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Marites L.

EM 4004 Saturday 12:00nn - 3:00pm
Dear Mr. Prang,

I was very angry when the year started, and you saw that, I know that you
talked to my counselor and found out that I was working nights and my mother was
sick. You asked me to do my best until things got better and just use my time well in
class and I’d pass. That was fair. Some of my other teachers were nagging me about
falling asleep and not doing my homework. I wanted to quit school. You are the
reason I stayed.

1. What did the principal exhibit in handling this student’s case? Did the principal go
the extra mile to help his student?
The principal exhibits interpersonal competence in handling this student's case. He has the ability to interact,
communicate, and collaborate with others effectively. . Talking to the student's counselor , expressing empathy, showing
support and understanding shows that the principal did go the extra mile in helping the student and because of these
simple acts the student became motivated in overcoming his challenges.

2. What leadership theory can you relate out of David’s case? Why do you say so?
I can relate David's case to Transformational Leadership Theory. In this theory, the leader connects with
followers in such a way that it raises the level of motivation and morality and for me that is what transpired in this
particular case.
The principal showed the behaviors for being a Transformational leader. He used words to encourage the
student and inspire action. He stretched others to think more deeply, challenge assumptions, and innovate. And while he
focused on the common good, he expressed care and concern for this student.
Mr. Pepito is a school head in Nangka Elementary School. He is very
business-like in handling his role. He is known for having clear, long-range policies
and goals for his school and he works hard to translate goals into reality. He makes
decisions in terms of what is best for students, not necessarily the easiest or what will
make teachers happy. Mr. Pepito has strong expectations of both students and
teachers. He is always prepared to assume leadership and will make things happen
if they were in the best interest of the school. He implements central and regional
directions or policies to suit the needs of the school.
1. If you were to describe Mr. Pepito, his leadership style would be that of…..
a. An Initiator
b. A Manager
c. A Responder
A. An Initiator

2. Explain why you chose your answer.

Mr. Pepito was described in this case study as having clear, long-range policies and goals for his school and
he works hard to translate goals into reality and that is an implication that the principal’s leadership style is an Initiator.
Initiators have clear, decisive long-range policies and goals that transcend but include implementation of the current
Mr. Tan is very good in providing basic support to his staff. He keeps
teachers informed about decisions and is always sensitive to their needs. He is
teacher-centered and defends them from unreasonable external requests. He does
not typically initiate change but will follow through if given a high priority by others.
1. If you were to describe Mr. Tan, his leadership style would be that of……..
a. An Initiator
b. A Manager
c. A Responder
b. A Manager

2. Explain why you chose your answer.

Mr. Tan demonstrated the leadership style to be a Manager. Managers combine responsive behavior with
initiating actions; the variations in their behavior are linked to their rapport with teachers and central office staff, and to
their understanding and acceptance of a change effort.
Mrs. Lee sees her role as a school head primarily as an administrator. She allows

Teachers and others to lead in decision making because she perceives them as

professionals. She strives for a strong personal relationship with the social staff. She does

not focus on long-term plans but rather makes decisions in terms of immediate issues.

She is flexible and willing to make changes at short notice to solve immediate

1. If you were to describe Mrs. Lee, her leadership style would be that of……
a. An Initiator
b. A Manager
c. A Responder
c. A Responder

2. Explain why you chose your answer.

Mrs. Lee has a Responder leadership style because Responders focus on traditional administrative tasks,
allowing teachers to take the lead in initiating change; they tend to make decisions in response to immediate
circumstances, rather than in accordance with long-range goals.

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