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Connectivity - When two or more computers are

connected to each other, they can share information and
I.T. ERA resources such as sharing of files (data/music etc.), sharing of
printer, sharing of facilities like the internet etc. This sharing
Living in the IT Era will examine communication and is possible using wires, cables, satellite, infra-red, Bluetooth,
information technologies with particular emphasis on the microwave transmission etc.
Internet and its components and in particular how they are
used by the Millennial Generation. The goal of the course is 6. Procedure - is a step-by-step series of instructions to
to understand how the communication and information perform a specific function and achieve desired output.
technologies evolve and the cultural, economic, political and
social implications of such technologies for society.


INFORMATION - Knowledge that you get about something or Part 1)
COMMUNICATION - Is the transmission of ideas and
 Input Device
emotions between or among persons with the use of verbal
 System Unit
and non-verbal cues.
 Storage Device
TECHNOLOGY (Techne – “Art, Skill, Technique”; Logia –  Output Device
“Study of”) – branch of knowledge dealing with engineering  Communication Device
or applied sciences.
- the application of scientific knowledge for practical
purposes, especially in industry.  Keyboard
 Mouse
Basic Tool -> Machines/Computer -> Automation vs.
 Microphone
Intelligent System
 Scanner
ICT - described as using computers and other digital
Note: all devices that allows us to enter data in the
technologies to assist individuals or institutions in handling or
computer is what we called input device
using information. ICT is a technology that supports activities
involving information such as gathering, processing, storing
and presenting data.
- Is a hard case that contains the electronic
IT - Pertains to the industry that involves computers,
components of the computer that are used to
software, networking, and other IT Infrastructure to help
process data.
relay or manage information important in modern-day living
as seen primarily in large companies or corporations. The two main components of a System Unit (Motherboard)
are: PROCESSOR (brain of computer) – is the electronic
IT is a subset of ICT as the technology used in the field of IT
component that interprets and carries out the basic
aids in the use of ICT (Wang, 2016)
instruction that operate the computer; MEMORY (files and
COMPUTER - a programmable electronic device designed to programs)– consist of electronic components that store
accept data, perform prescribed mathematical and logical instructions waiting to be executed and data needed by those
operations at high speed, and display the results of these instruction.
Elements of Computer System:
Printer, headphone, monitor, speaker, printer, projector
1. People – Most important element
Input interprets analog to digital signal
2. Hardware – tangible / Physical parts
Output when it comes out the digital signal
3. Software – intangible in nature (programs)

4. Data – facts and figures that are fed into a computer for
further processing
The computer's central processing unit (CPU) is the
portion of a computer that retrieves and executes
Expansion Cards – it is an electronic card that is used to add
instructions. The CPU is essentially the brain of
functionality to a computer. It is inserted into an expansion
computer. It consists of an arithmetic and logic unit
slot on the motherboard of a computer.
(ALU), a control unit (CU), and various registers. The CPU
is often simply referred to as the processor. The ALU
performs arithmetic operations, logic operations, and
related operations, according to the program

Ports are slots on the motherboard into which a cable of

external device is plugged in. Examples of external devices
attached via ports are the mouse, keyboard, monitor,
microphone, speakers, etc.

IDE – Integrated Drive Electronics

SATA – Serial Advanced Technology Attachment

BIOS – Basic Input/Output System

The Motherboard is the backbone or the main circuit

board on the CPU. What are the functions of the
motherboard? The motherboard serves as a single
platform to connect all of the parts of a computer
together. It connects the CPU, memory, hard drives,
optical drives, video card, sound card, and other ports
and expansion cards directly or via cables. It can be
considered as the backbone of a computer. The Power supply – converts the alternating high voltage current
motherboard is the backbone that ties the computer's (AC) into direct current (DC), and they also regulate the DC
components together at one spot and allows them to output voltage to the fine tolerances required for modern
talk to each other. Without it, none of the computer computing components.
pieces, such as the CPU, GPU, or hard drive, could
interact. Total motherboard functionality is necessary for
a computer to work well.
This is where we can save our data or files. A storage device is DATA (Week 2 Part 2)
a piece of computer equipment on which information can be
store. Example flash drives, hard drive/disk, CD/DVD. Computer Software – these are the application or the
programs that are installed into our computer. They are
OUTPUT DEVICE intangible in nature because they are only programs that
installed in our computer.
Is any hardware component that conveys information to one
or more people. It allows data to be transmitted by the 2 Types of Computer Software
computer in human friendly form. Example Monitor, Printer,
Speakers. 1. System Software
- It refers to a program that assists in the
COMMUNICATION DEVICE computer operations. It is responsible with
facilitation about the execution of other
This device is capable of transmitting signals over the
telephone, other communication wire, or wirelessly. Those
signals are what we call analog or digital signals. Example of
a) System Management Programs
communication devices are hub, router, modem - Operating system (master control program) ex.
(modulator/demodulator, a modem is a hardware device that Windows, iOS, Android, Linux
allows a computer to send and receive information over - Operating environments
telephone). - Database Management System
- Telecommunication Monitors
A classic example of a communication device is a computer b) System Support Programs
modem, which converts a computer's digital information to - System Utilities
an analog signal for transmission over a telephone line. - Performance Monitors
Similarly, a modem receives analog signals, and converts - Security Monitors
them to digital, for processing by the computer. This process c) System Development Program
is called modulation/demodulation, from which the modem - Programming Language Translators
gets its name. - Programming environments
- CASE packages

