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This Agreement is made and entered into by and between:

___________________________, a corporation duly organized and

existing by virtue of the laws of _____________________and with
principal office at _______________________, represented by ,
hereinafter referred to as the “FIRST PARTY”;


ATTY. LUCIO C. AVERGONZADO, of Piramide, Famor, Patino,

Pelimer Flores, and Avergonzado Law firm, with principal office
address at Suite 222, 2nd Floor, C.S Ladia Building, P. del Rosario
St.,corner Gen. Junquera St., Brgy. San Antonio, Cebu City, at
hereinafter referred to as the “SECOND PARTY”.


The FIRST PARTY hereby appoints and retains the SECOND PARTY
as its legal advocate/counsel, under the following terms and

1. The FIRST PARTY agrees to engage the legal services of the

SECOND PARTY. The legal services include the drafting of
notices, letters or instruments to be issued to any entity,
government office, its branch, or subsidiary. It shall, likewise,
extend to the rendition of legal advice to any external or
internal concern of the FIRST PARTY. Moreover, the SECOND
PARTY shall give legal opinions regarding the Corporation
Code, Labor Laws, Local Government Code, Internal Revenue
Code and other laws that will directly affect the business
operation of the FIRST PARTY.

The retainership agreement shall likewise cover the drafting,

preparation, and review of contracts, documents, and other
instruments both local and international, but shall not include
the notarization which is subject to the duly mandated
notarial fees issued by the Integrated Bar of the Philippines.
Except as otherwise provided herein, the SECOND PARTY
shall represent the FIRST PARTY in all labor disputes arising
from the employer-employee relationship. The representation

of the labor case will embrace the drafting of the pleadings and
representations in appropriate tribunals.

Moreover, the FIRST PARTY may authorize the SECOND

PARTY to represent the former in any business transaction,
meetings, or other corporate affairs only after there is an
express consent from the FIRST PARTY by way of a secretary’s
Certificate or Board Resolution.

2. The term or duration of this contract shall be for one (1) year
effective on _____________________and shall automatically
renewed on a year-to-year basis unless either party pre-
terminates the same upon serving a 15-day prior termination
written notice to the other party, without need of cause;

3. The FIRST PARTY agrees to retain the SECOND PARTY for a

monthly retainer’s fee of ___________________________ in
Philippine Currency. The retainer’s fee shall cover the
professional charges and expenses of the SECOND PARTY but
shall not include any expenses made outside the coverage of
the retainership agreement. In which case, the FIRST PARTY
shall pay or reimburse the SECOND PARTY for such expenses
upon proper billing.

For representations in labor disputes, the FIRST PARTY agrees

to pay representational expenses to the SECOND PARTY in
accordance with the duly established schedule of fees
promulgated by the Integrated Bar of the Philippines.

4. The above-quoted fee is based on the assumption that there

will be no material change in the scope of the retainership
agreement. In case of material change, the parties shall agree
to re-assess or revise the retainer’s fee.

5. The SECOND PARTY shall submit before the FIRST PARTY an

invoice receipt on a monthly basis and will be payable within
15 days.

6. The legal services shall not cover any litigation in civil,

criminal, or administrative cases. Where the FIRST PARTY
shall assign the matter to the SECOND PARTY, the SECOND
PARTY shall charge separate fees. In addition, the legal
services shall not extend to any person employed by the FIRST

7. The SECOND PARTY shall keep inviolate any papers,

documents, or effects that are entrusted to them. The
SECOND PARTY shall maintain full confidentiality of any
knowledge or information that may come in the fulfilment of
the retainership agreement.

8. In the event that a conflict of interest may arise, the SECOND

PARTY shall immediately notify the FIRST PARTY.

9. The either parties may terminate this agreement at any period

of time provided that 15-day notice period by the withdrawing
party to another.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have signed these

presents this _____________day of _______________2022 in Cebu City,
Cebu, Philippines.

_______________ LUCIO C. AVERGONZADO

First Party Second Party


_____________________________ _____________________________


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