them, so you
in the restaurants at night. should be careful what you do.
To sum up, it doesn’t really matter where you go on holiday if
Hi Sharon. In the future I would like to visit New York. I think you are with people you like and love. You can always have a
it must be one of the most exciting cities in the world. I have good time whether you are in your own country or abroad.
seen all the famous places, like the Empire State Building and Every place offers something good.
the Statue of Liberty in lots of films. Also it has amazing shops
and restaurants.
Page 100
Page 19 01
My best friend is called Cathy. We have known each other
Hi Ben since we were eleven. We met at school and have been
friends ever since. She is always there for me and we like
I guess you got the email from the travel club, too. I’m going doing the same things.
to the meeting because I think it’s a great idea. There are so
many places that I want to visit and it will be more fun if During the Christmas holidays I like to spend time with my
there is a group of us. I don’t know if they are thinking about family. We eat a lot and talk to each other. We also play online
trips abroad, too. I hope so. Are you going to the meeting? games and watch a lot of films. I really like having the time to
We could go together. be with my family as we are all so busy usually.
Last weekend I cleaned the house and did the shopping on
Jenny Saturday. On Sunday I visited my cousin and we had lunch to-
gether. In the evening I relaxed at home.

01-09-Succeed in APTIS - MODEL ANSWERS 4/3/2020 12:02 PM Page 2

Succeed in APTIS SAMPLE ANSWERS for Writing & Speaking tasks

02 holiday, which would have to be in the winter. Or maybe you
In this picture I can see six people. I think they must be a fam- just want to go away somewhere for a few days, which you
ily with a young married couple and their two children and could do any time of the year.
two grandparents. They must be in a nice restaurant as they
are sitting at a table that has a lot of food on it and glasses of There are lots of different kinds of holiday, so you have to talk
red wine. They seem to be very happy and having a lovely to your family and find out what they enjoy doing. Do they
time as they are all smiling. Perhaps they are celebrating a like being active, playing sports, going sightseeing, or do they
special occasion. just want to relax and maybe sit on a beach all day?

The last time I went out with a group of friends it was my Finally, you have to consider how you will get to your holiday
friend John’s birthday. We went for a pizza in a really nice destination. If it’s far away you might have to fly; in case it is a
Italian restaurant. I ate so much food. We went for a walk bit closer you might take the train, or even drive. Some peo-
after and then for a coffee. It was a great evening. ple don’t like flying or driving, so it’s important to think about
how you will travel.
I think it’s good to eat home-cooked meals and it’s important
that everyone knows how to cook. However, if you eat out To sum up, we can understand that planning a holiday is quite
you get a big choice of meals and there is no washing up to do complicated and you should think about the whole family and
afterwards. Also it’s nice for people to eat out if it’s a special what they will like.

If you want to see sheep somewhere all you need to do is to Test 2
go out into the countryside. They are not unusual animals, so WriTing
it shouldn’t be very difficult for anyone to see a sheep. On the
other hand, if you wanted to see a tiger, you would have to go Page 34
to a zoo, or maybe on safari, somewhere. It’s not difficult to
go to a zoo but it would be really difficult to see a tiger in its 01
natural environment. Also tigers are endangered animals, so I’m a student. I go to high school in Bilbao.
there are fewer of them nowadays. The last place I went on holiday was Venice, in Italy.
My favourite food is fish, with salad and fresh bread.
Page 101 I’m feeling very well today.
My favourite films are usually funny ones because I like to
04 laugh.
I really enjoyed my summer holiday last year. I went to
Barcelona with my family. I didn’t think I would enjoy it be- 02
cause we usually have a villa by the sea somewhere. We
stayed in a huge hotel which was really nice. The room had a I have been learning to play the guitar for the last three years
great view of the city and a big swimming pool. I was sur- so I am quite good now. I’d like to learn how to play the piano
prised by how much I enjoyed sightseeing and I tried lots of in the future.
lovely Spanish food. In the evening, we had lots of fun, too. I
really enjoyed everything about the holiday.

When you are on holiday you have time to relax and be with 03
people that you can have fun with. It might be your family or
it could be friends. You can go swimming and play beach Hi Andrew,
games, or do water sports. This can be a good opportunity to
The first time I heard live music was when I went to see a
learn a new sport or activity. Also, you can try different food
band called The Script in concert. It was really exciting as
and drinks. Especially if you go to another country because
there were so many people there and everyone was singing
there will be lots of food that you may not have seen before,
and dancing. I know the words to all of their songs, so I was
or even heard of. You might want to go sightseeing or visit fa-
singing, too.
mous places or museums or art galleries. Sometimes there
are very old and beautiful buildings to explore. You can have a
long walk in a beautiful area in the countryside, through a for-
est or by the sea.
Hi John,
I like lots of different kinds of music but I guess my favourite
04 Aptis for Teens option is pop songs; especially love songs. I like Lady Gaga and
Today I’m going to talk about what makes the perfect family Madonna. I also like to listen to songs that I can learn new
holiday. First of all, you need to think about where you’re English words from.
going to stay. There’s a wide choice of accommodation on
offer. If you are with your family or a lot of people, then a villa
is a good choice. Many people like to stay in a hotel where ev- Hi Sharon,
erything you need is available. As a contrast to this, some
people like to go camping and live in a tent because this Yes I do have a quite large music collection. Unlike my friends I
makes them feel closer to nature. still buy CDs because I like to look at the words to the songs
and the photos that come with them. I quite often listen to
You also need to decide what time of year you’re going away. songs online before I buy a CD though. Audio streaming is fun
Now, if you want a beach holiday then obviously you need to but sometimes the internet connection is not very good.
go in the summer but you might also be interested in a skiing
01-09-Succeed in APTIS - MODEL ANSWERS 4/3/2020 12:02 PM Page 3

Succeed in APTIS SAMPLE ANSWERS for Writing & Speaking tasks

Page 35 SPEAKing
04 Page 102
Hi Susan, 01
Guess what, I got an email from my music club and There are five people in my family, my parents my two sisters
we have been invited to London to see that group that and me. We all live together in a house quite close to here.
we were going to see together. It’s one of their practice On my birthday, I usually have a party with all my friends. If it
sessions, not an actual concert but I bet it will be great. is a weekend we might go somewhere on a day trip but if it is
I’m definitely going to go if they manage to arrange a trip. a school day we just get together at my house.
Speak to you soon, My hometown is very beautiful. It has a few old buildings but
most of them are quite modern. We have a park and a lot of
interesting shops, cafes and restaurants.

In this picture I can see five people on the top of a bus. They
are all in their early twenties and I think they must be a group
Dear secretary,
of friends on holiday. They are probably on a tour bus seeing
Thank you for the email. I would love to go and see the band all the famous sights. The girl in the front is holding a map. It
do a practice session in London. I know it’s not the same as is a hot summer day as they are wearing summer clothes and
seeing them in concert but I think it would be even better as sunglasses. As they are all smiling I think they must be having
there would only be a few of us and we would probably get a good time.
the chance to meet them. That would be amazing! I doubt
if many people get such a good opportunity. Please put my I once went on a tour of London, on top of a big red London
name on the list of people that would like to go. bus. The tour was really interesting as you could listen to a
recording that gave you lots of information about the places
Do you know how much the minibus will cost and how can that we could see from the bus. I especially liked it when we
we pay for it? Which day will we go on and what time will could see the river Thames and we went over some of the fa-
we have to leave? I’m really excited about this trip. mous bridges. I think my favourite building was the Tower of
See you at the next meeting. London. It looked very old. I also liked the Palace of Westminster;
it’s a very impressive building.
Best wishes,
George Anderson I think if you do not know a place very well it is better to go on
an organised tour. First of all, you get to see all the famous
places so that you don’t miss anything important. As well as
that, you won’t get lost and it isn’t as tiring as trying to go ev-
04 Aptis for Teens option erywhere on your own. Also you can ask questions about the
things that you see which is very interesting.
All children should be taught about music and how to learn
a musical instrument. 03
I think in the first picture we can see different types of food
I believe that having the opportunity to learn about music and that you might eat for breakfast, so I think this might be in a
how to play a musical instrument is wonderful. Music is like a hotel. There is a lot of food to choose from. The second pic-
language that everyone from all over the world can under- ture seems to show what looks like fried chicken, so this must
stand and that is why it is so important, as well as popular. be in a restaurant or a fast food place. I believe that the
When a child learns about music they learn how music can healthier food is in the first picture because the food is not
help someone to communicate. fried. There is fresh fruit and juice and breakfast cereal. The
bread isn’t very healthy so you shouldn’t eat too much of it.
Through music people send a message to the world and they Although chicken is generally a healthy food, this chicken has
can talk about their feelings. Sometimes people find this hard been fried so it is not really a healthy option.
to do by just talking to someone but music makes it easier.
Another thing that music can offer to children is a chance to Page 103
be creative in a fun way. They can achieve something by learn-
ing an instrument. This is important, especially for children 04
who find it difficult to pass exams at school, or children who A few weeks ago I had the perfect day out with my friends. We
may be shy and so don’t have many friends. Music brings went to the beach in the morning because it was a very hot day.
people together, no matter who they are or where they come We swam in the sea and played beach volleyball, which was
from. great fun. Then we had a picnic on the beach. In the afternoon,
we went to the cinema to see a funny film and we ended the
Another thing that children can gain from learning music is day by having pizza and a drink. The whole day was fun.
they can be taught different types of music that they may not The best thing about spending time with your friends is that
have ever had the chance to hear of. They can learn about you can relax and forget all your problems. Sometimes it’s
classical music, opera, jazz, blues, folk, rock, pop and also nice to go somewhere and explore a new place. Some other
more modern music, such as rap, house or R&B. From this times you might choose to stay in your hometown and go for
they also learn about history and about different cultures. a walk or have a drink in a cafe. If the weather is good it can
To sum up, I would argue that music is very valuable to young be fun to play a sport but if it’s raining it’s nice to go indoors,
people. It should be taught to all children to show them a like a cinema. Other times you might decide to stay at home
world that is different to that of their other school subject. and listen to music or play interactive online games with your
friends and have a chat.

01-09-Succeed in APTIS - MODEL ANSWERS 4/3/2020 12:03 PM Page 4

Succeed in APTIS SAMPLE ANSWERS for Writing & Speaking tasks

04 Aptis for Teens option Hello Jasmine,
Today I’m going to talk about food and drink. This is a subject
that we don’t think about much but it is very important to every- I’ve never been on an exchange trip but now that I’m better at
one as the food that we eat has a big effect on us and our body. speaking the language I would like to, because it would be a
good opportunity to improve a lot. Also, I think I would make
First of all, it’s important to eat the right kind of food in order some new friends.
to stay fit and healthy. We should all eat a lot of fresh fruit
and vegetables instead of junk food and fast food. This food Page 51
should be eaten regularly during the day, so it is good to have
breakfast, lunch and dinner. This way you don’t feel hungry or 04
Hi Daniel,
The second thing that I believe is important is that everyone
should learn how to cook. You don’t have to be as good as a I think I might go to the social event from my language course.
professional chef but you should be able to make yourself a It would be nice to see everyone in my class away from
basic meal. I believe that all parents should teach their chil- college and they usually go to see a film. After the film they
dren this. are planning to go for a drink so I will get the chance to talk to
that girl that I like.
Having a dinner party in your house for friends and family is
a good way to show everyone what a great cook you are and Speak to you soon,
it’s lots of fun. This works really well if it is a special occasion,
like a party. Of course, you might want to go to a restaurant
or have a barbecue to celebrate.
Finally, we should all think carefully about where we buy our Hello Mr Jones,
food. It’s a good thing to buy locally, if you can, or from a
street market. You can buy from small businesses to support Thank you for your email. I would really like to go to the social
them instead of getting everything from a large supermarket. event that you are organising. I like going to the cinema very
To sum up, we should understand that food is what keeps us much and it will be interesting to see how much I can under-
alive and if we eat the wrong food regularly we will be very stand if the film is in English without subtitles. I’ve never tried
unhealthy and may even get seriously ill. to do that before. As well as that it will be really nice to go out
for a drink with the rest of my classmates after the film and
talk about what we have seen. We don’t get the chance to

Test 3
have a chat during the lessons because we are all working so
hard. Please put my name on the list of interested students.
See you in class on Friday,

WriTing Bobby

Page 50
01 04 Aptis for Teens option
I work as a receptionist in a hotel. Everyone should learn a second language.
I prefer to spend time with friends so that we can have a chat.
I speak two languages; French and English. I believe that everyone should learn a second language if they
I only like studying if it is a subject I enjoy. have the opportunity. There are many reasons why I believe
I’ve got two brothers who are both older than me. this is true and I will try to explain why I think so.
First of all, we live in a world that is becoming smaller, in a
way, as modern transport has made travel easy and the inter-
02 net means that we can communicate easily with people in
countries all over the world. As English is the main language
I believe it is very important to learn another language as used on the internet, more and more people are learning it.
it will help you get a better job and make it easier for you Secondly, if you can speak more than one language you are
if you travel abroad. able to study or work abroad. If you do this your language
skills will improve greatly and you will become part of the
local community more quickly and make lots of new friends.
03 Even if you don’t live in a foreign country you will get a better
job if you speak more than one language as you will be able to
Hi Tina, talk to people on the phone or on an app like Skype or
I do feel a little bit shy but then I remember that we are WhatsApp about work projects.
all learning another language, so we are all in the same Finally, when you learn another country’s language you natu-
situation. Sometimes I say sorry when I know I have made rally start to learn about and understand that country and its
a mistake but everyone is very friendly, anyway. people, customs and culture. This is very important because
then you stop just understanding the environment that you
grew up in. You will have more life experiences and you’ll be
Hi Leo, better at coping in different situations.
yes it was a great lesson. I liked it when we worked in pairs
and had to pretend we were complaining about something. In conclusion, I would say that learning a second language has
That was very funny. only positive effects on a person’s life and therefore everyone
should try to do it.