NOTE: master control program - the operating system

acts as a bridge for the interface between man and
machine. It is responsible for the coordination of the
operation ng hardware components and the software. All
app that are installed together with the hardware or
physical parts. we used to computer. The master
coordinator will be the operating system. Example
Windows, iOS, Android, Linux

Operating System - refers to a group of related programs

that supervised the execution of an application. Note:
before we execute an application that we installed, it
should be operated or coordinated the operating system.
Programming Languages these are themselves programs
but used to write other programs. We use this into
creating applications and programs. These are the
Input/Output Devices software that we use in creating other programs. Not
only programs but also gains system and application.
CD, flash drive, touch screen/tablet, digital camera, router
Example php, Perl, C++, Python, Java.
Utility Software it helps our computers or our gadgets in
scanner, joystick, web camera, mouse, pen stick, keyboard, performing maintenance task for the computer's
robotic mouse, touch pad, trackball resources such as Clean-up Master, Organizing Files,

+ Output
Security Center, System Restore; Application: Web
Browser, Mozilla Firefox, Explorer.
Utility Software it utilizes our computer at the same time
to maximize the usage of our computer. Under utility What is DATA? These are raw material that can be text,
Software it has Anti-virus, these are programs that numbers, symbol, letters, sounds, picture, or video clips.
detects, identify, and remove computer viruses and Datum singular term.
other malicious software from the computer. (Malicious
Software also known as Malware). Anti-virus is very Information it is now the process data or material.
helpful to protect our computer from those infectious
diseases. Example McAfee, Kaspersky, Avira, NOD32, Data Processing Cycle – is how the computer
AVG, and Avast! interprets those data to become meaningful information.
As we define computer, computer is a programmable
Device Drivers is a program that allows particular electronic device designed to accept data, perform
hardware device to work and communicate with the prescribed mathematical and logical operations at high
computer system. Example printer with cd driver or speed, and display the results of these operations.
installer (in order to use full feature of printer, it should
be installed properly via means of device driver.)
Example Installer of operating system is also called

2. Application Software
a.) Programs General Purpose Application
- Word Processing
- Spreadsheet
- Database Managers
- Telecommunications
- Graphics
- Integrated Packages Input - it is the feeding of raw material, text, number,
b.) Application-specific Programs symbols. How? Through input devices such as keyboard,
- Accounting
- Marketing, Sales analysis Processing - it is now transforming of raw material for
- Manufacturing meaningful information. Who is the responsible of
- Production Control processing? System Unit or Processor (interprets
- Finance Capital Budgeting manipulation process)
2 Types of App Store - it records, retrieves information coming from as
storage media or device. (RAM and ROM) (Flash drive
Package programs commonly called as application
and Hard disk)
package (multi-purpose) Example Microsoft Office,
Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Outlook, Notes. Carry out info
Example 2, Adobe, Photoshop, Premier, Illustrator...
Output - outcome of the process information, via means
Custom Programs these programs specifically written for of output devices (monitor, printers, speakers, projector)
an organization or a single user using any programming
languages. Custom programs are user develop programs Note: Input again if ever we edit some file, process,
(nabuo dahil sa needs ng users) store, process, and output.

Example Google Developers, Airbnb, WordPress, Shopee, Machine cycle this is how the computer interprets
Meralco Billing System, Salesforce, Magento. Custom those data to become information. This is what
programs it is those programs that are created just for happening inside the computer how does the processor,
specific purpose. the ram unit, or system unit interprets those data to
become information.

Fetch. Decode. Execute. Store.

