10 Physical Education Notes

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All age groups are affected by NCDs, although

LIFESTYLE AND MANAGING IT they are often associated with older age
groups. Evidence shows that more than nine
million of all deaths attributed to NCDs occur
The way in which an individual lives is called before the age of 60. Children and adults are
lifestyle. This includes the typical patterns of an all vulnerable to the risk factors that lead to
individual’s behavior like everyday routine at non-communicable diseases, whether from
home, in school, or at work; eating, sleeping, and unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, exposure to
exercise habits, and many others. tobacco smoke, or the harmful effects of
These patterns of behavior are related to
elevated or reduced health risk Teenagers like WEIGHT AND MANAGING IT
you may have practices or habits at home or in
school that either elevate or reduce health risks.
Do you spend a lot of your time at home just You might find other individuals lucky because
sitting down and doing nothing? Do you move a they eat a lot but do not gain weight as much
lot by helping out at home, cleaning your house as you do. You might also think it is unfair that
for example? Do you love eating fruits and though you limit your food intake, you do not
vegetables? Or do you prefer junk food or fast lose as much weight as you want to. This is
food? Teenagers like you should be more aware because your weight is a result of metabolic
on how your nutritional practices can affect your responses of your body to your food intake,
health. energy expenditure, and physiologic
processes. A simple elimination of food or
Managing your lifestyle entails making addition of physical activity does not
modifications in your routine especially in those encompass the entirety of weight
aspects that elevate health risks. Food choice, management. Understanding how your body
physical activity, and eating habits are some of works is a vital key as well as a combination of
the aspects of your lifestyle that can be modified healthy food practices and a more active
to improve it. These modifications should be lifestyle.
done gradually, like reducing the intake of fatty
food, getting up to reach for something instead of The concepts of weight gain and weight loss
asking someone to get it for you, or walking faster are important in weight management. How to
and more often. The idea is that for health risks to gain and lose weight are probably some of the
be reduced, changes in your lifestyle should be more common issues when it comes to health.
made. Along with this concept is weight maintenance.
To understand it in simple terms, energy
Risk factors are variables in your lifestyle that expenditure is the amount of energy you spend
may lead to certain diseases. Many aspects of through physical activity, while energy
your lifestyle can be considered risk factors. consumption is the amount of energy you take
Aside from genetics or heredity, age and physical in through food. They both play key roles in
make-up are some of the factors that cannot be weight management. A simple formula is shown
changed; however, your lifestyle can go around here.
these factors to gain more benefits. For instance,
you cannot stop the aging process, but you can Weight Gain = energy consumed is greater than
delay the signs of aging from showing by being energy expended = more food intake but less
more active and avoiding vices. physical exertion