01-09-Succeed in APTIS - MODEL ANSWERS 4/3/2020 12:04 PM Page 5

Succeed in APTIS SAMPLE ANSWERS for Writing & Speaking tasks

SPEAKing cost, as some leisure activities, such as going to the theatre or
to a concert, can be very expensive. Also we mustn’t forget
Page 104
how we are going to get to the place and return home again.
01 Can we use public transport, or even better is it in walking dis-
When I get the time to relax I like to read a book or listen to tance? Finally, I would like to say that having leisure time is
music. Sometimes I chat to my friends on social media or I very important because if you work all the time and you don’t
play games on my smart phone. get a chance to relax, you will be very tired and unhappy and
My godmother is very important because she has been there you won’t get the chance to be sociable and have fun with
for me all my life. She has always talked to me about all my other people.

Test 4
decisions and she always gives very good advice to everyone.
I love her very much.
If it is a special occasion, I usually go out to a restaurant with
my family or friends. Then we eat good food and chat to each WriTing
other and we generally have a great time.
Page 66
02 01
In this picture I can see four people working out in a gym.
There are two men and two women. They are all running on I live about a twenty-minute walk from here.
running machines and they’re wearing special sports clothes Last weekend I went to Seville for three days with my family.
and trainers. It looks like they are running quite fast. They are I like to play football and I enjoy watching rugby.
also looking at the view out of the window in front of them. I exercise nearly every day.
My favourite type of exercise is swimming, especially in the We usually go to our favourite cafe.
summer when I can swim in the sea. I enjoy swimming with
friends most, because then it is more fun. 02
I think everyone should exercise if they are physically able to, I’m hoping to get fitter and stronger now that I’ve joined the
because it keeps you strong and healthy. It also helps you to sports club. I also hope that I will feel less stressed and make
relax and deal with stress. It doesn’t matter what age you are; some new friends.
exercise is good for you but you shouldn’t do anything that
might injure your body. 03
03 Hi Julie,
In the first picture I can see a sandy beach with hotels near it.
It is quite busy with people sunbathing and swimming in the it’s nice to meet you. I like most types of exercise, especially in
sea. It looks like there are lots of couples and families, so it the gym. I’m not keen on running though, especially outside.
will be in a popular holiday resort somewhere. Maybe it is in I also love swimming.
the Mediterranean. In the second picture there are two peo-
ple, a couple in a swimming pool. This must be either a pri- Hello Toby,
vate pool, or in a very expensive hotel. It seems like a very
peaceful place compared to the first picture. I think the sec- I enjoy team sports most. I prefer football, because all the
ond place would be much more relaxing as there aren’t many players in a team work together to achieve something and
people there and it seems very quiet. it’s much more fun. I do enjoy working out at the gym on my
own, however.
Page 105
04 Hi Keith,
I went to a concert last week. It was an American singer called I think all sport can potentially be dangerous if you aren’t
Beth Hart. She also had a band of four musicians with her. It careful. Accidents can happen at any time. Luckily, I’ve never
was in a big concert hall but we were in the front row so we been injured.
had the best view. It was very memorable because the music
was fantastic. Also, the lights on the stage were brilliant and
there was an amazing atmosphere. I think people prefer to go
to a live performance rather than listen to music at home be- Page 67
cause live music is much more exciting. You never know what
is going to happen and sometimes you even get to meet the 04
Hi Jim,
04 Aptis for Teens option
My sports club is having a bring-and-buy-sale. I think it’s a
Today I’m going to talk about making the most of your leisure brilliant idea because people can sell equipment that they no
time. There are different ways to have fun. You might have a longer need or want and maybe they can buy some different
hobby, which you do by yourself, or you might prefer to spend things. I know you are trying to exercise more so would you
your time with your friends or family. If you are doing some- like to come to the sale with me?
thing with other people it is important that everyone enjoys
the activity. There are many different things you can do in Andy
your leisure time. As I mentioned, you might enjoy a hobby
like painting, gardening or cooking. If you are with friends or
family you are more likely to do something more social, like
going to the cinema, or out shopping or out for a meal or a
drink. Sometimes we have to think about how much things
01-09-Succeed in APTIS - MODEL ANSWERS 4/3/2020 12:04 PM Page 6

Succeed in APTIS SAMPLE ANSWERS for Writing & Speaking tasks

Dear secretary, 03
The first picture seems to show people at the theatre because
Thank you for the email. I will definitely be coming to the you can just about see the actors on the stage. Usually it is
bring-and-buy-sale as I am looking for some more sports quite expensive to go to the theatre so these people might be
equipment that I can use at home. Everything is so expensive older or earn plenty of money. The second picture looks like it
in the shops or online, if it is new. is in a cinema and most people can afford to go to the cinema
so it is popular with all ages. On the other hand, people also
Do you think there will be some weights that I can buy as I am
watch films at home, which in general is much cheaper.
trying to make my arms stronger at the moment? I have an
exercise mat that I don’t need so I am happy to bring that to
the sale, if someone would like to buy it.
Page 107
Also I think my brother has a pair of boxing gloves that he I once saw a big street protest in London. The people were
doesn’t use anymore. Do you think they would sell? If you protesting about climate change and global warming. There
need any help to organise the sale I am also happy to help on were thousands of people in the streets. They had banners
the day. and were shouting things. There were also a lot of police try-
ing to control them. It was quite peaceful, generally, but a few
Best wishes people were fighting with the police. I felt a little bit worried
Andy Marks when I saw the fighting but I did think the protest was worth
doing because we are practically killing our planet at the mo-
ment. I think people feel that they need to protest, so that
governments act and improve things. Often ordinary people
04 Aptis for Teens option believe that governments are not listening to them. Some-
Sport and exercise can be beneficial for everyone. times it is necessary to say what you think in public if there is
a serious problem that is not being dealt with.
It is often said that sport and exercise can benefit everyone,
no matter how old you are or how healthy you are and I agree
with this opinion. 04 Aptis for Teens option
Firstly, no one would argue with the fact that being active is
good for you. We all need exercise of some kind to keep our Today I’m going to talk about the importance of being active.
body healthy. However, it isn’t only our physical health that is First of all let’s look at some of the reasons why people need
improved with exercise; our mental health benefits from any to be active.
physical activities, too. It has been shown that people who
suffer from depression or stress are much happier after taking Of course we all know that if you do exercise or sports of
exercise or doing a sport. This is because when you are active some kind you will probably be healthier, fitter and stronger. It
chemicals go around your body that put you in a better mood. can stop you from putting on weight which is very important,
Of course, as you get older you might have to change the too. Exercise is also good for your head. It makes you feel less
sports that you play or the exercise you do. It is in fact more stress and less worried about your life.
important to be active as you get older to prevent illness in
old age. These days there are clubs and trainers that help peo- If you play a sport or do an activity with other people it can be
ple of every age to keep fit or to recover from illness or injury. lots of fun, too. You might go for a walk with your family, or
To sum up, we can say that, without doubt, exercise is always have a game of basketball with your friends. Maybe you could
beneficial if you choose the right kind of activity for you and take lessons and learn a new sport, such as tennis.
you are sensible.
It’s important to organise yourself and find the time to be ac-
tive. The easiest way is to join a gym where they will help you
SPEAKing do your new activities. You could even pay a personal trainer
to teach you how to get fit and plan everything for you. You
Page 106
might join a class to do yoga or even learn how to dance. You
01 just need to choose something that you will enjoy so that you
I meet my friends most weekends when I’m free. don’t give up later on, when you start feeling bored or tired.
I think I’d like to live abroad and experience a different life. Finally we should just mention what you should avoid doing.
I like going to Barcelona because there’s lots to do there. First of all, we all spend too much time in front of a computer
or TV screen. Don’t become a couch potato! Try to limit how
02 much time you spend doing this without at least standing up
In this picture, I can see four people reading books in a library. and walking around for five minutes. Last of all, don’t sleep
I think they must be students doing research. Maybe they’re too much, because this will actually make you have less en-
part of a study group, so they share the work between them ergy in the end.
to make it easier. They all seem to be reading their books
carefully and they aren’t talking to each other. From their age
I think they must be college or university students.
I like to read books about real life stories. I mean stories about
people that really existed, such as famous inventors, or other
people that have done something special. I think it is impor-
tant to read good books because you always learn something
new, or you might just find a book has a good story that enter-
tains you. I don’t think it matters if you read a printed book
that you hold in your hands, or if you read an e-book on a
tablet or computer.
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Succeed in APTIS SAMPLE ANSWERS for Writing & Speaking tasks

Test 5 Dear secretary,

WriTing Thank you for the email. I would definitely like to go to the
theatre trip to London to see ‘Summer in The City’. I read a re-
Page 82
view on the internet about it and it is supposed to be a really
01 exciting show with lots of brilliant dancing and singing. I went
to see ‘Mama Mia’ last year and I think it might be quite simi-
In my free time I like to play basketball and read magazines lar to that, but in a different location. That was a wonderful
about sport. musical. It has some quite famous actors in it too, doesn’t it?
My favourite subject is drama because I want to be an actor
in the future. Do you know how much the tickets are yet? And also how
My best friend is Paul who lives next door to me. much the coach will be? I look forward to seeing you at the
Next weekend I am going to my friend’s birthday party. next theatre group meeting. We can discuss it then.
On a weekday I go to college until about four and then
I relax at home in the evening. Best wishes,
I would like to act in a play because I think the world of the- 04 Aptis for Teens option
atre is magical since it allows you to forget all your problems Entertainment plays an important role in the happiness
in real life. of all people.

Entertainment has been around forever in one way or another

03 so this suggests that it is something that we all need from
time to time. Of course there are many different types of en-
Hi Belinda, tertainment and different people enjoy different things but
yes, I love painting and sculpture, too, and all different kinds there is no doubt that it is important.
of music. I particularly like modern art, especially Picasso and
Monet. I went to a classical concert last month and I thought First of all, let us think about when we want to be enter-
it was amazing. I couldn’t stop watching the musicians and tained. Most of us work hard, either as children at school,
the conductor. young people at college or university, or adults at work. Dur-
ing our working hours we have to think carefully about what
we are doing. This can be tiring and stressful. At the end of
the working day we need something to help us to relax. It is
Hi Tracy, actually important for our health that we do this no matter
I have been a member of a gym for the last three years although what our age is.
I’m not sure that’s really a club. I’d like to join a cookery club In our modern world entertainment has changed quite a lot.
but I can’t find anything in this area. Do you know of one that The more traditional ways of entertainment were theatre,
you could recommend? music and then cinema and TV. These days the internet has
made a big difference to how we have fun and how we spend
our free time. Young people, in particular, love to spend hours
Hi Keith, online and playing games on the computer and their smart
yes I do like getting involved in group activities which is why I phone, but a surprising number of older people do, too.
joined this drama club. On the other hand, I also enjoy doing To conclude, we can say that it doesn’t really matter what you
things on my own too, like painting and listening to music. do in your leisure time; whichever type of entertainment
What about you? makes you feel good is valuable and important and we should
always find time to stop work for a while and have some fun.

