2122-Term 3 Level LS Math Revision Sheet (Algebra)

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Grade 10S – Level LS

Algebra Revision Sheet
Term 3

Date 09-05-22 | Level LS | 1

Part 1: Multiple Choice

1. What must be added to x2 – 16x to make it a perfect square?

[-A-] 2 [-B-] 4 [-C-] 16 [-D-] 64 [-E-] None of the above

2. The solution(s) to (x-1)2 = 49 is(are)?

[-A-] 8 only [-B-] 7 and -7 [-C-] -6 and 8 [-D-] 8 and -8 [-E-] 7 only

3. The discriminant of 5x2 +2x +1 is?

[-A-] 16 [-B-] -16 [-C-] 24 [-D-] 28 [-E-] None of the above

4. The canonical form of 2x2 - 8x +1 is?

[-A-] 2x(x-4) +1 [-B-] 2(x-2)2 -9 [-C-] 2(x2-4x) + 1 [-D-] 2(x-2)2 -7
[-E-] None of the above

5. Which of the following steps would not be used when solving 3x2 + 8x - 3 = 0
by completing the square?
8 8 16 16
[-A-] 3(x2 + x) = 3 [-B-] 3(x2 + x + ) = 3 +
3 3 9 3
8 16 16 4 25
[-C-] 3(x2 + x + ) = 3 + [-D-] 3(x + )2 =
3 9 9 3 3
[-E-] All of the above would be used

6. Which of the following is the result of the division (x5 -1) by (x-1)?
[-A-] 1+x+x2+x3+x4 [-B-]1-x+x2-x3+x4 [-C-]x+x2+x3+x4 [-D-]x4- 1 [-
E-] None of the above

Date 09-05-22 | Level LS | 2

7. Which polynomial has a quotient of x2 – 2x + 1 and a remainder of -3 when
divided by (x+2)?
[-A-] x3-3x-1 [-B-] x3+4x-3x-1 [-C-] x3-3x-4
[-D-] x -3x+1
[-E-] None of the above

8. What is the value of P(0.5)?

[-A-] 2 [-B-] -2 [-C-] 4 [-D-] -4 [-E-] None of the above

9. What is the remainder when 2 is divided by x + 2?

[-A-] 0 [-B-] 2 [-C-] x+2 [-D-] x [-E-] 2 cannot be divided by x+2

10. Which of the following does this synthetic division represent?

[-A-] [-B-]

[-C-] [-D-]
[-E-] None of the above

11. Which of the following is a factor of ?

[-A-] (x-2) [-B-] (x+2) [-C-] (x-4) [-D-] (x+4) [-E-] None of the above

12. For what value of k is the remainder of the division

[-A-] -3 [-B-] -1 [-C-] 3 [-D-] 1 [-E-] None of the above

13. Pick the number that is not a root of

[-A-] -3 [-B-] -1 [-C-] 3 [-D-] 1 [-E-] None of the above

Date 09-05-22 | Level LS | 3

14. What must the value of k be if 2 is a root of ?
[-A-] 6 [-B-] 4 [-C-] 8 [-D-] 12 [-E-] None of the above

[-A-] u-v [-B-]v-u [-C-] 2u-v [-D-] u-2v [-E-] None of the above
[-A-] 2u-v [-B-]v-2u [-C-] 2u-2v [-D-] 2v-2u [-E-] None of the above
[-A-] v-2u [-B-]2u-v [-C-] 2u-2v [-D-] 2v-2u [-E-] None of the above

18. Which of the following is an incorrect representation of the vector shown


i. u ii. iii. u iv. AB v. vi. vii. u viii. –AB

[-A-] ii, iii, v, vii, and viii [-B-] i, ii, iii, v, vii, and viii
[-C-] iv and vi [-D-] i, iv, and vi [-E-] i, iv, and vi

19. For any 2 vectors AB and CA, what is their sum equal to?
[-A-] BC [-B-] 2AB [-C-] -BC [-D-]-CB [-E-] 2AC

Date 09-05-22 | Level LS | 4

Use the above graph of y = f(x) to answer the next two questions

20. How many roots does the equation x = f(x) have?

[-A-] 0 [-B-] 1 [-C-] 2 [-D-] 3 [-E-] 4

21. How many roots does the equation x - 4 = f(x) have?

[-A-] 0 [-B-] 1 [-C-] 2 [-D-] 3 [-E-] 4

22. The graph of y = 2x3 + 0.4x is symmetric about the

[-A-] x-axis [-B-] y-axis [-C-] origin [-D-] line x=0.4
[-E-] line y=x

1+ 4 x
23. The horizontal asymptote of the graph of y = is
2 x−1
[-A-] y = 4 [-B-] y = 2 [-C-] y = 1/2 [-D-] x = 1/2
[-E-] x = 2