Each of the six-piece types moves differently, with the most
powerful being the queen and the least powerful the pawn.
1. Fetch process of obtaining a program
instruction or data item from memory. • Chess is played on a square board of eight rows (called
2. Decode process of translating the instruction ranks and denoted with numbers 1 to 8) and eight columns
(called files and denoted with letters a to h). The colors of the
into signals the computer can execute.
64 squares alternate and are referred to as "light" and "dark"
3. Execute process of carrying out the commands.
squares. The chessboard is placed with a light square at the
4. Store writing the results to memory (those right-hand end of the rank nearest to each player.
results may be viewed or open again later on.)
• By convention, the game pieces are divided into white and
black sets, and the players are referred to as "White" and
"Black" respectively. Each player begins the game with 16
pieces of the specified color, which consist of one king, one
queen, two rooks, two bishops, two knights, and eight pawns.
Each queen is set on a square of its own color, the white
queen on a light square and the black queen on a dark.


• The player with the white pieces always moves first. After
the first move, players alternately move one piece per turn
(except for castling, when two pieces are moved). Pieces are
moved to either an unoccupied square or one occupied by an
opponent's piece, which is captured and removed from play.
With the sole exception of en passant, all pieces capture by
moving to the square that the opponent's piece occupies. A
player may not make any move that would put or leave the
player's own king under attack. A player cannot "pass"; at
each turn one must make a legal move (this is the basis for
the finesse called zugzwang).

• If the player to move has no legal move, the game is over; it

is either a checkmate (a loss for the player with no legal
moves) if the king is under attack, or a stalemate (a draw) if
CHESS P.E 3 the king is not.


What is Chess? CHESS is a two-player strategy board game
played on a chessboard, a checkered gameboard with 64 The KING moves one square in any direction. The king has
squares arranged in an eight-by-eight grid. Chess is played by also a special move which is called castling and involves also
millions of people worldwide, both amateurs and moving a rook.
The ROOK can move any number of squares along any rank or
Objective file, but may not leap over other pieces. Along with the king,
the rook is involved during the king's castling move.
• The objective is to 'checkmate' the opponent's king by
placing it under an inescapable threat of capture. To this end, The BISHOP can move any number of squares diagonally, but
a player's pieces are used to attack and capture the may not leap over other pieces.
opponent's pieces, while supporting each other. In addition
The QUEEN combines the power of the rook and bishop and
to checkmate, the game can be won by voluntary resignation
can move any number of squares along rank, file, or diagonal,
by the opponent, which typically occurs when too much
but it may not leap over other pieces.
material is lost, or if checkmate appears unavoidable. A game
may also result in a draw in several ways. The KNIGHT moves to any of the closest squares that are not
on the same rank, file, or diagonal, thus the move forms an
"L"- shape: two squares vertically and one square
• Each player begins the game with 16 pieces: one king, one horizontally, or two squares horizontally and one square
queen, two rooks, two knights, two bishops, and eight pawns.
vertically. The knight is the only piece that can leap over • A group of people who have common interests and
other pieces. a distinctive culture.
"The PAWN may move forward to the unoccupied square • An informal rule that guides our behavior in a
immediately in front of it on the same file, or on its first move particular situation.
it may advance two squares along the same file provided
The Role of Science & Technology
both squares are unoccupied (black "."s in the diagram); or
the pawn may capture an opponent's piece on a square • Alter the way people live, connect, communicate
diagonally in front of it on an adjacent file, by moving to that and transact, with profound effects on economic
square (black "x"s). The pawn has two special moves: the en
passant capture and pawn promotion.
• The technological revolutions of the 21st century
are emerging from entirely new sectors-products
are transforming business practices across the
MST2 economy, as well as the lives of all who have access
to their effects.
HISTORICAL ANTECEDENTS OF SCIENCE AND • Have the power to better the lives of poor people
TECHNOLOGY in developing countries
• Differentiator between countries that are able to
tackle poverty effectively by growing and
Historical Antecedent developing their economies, and those that are
• An antecedent is a thing that comes before
• Engine of growth
something else.
• You might think rap music has no historical
antecedent, but earlier forms of African-American Historical examples of Paradigms
spoken verse go back for centuries.
• Slavery is acceptable to now slavery being
• An antecedent is a part of your life that happened
in the past.
• Role of Children in Society – Child labor was, now is
What is Science? not acceptable
• Male Superiority – Beating wives was, now is not
• It is the intellectual and practical activity
encompassing systematic study of the structure
• Reading and the Control over Information –
and behavior of the physical and natural world
Invention of the printing press (& other major
through observation and experiment.
inventions) allowed for the elites to control control
• It is the study of the nature and behavior of natural
over reading/ writing to end.
things and the knowledge that we obtain about
• The Reformation – broke monopoly of Catholic
Church and Christian’s “relationship” with God.
What is Technology?