Page 83
Page 108
04 01
I’ve always loved reading, especially adventure stories.
Hi Sandra Social media is very important to me as I talk to my friends
and family on it almost every day.
Did you know that I joined a theatre group this year? I work in a busy restaurant as a chef. It’s hard work but I enjoy
It’s great fun. Anyway, they are arranging a trip to a theatre it because it is a challenge.
in London to see a musical called, ‘Summer in the City’.
I think I will probably go as I’m not on holiday that week and 02
it should be fun. In this picture, I can see a family playing a board game. I think
it must be a father, a mother and their son who is about seven
Hope you are well, years old. They are probably at home in their living room.
They seem to be having fun as they are laughing. It looks like
Janet they live in a nice, modern house and I can see some plants
behind them as well as a bookcase.
When I am home with my family we enjoy playing board
games and sometimes we play cards. If I am on my own I play

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Succeed in APTIS SAMPLE ANSWERS for Writing & Speaking tasks

games on my computer or on my tablet and I listen to music.
I think it is very important for families to spend time together, Test 6
especially when children are younger, as they learn a lot from WriTing
their parents even when they play games together. Also it
gives families a chance to talk to each other about anything Page 97
that they might be worried about or to make plans for things 01
to do in the future.
I live in a small village about ten miles from here.
03 I go to the gym three times a week.
In the first picture we can see a woman working on her own I like to collect postcards from all over the world.
at a computer. People who don’t work as part of a team are I usually spend about an hour a day surfing the net.
usually independent and maybe they are self-employed be- My favourite food is curry and I like pizza, too.
cause they don’t like having a boss. In the second picture we
can see three people working together. They are discussing
something at a desk or table. They all look quite serious, so 02
maybe they are trying to work out how to do something, or
make an important decision. People who like to work with I think teenagers don’t make healthy food choices because
other people usually enjoy having workmates and might feel fast food is very cheap and the restaurants are modern and
lonely if they ever have to work on their own. I believe it is attractive to teenagers.
more enjoyable to work with other people as you can share
your ideas and also talk to them if you have a problem. Also
your workmates may become your friends. 03

Page 109 Hi David,

04 I think the best meal I ever had was on a Greek island, at
I have never been to a circus as I don’t like the way that they Easter. We had lamb, roast potatoes and vegetables. It was
use animals but I have been to London Zoo. It is a very big zoo delicious and there was a lovely view of the sea from the
and there are many different species of animals there. Some restaurant.
of them are small but they also have animals, like elephants
and giraffes, which are huge. At the zoo they try to breed ani-
mals that are in danger and they do a lot of research to pro- Hello Pavlos,
tect animals from all over the world. I enjoyed looking at
some of the more unusual animals and the monkeys were re- when I was about seven years old my mother showed me how
ally funny. It’s actually an educational experience because to make pizza. I remember that I put about seven different
they give you lots of information. I think people like to go to toppings on it because I couldn’t decide what I wanted!
zoos to see animals that they wouldn’t usually be able to see.
A circus offers very unusual types of entertainment that peo-
ple have to be very talented to do, so the circus is the only Hi Tina,
place that you can go to see this kind of thing.
I once had a fish soup in a restaurant but I didn’t like it be-
cause the seafood in it was difficult to eat. It tasted strange
04 Aptis for Teens option too, and I didn’t feel very well after.
Today I’m going to talk about the best ways to learn. There are
of course many different ways that people can learn things and
over the years teaching and learning methods have changed. Page 98
More traditional ways of learning are usually in a classroom 04
with a teacher or lecturer at a school, college or university.
Books have always been used with the teacher explaining ev- Hi Anna,
erything. These days the internet is used a lot more. Students
I am a member of a food club in our town and they are
can study at home on their own and do research indepen-
arranging a trip to a TV studio to see a programme being
dently without a teacher. Some courses are offered com-
made with a celebrity chef called Robby Brown. He is one
pletely online. You can even do a whole degree at home, using
of my favourite chefs so I’m very excited. After the studio,
just your computer. Some parents choose to teach their chil-
we are going to have a meal in a famous restaurant. I think
dren at home and the internet is valuable in this situation.
it will probably be rather expensive, but never mind.
Another way of learning is outside the classroom. People can Hope to see you soon,
go to museums, galleries or historic buildings and learn about
many different things. This makes learning more interesting, John
as students can look at actual objects rather than just read
about them or just look at pictures in a school book.

Finally, it has to be said that in order to learn something the

lesson should be interesting and fun so that the student really
wants to learn. It is a fact that we remember things better if
we are really interested in the subject.

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Succeed in APTIS SAMPLE ANSWERS for Writing & Speaking tasks

These days zoos are very different to how they used to be.
Dear secretary,
Now their main job is to protect endangered species and to
Thank you for the email. I would like to go on the trip to the do research to help animals that live in the wild to survive bet-
TV studio very much. Robby Brown is my favourite celebrity ter. When people pay to go to a zoo they are helping to pro-
chef and I have all his books. I love the way he makes every- vide money for all the important work that zoos do. Without a
thing so easy to understand but the food always looks won- doubt, zoos have stopped some animals from becoming
derful. I also think he is an ordinary person in that he doesn’t extinct.
think he’s better than other people even though he is so fa-
mous. Page 111
Also, it will be exciting to go to a famous restaurant. Which
In the first picture I can see a woman taking photographs in a
one will we go to? Or is it a surprise? I guess it will be very ex-
forest. She has a good camera so she might be a professional
pensive but then we all need to have a treat every now and
photographer. Maybe she works for a magazine or for a com-
then, don’t we? Do you know how much the whole trip will
pany that makes adverts. She could even be doing research of
cost yet? Will we pay for the food at the restaurant when we
some kind. On the other hand, photography might be one of
are there, or before we go? See you at the next meeting!
her hobbies. I think the sort of person who likes taking pho-
Best wishes, tographs has to enjoy being on their own and they have to be
John patient to get the best shots.
In the second picture a woman is rock climbing. She is using
special equipment, including a helmet to protect her head. It
04 Aptis for Teens option looks quite difficult. You need to be physically strong and also
Learning to cook is an important life skill. quite brave to do an activity like this. Rock climbing would
One of the basic things that we need to live is food and drink. definitely be the most difficult of the activities to do and many
Therefore, learning to cook is necessary for everyone. How- people would not be able to do it at all because they wouldn’t
ever, you would be surprised to see how many people don’t be fit enough.
think this is true and never cook themselves a meal. 04
Let’s look at the advantages of being able to cook. First of all, When I was in my last year at school I had to take three exams
you can’t always expect that someone will be there to cook a called A Levels. I needed to pass these exams so that I could
meal for you. Of course when we are young our parents do go to university. I felt very nervous before I took them be-
the cooking at home but it is important that they teach their cause they were so important. Luckily, I managed to pass
children to be able to feed themselves even if it is a very basic them all and I went to the university that I had chosen for my
meal. People may argue that everyone can just use a mi- first choice. I was so happy when I got the results.
crowave but this is not going to be fresh and healthy food, so Exams are a good way to test one’s knowledge but it also de-
you shouldn’t eat microwave food often. Another argument pends on the subject. For example, a music exam would prob-
might be that we can all live off takeaways or restaurant food. ably mean that you would need to play an instrument well
This is not only very expensive, but again it may not be good and an art exam would mean that you need to produce a
quality food. piece of art. Sometimes you don’t need to write anything in
an exam because the examiner just asks you questions.
Finally, there is another important reason why everyone
should learn to cook. It is what we call a valuable social skill. 04 Aptis for Teens option
That means that you can cook for other people, have a dinner
Today I am going to talk about saving the environment. As we
party or treat someone to a home-cooked meal on a special
all know the environment is in danger as people are slowly
occasion, like their birthday. It is a good way to show that you
damaging it and even destroying it so there is no doubt that
like and care about people.
things need to change.
To sum up, we can see that learning to cook is not only impor- Firstly, we should think about why this is so important. When
tant but even necessary if you are to improve the quality of we pollute the air, land and sea we are putting our health in
your life. danger. Also we are endangering animals and plants. Bad
weather caused by global warming destroys the food that we
SPEAKing eat and the places that we live in, as floods and fires happen
all over the world. Also the rubbish that we leave everywhere
Page 110
causes problems to the natural world; especially things such
01 as plastic which are not biodegradable.
I enjoy going for long walks, reading a book and playing games So what can we do to improve this terrible situation? Of course
on my smart phone. I will probably go on a camping holiday every one of us can try not to waste food and energy. We can
with my family. I don’t eat breakfast but I usually have a sand- recycle glass, paper, metal and food. We can also plant more
wich for lunch and a big meal in the evening. trees to keep the air that we breathe cleaner and try not to use
02 cars often. If we buy a new car it should be an electric one that
In this picture I can see a large white tiger in a zoo. There are does not cause exhaust fumes to go into the air.
people looking at it through a big glass window. One woman Finally, the most important question is: who is responsible for
is taking photographs of it. There is also a group of schoolchil- protecting our planet? The simple answer is that everyone is
dren who are probably on a school trip to the zoo. The tiger responsible. Governments need to pass new laws to protect
looks depressed as it has its head down. It’s a very unnatural the environment and spend more money helping businesses
environment for a tiger to be in. to do this. Then every person in the world has to do what they
I once saw a group of dolphins in the sea near an island. Although can to make things better. We only have one planet so let’s
dolphins aren’t unusual animals it was still a big surprise to see look after it.
them and I felt like I was watching something magical. They
seemed to be playing and they were very beautiful.
would like to ask you to proceed to the checkout counters at
TEST 1 about 6 so that there won't be further delays. The shop’s coffee
shop will close as normal at five o’clock.
You will listen to 17 short recordings. You can listen to each
recording TWO TIMES ONLY. 10. M: Hello. I saw your advertisement in the local newspaper. I
You have 40 minutes to complete the test. am looking to rent a flat in the city centre, starting next month.
Please can you call me to let me know what flats are available?
Part 1 My name is Jim and my number is 0544 45584.
You listen to a short monologue or dialogue and identify If you can't reach me for any reason, try my father at 0544
48554. His name is Sam. Thank you.
specific information such as a phone number, a time, or a place.
0. M: Hi! It’s John here. I left my coat at your house last night. 11. F: Oh, the waiter is coming over to our table. Have you de-
It’s a long raincoat with a red hood at the top. The coat also has cided what you would like to have? Maybe a fruit juice after all
a green belt and it’s dark blue, almost looks like black in the this walking?
dark. When you next come to my house, please can you bring it? M: I was thinking of having a hot chocolate with some cream.
F: That sounds delicious. I’m going to have a latte coffee with a
1. F: Let’s go to the shopping centre today. Everything at the shoe slice of cake.
shop is fifty percent off. There’s a pair of shoes I want to get which M: I think I changed my mind. I’m also going to have some
normally costs eighty pounds. I will be very happy to buy them for chocolate cake but instead of hot chocolate, I’ll have a pot of
half. John also told me to have a look for a belt and a tie for Sue's tea. Too many calories, otherwise.
wedding but he doesn't want to spend more than 30 pounds.
12. M: We have to go over to the entrance over there. Are you
2. M: My doctor told me to do more exercise because I need to going to come around with me?
lose weight. I went to the gym yesterday for about an hour and F: The museum is really big so I think there will be areas you
run 6 miles but I prefer to be outside. This morning I went to the won’t want to see with me.
park and ran five miles. I felt great afterwards even if I ran a M: I would like to see the old cars and factory engines.
mile less. I was thinking of running at least 4 kilometres a day F: I find those things quite boring. You go and look at them and
and if I can, some more, depending on the day. I’ll go and look at the old clothes.
M: Great idea! Let’s meet back here in an hour to go see the
3. F: Hi Jane. Are you free on Saturday night? I have two free paintings together.
tickets to see any film at the local cinema, the one opposite the F: Great idea!
shopping centre. I want to see the latest horror film which is on
at seven o’clock. Do you want to come with me? If so, call me 13. F: Hello. Can I help you?
back soon. Maybe we'll get something to eat too. M: Yes. I want to buy a gift for my brother. It’s his birthday next
week. I was thinking of maybe a film or a computer game. I
4. M: When you get to the traffic lights, turn right and then go know they're on sale at ten pounds fifty.
straight on until you get to the supermarket. Turn left here and F: Do you know what game console he has?
continue down the road where the bus station is, for about half a M: Oh. No, I don’t. Maybe a film on DVD would be better,
mile. When you get to the butcher’s shop, you will see the post then. How much is this film?
office across the road. F: That’s twelve pounds fifty. And I can wrap it up for a gift for
only an extra pound.
5. F: The police stopped me the other day while I was driving M: No, thanks. There's no need. Here you are.
through town. I thought I had gone through a red light, but I was Part 2
wrong. Then I wondered if the problem was that I stopped by
the chemist's in a no-parking zone. Anyway, I smiled and gave
14. Four people are discussing what they are planning to do
the policeman my driving licence but he still gave me a ticket
in the summer. Complete the sentences below.
for speeding.
Well once the exams are over I’ll be thinking about preparing
Speaker A

6. M: Good evening. Please can I reserve a table for four people for university so I’m not really going to get the chance to go on
this evening? If possible, can we have a table by the window holiday somewhere new and exciting. In fact even a few days in
and not next to the kitchen? Oh and last time we were seated by my favourite resort will probably be out of the question this
the door which was also inconvenient. If that's too much to ask, year. Instead it looks like I’ll have to spend the summer months
then dining on the 1st floor will have to do. We will arrive at the trying to get some money together for uni. Never mind, there
restaurant at seven o’clock. will be other summers to have fun.