The other variables in your lifestyle, however, can Weight Loss = energy consumed is less than
be modified to achieve a healthier life. Such energy expended = more physical exertion but
variables include nutrition, body weight, physical less food intake
activity, and health habits. What should be kept
in mind is that these variables bring with them Weight Maintenance = energy consumed
risk factors that are serious concerns. Some of equals energy expended
the risk factors associated with lifestyle variables = physical exertion is the same with food intake
include hypertension / high blood pressure,
overweight and obesity, excess body fat, high Modifying your eating habits can aid you in
levels of stress, lack of exercise and sedentary managing your weight. Opting for more
lifestyle, smoking, unhealthy dietary practices, nutritious food can help lessen health risks and
and alcohol consumption.An unhealthy lifestyle improve your physique. Some of the common
brings with it certain diseases that can shorten tips in weight management are including fruits
your lifespan. and vegetables in your meals, reducing intake
These diseases, known as non-communicable of sweets, preparing your meals in a healthier
diseases (NCDs), are not transmitted from person way, and decreasing portion sizes. Aside from
to person, yet kill more than 36 million people taking note of your eating habits, you should
each year. Also called chronic diseases, they are also take note of your actual weight as an
of long duration, and are generally of slow indicator of health risk. This has to do with
progression. The four main types of NCDs are getting your Body Mass Index (BMI). It is a
cardiovascular diseases (like enlargement of the rough measure of body composition that is
heart and hypertension), cancer, chronic useful for classifying the health risks of body
respiratory diseases (such as chronic obstructed weight.
pulmonary disease and asthma), and diabetes.
Physical fitness is the ability of the body to do day-to-day
Recreational activities are those activities held during activities without undue fatigue, and still has time to do
one’s leisure time. Their purpose is to refresh oneself leisure activities and meet emergencies.
by doing activities that are considered by an Physical fitness is divided into two components, health-
individual as enjoyable. These activities may require related and skill-related components.
large body movements such as running, throwing,
and jumping, or small movements such as playing Physical Fitness Components
board games, doing arts and crafts, and many others. Health-Related Components
When a recreational activity is athletics or sports, this
may require more physical exertion and competition. Body Composition
However, athletics and sports may also be Cardio-Vascular Endurance
participated in more for the enjoyment they bring Flexibilty
rather than competitive play. Muscular strength
Muscular Endurance
Active recreational activities are highly
recommended for health promotion. These activities Skill-Related Components
require more amounts of energy to be expended than
the usual Speed
energy expenditure. This means that you do activities agility
that make you exert more effort than what you coordination
usually do. balance
reaction time
lifestyle based on good choices and healthy practices Health-related components focus on factors that promote
maximizes the quality of life. It helps you avoid optimum health and prevent the onset of disease and
diseases, remain strong and fit, and maintain your problems associated with inactivity.
physical and mental health. One of the most
important practices is being physically active.
Body Composition is the proportion of fat and non-fat
People of all ages benefit from regular physical mass in your body. A healthy body composition is one that
activity. Significant health benefits can be obtained includes a lower percentage of body fat and a higher
percentage of non-fat mass, which includes muscle, bones,
by engaging in moderate amounts of physical activity and organs.
on most, if not all days of the week. Through a modest
increase in daily activity, most individuals can Cardiovascular Endurance is the ability of the heart, lungs,
improve their health and quality of life. Additional and blood vessels to deliver oxygen to your body tissues
health benefits can be gained through greater without becoming overly tired.
amounts of physical activity. Individuals who can
maintain a regular regimen of a more vigorous or a
longer-duration activity are likely to obtain even Flexibility is the ability of the joints to move beyond their
greater benefits. normal range of motion.

Participation in regular moderate physical activity Muscular Strength refers to the amount of force a muscle
can lead to improved physical fitness. It is a condition can produce with a single maximal effort.
whereby the systems of the body are able to function Muscular Endurance is the ability of a muscle or group of
at their optimal efficiency, associated with an muscles to sustain repeated contractions against a
individual’s ability to work effectively, to enjoy leisure resistance for long period of time.
time, to be healthy, to resist disease, and to respond
easily to emergency situations. Skill-related components refer to your ability to perform
physical tasks efficiently as it relates to a sport.
Regular moderate physical activity means engaging in
relatively vigorous bodily movement for 30 minutes
to 1 hour that can elevate your heart rate. “Regular” Speed is the ability of the body to move fast from one
here refers to being active in most, if not all days of point to another, in the shortest possible time.
the week. About 3 to 4 times per week or more are the
recommended times of exercise for an individual. You Agility is the ability to move in a sudden change of
direction and body position quickly.
may opt to have rest days or easy days in between to Ex. Sudden change of direction during a Patintero game.
allow your body to recover from the physical
exertion. Balance is the ability to maintain equilibrium even when
To know if the amount of effort exerted during
physical activity will be beneficial to you, the FITT Coordination is the ability to use the senses and body
formula should be kept in mind. parts to perform tasks smoothly, efficiently, and
FITT stands for:
Frequency (how often) – number of training sessions Power is the ability to exert a maximal force in the shortest
that are performed during a given period time possible, as in accelerating, jumping, and throwing
Intensity (how hard) – an individual’s level of effort,
compared with their maximal effort, which is usually Reaction Time refers to the speed at which a person’s
expressed as a percentage body responds to an external stimulus.
Time (how long) - Duration of the workout
Type (what kind) - Mode of Physical Activity
1. Basic Plank measures strength/stability of the core muscles.
2. Push-up measures the strength of the upper extremities.
3. Stick Drop Test measure the time to respond to a given

4. Sit and Reach test the flexibility of the lower back extensor

and the hamstring muscles.

5. 40-meter sprint measures one’s running speed

1. Fitness activities usually depend on individual’s choice, age,

and ability.
2. In designing a physical activity program, there are factors

needed to be determined, these are frequency, intensity, time,

and type or known as FITT.

3. Hexagon Agility Test - measures the ability of the body to

move in different directions quickly

4. Juggling measures the coordination of the eyes and hands.
5. Standing Long Jump measures the explosive strength and

power of the leg muscles.

6. Stork Balance Test assess one’s ability to maintain equilibrium
7. Zipper Test measures upper arm and shoulder girdle joints


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