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Example 1
A 150-mm stormwater pipe connects inlet points MH23 and MH15 with MH15 being
downstream. Thus, the flow in the pipe runs from inlet MH23 to inlet MH15 and is 0.48
m3/min. The stormwater pipe is 109.23 m long (horizontal length) and is laid at a slope of
0.015. The ground levels at inlets MH23 and MH15 are 115.21 m and 113.01 m respectively.
However, the pipe cover at MH15 is 1.5 m. Assuming uniform flow in the pipe, determine the
a) Pipe cover at inlet MH23. [2.06 m]
Velocity and flow depth in the stormwater pipe. [0.86 m/s; 75 mm]

Example 1 Given,

- Stormwater pipe size, D = 150 mm.

- Length, L = 109.23 m.
- Slope, S = 0.015
- Cover at MH15, C15 = 1.5 m
- Flow in the pipe, Q = 0.48 m3/min.
- Ground Level at MH23, GL23 = 115.21m
- Ground Level at MH15, GL15 = 113.01m

a) Pipe cover at MH15,

Invert Level at MH15:

IL15 = GL15 − Cover − D

IL15 = 113.01 − 1.5 − 0.15
IL15 = 111.36m

Pipe fall:

Fall = L  S = 109.23  0.015

Fall = 1.64m

Hence, Invert level at MH23,

IL23 = IL15 + Fall = 111.36 + 1.64
IL23 = 113.00m

The Pipe Cover at MH23,

Cover = GL23 − IL23 − D

Cover = 115.21 − 113.00 − 0.15
Cover = 2.06m

b) Actual velocity and flow depth

With pipe size of 150 mm and slope of 0.015, values are read from
the vailable nomograms,

Q full = 1.2m3 / min

V full = 1.07m / s


Q = 0.48 = 0.4
Q full 1.2

Then, from the partial flow diagram,

= 0.5
V = 0.8
V full

Actual velocity,
V = 0.8 1.07
V = 0.86m / s

Flow depth,

d = 0.5 150 = 75mm

d = 75mm

Example 2
A stormwater pipe, with a bedding slope of 0.025, carries a peak flow of 84.0 m3/min when flowing
full. It is further stated that velocity in the pipe must be restricted to a magnitude of between 0.75
m/s and 2.0 m/s when the pipe is flowing full. A concrete pipe, with sizes in increments of 50 mm,
and having a Manning’s coefficient, n = 0.020 is the only pipe type available. Under these
conditions, calculate the size of the stormwater pipe using the Manning’s Formula, and then, check
whether the size meets the required standards. [850 mm]

Example 2


- Stormwater drainage pipe

- Runoff, Q = 84.0 m3/min, flowing full
- Bed slope, S = 0.025.
- Allowable velocity, between 0.75 m/s and 2.0 m/s
- Pipe material is concrete, n = 0.020
- Pipe sizes in increment of 50 mm.

From the Manning’s Equation,

1 2 3 12
Q= R S A

Runoff, Q = 84.0 m3/min = 1.40 m3/s

Cross-section area, A,

D 2

Wetted perimeter, P,

P = D

Hydraulic radius, R

A D 2 D
R= = =
P 4  D 4


1 2 3 12
Q= R S A
1 D 3 1 D 2
1.4 =    0.025 2

0.020  4  4
1.4 = 2.464 D 3

0.568 = D 3
D = 0.80897m

Diameter of the pipe is therefore,

D = 850 mm

Checking for the velocity, V,

𝑄 1.4×4
𝑉= = = 2.467𝑚/𝑠
𝐴 𝜋×0.852

2.0 < 2.467𝑚/𝑠


With the velocity greater than 2.0 m/s, the pipe does NOT meet the
required standards. Possible solutions: ?

Example 3
A 200-hectare catchment, predominantly rural, with most of it made up of natural forest, has a time
of concentration of 90 minutes. The greater part of this catchment will soon be developed through
the establishment of residential settlements and a shopping centre, the result of which would mean
that the overall runoff coefficient is expected to increase from 0.35 to 0.57. These types of land use
will also result in a considerable alteration of the catchment hydrology so that the longest flow
path, after development, will be shortened to 1800 m. However, the general slope of the catchment
is expected to remain constant at 0.25% after the development. For this area, the rainfall intensity
can be approximated using the following relationship: I = 5500/(t+10). With all this information
in mind, determine the peak runoff before and after development and, therefore, comment on your
answer. [Qbefore = 10.7 m3/s; Qafter = 23.93 m3/s]

Example 3 Given

- Catchment characteristics before and after development.

- Rainfall intensity, I = 5500/(t + 10)

- Before development,
tc = 90 minutes

C = 0.35

A = 200 ha

S = 0.25% = 0.0025

- After development,
C = 0.57

A = 200 ha

S = 0.25% = 0.0025

L = 1800 m

Consider area before development,

Given, Tc = 90 minutes,

Rainfall intensity,
𝐼 = 90+10

I = 55mm / hr

Using the Rational Method, peak runoff is therefore,

Q = 0.278CIA
Q = 0.278  0.35  55 
Q = 10.70m 3 / s

Now, consider the conditions after the development,

Time of concentration, tc,

t c = 0.0195L0.77 S −0.385
t c = 0.0195  1800 0.77  0.0025 −0.385
t c = 62.86 min


Rainfall intensity,

𝐼 = 62.86+10

𝐼 = 75.5 𝑚𝑚/ℎ

Using the Rational Method, peak runoff is therefore,

𝑄 = 0.278𝐶𝐼𝐴
𝑄 = 0.278 × 0.57 × 75.5 × 100

𝑄 = 23 .93 𝑚3 /𝑠

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