7. F: Are you ready for a holiday? We have cruise ships leaving

Southampton once a week and once every two weeks to Greece Actually I’m really looking forward to the summer because I
Speaker B

and America respectively. To get the best price, call us today and have recently been doing some research on the internet about
get a ten percent discount. Offer is limited for today's bookings my family tree and it’s really strange what I discovered. We
and is valid for the month of June. have been going to a particular seaside resort for years as my
parents like it there and it turns out I have a cousin who lives
8. M: There is a large car park with five floors in the middle of the there. It’s highly likely we’ve even walked past each other in the
city next to the shopping centre but it costs 10 pounds per hour. past but this time we have arranged to meet up. I hope she’s as
The train station car park is more affordable therefore also an op- nice as she seems to be on Skype.
tion but if you go behind the old theatre, you can park for free.

9. F: Please can I have your attention ladies and gentlemen? As I’m off to my Aunt and Uncle’s hotel for the summer. It’s a huge
Speaker C

the store is full of customers today, the shop will be closing an place on the coast that looks over the sea. I haven’t been there
hour later and not at five thirty as shown on the signs. Still, we for years and my parents are going away without me this year so

my aunt invited me to spend the summer with them. We get on know. Your friends and family are part of your network and they
really well so it should be fun. I offered to help out around the may know about positions that you may be interested in. For ex-
hotel but they insisted that I need a rest after my exams. I’m ample, if you have an uncle who works in the business sector of
quite relieved they said that! a bank, ask him about successful local businesses. You may al-
ready have a part-time job in a shop. If you do, then do some re-
search. How else might you work for your current employer?
We nearly always go to the same place every year because we What other opportunities do they offer? Maybe you’ve just fin-
Speaker D

like it so much but this year we decided to be a bit more adven- ished studying for a degree in accountancy and you have been
turous. In fact we are going to Barcelona in Spain which I’ve working part time in a supermarket. Why not ask about account-
heard is a beautiful city. I really like art and last year I did a ancy work with your boss? Loyalty is something that is highly
painting course at evening classes so I’m looking forward to vis- valued by employers today. In short, you should look closer to
iting all the amazing art galleries in Barcelona. I’ve been told by home as well as far and wide in your search for the perfect job.
some friends that the tapas bars are particularly good in
Barcelona so I will probably put on some weight. 17. Listen to a woman talking about New Orleans and

Part 3
answer the questions below.
Whenever I meet a stranger in New Orleans, one of the first
questions I’m asked is where I’m from. It’s a loaded question I
15. Listen to two parents discussing the issue of their child’s
tend to answer warily because I have a loaded answer: New York
diet. Read the opinions below and decide whose opinion
City. It tends to elicit raised eyebrows because there is a general
matches the statements. The man, the woman or both the
perception in New Orleans today that the city is being swarmed,
man and the woman.
M: What’s for dinner tonight? occupied and rendered unrecognizable by New Yorkers.
W: Pizza and salad. Evidence would include a handful of popular restaurants open-
M: Pizza again! We had that on Wednesday! ing recently by former New Yorkers; and, most significantly, the
W: I know but Tim really fancied it. doubling and even tripling of property values in some neigh-
M: Well I think you need to give him much less fast food and bourhoods, forcing out long time residents, particularly work-
make him eat healthier food such as fish or chicken. He hardly ing-class African-Americans.
ever eats fruit and vegetables. It’s important that he eats health- Last year New Orleans ranked the fastest-growing city in the
ily at his age. United States. But most of the new citizens are not New York-
W: He is having salad with the pizza. He’s fifteen now and we ers. A study found that only one in nine New Orleanians had not
can’t control everything he eats. He’s not even overweight. lived in the city prior to Katrina, meaning that about 80 percent
M: That doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s healthy and I dis- of the increase comes from the return of former residents dis-
agree that we shouldn’t decide on all the meals, after all, we’re placed by the storm.
doing all the shopping and cooking. The new New Orleanians have arrived in two phases. First were
W: Well that’s your fault. I wanted to make him more independ- city planners, environmentalists, educators, social workers, civil
ent when he was much younger and showed an interest in learn- rights activists, and criminal justice reformers who came to help
ing how to cook basic meals but you said there would be plenty the city rebuild after Katrina; these people largely left the city
of time for that when he grows up and leaves home. after three or four years, when funding ran out.
M: Look, I’m not saying he shouldn’t have any fast food but we In 2010, the year I moved to the city, a second wave of trans-
really should restrict it. He’s getting in to bad eating habits and I plants began arriving, enticed by the robust regional economy,
really don’t think that he has any idea what a balanced diet is. seeking opportunities unavailable in more expensive cities. These
W: Well he’s rushing out later to go to the cinema with his newcomers were greater in number, more specially skilled, and
friends so I wanted to get him something quick and easy. He’ll serious about planting domestic and economic roots here.
be having a healthy meal with us for the next few nights. Also
he’s worked so hard for his school exams lately that he deserves
a bit of a treat. TEST 2
M: That’s true. I’m not really moaning about Tim at all. He’s a re-
ally good lad on the whole and I’m proud of him. I just think it’s You will listen to 17 short recordings. You can listen to each
important that we maintain some quality family time together. Sit- recording TWO TIMES ONLY.
ting down for a healthy evening meal is the ideal time to do that. You have 40 minutes to complete the test.
It gives us the perfect chance to catch up with each other. Part 1
W: Absolutely and I’m sure Tim feels the same.
You listen to a short monologue or dialogue and identify
Part 4 specific information such as a phone number, a time, or a place.
0. F: Hello. It’s mum. Please can you go to the shop on your
way home and get me some chocolate? I don’t like the chocolate
16. Listen to a careers advisor talking to a group of students

with raisins, but I do like the one with nuts. Please make sure
about finding a job and answer the questions below.
This is a voluntary seminar being held for students to help them
in the search for jobs. Unfortunately the majority of undergradu- it’s not dark or white chocolate, I can only eat milk chocolate.
ates wait until they have graduated before they seriously start 1. F: Are you ready for tomorrow’s trip? My dad can’t take me
considering a long term career. Believe me, this is not the sensi- to the train station at eight thirty, so I have to catch the bus. In-
ble way forward! The last thing you want to be doing is desper- stead of catching the 9:05 train, we will have to get the next one.
ately trying to find a job when everyone else is and the So if 9.30 is too late for you, let me know. Maybe I could
competition is really tough. The best thing to do is get ahead of arrange to take the 8.05 bus. We'll see. Talk later.
the game. If you put it off too long you may end up unemployed
for a while. You are probably all familiar with the social net- 2. M: Last week I went cycling every day. On Wednesday I
working websites of Facebook and Myspace etc., but network- managed to cycle the ten miles to town. On Friday I only cycled
ing can also be useful in the world of work. To find the right job, around the park, though and then it was raining on Saturday, so I
you shouldn’t just look through adverts in newspapers. Although didn’t go out but on Sunday I did two miles more than Wednes-
this can be useful, you should also ask the people you already day. By the end of the month I hope to have reached 20 miles if
I am to enter the cycling marathon in the summer. 40 miles is a M: Sorry, I haven't got any. But I can make some fresh
lot but I hope I will get there with proper practice. lemonade with ice if you want.
F: You know I'd love to have some, more than anything else. I
3. F: I hope you can help me. I have lost my son. He is about just thought you meant a soft drink, like a cola, or something.
thirteen years old but is tall for his age. He is wearing a black That's why I thought of the ice tea at first.
jacket and white trainers. His hair is black and long. Here's a M: Ok then. I’ll be back in a few minutes. I'll make some
photo of him. His hair's a bit shorter than that now and he's also coffee for me too while I'm at it.
a bit thinner, but otherwise that's what he looks like now.
13. F: The school trip leaves on Saturday morning. Will your
4. M: You need to go to the end of the road and turn right. son be coming with us?
Go down that road for about half a kilometre and go over the M: Yes. He has always wanted to go to London. Should I pay
railway bridge. Next to the train station turn left and the coffee everything now? It's 40 pounds, isn't it?
shop is by the supermarket on the right, opposite the police station. F: Yes, but you needn’t pay in full today. You can give half now.
The rest you can pay on the day. Also, you should give Jason
5. F: Hello John. I expected to see you at the swimming pool about 10 pounds just in case he wants to buy something from the
today, but you didn’t come. I’m going out to watch a movie this gift shop.
evening with some friends, followed by dinner. Would you like
to join us? If so, we could walk there together if you are in the Part 2
mood. Anyway, please give me a call. I'll be at home till 5. Bye. 14. Four people are discussing their family home. Complete

6. M: Please can I have a meat pizza with extra chicken and

the sentences below.

onions please? Can I also have a medium Italian special pizza Generally I like living at home with my family. There are five of
Speaker A
with extra cheese but no olives please? Can we also add some us. I’ve got a brother and a sister and we fight a lot but I love
bacon to the first one? Thanks. Finally, can I have some garlic them really. My parents give us everything we need, in fact they
bread with no tomato please? That'll be all. buy us lots of things, especially clothes. My social life suffers a
bit as I have to babysit for my little brother and sister quite often
7. F: Hi. It's Stacy here. Just calling to let you know I've changed
and I have many jobs to do around the house apart from my
numbers. As you know, my number used to be 07911 124365. I
work for university. It’s difficult to get any spare time to go out
asked the phone company for something easy to remember like
and have fun.
07911 123456, but they said that was already taken. Anyway, my
new number is 07911 126534. Oh sorry, that's Bob's number. I'm
hopeless. So it's 07911 134625. Talk soon.
I guess we have quite a large family for such a small house.
Speaker B

Both mum and dad work during the day and we are all at school
8. F: Can I have your attention please? We are sorry to announce
so it’s good to have someone at home to do the cooking and
that all flights this evening will be delayed. This is because there
keep the house in order. They are both wonderful company any-
is low visibility at the airport due to the heavy fog after the storm.
way and sometimes when I have a problem and mum and dad
Snow is also expected for tonight, so there are likely to be further
aren’t home or are very busy, they are there for me to talk to. I
delays for later flights, especially if there are strong winds.
like having three generations living under one roof. It’s taught
Please contact the airline for more information. Thank you.
us all to be more tolerant and not to be selfish.
9. F: I am so excited. I am going on holiday next week. My suit-
case is nearly ready, and I have my passport and tickets. I hope
We do tend to get under each other’s feet a lot and I wish I could
Speaker C
the weather will be great in Italy. Do you remember how terrible
it was last summer in Spain? Anyway, I'm still trying to con- have my own bedroom, but I think the advantages outweigh the
vince Steve to stop by Greece on our way back to England but disadvantages. For a start, there’s always someone to talk to and
he's not made his mind up yet. I will send you a postcard and someone to help me if I have a problem. There are enough of us
bring back a gift for you either way. to make a basketball team so we play as a family against our
friends. Mum says that we have exhausted her but really she’s
10. M: This month on Busy Teen Youth Centre enjoy great very proud of us all.
discounts on a range of activities. Sign up for our famous paint-
ing classes from Monday to Wednesday and get the first class
free. From Tuesday to Thursday practise your writing skills with He takes up all of our time as there’s so much that he needs;
Speaker D

discounts of 50%. Take advantage of the opportunity to learn feeding, changing, bathing and sometimes just a cuddle or some
more about poetry from the experts from Thursday to Saturday. attention. He really has changed our lives completely. I don’t re-
And throughout the weekend you and your friend can become sent losing my free time though as he’s worth it. He’s not very
top sculptors with rates being 30% off. entertaining yet as he can’t do much. The house is messier than
it used to be too. His things are everywhere but on the other
11. M: What do you want to do tonight? hand we try to keep everything really clean even if it is untidy.
F: I was thinking we could go to the cinema.
M: Again? We went last night. Why don’t we do something dif- Part 3
F: Ok. Let’s go to that new Greek restaurant in town.
15. Listen to a man and a woman talking and decide whose

M: I was thinking something more active, like the sports centre.

opinion matches the statements, the man, the woman, or

F: Well, I guess we could do that if that's what you really want.

