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Section A: Questions 1 to 10 (5 marks each)

1) In a subtraction problem, if the subtrahend is decreased by 2018 and the minuend is

decreased by 107, then how much is the answer decreased by?

2) A number is first increased by 2018, then multiplied by 2018, then has 2018 subtracted from
it and eventually divided by 2018. The result is 2018. What is the number originally?

 1 1 1
3) Find the value of 1  2  4  8   1     .
 2 4 8

4) Find the value of 20182  2017 2  20162  20152   22  12 .

5) Several people contribute their money to buy a gift. If each persons give 20 dollars, there
will be 214 dollars unused. If each person gives 18 dollars, there is the exact amount of
money for the gift. How many dollars is the gift?

6) A bus is 20 metres long. At the speed of 18 metres per second, it goes through a tunnel (from
start of entering the tunnel until leaving the tunnel completely) and takes 16 seconds. How
long is the tunnel?

7) The average of five numbers, namely A, B, C, D and E, is 50. If B is changed to 80, then the
new average number is 62. What is B originally?

8) 12 people take 1 minute to make 36 rice dumplings. If 5 people are to make 210 rice
dumplings, how many minutes do they take?

9) If the area of a rectangle is 90 square centimetres and the lengths its sides are all in integral
centimetres, what is the least possible value of its perimeter in centimetres?

10) The figure below is formed by, from a cube with side length of 18 centimetres, digging out
a small cube with side length of 1.07 centimetres. How many square centimetres is the
surface area of the figure?

Question 10
Section B: Questions 11 to 20 (7 marks each)

 1 1 
11) Find the value of 2018      214 .
 107 1009 

 1 1 1 1 1 1 1  1 1 1 1 1 1 1
12) Find the value of 1            1           .
 2 3 5  2 3 5 7  2 3 5 7  2 3 5

13) Find the value of 27.9  78  0.56  2790  279  3.5 .

14) A vessel travels 720 kilometres from Pier A at upstream to Pier B at downstream. And takes
15 hours. If the speed of water flow is 4 kilometres per hour, so how many hours does it take
to travel from Pier B back to Pier A?

15) 3 workers can make 2018 replaceable parts in 5 days. Then how many days does it take for
5 workers to make 6054 replaceable parts?

16) The product of 4 integers is 46189. If the 4 integers are not 1, find the sum of the 4 integers.

17) If the remainder of ABCDE  125 is 13, find “the sum of C’s possible values”, “the sum
of D’s possible values” and “the sum of E’s possible values”

18) Among the 100 numbers from 1 to 100, how many numbers are divisible by 2, 3 or 6?

19) To print a book of 2018 pages, how many lead types “1” are used? (Page 11 used 2 “1”s.
Page 2018 used 1 “1”)

20) The following figure is formed by three letters: “H”, “X” and “C”. 8 regions are created. If
one of the colours, namely red, yellow, blue or green, is to be filled in each region, while it
is not necessarily using all 4 colours and no two adjacent regions are filled with the same
colours, how many ways are there to do so?

Question 20

~ End of Paper ~

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