4 x+ 1
24. The vertical asymptote of the graph of y = is
−1+ 2 x
[-A-] y = -4 [-B-] x = -4 [-C-] y = 1/2 [-D-] x = 1/2
[-E-] x = 2

25. Find the symmetric image of the point (2,5) about the origin.
[-A-] (-2,-5) [-B-] (2, -5) [-C-] (-2, 5) [-D-] (5, 2) [-E-] (-5, -2)

4 x−7 a k
26. If is expressed in the form of + , then k=?
2 x−4 c x+ d /c
[-A-] 2 [-B-] -2 [-C-] 1/2 [-D-] -1/2 [-E-] -4

Date 09-05-22 | Level LS | 5

27. The following graph represents which exponential function?

[-A-] [-B-] [-C-]

[-D-] [-E-] None of the above

28. Find the set of all values of x for which .

i. x<-1 ii. -1<x<0 iii. 0<x<1 iv. 1<x<3 v. x>3

[-A-] i and v only [-B-] ii and iv only [-C-] i, iii, and v only [-D-] i and ii only
[-E-] iii, iv, and v only


[-A-] [-B-] [-C-]

[-D-] [-E-] None of the above

Date 09-05-22 | Level LS | 6

2 x−5
30. The domain and range of f(x) = are the set of all real numbers except
2 x−4
for __ and __, respectively.
[-A-] 2 and 1 [-B-] -2 and 1 [-C-] 2 and -1 [-D-] 1 and 2 [-E-] 1 and -2

31. Given a cubic function f(x) = -2x3 + cx + d. Which of the following graphs can
represent this function?

[-A-] [-B-] [-C-]

[-D-] [-E-]

32. Which of the following functions is symmetric about the y-axis?

2 x
[-A-] f(x) = x + x [-B-] f(x) = 2 [-C-] f(x) = x3 + x
1+ x
[-D-] f(x) = √ x [-E-] f(x) =

33. Which of the following functions is symmetric about the origin?

x+1 1
[-A-] f(x) = x3 + 2 [-B-] f(x) = [-C-] f(x) =
x+2 2√ x
[-D-] f(x) = x lxl [-E-] f(x) = x +2x+1

Date 09-05-22 | Level LS | 7

34. Which of the following equations might be represented by the graph below?

[-A-] y = x2 [-B-] y = 2x [-C-] y = 2x [-D-] y = 2 [-E-] y = x + 2

−2 x +3
35. Which of the following is the graph of y = ?
2 x−2

[-A-] [-B-]

[-C-] [-D-] [-E-]

None of the above 3e

36. Solve for x: x2 + lxl = 6.

[-A-] 2 or 3 [-B-] 2 only [-C-] 2 or -2 [-D-] -2 or -3
[-E-] None of the above

Date 09-05-22 | Level LS | 8

37. Give than f(x) is symmetric about the origin, which of the following functions
would also be symmetric about the origin?
[-A-] x3 f(x) [-B-] f(x) + 2x [-C-] f(x) + 3 [-D-] f(x) - 3 [-E-] x2+ f(x)

38. y = f(x) = 3|x|+3 is symmetric about _______.

[-A-] y = x [-B-] x=0 [-C-] y=0 [-D-] the origin [-E-] None of the

39. The symmetric images of (2, -4) and (0, -1) about the origin are _______and
______ respectively.
[-A-] (-4, 2) and (-1, 0) [-B-] (2, 4) and (0, 1) [-C-] (-2, -4) and (0, -1)
[-D-] (2, -4) and (0, -1) [-E-] (-2, 4) and (0, 1)

40. Which of the following is the graph of f(x) = x3 - 2x?

[-A-] [-B-]

[-C-] [-D-]

Date 09-05-22 | Level LS | 9


2b +6
41. Which of the following is equivalent to
2 2 2 2
[-A-] 2 + [-B-]6 + [-C-]3 + [-D-] b + [-E-] None of the above
b+2 b+2 b+2 b+2

42. What is the solution to the equation (x-2)2> |x-2|

[-A-] x= 2 [-B-] x=1, x=2, or x=3 [-C-]x=1 or x=3

[-D-]1<x<3[-E-] x<1 or x>3

43. Given vectors v and u, which of the following dotted lines represents v-u?

[-A-] [-B-] [-C-]

Date 09-05-22 | Level LS | 10

[-D-] [-E-]

44. Given vector v, which of the following represents the vector r = -2v?

[-A-] [-B-] [-C-]

[-D-] [-E-]

45. Given that 5/2 is a root of 4x3 – 16x2 + 5x + 25, which of the following are also
i. 1 ii. -1 iii. 0 iv. 5
[-A-] i, ii, and iv only [-B-] i only [-C-] ii only [-D-] ii and iii only [-E-] i and ii only