both the man and the woman.
M: I was reading an article last night that said that 85% of ten-
It's better than staying at home at least. year-olds own a mobile phone. I’m not surprised that most
M: Ok, ok, it's obvious you aren't in the mood for that so let's teenagers have a mobile but that’s a lot of young children with a
stick to your plan. mobile, isn’t it?
W: I think it’s terrible. What are their parents thinking? What
12. M: It’s really hot today. Would you like to drink something? happened to the good old days before all this technology when
F: I could really do with something cold, like an ice tea.
kids used to play outside together kicking a ball around. They sion on the project. There are a number of reasons for this which
were certainly healthier than today’s young generation. I will outline as quickly and clearly as I can.
M: I agree with you up to a point about the playing outside Firstly I will give an overview of the project and discuss the posi-
thing but on the other hand you have to move with the times, tive aspects of which there are many. With previous similar de-
don’t you? And as for parents, well I feel a bit sorry for them as velopments one of the main concerns was the lack of affordable
they are under a lot of pressure to buy phones and computer housing. We certainly need to be able to provide small homes for
games and all sorts of other gadgets. Basically I don’t think the youngsters who are just starting out on the property market.
there’s any harm in younger children having a mobile as long as This came up as one of the main concerns at the last committee
it doesn’t have a negative effect on their schoolwork. meeting. I am happy to say that this project does in fact meet
W: There’s no way mobiles should be allowed in schools. They those requirements with 20 two-bedroom houses included in the
just create a nightmare for the teachers. scheme. The public spaces around the estate look very attractive
M: Well yes, I agree that the temptation to start texting might be however there was the promise of a children’s playground which
too great for lots of children and it’s so important that they con- has been omitted from the last plans. I know this was something
centrate in their lessons. that many young families felt was lacking in the village and so
W: I can see that they give young people more independence. I this is a facility that needs to be back on board.
mean if a teenager wants to go out with their friends they can let Now as a council we have spent a lot of time working with the
their parents know where they are and if they have a problem developers to make this work for everyone and we have been
the parents can get to them quickly. But that still doesn’t make quite flexible. However considering that this is supposedly the
them appropriate for younger children in my opinion. final plan we must insist on some changes to cover the needs of
M: Well we can agree to disagree on that one. Actually one the whole village considering we are here to represent the whole
thing I find worrying is the many reports of phones overheating community not just some sections of the local population.
especially overnight when they are recharging. There have been Therefore until we have the latest drawings we simply can’t ap-
many cases of house fires due to burning mobiles. prove the plans. Now are there any questions at this point?
W: Really? I’ve never heard of that happening before. I’ll be
more careful in future.

Part 4
You will listen to 17 short recordings. You can listen to each
recording TWO TIMES ONLY.
16. Listen to someone talking about a piece of art and

You have 40 minutes to complete the test.

answer the questions below.
As the erosion of our oceans’ coral reef rapidly worsens, sculp-
tor Jason Decaires Taylor is taking an unconventional approach
to replenishing the ecosystem. Taylor is installing underwater
Part 1
sculptures to help encourage underwater life while also explor- You listen to a short monologue or dialogue and identify
ing the boundaries of art. specific information such as a phone number, a time, or a place.
Taylor has created an incredible artificial reef of statues he calls
0. M: Hi Lucy, it’s Jim. I’m leaving Brighton at 9am on Saturday.
Silent Evolution. Located off the coast of Cancun, Mexico, the
I’ll probably get there quicker if I drive through Three Bridges
compelling installation took several months to complete. Silent
and Crawley on the way. Anyway, see you soon in London!
Evolution embodies a spirit that shifts between sadness and awe,
1. M: The steak looks good and so does the fish and chips.
all the while reminding us of the intricate relationship between
Even the vegetarian dish looks delicious! Maybe I’ll have fish
man and nature. His thoughtful placement in the shallow and
and chips for a change as I usually eat so much red meat! I guess I
crystal-clear waters of The National Marine Park of Cancun,
could get some salad too. Never mind, that'll be it. Thanks.
Mexico, makes the piece very accessible to divers and tourists
who can watch, as, over time, the sculptures develop and be- 2. F: I lost my bag yesterday evening and I think I left it on the
come ‘dressed’ in coral. train. It’s quite small. Not as big as those large bags for shop-
I probably don’t have to mention the life-threatening conditions ping. It’s made of plastic but it looks like leather. I really hope
natural reefs are under today due to human behavior. However, you can find it.
artificial reefs, which are quite a new phenomenon, have proved
to be a very good alternative as they are durable, environmen- 3. M: The 11.15 train to Surrey will now leave with a 30-minute
tally friendly and offer relief to the natural ones as they can re- delay. We apologise for the inconvenience this may cause and hope
generate. With 400 life-size human sculptures installed 9 metres that it won’t affect your journey in any way. For those in a hurry,
below sea level, Taylor’s installment plays many roles, but it is the express train to Surrey departs at 11.30, 25 minutes from now.
foremost an artificial reef encouraging the growth of marine life.
Taylor’s sculptures are created with a pH-neutral concrete, rein- 4. F: Hello. I ordered a book about flowers but instead I got a
forced with fiberglass, which, surprisingly, attracts marine life. book with recipes using garden vegetables. Please could you send
Taylor also ‘rescues’ corals that were damaged in storms or by me what I ordered, at your earliest convenience? Also, could you
humans, and replants these on his sculptures. add to my order the new dieting book by Dr Chan? Thanks.
There’s a strong feeling of hope in the work, even though the
physical structure of the sculptures look as though the people 5. F: I imagine you must be tired after all that sightseeing and
have been tied together. Taylor’s message can be read in many walking around the city so now you’ll have some free time to
different ways and voices, but what he does perfectly, is to re- have a look around the market. There are unique local products
mind us of our close relationship with - and not to mention de- that you can take back home. We’ll all meet again in 2 hours in
pendency on nature. the coach park outside the swimming pool.

6. M: I’m so sorry I’m late. I’ve spent the last half hour going
round in circles in the one-way traffic system in the pouring
17. Listen to a city planner talking about a new housing estate.
Good afternoon everyone, well we are at an important stage in
rain! There’s no direct route anymore through town. I know it’s
the planning of the new housing estate on the edge of the village
to reduce traffic but it wastes so much time! At least there aren't
next to the recreation ground. First of all I want to make it clear
any traffic lights to delay you any further.
that unfortunately we are not in a position to make a final deci-

7. F: I know you have all worked so hard. That’s why I’m puz-
zled that your exam results fail to show this. It’s strange, as your M: I decided to study archaeology as I love both history and art
Speaker C

coursework and essays were well above the usual standard. and it seemed to combine the two. The course I chose had one
We'll have to look into what happened and why. year of study in Italy, close to Pompeii and I really wanted to go
and work there. I’d already studied Italian at school so it was a
8. M: I hope I never have to work with Harry again. I can’t trust good chance for me to brush up on my language skills. It was
him to get on with his work without me watching over him. He fantastic working alongside other archaeologists and students
never misses a chance to have a break. I wish he would realise from all over the world and I learned so much about other cul-
how much his behaviour annoys everybody else! They’re losing tures. I’ve got friends all over the world now.
patience with him!

9. F: Hi Emma. I don’t think I’ll wear my new dress to the wed- I was on a yoga retreat on a Greek island a few years back.
Speaker D

ding, after all. It fits well and blue looks great on me but it’s a I was actually helping out a friend who ran the retreat so it was-
bit too informal for the occasion. I’ll just have to find something n’t really a holiday and I wasn’t paid but I got free accommoda-
else, I suppose. I have spotted a beautiful long red dress in the tion and met some very interesting people. I had many
city centre that would be ideal. Can we go together to have a look fascinating conversations with one of the yoga teachers about
in the afternoon? meditation, yoga and mindfulness. I realised that my life back
home was too hectic and that I was burning the candle at both
10. M: Mr. Pembroke, I understand your concern, but gaining 4 ends. My whole thought process changed that summer thanks to
kilos in 3 months is nothing to worry about and certainly does him.
not mean you should get tested. You haven’t been exercising and
you’ve been on holiday recently, so it’s not surprising, really. Part 3
You don't need to worry, now that you're back, you're gradually
going to lose this weight.
15. Listen to two parents discussing the issue of children
having a job. Read the opinions below and decide whose
11. M: We will be closing earlier today. Unfortunately we have
opinion matches the statements. The man, the woman or
fewer people around to help than usual since many have taken
both the man and the woman.
holiday leave. We should be back to normal tomorrow unless M: My son wants to get a job filling shelves at the local super-
there is a railway strike again. I remind you a storm is expected market. I have to say the rate of pay for sixteen year olds is sur-
tonight so make sure you drive home safely. Oh, and can some- prisingly good. They are advertising for young people to work
one call Jason to see if he's feeling any better? We really need Thursday and Friday evenings and all day Saturday and I can’t
him tomorrow. make up my mind if that’s too much for him as he is studying
for exams now.
12. F: I think if my sister and I didn’t have so much in W: I certainly wouldn’t be keen on that idea for my Susan. Kids
common, we wouldn’t spend so much time together now that these days are under so much pressure at school, the last thing
we’re older and have more responsibilities. We share many char- they should be doing is working as well. I can’t see any advan-
acteristics and we even look alike! It's great that our tages to that whatsoever.
families get along too, so we spend a lot of time all together. M: As I said I am a bit worried about his schoolwork suffering
but on the other hand it’s good for them to earn a bit of money
13. M: Do you see where the school is? Just over there, opposite and learn that it is hard to come by and doesn’t grow on trees. I
the church. Well, take the street that takes you past both and mean the bank of mum and dad is all very good but teenagers
keep going until you see the bank. The cinema is just next door. are expensive things.
If you see the chemist, then you’ve gone too far. W: Tell me about it! Susan wants a laptop. I believe you can
teach them about money without them having to go out and earn
Part 2 their own. Just limit their pocket money and encourage them to
14. Four people are discussing something they studied. save up for the extra things they really want.
Complete the sentences below. M: But it’s not just about the money, is it? They learn how to in-
teract with all sorts of people when they go to work and they
I guess it was almost a foregone conclusion that I would be a have to be responsible and reliable. These are all important qual-
Speaker A

doctor like my parents and grandfather. It’s not that I had a burn- ities. They soon learn that they can’t mess around when they
ing passion to go to medical school and I actually considered en- have a job.
gineering for a while but in the end it seemed right to keep it in W: Won’t you regret it if Adam doesn’t do well in his exams
the family. It was certainly more challenging than I had thought though?
it would be. My parents and grandfather made medicine seem M: Well yes, I mean I think the supermarket job might be a bit
effortless when I was a child. It’s not much fun being a medical much to be honest but I’m sure we can find him something for a
student and you certainly need stamina. I wouldn’t change a few hours on a Saturday. That would still give him plenty of
thing now though. time to study and relax too.

Part 4
I was always a movie buff. We went to the cinema all the time
Speaker B

as a family when I was young. Studying drama was all I ever

16. Listen to an architect talking about green space in cities

wanted to do although my parents tried to discourage me be-

and answer the questions below.
New York has incredible potential to improve the quality of life
cause it doesn’t exactly guarantee job security. The course was in the city by utilizing the miles and miles of roof-tops to pro-
everything I’d hoped it would be and I met some amazing peo- vide amenity spaces to relax, grow food and get in touch with
ple in the world of showbiz. What surprised me in a good way nature. With the right types of policies in place, many building
was the theory and lectures that we took part in. I enjoyed them owners would leap at the opportunity to turn their barren
almost as much as the practical stuff. It was fascinating to learn rooftops and walls into a private or public oasis.
about the history of theatre and cinema. While important progress has been made in New York, there is
considerable room to utilise green roofs and walls to fight climate

