General Patient Care Concerns

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#49016 - Venes: Taber’s Cyclopedia Medical Dictionary -- 21st Edition -- FA Davis

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2638 Appendix 12 General Patient Care Concerns base of rh

General Patient Care Concerns
Standard precautions Standard him/her. (See individual tests and treat-
precautions are used whenever blood and ments for specific information.)
body fluids may be encountered and when Medication administration All
patient hygiene is provided. prescribed medications are reviewed with
Confidentiality Information about the patient (and a family member as nec-
the patient, including details of his/her ill- essary), including prescribed dosage and
ness and treatments are shared only with dosing schedules, desired actions, poten-
those parties specifically designated by tial for drug interactions, and common ad-
the patient. verse and allergic reactions. This review
Communication with patients, may involve collaboration and clarifica-
families and other supportive persons tion from other health care professionals,
The patient and his/her significant others including nurse specialists, pharmacists,
are encouraged to express their concerns; and the medication prescriber.
questions they have are answered hon- Pain management Pain status re
estly or referred to the appropriate mem- location, quality, severity, and duration is
ber of the health team for answers; sup- monitored frequently, prescribed analge-
port, comfort and encouragement are sics are administered and the patient as-
offered to assist the patient and family to sessed for effectiveness (in both situations
cope with the stresses of illness and ther- using a #1-10 severity scale). Noninvasive
apy. pain relief strategies such as application
Empathy The patient’s emotional of ice or heat, relaxation techniques, im-
status is assessed regularly. Emotional agery, repositioning, massage, or music
and psychological support for the patient therapy may be effective adjuncts for in-
and significant others is offered on an on- dividual conditions/patients.
going basis, with referral for specialized Postoperative concerns The sur-
therapy if needed. gical site is assessed and cared for based
Monitoring Vital signs, fluid and on the agency’s or specific surgeon’s pro-
electrolyte balance (including all fluid in- tocol for the particular surgical procedure.
take, urine and all other fluid output), Surgical drains and associated hardware
weight, ventilation, cardiovascular, gas- also require assessment, management,
trointestinal (including food intake, bowel and recordkeeping. The patient is moni-
sounds, and bowel activity), neuromuscu- tored for nausea and vomiting, fluid bal-
lar, neurological, and pain status are mon- ance, and body temperature.
itored. Changes in status are recorded and Patient education The education
reported. of patients (and their significant others as
necessary) emphasizes self-care proce-
Rest and activity Environmental
dures, signs and symptoms to report im-
stimuli (especially noise and light) are
mediately to the primary caregiver, activ-
minimized to assist the patient to rest, ities and restrictions, nutrition, and the
and relaxation and verbalization of con- potential emotional impact of illness,
cerns are encouraged. The patient is as- treatment, and recovery. Effective coping
sisted to turn and reposition in good body strategies related to the patient’s condi-
alignment while in bed, and is aided to sit tion are explained. Desired outcomes in-
in a chair and to ambulate using pre- clude an understanding of and compliance
scribed assistive devices at prescribed fre- with the prescribed treatment regimen.
quencies and lengths of time. Hygienic Support groups The patient and
care is encouraged and provided for pa- family are encouraged to talk with others
tients unable to care for themselves. in similar circumstances, e.g., by contact-
Preparation for diagnostic tests ing and enrolling in available and appro-
and treatments The patient is pre- priate support groups and services.
pared for diagnostic testing by explaining Referrals Referrals for rehabilita-
all procedures and sensations that are ex- tive services or home health care specific
pected to occur, including their duration to the particular illness problem may be
and intensity, as well as common side ef- prescribed or may be needed to help the
fects. The patient is advised to report any chronically ill patient manage activities of
sensations outside the norm for the par- daily living. Hospice referrals may be ini-
ticular test and anything that concerns tiated for end of life care.


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