• Technology is the application of science (the

combination of the scientific method and material)
to solve problems.
• It is the use of scientific knowledge for practical
purposes or applications, whether in industry or on Etymology
our everyday lives.
• What is Society? Comes from the Greek word ethos, meaning character
• It is the whole way of life of a group of people or custom.
passed from one generation to the next. • A set of
• Is the study of the moral behavior or conduct of man
rules regulating what may or may not be done by
as viewed from ultimate principles insofar as these
members of the society.
principles are known by human reason.
• Refer to the distinguishing disposition, character, or 1. What is legal is always moral
attitude of a specific culture, or group.
2. What is not prohibited by law is always moral
• Morality refers to human conduct and values and
Examples of Law
ethics refers to the study of those areas.
1. Statutes (enacted by legislative bodies)
Ethical vs. Moral
2. Regulations (set up by administrative agencies)
People interchange ethical and moral to describe
people we consider good and actions we consider right. 3. Common Law (Civil Law)
• Amoral- means having no moral sense or being
indifferent to right and wrong. 4. Constitutional Law - the fundamental law of the
e.g., Babies
Division of Ethics
• Nonmoral- means out of realm of morality altogether
Ethics has two major parts/division:
e.g., inanimate objects
1. General Ethics- presents truth about human acts or
Nature of Ethics general principles of morality.
• Is a philosophic-practical science; 2.Special/Applied Ethics- It applies the principles of
general ethics in different departments of human
• The science of ethics guides intellect in the acquisition
activity, individual or social.
and application of the moral principles.
Approaches in Study Morality
• Served as the signpost on the road indicate the right
direction to a place 1. The Scientific or Descriptive Approach used in social
• Compels man to follow the directions to his ultimate
destiny. -Emphasizes observation of human behavior and
conduct and the positing of conclusions based on those
Objects Of Ethics
• Material object- the human Act/Act itself
-Conclusions are based on empirical knowledge.
e.g., Lying, Stealing, Killing
Approaches in Study Morality
• Formal Object- right and wrong
2. Philosophical Approach
• Formal Object Quo/Conclusion- Reason for the act.
Divided into two parts:
Morality and Etiquette
• Normative or Prescriptive Ethics
• Etiquette- refers to any special code of behavior or
courtesy. • Metacthics
e.g., the way we eat, saying thank, please and sorry.

• Rules of etiquette are generally nonmoral. Normative or Prescriptive Ethics

However, if we want to fit in, and get along with others Having to do with norms and prescription. The
and be thought well of by them, we should observe statements are prescribing how human beings should
common rules of etiquette. behave, not merely describing how they do in fact
Morality and the Law
1. Egoism (self-interest)
For some. Laws may be a source of morality.
2. Altruism (Act in the interest of others)
However, for some opinion, the reliability to law as
standard for moral behavior is not a question only if:
3. Utilitarianism (act in the interest of all concerned)  Participation in public hearings
 Dissemination of information
 Establishment of a public relations program
Sometimes called Analytic Ethics.
Analytic in two ways:
1. The challenge of the Global Community-
• Ethical Language Companies need to compete and defend not
only their local markets and customers; they
• E.g., What we mean when we use the word "good" must broaden their scope to encompass goal
• B. Logic and Reasons markets.
2. The stockholders challenge- Successful
Metaethics do not prescribes, instead they go beyond, companies believe that their greatest assets are
concerning themselves only indirectly with normative their workforce.
ethical systems by concentrating on reasoning, logical 3. The challenge for productivity
structures and language rather than on content.  The global technology is increasing the
challenge to greater productivity.
Norms of Morality
 The organization’s competitive
1. Norms are purely internal; advantage depends on the strength of
its linages.
2. Norm based on current opinions and customs
Links of high productivity:
3. Norm of expediency;
a. human resources and capabilities
4. Norm of preference:
b. new technology and opportunities
5. Situation Ethics c. efficient work structure and company policies
that allow employees and technology
6. Evaluation to interact