change, create jobs and improve equity and social justice. We are Casual clothes are not allowed, as it’s a special occasion, so that
calling for law makers to make changes to the building code so all means I can’t go in my beach dress! I only have one evening
new buildings are capable of supporting green roof installations. dress, though. Looks like I’ll have to wear that. I wish I could
We are at a critical point as a city, with rents increasing faster than wear that lovely blue dress I usually wear for work meetings. I
wages; environmental catastrophes such as floods threatening the think it fits me perfectly.
city’s livelihood; high rates of asthma, obesity and hunger; and in-
creasing divisions between the haves and have-nots. The benefits 5. M: Hello. I’ve just received my order and there is an item
of green infrastructure to New York City are well documented: missing. All the fruit and vegetables are here but there was no
green infrastructure reduces energy demand, reduces flooding, ice cream included with my frozen food produce. Only the fish
improves housing quality, air quality and public health and sup- was delivered. Could you send the missing item with my next
ports urban agriculture. For New Yorkers, the choice is ours order, please? And could you also add some lettuce and ba-
whether we embrace green infrastructure now, as a solution to our nanas? I must have forgotten all about them.
environmental and societal challenges, or whether this technology 6. F: I haven’t learnt much from that language course! It appealed
remains underused. Maybe in the future we will call New York to me as it was the right level and a good price, too! But I’d have
the Green Apple instead of the Big Apple. been better off paying for a more expensive course. It was just so
rushed, you see. I hoped that I would have got to an advanced level
17. Listen to a teacher suggesting an idea for a future school by now but I feel like I need to start over from the easiest parts.
7. M: I’ve lost my umbrella. I’ve checked under the seat on the
trip at a staff meeting and answer the questions below.
W: I’ve come up with an idea for an educational visit for our
platform where I was sitting but maybe I left it in the waiting
class. Why don’t we go to the local science centre in Green-
room? Anyway, its not there now. There were lots of school-
wood? It offers loads of interactive activities on different topics,
children around yesterday and maybe one of them has handed it
from sports science and computing to thermal imaging, so there
in to you?
will be something to suit everybody. There’s also a planetarium
where you can watch 360 degree films of, for example, the solar 8. M: Due to high winds, we will be unable to fly directly to
system, the moon or even ‘black holes’. I am certain that the Lindos Island. Instead, we’ll have to divert to Santa Monica Is-
visit would create a variety of opportunities for the students to land which lies between Martin Island and Fire Island. I will
practice their English in an enjoyable way. For instance, the ac- keep you updated on any further changes and apologise for any
tivities would involve following instructions and explaining in- inconvenience caused.
formation to each other. Another resource is the website. It is
really cool so we could do some research before our trip. Fi- 9. M: I managed to get a ticket for the concert! A company em-
nally, when we return to class we could discuss the different ployee told me they still had some seats reserved for wheelchair
things we did and perhaps write about the experience. users, so I was lucky. They’re not as expensive as the normal
The centre is quite reasonably priced at only £4 per person and it tickets and they’re even cheaper than the ones which are dis-
is conveniently located on the bus route from the town centre. counted if you’re not working.
There is a café with a wide selection of freshly-prepared food 10. M: Hi. It’s Terry. I’m ringing you about the theatre tickets.
and drinks. I’m sure it would be an extremely unforgettable and F: Sorry Terry, I can’t hear you. There’s too much noise. Every-
informative experience for the students and us teachers. one’s just come out of the stadium and they’re trying to get a
seat on the carriage like me.
M: OK. I’ll just meet you at the pub later to talk about it. Good
TEST 4 luck!
You will listen to 17 short recordings. You can listen to each 11. F: How are you Jim?
recording TWO TIMES ONLY. M: OK thanks. Although my fall didn’t help, just as I’m about
You have 40 minutes to complete the test. to move house! The neighbours and even the kids have been
great, though. I've got lots of help!
Part 1 F: Good. Well, at least when you do move, there’ll be no more
You listen to a short monologue or dialogue and identify commuting!
specific information such as a phone number, a time, or a place. M: That’s true! That’s the only reason why I’m doing it! My
0. F: Hi Jerry. My car’s broken down, so I’m thinking of taking family really enjoyed the old house.
the bus. It’ll be quicker than going on foot, as it’s quite a long 12. M: Hello. I’m ringing about a coat I ordered. Ι tried it on
walk to the town from my house since I live by the train station. and it looked good at first. The quality of the fabric impressed
1. F: Hi Liz. My husband is taking my children to school this me, I must admit. But then, when I looked at the back in a mir-
morning so I won’t have the car. I can’t now pick up my dog ror, I saw it was a different length from the front. It's actually
from the vet's, so I was wondering if you could, after you come much shorter if you have a good look at it. So I would like to re-
back from shopping? Many thanks! I owe you one! turn it, please.

2. M: I could never imagine myself working as a pilot and hav- 13. M: Hi Tom. I didn’t see you at the match, today. I was going
ing to deal with stressful situations. But what I feel is even more to ask you to come over. Please do, if you can! I have to write
stressful is working with people. Imagine having to deal with some emails tonight, but apart from that I don’t have anything to
employees everyday as managers do, or even difficult cus- do! I guess I'll be done with work at around 6. We'll definitely
tomers, if you are a taxi driver! Luckily I don't have to do any of have some fun.
these in my job, it's just me and the animals! Part 2
3. M: I’ve just bought a new car! It’s in really good condition as 14. Four people are discussing advertising. Complete the
the previous owner took great care of it. This is what matters to sentences below.
me, though, not that the price wasn't good for a car that size. The
colour, on the other hand, isn't my favourite, I'm afraid! I’ve bought stuff because of adverts before..usually from maga-
Speaker A

4. F: A friend from work is having a party tomorrow evening. zines because you have a longer time to look at them. Anyway I

bought a pair of jeans that I saw in a teen magazine. They were Part 4
really much more than I’d normally pay but I fell in love with
them. So I saved up my pocket money for months and went and
16. Listen to the man talking at a management meeting at a

got them. I didn’t regret it for a minute as everybody com-

college and answer the questions below.

mented on them because they look expensive. I love nice clothes M: The aim of this meeting is to discuss how successful the col-
and I think that wearing brand names is cool. lege currently is at encouraging students to be fitter and to make
recommendations for improvement in key areas. I believe that
the students’ physical health is just as much a concern for us as
I saw the ad in the Underground as I was coming back from their education. First of all I want to talk about the canteen.
Speaker B

work. It made an immediate impression on me because I love There is only a limited choice of healthy options on the canteen
travelling. Well, after a week or two I couldn’t resist. I contacted menu. In fact, most food is high in fat and served with chips.
the company online to ask whether the offer in the ad was really However, freshly-prepared food, such as salad, is actually more
true! I mean it was unbelievably cheap for a return ticket. Well, expensive. I would, therefore, recommend that the canteen in-
they said it was and to go to their site and have a look at other cludes more nutritious choices and reduces the prices of these by
offers. So I did and that’s how I ended up having the trip of a using fresh local produce.
lifetime. I mean I’ve been to so many places, like Iceland and Secondly I have looked at the sports centre. The gym is well
South America, but this was the most adventurous I’d ever been. equipped but there have recently been some problems with it.
Some fitness machines were broken and it took several days be-
fore they were repaired. In addition, many students would prefer
I blame myself for believing what was being advertised. I’d al- to go to the gym in the early morning before their lectures, or in
Speaker C

ways said that I’d never get taken in by something like this. But the evening, but it is closed at these times. So, my recommenda-
a friend had tried it and her hair looked OK. In fact it was really tions are that, firstly, the gym should extend its opening hours
a nice colour. Of course I discovered afterwards that she had and, secondly, we should use a different maintenance company
been to a hairdresser to have it fixed after using the product! If for the equipment.
only she had told me before! Anyway, I followed the instruc- Another issue to consider is cycling to college. Some students
tions to the letter. The result? A disaster. I couldn’t believe what are keen to cycle to the campus but there are problems because
I saw in the mirror. of a lack of secure storage facilities. As many students use this
as an excuse for not cycling. I would suggest that the college
improves the bicycle storage facilities and then we could have a
I’m not usually swayed by adverts of any description so I really poster campaign promoting the health benefits of cycling.
Speaker D

don’t know why this happened. Anyway it was a disaster be-

cause the advert promised I’d lose 10 kilos in a month. It was a 17. Listen to the woman talking about saving energy and
drink that supplemented meals and they said that various answer the questions below.
celebrities used it with amazing results. Anyway I bought the W: There are two basic ways to reduce the total energy con-
drink powder, it was really pricey, and ended up throwing it sumption of a household. Firstly, equipment and appliances
away! I actually put weight on rather than lose it! Never again should be used more efficiently. For example, ordinary light
will I buy something from an advertisement! bulbs can be replaced throughout the house with energy saving
light bulbs. All the occupants of the house should take responsi-
Part 3 bility for turning their appliances off overnight and not leave
things, like televisions and computers on standby. If these sim-
ple measures were taken, they would have a big impact on total
15. Listen to two friends discussing a film. Read the opinions

energy consumption. Not only would we reduce our carbon

below and decide whose opinion matches the statements.

footprint, but we would notice a significant reduction in our en-

The man, the woman or both the man and the woman.
W: Wow, that was great wasn’t it? I don’t remember when I last
enjoyed a film as much as that one. I hadn’t expected it to have ergy bills, as well.
so much comedy in it. After all it was advertised as an action Secondly, we need to reduce the energy loss caused by draughts
movie primarily. It had some great actors in it too. and poor insulation. It is obvious that it is far more costly to heat
M: It certainly was an all-star cast wasn’t it? Having said that I older houses than ones built to modern standards. However, old
didn’t really think Jack Arnold’s character was very convincing. windows which allow heat to escape could be replaced with
I mean he’s a great actor but a lot of his scenes were a bit silly at more efficient modern ones. Other steps could be taken too,
times which was a shame. The character didn’t do him justice as such as installing thicker doors or laying insulation in the loft.
an actor. I believe it is sensible to begin by reducing the total energy con-
W: You’re not wrong but it didn’t spoil the film for me as he’s sumed in the home. In many cases, this is very cheap and easy
such a good actor on the whole. And actually at the end I could- to do, whereas improving the insulation of a house can be very
n’t believe what happened to his character. I certainly didn’t see expensive. Everyone can replace light bulbs and switch off de-
that one coming. vices but only a small percentage can afford to improve their
M: I had no idea that the Sahara desert was so beautiful. I just homes effectively.
thought it was a load of boring sand that went on for hundreds
of miles.
W: Well in reality it is. TEST 5
M: I know but it’s actually really beautiful the way the dunes You will listen to 17 short recordings. You can listen to each
are like mountains almost and the water holes where the animals recording TWO TIMES ONLY.
gather to drink are actually quite green with beautiful desert You have 40 minutes to complete the test.
flowers. I wonder if my parents would enjoy it. They are a bit
set in their ways, they only like certain types of films. Part 1
W: I reckon that it was appropriate for anyone really, even my lit- You listen to a short monologue or dialogue and identify
tle brother as there were plenty of comedy scenes and it wasn’t specific information such as a phone number, a time, or a place.
over violent. Anyway, shall we go for a coffee before we go home?
M: Good idea. 0. M: Hi James, I’m off abroad for a few days. There won’t
be much relaxing by the pool or sightseeing, though. I’m

attending a conference! Let’s go out for a meal when I get back. 12. F: I didn’t want to stay at a hotel with full board, but I didn’t
We'll have to plan our winter break too. Speak to you soon, Jack. want to have to provide any of my own meals, either. That's why
I never choose to stay at friends' houses. Anyway, so I decided
1. F: Hi Brenda, I seem to be a bit unlucky, at the moment. First, that I would eat out for lunch and dinner and have breakfast and
my printer broke, then my computer stopped working. accommodation provided for me.
I definitely need to replace both when I’ve got money. Mean-
while, could you print some copies for me? I need them for 13. F: The show’s really popular, as it’s nearly sold out. But as
work. I can come by and collect them later. Thanks! much as I love the play, I’m not going. It’s not the same when you
don’t have company. I’ve asked around, but everyone I know is ei-
2. M: Hi George, can you meet me today? My afternoon meet- ther too busy to come, or has seen the play before, unfortunately.
ing starts at 2pm but it should be finished within the hour. So
anytime after 3pm? Let’s say 3.30 as that would give me at least Part 2
half an hour extra to complete some work I need to do at the office.
Anna is off at 4 so she could join us later if she fancies.
14. Four people are discussing travel experiences. Complete
the sentences below.

