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Good afternoon,

Absences from class and missed work are accommodated (excused) in five
circumstances: 1) significant illness, 2) personal instances of distress or
emergency, 3) religious observance, and 4) varsity athletic participation and
5) required court or legal appearances. Detailed information about these
policies and notification procedures are below. We understand that
incapacitation takes many forms, and students may miss class and
assessments for a variety of reasons.

There are many other instances where a student may miss a class, e.g.,
travel to an educational meeting or event, participation in a non-varsity athletic
event, attending a sibling's graduation or family wedding, and so on.
Absences and missed work for these are not covered by these policies
unfortunately. Student teachers are expected to be in attendance all day,
every day during their assignment. Student teachers do not have a specified
number of sick days or personal days.

With the dates that you gave me in October, you would be missing
Orientation, usually a brief period of 1–2 days during which the student
teacher discusses and reviews building and classroom policies and
procedures, meets other teachers. You would also be missing a week of
Assistive Teaching, usually a period of perhaps a week during which the
Cooperating Teacher designs and shares the plans and prepares the
materials. These are crucial to start the program and further your knowledge
when it comes to Student Teaching.

Anymore than ONE absence for a CRITICAL reason would hinder your ability
to be certified, as student teachers are held to a degree of expectation.
Absences in excess of three days may result in dismissal from the program. In
this case, as your field supervisor, I would suggest to skip the week of the
wedding and continue your studies. I only say this because I have had many
students not continue, miss classes and in result be dismissed from the
program. If you are unable to do so, you would have to miss the Fall 2021
semester and start in the Spring 2022 semester.

I hope that you do continue your studies and hear from you soon.

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