Organizational Management

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Module 1 February 24,2022 Due: March 4,2022

Objective of the course:

This organization & management modules was written in response to the
world health pandemic. In order to continue schooling in a safe way at home. You
will be given the basic concepts, facts and skills to develop the course and solving
problems that you meet in your daily life. It’s more on research work on line.
You will develop a critical thinking by analyzing situation on a case situation
given on a particular lesson of the module.

1. Define Management
a. A science
b. As an art
Different definition of management
1. Henry Fayol
2. G.R. Terry
3. Stanley Vance
4. Harold Koontz

2. Innumerate the 4 Functions of Management and its activities involved on this

a. Planning
b. Organizing
c. Leading
d. Controlling

3. Different type of Management Theories (Discuss each)

1. Scientific Management Theories
2. Principle of Administrative Management Theories
3. Bureaucratic Management Theory
4. Human Relation Theory
5. System Management Theory
6. Contingency Management Theory
7. Theory of X & Y
Assessment : You will be given an exam to measure the knowledge earned and the
lesson being introduced

4. A. Make an Organizational chart of an office

1. Simple Organization structure ( compose of 1 manager, 3 sections then
rank and file)
B. Make hypothetical function
C. Make a hypothetical work flow

Good Luck & God bless !!

Dr. Maria Liza Mades-Robenta, MPSM,DM


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