3. F: Hi Jenny, there’s been a change of plan for the dinner So there I was sitting looking out of the window and we'd been
Speaker A
party. It’ll be the same day and same time, don’t worry but Eve’s sitting there for over an hour by then. We'd taxied to the end of
going to come, so it’s going to be a vegetarian meal now. She the runway and just waited and waited for something to happen
wasn’t on the guest list but Jake wanted her to come. I hope you I could just make out the road in the distance, with the occa-
don’t mind! See you on Friday at 8. sional car or bus. And, it was about then that I suddenly remem-
bered that I'd left the back door of the car unlocked. Of course, I
4. F: Welcome to Sunny Bay Hotel. Here are the keys to your told Bill but we both agreed there was nothing we could do until
room. Your room is ready for you if you’d like to check in now. we returned to the UK. Luckily it didn’t get stolen.
Our restaurant will open shortly if you would like to eat some-
thing at our hotel. We wish you a wonderful stay.
I'd just reached the bottom of Furze Hill and I was really going
Speaker B
5. M: Good morning. May I have your attention, please?
quite fast when the chain suddenly came off. So, I pulled over
Before the store closes at 9, we will carry out a test on our fire
and stopped and then tried to put it back on without getting oil all
alarm. This is for your own safety. You will not need to leave the
over my hands and my clothes - that wouldn't go down too well
store and may carry on shopping.
in the office. So, I found this piece of paper, lying beside the
road, and used it to hold the chain with and it was only when I'd
6. F: Last month, many new members enrolled at our gym
finished that I noticed that this piece of paper had been a hot-dog
following the success of our annual open day. To cope with this in-
wrapper and so I had mustard and ketchup all over my hands.
crease in demand we will be hiring new staff over the coming month.
Please apply to Jackie Rogers at Life Gym if you are interested.
7. M: Hello. It was only by luck that I received my order on
So I locked my bike and told the guard to keep a good eye on it
Speaker C
time. It was mistakenly sent to a neighbour who brought it over.
... it's still worth quite a lot of money, even now ... and then I
He thought at first he’d been sent a replacement for a damaged
went to find a seat. I went all the way up to the front carriage
product he had previously received from another company. Any-
and then all the way back again and the only seat I could find
way, please could you make sure this doesn’t happen again?
was in a first class compartment. So, I was just making myself
comfortable when the guard appeared. I suppose he could have
8. F: Dave keeps going on about getting a dog. He thinks I have
made much more trouble if he'd wanted to. You see, he'd seen
no reason for saying no but I do. I wouldn’t mind the expense,
my ticket so he knew it was only for second class ... but he was
that's not it, but Dave’s not going to be the one looking after it,
a decent bloke and he just gave me a warning.
being away all day. It’s a shame, as our dog could do with the
I was already running late when I came out of the door, I got in
Speaker D
9. F: Hi! Are you coming out tonight?
the car but it wouldn’t start so I set off on foot to get a train.
M: Unfortunately not, although I need a break.
What I had forgotten was that the trains were on strike. So any-
F: You’ve had a tough week.
way, after that, I tried for about half an hour to get a number
M: That’s true. Doing a presentation when I’d only just got over
eight bus. Four came past but they were all totally packed, of
the flu wasn’t much fun.
course. So, after that, I tried phoning three different taxi compa-
F: So why don't you join us?
nies, but I was out of luck there - and in the end, I had no choice
M: I need to put money aside for the rent.
but to set off on a four-mile march to the office. I arrived two
F: OK then. But promise you’ll come out next time!
hours late.
M: Of course!

10. M: Hi Susie. You probably think I forgot all about you. But Part 3
the truth is I didn’t get a chance to ring you before I left work. 15. Listen to two parents discussing the summer holidays.
We're all getting ready for Friday's meeting. Read the opinions below and decide whose opinion matches
F: Well, I was waiting for your call. the statements, the man, the woman, or both the man and
M: Sorry. I had to get a lot done so I could have a later start to- the woman.
morrow so as to avoid the morning traffic. M: Okay so let’s start to plan what we are going to do in the
F: I suppose I can’t blame you for that. summer. The flights are going to start to get expensive if we
leave it too late and we both need to book time off work.
11. M: When my brother moved abroad, things changed. We W: Absolutely and as we said it would be nice to not do the
didn’t fall out nor was the distance between us a problem. After same old thing that we’ve done for the last few years. As much
all, we have the internet nowadays. It’s just that I couldn’t as I like going to the Greek islands in the summer, we should re-
relate to his new lifestyle. I think the feeling was mutual. As a ally be more adventurous.
result, we began to communicate less.
M: Yes there are so many places that we have never been too Man kills people in an old motel, it will come up with Psycho.
and we need to see a bit more of the world while we are young Once you have found the film, there is a star rating, from 0 to 5,
enough to enjoy our holidays. If Tim goes off to that summer and details about the director, the writer and the main actors.
camp we looked at, you and I could get a lovely hotel some- There is also brief information about the type of film; for exam-
where exotic. ple, sci-fi or ‘romantic comedy’, and an outline of the story.
W: Well that hardly seems fair considering how hard he has However, the plot of the film is hidden, so you can’t read it acci-
worked this year and he’ll be going off to university in the au- dentally. You have to click on “Show plot” and then the website
tumn and he probably won’t be interested in family holidays asks you “Are you sure?” before actually showing you the details.
after that. I think we should make the most of our quality time The only thing that I don’t like about the site is that the actors’
together while we can. I’m going to really miss him when he names are not clickable. You cannot find out quickly biographi-
leaves home. cal information about them, or a list of other films which they
M: Okay, don’t get upset. It was just a thought as he’s so keen have appeared in.
on water sports that the camp seemed like the ideal thing for him This website is ideal for deciding which movie to watch or
to do for a couple of weeks. I want him to have a fun summer as download and I highly recommend it.
much as you do.
W: I know you do. I guess I am feeling a bit sensitive about him
growing up and doing his own thing but as he’s seventeen now I
guess he can make his own mind up.
M: Exactly so why don’t we come up with some different op- You will listen to 17 short recordings. You can listen to each
tions and see what he thinks? As you say he’s just about an adult recording TWO TIMES ONLY.
now with a mind of his own. I’m happy to go along with what- You have 40 minutes to complete the test.
ever he wants to do.
Part 1
Part 4 You listen to a short monologue or dialogue and identify
16. Listen to this man proposing what should be done with a specific information such as a phone number, a time, or a place.
0. F: Hi Billy. I’m sorry but I can’t go to the cinema tonight.
piece of land in a city and answer the questions below.
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss ways to improve a M: Oh no. Are you still sick?
piece of land for the benefit of local citizens, especially young F: No, I’m fine but I have to stay at the office late to do all
people. After much research I believe the best option would be the work I didn’t do when I was away.
an open green space for everyone to enjoy. What I would like to M: How boring! Well, don’t make yourself too tired.
see is a park with gardens and safe playgrounds for both
younger and older children. However, adults shouldn’t be left 1. M: Shouldn’t you be leaving for your hos pital appointment
out; we should include a jogging track and outdoor gym equip- at 11, Jenny?
ment. I particularly enjoy jogging myself and I can confirm this F: Actually it was never at 11. It should have been at 11.30 but
is a very popular activity for young people. they phoned me yesterday to change it to an hour and a half later.
For those interested in wildlife, a small lake could provide a M: Oh ok. Does that mean you will get home by two o’clock?
great deal of pleasure as well as a habitat for birds and plants. I F: Yes, I hope so.
am certain that a café in the park would be very popular, with
outside seating for sunny days. The profits from this venture 2. M: Hi Petra, I’ve just got off the train. What’s the best way to
could go towards the costs of maintaining the park. get to your house? Is it close enough for me to walk?
In my view, we should not use the land for any new building F: Hi Steve. It is but it’s difficult to find my road and you will
work. The reason I feel this is because our city is too urbanised get lost. Unfortunately there aren’t any buses today because it’s
already and, compared with other cities, lacks parks and gar- Sunday.
dens; so it really needs a park or other outdoor facility that M: Oh, I can see a taxi over there.
everyone can enjoy. F: Perfect. Get it before someone else does because you can’t
In our built-up city, a park would not only be a place for relax- usually get one at this time of day.
ation and enjoyment but it would also contribute to a cleaner en-
vironment. The thing about trees and green areas is that they 3. F: Hi Paul, it’s Sandra. Thanks for saying you will look after
help to reduce carbon emissions. These emissions are caused by Blackie. He’s a good dog generally although he can be naughty.
cars and pollution from factories and it is everyone’s responsi- I've left behind a hat and some boots if you want to walk him in
bility to reduce them. Another advantage is that a park, unlike the woods. Just be careful that you don’t leave any magazines or
some other facilities, would appeal to a wide range of users, books on the floor because he can’t resist them. If he wants to
from parents with small children to workers on their lunch break play, his toys are in the living room.
as well as joggers, elderly people and visitors to the town.
4. M: Hi Jane. Our meeting has been changed again.
F: Are you serious? Is it back to 9 o’clock? That means I’ll have
to get the 8 o’clock train.
17. Listen to someone talking about their favourite website

M: No, they have made it even later. You need to be here for ten
and answer the questions below.
The website which I really love is As far as I o’clock now.
can tell, it has information about every film that has ever been F: Oh, ok. I’ll be in a bit earlier anyway as I need to check my
made. This is what really makes it stand out as a remarkable report before the meeting. Hopefully we will be finished by 11.
source of information. Most other websites concentrate on a par-
ticular era or type of film. You can not only find the latest block- 5. M: Hi Agnes. I am silly. I always leave things at your house,
buster, but also silent black and white movies from the 1920s. don’t I? At least it’s not my bag this time. I’m calling from
One feature which really stands out is the search box. However, Bob’s mobile because I think when I was putting on my gloves
you don’t need to know the full name of the film. You can search and scarf I left mine on your coffee table. Please can you let me
on part of the name, such as ‘Dogs’ and it will find ‘Reservoir know when you get this message and I’ll come and collect it.
Dogs’ and other films with Dogs in the title; for example, Straw
Dogs. Alternatively, if you type in an outline of the plot, like

6. M1: It’s a shame it’s too cold to go swimming at the beach. Part 2
M2: I know but never mind, we can do something else.
M1: Let’s go for a bike ride in the park.
14. Four people are discussing jobs around the house.

M2: I’d love to go to the park but my bike is broken at the mo-
Complete the sentences below.

ment so I’ll bring my new ball with me, instead.

I'd read a DIY manual that explained how to fix it with pictures.
Speaker A
M1: Oh ok, good idea.
It made it look so easy that I thought I'd save us a hefty bill and
7. M: Good morning Madam. I see you are looking at our winter do it myself. What the manual didn't say was anything about
coats. That’s a lovely warm one there and not at all expensive. turning off the stop-cock before you start ... Well, I'm sure you
F: I don’t really need anything as warm as that as it’s for when I can imagine what happened. Suddenly, there was a huge foun-
go running so I won’t be cold anyway. And I don’t really mind tain coming out of the top of the thing and I just couldn't get the
what I have to pay either although, of course, I don’t want to top back on. In the end, we did end up having to call a profes-
pay more than I have to. sional plumber out and paid a fortune because it was a Sunday
M: This is a very fashionable coat, Madam. It’s one of our most morning.
popular ones.
F: Well, it really doesn’t matter what it looks like as long as it
Well, you see my wife just can't do it because of her skin allergy.
Speaker B
keeps me dry.
So, in the end, we decided that rather than send everything to the
8. F: Wow, what a beautiful garden. I love all the trees. laundry ... I would do the whole lot myself. It doesn't bother me.
M: Yes, they will keep it cooler in the summer, won’t they? I’m Joanne does the shopping and cuts the grass. The only thing that
really pleased that I rebuilt the big shed to keep all my garden- I don't like is hanging everything out afterwards. You know ...
ing tools in. I wouldn't be able to take such a good care of the you get all the looks from the neighbours and one of the kids
garden without it. next door even has the cheek to call me 'Mrs' Simpson. I'll tell
F: I know and I really like the way that you have got all your you one thing though; if I ever get hold of that boy, I'll show
plants and flowers in pots. him a thing or two.
M: I did that so that once all the grass has gone, I can put the
pots all over the garden and make it look pretty.
These days it isn't a problem. I just set everything up, switch on
Speaker C

