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Name: Emilio Cruz Rodriguez Student I.D.

Name of the curse: Name of the professor: Rosa
Global Culture Angelina Usela Verónica.
Module: modulo 1 Activity: activity 8
Date: 5/10/22
(What is the objective of the activity? What do you expect to learn?)

To learn more about the human’s rights they are super important to make
a regimen and order all around the world.

Activity: (What are you doing in this activity? here you do your activity
according to the instructions given by your teacher)

1- Go to the following link and write in Your own words what is the
meaning of each one of the 30 articles of the human rights

Human Rights declaration:

1. All humans are born free and have rights.

2. Everyone has the right to make valid that they have the
right to exercise your rights without any type of

3. The right to have a life with freedom and security.

4. No one must be private from their freedom and be enslaved

against your will.

5. No one must be subject or torture against their will.

6. Everyone must be recognized as a person before the law.

7. Everyone is equal in front of the law without the


8. Every person has the right to an effective remedy before

the competent national courts for violations of fundamental
rights recognized by the Constitution or the law.
9. No one have shall be subjected, detention or arrested.

10. Everyone has the right to a full to a fair hearing by an

independent and impartial tribunal in the determination of
its right.

11. Every charge with a penal offence has the right to probe
innocent until proven guilty according to the law in a public

No one must be held guilty of any penal offence or account

of any act of omission which did not make a penal offence
under de national and international laws now it was

12. No one's private life, family, home or correspondence shall

be the object of arbitrary interference, nor shall their honor
and reputation be attacked. Everyone has the right to be
protected by law against such interference or attacks.

13. We have the right to have freedom of movement and

residences that collide with the borders of each state.

We have the right to leave any country including or own

country and return to it.

14. We have the right to seek and enjoy in other countries of

asylum when there are persecutions in our country.

This right cannot be invoked if the prosecution stems from

a joint offense or a violation of the purposes and principles
of the United Nations.

15. Everyone has the right to have a nationality.

No one must be private of this right to deny the change of


16. The men’s and women of full age the right to have merry
and have a family without any limitation.

They have the same right when they are marriage and
when they want to make a dissolution of the marriage.

The marriage its only going to be conceived with the full

consent and free decision of both.
17. All the persons have the right to own their own properties
alone as well associate with other persons.

No one should be private of its own properties they have.

18. Every person has the right to have freedom of thought

conscience and religion, including with this right the liberty
of change their religion or beliefs.

19. All have the right for freedom of expression and opinions,
including with this right freedom to hold opinions without an
interference and receive and seek.

20. All we have the right to have a freedom of a peaceful


21. Everyone has the right to participate in the government of

their country, either directly or through freely chosen

Everyone has the right to equal access to public services in

their country.

22. Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social

security and is entitled to realization, through national effort
and international co-operation and in accordance with the
organization and resources of each State.

23. Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of

employment, to just and favorable conditions of work and to
protection against unemployment.

24. Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including

reasonable limits on the working day and periodic paid

25. Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for

the health and well-being of himself and his family,
including food, clothing, housing, and necessary medical
and social services, as well as the right to protection in
case of unemployment, illness beyond their control,
invalidity, widowhood, old age or other lack of means of
26. Everyone has the right to a free education at least to the
elementary fundamental stage.

27. Everyone has the right to freely participate in the cultural

life of any community to enjoy all the benefits they have
and their advances of their culture.

28. Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in

which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration
can be fully realized.

29. Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the

free and full development of his personality is possible.

30. Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying

for any State, group or person any right to engage in any
activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of
any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.

2 - Write your personal conclusion about this topic.

What did you learn? What did you like about this topic?

I learn the differences that are in the countries respect how they think and have
the perception of how the things should be make, say o structure to the
modern’s societies.

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