1. Increasing complexity of business operations

2. Government regulations and labor laws
HRM 1OO promulgated in recent years
3. Growth of labor unions
THE DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN 4. Influx of new concepts in management
Three conditions for Human Resource Management to MANAGER?
gain acceptance and recognition: 1. Help management achieve company objectives
 top management must be convinced that and goals in the management of its human
personnel management is needed in its resources
business operations; 2. Assist top management in formulating sound
 qualified personnel administrators must be policies, programs and rules after approval,
administer them fairly and efficiently
3. Assist line supervisors and managers in
 personnel administrators must demonstrate
providing employees with a satisfactory work
their capacity to contribute to the company’s
environment and in promoting harmonious
objectives and goals.
relationships with the employees and the union
PMAP: Personnel Management Association of the 4. Make managers and supervisors aware of their
Philippines full responsibilities in the management of
human resource by providing them with
 Training and development
technical help needed to handle Employee informed about every employees attitudes and
problems behavior.
5. Help train and develop the human resource of  Coordinator- We HR Managers brings activities
company in order to equip them with the skills into action, We facilitate every event
and knowledge required in accomplishing their happenings in the company.
jobs efficiently  Negotiatior- We are the representative of the
6. Help promote understanding and good management in negotiating labor contracts or
relationships by opening the lines of to attend negotiations with unions. As a
communication between management and negotiator and administrator of the labor
employees thereby creating and atmosphere contract, We must understand the nature,
where workers can be happy and proud to significance and methods of collective
belong to the organization bargaining agreement.
7. Identify management problems that can be  Educator- We conducts and administers
resolved and opportunities that can be realized company training program.
through improved effectiveness in personnel  Provider of services- We provides services to all
management employees and help them obtain facilities with
8. Assist management and supervisors in handling government agencies like SSS, phil, pag ibig,
labor relations, problems, utilizing his medicare etc. which can make their
knowledge and competence on labor laws, employment more satisfying
government regulations, and court decisions on  Promoter of community relations- We must be
labor relations well informed of the activities and
9. Assist the company in promoting good morale developments in the environment where the
and motivation among its human resources enterprise operates. We also help the company
10. Assist in crisis management and organizational project favorable and positive image to the
development community
 Public relations Man- One of our function also is
Problems and difficulties of the Personnel/Human
to deal with the general public, which includes
Resource Manager
the employees, the unions and the community.
1. Common Misconception about his role and
2. Inadequate recognition by management of the PERSONAL QUALIFIES OF HR MANAGER
proper role of the personnel manager in the
organization 1. Can communicate effectively, both orally and in
3. In the area of labor relations writing
4. Jealousy of the other executives regarding the 2. Possesses an above-average intelligence
personnel manager’s duty and authority 3. Enjoys working with people
4. Grasps the implication of a given situation,
RULES OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGER understands individual attitudes and the
problem of the employees and the employer
 Supervisor- We plan, organize, directs, controls
5. Aggressive, mature and capable of giving sound
and coordinates the activities of every
advice that will be in the best interest of both
department. We deligates some of our
the employer and the employee
functions to our subordinate
6. Possesses the integrity, industry and courage to
 Administrative official- We and our staff the HR
earn the respect of the employee and his
officers direct and conduct personnel activities
as provided in the policies and programs
7. Approachable
entrusted to the department.
 Adviser- We serves as counselor, we also guide THE CAREER PATH TO HR MANAGEMENT
the management supervisors and employees,
for us to be competent we must keep ourselves
Entrance level- a new college graduate may start as
personnel assistant or HR Staff in a medium- size
organization. The following skills are necessary.

1. We are assisting in interviewing applicants

2. Giving tests and scoring test results in
personality inventory and other skills test
3. Assisting in employee orientation and training
4. 201 filing

Supervisory level- The promotion to higher level

depends on the ability and capability of the HR staff or
officer to acquire the skills necessary in the HR Function.
The traits and skills are

1. Skills in writing job descriptions, job analysis

and job evaluations
2. Knowledge of employee benefit programs
related to vacation and sick leaves, pensions in
other mutual benefits
3. He must have acquired the skills in interviewing
applicants and counselling employees.
4. Skills in testing and interpreting test results and
making recommendations
5. Job evaluation and wage administration skills
and relating pay differences in job requirements
6. Skills in basic research related to manpower

Managerial level- At this level the HR practitioner has

acquired all the skills needed from entry level to
supervisory level. However, at this point the
concentration of the HR is the effective management of
the different areas of HR functions.

1. Leadership and conceptual ideas visioning

2. Analytical of the facts as basis for decision
3. Compliance administration and control
4. Interpersonal team work

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