9. M: Good morning shoppers. We have some fresh salmon the radio and get into the rhythm and it's all finished in no time.
today on the fish counter. For you meat lovers there are a few But I remember the first time I tried it. I hadn't got a clue. The
steaks left, so you need to be quick if that’s what you fancy for fabric was too wet and I just couldn't get things to come out
dinner tonight. For a healthy shop don’t forget that today and without creases ... and then the telephone rang ... I suppose it's a
every Wednesday all salad is fifty percent off. Be careful if you good thing it was only a wrong number because when I came
are by the fruit aisle as the floor is a bit wet at the moment. back it was already starting to smoke and there was a big black
mark on the back of my favourite shirt. So, I poured water all
10. M1: Hi Bob. I just wanted to let you know the 12 o’clock over it but it was ruined.
meeting is scheduled for later now.
M2: I thought it was at 12.30 anyway.
There are loads of things I wouldn't touch around the house but
Speaker D
M1: Whatever! It’s at 2 now, so the taxi will arrive at the
office half an hour before that. Just make sure you are ready. this is one thing that doesn't take any special talent or know-how
M2: Don’t worry, I’ll be ready. at all. You just put plenty of paste on the wall and then you just
slide the paper into place. And, if you do get any wrinkles, you
11. F: I can’t believe how difficult it was to do the second part can iron them out with a brush. Plus, it's easy to do a straight line
of the exam. if you steady your hand on something and there's nobody there to
M: I know. We should both have done really well but with that distract you. You just have to watch out for the mess, that's all.
listening section I’m not sure we will now. Put plenty of newspaper on the floor or a couple of old sheets.
F: I know they had to keep the room warm but really those air
conditioning machines were so loud. Part 3
M: I really couldn’t hear half of the listening test. 15. Listen to two parents discussing the pros and cons of a
F: Me neither. I think we should make an official complaint. university degree. Read the opinions below and decide
whose opinion matches the statements. The man, the woman
12. F: To all passengers waiting for the 11.20 to Birmingham, or both the man and the woman.
we would like to apologise for the delay. We are hoping the train W: Do you think Ellie will take up that offer at Leeds University
will depart in half an hour as the driver is on his way. Unfortu- or not? One minute she seems really keen and the next she’s not
nately his car broke down on his way to the station this morning. sure. I don’t really want to put pressure on her one way or the
I hope this delay doesn’t spoil your plans on this beautiful sum- other.
mer day. M: I know what you mean but if she wants to get a decent job
13. F: Thank you for phoning Tastes of India. The restaurant and earn a high salary she really needs to be a graduate. It does-
will be opening this Friday evening at 6 o’clock. We specialise n’t really matter what the subject is to be honest. Otherwise
in hot meat dishes from India. Whether you like beef, lamb, she’ll end up in some dead end job with little prospects.
pork or chicken, we have a variety of dishes with exotic spicy W: Well, I don’t think that’s necessarily true. I mean I haven’t
flavours. We regret to say that our restaurant does not cater for got a degree and I’ve done well in my career. I think it’s just as
babies or children under the age of 16. Please leave a message important that she’s happy with whatever she decides to do and
for a reservation. it would be good for her to leave home and become a bit more
independent. Living on campus would certainly help her deal
with her shyness and get her socializing more.
M: Absolutely, there’s nothing better than student life to make
you grow up quickly. I loved my uni days and I made lifelong
friends as you know.
W: What does worry me are the fees and the student loan. I mean in Richmond in an attempt to restrict numbers of wild deer. Simi-
we aren’t the wealthiest of families and it could take Ellie years lar instances of culling have also occurred with badgers and pi-
to pay off her debts even with a decent job at the end of her de- geons.
gree. So why are species of wildlife deserting their traditional habitats?
M: To be honest I think these days it’s not really a problem. They There are a couple of reasons. One is the amount of food in the
only have to pay it off once they are earning a certain salary and cities. Gulls and foxes are natural scavengers that take advantage
there is no pressure to pay it off quickly. It’s the done thing these of the large amounts of leftovers lying around waste disposal
days. No, I’m still convinced that she would have the time of her areas. The other reason is the lack of natural predators of certain
life and get so much out of the whole experience. I really hope wildlife species.
she goes for it and we can afford to help her out too.
W: Well, let’s see wait and see what she decides to do. 17. Listen to a speaker talking about a fitness app and

Part 4
answer the questions below.
Nowadays, one great way of motivating yourself to keep fit it is
to use an app that keeps track of your activity. There are many
16. Listen to an animal conservationist talking on the radio
running and fitness trackers available and because some are bet-
and answer the questions below.
St. Paul’s, the Tate Modern, Battersea Power Station and the ter than others, I would like to review the app MyRunPal. It’s
Houses of Parliament are all famous London landmarks. How- ideal for anyone interested in fitness, from spontaneous jogging
ever, few may be aware that they have one other thing in com- to marathon training. Before you start your workout, you select
mon: they have been home for several years to peregrine falcons. your workout type from a range of activities such as running, cy-
These wonderful birds have moved into urban areas from Ab- cling, rowing and walking. If you want to, you can also choose a
erdeen to Cardiff, and according to David Goode, veteran ecolo- route, a training plan and even play music!
gist and author of Nature in Town and Cities, it ‘won’t be long What I like best is the activity screen, which gives you your time,
until they’re in every place.’ average speed, distance and calories burned while you are run-
But this is just one example of many wild species that have learnt ning. The screen is easy to read and you simply swipe the screen
to successfully adapt to and integrate with urban life. Foxes, to see your activity map in real-time. After your run, the route
badgers and deer are also becoming a familiar sight in cities, tracking and history features allow you to analyse your progress
whilst in Edinburgh, kestrels hunt voles at Arthur’s Seat, and in in a fun way.
Deptford, south-east London, kingfishers are adding a splash or The main disadvantage of this app is that it needs a clear view of
exotic colour to liven up the otherwise rather boring urban set- the sky for the GPS to function correctly. This means if you lose
ting. contact with the satellite your final data might not be accurate
The colonisation of urban environments by wildlife is in fact so and I feel the designers should find a way to resolve this. How-
successful, that with certain species, the populations are spi- ever, apart from that one reservation I would definitely recom-
ralling out of control. A good example are deer. They are so nu- mend this as a very useful and user-friendly app with many
merous that a twice-yearly killing has been ordered by authorities enjoyable features.

Reading - Part 3 Reading - Part 3
Grammar - Part 1 16.Jake 17.Maisie 18.Lynn Grammar - Part 1 16.Jane 17.Andrew 18.Fred
Test 1 Test 2
01.B 02.B 03.A 04.B 19.Lynn 20.Maisie 21.Mark 01.B 02.B 03.A 04.C 19.Jane 20.Andrew 21.Fred
05.A 06.A 07.A 08.C 22.Jake 05.A 06.B 07.C 08.B 22.Mary
09.A 10.A 11.C 12.B 09.C 10.A 11.B 12.B
13.B 14.C 15.A 16.A Reading - Part 4 13.C 14.A 15.A 16.C Reading - Part 4
17.C 18.B 19.B 20.B 23.F 24.A 25.H 26.C 17.B 18.A 19.C 20.A 23.D 24.B 25.A 26.H
21.B 22.A 23.A 24.A 25.C 27.B 28.D 29.E 21.B 22.A 23.A 24.B 25.A 27.F 28.C 29.E

Vocabulary - Part 2 Listening - Part 1 Vocabulary - Part 2 Listening - Part 1

01. 1.F 2.J 3.A 4.H 5.D 01.A 02.B 03.C 04.C 05.C 01. 1.F 2.I 3.J 4.A 5.H 01.C 02.B 03.C 04.C 05.C
02. 6.C 7.G 8.A 9.E 10.J 06.B 07.C 08.A 09.C 02. 6.I 7.D 8.G 9.J 10.B 06.C 07.C 08.A 09.C 10.A
03. 11.E 12.B 13.I 14.D 10.B 11.C 12.B 13.C 03. 11.G 12.E 13.I 14.B 11.C 12.C 13.C
15.J 15.J
04. 16.B 17.D 18.I 19.G Listening - Part 2 04. 16.A 17.G 18.E 19.J Listening - Part 2
20.F 14. Speaker A - C 20.C 14. Speaker A - E
05. 21.J 22.E 23.B 24.H Speaker B - D 05. 21.G 22.I 23.C 24.E Speaker B - B
25.F Speaker C - B 25.A Speaker C - D
Speaker D - A Speaker D - F
Reading - Part 1 Reading - Part 1
1.B 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.C 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.C
Listening - Part 3 Listening - Part 3
15. 1.M 2.W 3.B 4.B 15. 1.W 2.B 3.W 4.M
Reading - Part 2 Reading - Part 2
6.C 7.E 8.B 9.D 10.F 6.C 7.F 8.D 9.B 10.E
Listening - Part 4 Listening - Part 4
11.C 12.F 13.B 14.D 15.E 11.C 12.B 13.E 14.F 15.D
16. 1.B 2.A 16. 1.B 2.C
17. 1.C 2.B 17. 1.A 2.B


Grammar - Part 1 Grammar - Part 1 Grammar - Part 1 Grammar - Part 1

Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Test 6
01.B 02.C 03.A 04.C 01.B 02.A 03.C 04.C 01.B 02.A 03.C 04.B 01.B 02.A 03.B 04.C 05.B
05.A 06.A 07.A 08.C 05.C 06.A 07.B 08.B 05.B 06.B 07.C 08.A 06.B 07.A 08.C 09.C 10.B
09.A 10.C 11.C 12.A 09.A 10.B 11.C 12.A 09.C 10.A 11.B 12.A 11.B 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.A
13.B 14.B 15.C 16.C 13.A 14.C 15.A 16.C 13.B 14.C 15.A 16.B 16.C 17.C 18.A 19.A 20.C
17.A 18.A 19.C 20.C 17.A 18.A 19.B 20.C 17.C 18.A 19.C 20.B 21.A 22.B 23.A 24.B 25.C
21.A 22.B 23.A 24.C 25.C 21.B 22.C 23.A 24.C 25.B 21.B 22.C 23.A 24.C 25.C
Vocabulary - Part 2
Vocabulary - Part 2 Vocabulary - Part 2 Vocabulary - Part 2 01. 1.F 2.I 3.J 4.A 5.H
01. 1.D 2.H 3.F 4.J 5.B 01. 1.E 2.I 3.C 4.J 5.A 01. 1.E 2.C 3.H 4.J 5.I 02. 6.G 7.D 8.I 9.E 10.B
02. 6.C 7.J 8.I 9.B 10.D 02. 6.D 7.I 8.G 9.C 10.J 02. 6.D 7.H 8.J 9.G 10.A 03. 11.F 12.D 13.I 14.G
03. 11.C 12.H 13.I 14.G 03. 11.D 12.H 13.F 14.A 03. 11.F 12.H 13.A 14.C 15.J
15.J 15.I 15.J 04. 16.F 17.J 18.H 19.B
04. 16.F 17.D 18.A 19.J 04. 16.D 17.I 18.B 19.J 04. 16.C 17.G 18.A 19.J 20.D
20.G 20.A 20.I 05. 21.G 22.J 23.E 24.A 25.I
05. 21.C 22.H 23.I 24.J 05. 21.F 22.C 23.J 24.H 05. 21.E 22.I 23.B 24.G
25.A 25.A 25.C Reading - Part 1
1.B 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.C
Reading - Part 1 Reading - Part 1 Reading - Part 1
1.B 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.A 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.C 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.A Reading - Part 2
6.F 7.E 8.C 9.B 10.D
Reading - Part 2 Reading - Part 2 Reading - Part 2 11.F 12.E 13.C 14.B 15.D
6.D 7.F 8.C 9.B 10.E 6.F 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.E 6.F 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.E
11.C 12.F 13.D 14.E 15.B 11.C 12.F 13.D 14.E 15.B 11.C 12.D 13.B 14.F 15.E Reading - Part 3
16.Andy 17.Janet
Reading - Part 3 Reading - Part 3 Reading - Part 3 18.Sharon 19.Janet
16.Jill 17.Gary 18.Tracy 16.Alex 17.Robin 18.Alice 16.Marianna 17.Adonis 20.Barry 21.Sharon 22.Andy
19.Liam 20.Gary 21.Tracy 19.Georgina 20.Robin 18.Ron 19.Andrea 20.Ron
22.Liam 21.Alex 22.Georgina 21.Adonis 22.Marianna Reading - Part 4
23.F 24.C 25.H 26.A
Reading - Part 4 Reading - Part 4 Reading - Part 4 27.B 28.E 29.D
23.F 24.C 25.B 26.H 23.H 24.A 25.F 26.D 23.C 24.H 25.B 26.E
27.A 28.E 29.G 27.G 28.E 29.B 27.D 28.G 29.A Listening - Part 1
01.C 02.C 03.B 04.C 05.A
Listening - Part 1 Listening - Part 1 Listening - Part 1 06.B 07.C 08.C 09.C 10.C
01.A 02.C 03.C 04.C 05.A 01.B 02.C 03.B 04.C 05.C 01.B 02.C 03.B 04.B 05.C 11.B 12.B 13.B
06.B 07.B 08.A 09.B 10.C 06.C 07.B 08.A 09.C 10.C 06.C 07.C 08.A 09.C 10.B
11.C 12.C 13.A 11.C 12.A 13.B 11.A 12.C 13.B Listening - Part 2
14. Speaker A C
Listening - Part 2 Listening - Part 2 Listening - Part 2 Speaker B A
14. Speaker A - C 14. Speaker A - F 14. Speaker A - B Speaker C E
Speaker B - A Speaker B - C Speaker B - E Speaker D B
Speaker C - E Speaker C - B Speaker C - F
Speaker D - D Speaker D - A Speaker D - C Listening - Part 3
15. 1.M 2.B 3.W 4.M
Listening - Part 3 Listening - Part 3 Listening - Part 3
15. 1.W 2.B 3.M 4.M 15. 1.B 2.W 3.M 4.W 15. 1.B 2.M 3.W 4.B Listening - Part 4
16. 1.B 2.A
Listening - Part 4 Listening - Part 4 Listening - Part 4 17. 1.A 2.C
16. 1.C 2.A 16. 1.B 2.A 16. 1.C 2.A
17. 1.B 2.C 17. 1.B 2.C 17. 1.C 2.A

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Self-Study Guide
Revised Format
Revised Edition that includes

The Self-study Guide includes:

All the NEW task types of the
APTIS General exam
l Model answers for all the Writing and Speaking tasks.

l Audioscripts for the Listening sections.

l Answer Key

Revised Format
Self-Study Guide

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