46. When Q(x) is divided by (x-2), the quotient is x3 – 2x2 + 5x +10 and the
remainder is 9. Q(x)= ?
[-A-] x4 – 4x3 + 9x2 – 11x + 9 [-B-] x4 – 4x3 +9x2 – 11x [-C-]x4 – 4x3 + 9x2 -11
[-D-] –x4 + 4x3 – 9x2 + 11[-E-]Cannot be determined

47. Find the directed angle v = -3i + 4j makes with the positive x-axis.
[-A-] 53 [-B-] 37 [-C-] -127 [-D-] -53 [-E-] 127

48. Given AC = u, CD = v, and DB = w, BA = ?

Date 09-05-22 | Level LS | 11

[-A-] u + v + w [-B-] –u-v-w [-C-] 0.5(u+v+w) [-D-] u-v-w
[-E-] None of the above

49. Find the values of the real numbers x and y, respectively, if z = w where
z = 4y – 8i and w = 12 + (7x+2y)i.
[-A-] -2 and -3 [-B-] 2 and -3 [-C-] -2 and 3 [-D-] 2 and 3
[-E-] None of the above

50. Find z – w if z = 8 – 6i and w = -2 – 5i.

[-A-] 9 [-B-] -5 [-C-] i - 10 [-D-] 10 - i [-E-] -10 i

51. Solve the quadratic equation 0.5x2 = 5x – 17.

[-A-] -8 or - 2 [-B-] 8 or -2 [-C-] 8 or 2[-D-] 5+3i or 5-3i [-E-] 5+i or 5-i

52. The solution to x - 3 = can be written in the form a ± bi where a and b are
_____ and ____, respectively.
[-A-] 1.5 and 0.5√ 11 [-B-] -1.5 and -0.5√ 11
[-C-] -1.5 and 5.5 [-D-] 1.5 and -5.5
[-E-] None of the above

53. Determine the value(s) of c for which the given equation x2+ 4x +c has 2
complex roots.
[-A-] c > -4 [-B-] c < -4 [-C-] c > 4 [-D-] c < 4 [-E-] All real numbers

54. 2x(x+3) > (x+2)(x-3) for

i. x< -6 ii. x >-6 iii. x>-1 iv. x<-1

Date 09-05-22 | Level LS | 12

[-A-] i and iii only [-B-] i only [-C-] iii only [-D-] ii and iv only [-E-] ii only

55. The dots plotted on the grid below are points that belong to the graph of an
exponential function y = g(x) = ax + b for some values of a and b. Give the value of
a and b, respectively.

[-A-] 2 and 1 [-B-] 2 and 0 [-C-] -2 and 1 [-D-] -2 and 0 [-E-] None of the above

Part 2: Written

1. Write a quadratic equation with integer coefficients given the sum S and the
product P of its roots are -19/5 and -4/5, respectively.

2. Construct u-v using:

a. The triangle method b. The parallelogram method



3. ABCD is a parallelogram. u is in the same direction as DC and v is in the same

direction as BC.

Date 09-05-22 | Level LS | 13

a) Find the measure of the angle between AD and u.

b) Find the measure of the angle between AB and v.

4. Consider the curve whose equation is given by .

a) Express in the form y = m + x−1 .

b) Give the equation of each of the vertical and horizontal asymptotes of the

c) Give the x- and y- intercepts of the curve and graph the curve.

5. The equation of the curve drawn below has the form y = A + , where A, B,
and C are constants.

Date 09-05-22 | Level LS | 14

a) What is the value of A? Justify.
b) What is the value of B? Justify.
c) What is the value of C? Justify.



Date 09-05-22 | Level LS | 15

8. The graph of f(x) is given below.

a) What are the roots of f(x)?

b) Draw the graph of g(x) = x on the same set of axes.
c) When is f(x) = g(x)?

9. Find x if the area of the figure in the pentagon below is 16 cm2.

Date 09-05-22 | Level LS | 16

10. A shipping company sells boxes of different sizes to its customers. The
volume of a rectangular box is expressed in cubic inches as
V(x) = 2x3 + 9x2 + 7x – 6. The height of the box h is given in inches by the
expression (x+2) and the dimensions of the base are linear factors of x.
a) Derive an expression for the area of the base

b) Derive an expression for the dimensions of the base

c) What are the dimensions of the base if (i) the box’s length is 49 times its
width? (ii) the box has a square base?

11. Given P is the midpoint of CE. Find the following vectors in terms of u and v.

a) CE
b) DP
c) EP

12. Solve the inequality 2x2+ 12x ≤ -3.

13. The volume V of a melting ice cube after being taken from a freezer is given
in cubic centimeters by V(t) = 20 – 2t + 5t2 – 2t3, where t is the time elapsed in
a) Use synthetic division to evaluate the volume of the ice cube 3 minutes after
being taken out of the freezer.

b) Check your answer by substitution.

Date 09-05-22 | Level LS | 17

14. When R(x) = 2x3 + px2 - 4x -3 is divided by (x-2), the remainder is 25. What
is the value of p?

Date 09-05-22 | Level LS | 18

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