The Challenges of Multigrade Teaching Virtual Teachers: Ma'am Jeddah B. Quino Context

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Name: Sharmaine U.

Fabria Date: October 24, 2022

Major/Year: BEED Fourth Year Section: TEP 8

Subject: ELEC Instructor: Jeddah B. Quino

The Challenges of Multigrade Teaching

Virtual Teachers:

Ma’am Jeddah B. Quino

On module 7, the topic was all about the challenges
Identify and briefly describe of multigrade teaching which was being delivered by our
the specific lessons/topics. virtual teacher, Ma’am Jeddah last October 11, 2022. In
Describe the what, who, this module, I was able to identify the different challenges
where, and why? that a multigrade teacher might face once he/she will be
assigned to handle a multigrade class. I have seen here
that there are really lots of challenges that we might be
face, whether in regular or multigrade setting, we can’t
deny the fact that these challenges will occur.

It was such an amazing experience that I was able to
Narrate a personal attend the virtual classes conducted by the assigned
experience or learning virtual teacher for the week. Within those days, I was
experience gained in a able to gain knowledge and additional information about
particular activity/event multigrade teaching. I’ve been wondering about the idea
example a meaningful, of facing challenges in multigrade teaching. Knowing the
memorable, happy, or fact that a teacher is assigned to a far-flung area, there is
unhappy experience that really no control when it come to these challenges.

Even though I don’t have a personal experience when

it comes to being in a multigrade class, I still have
experienced the idea of being in a class having no enough
or insufficient number of materials for the teacher and the
pupils. I have felt the difficulty because we need to wait
for the first batch of pupils to finish answering and using
the said material before we can use it. With this kind of
set-up, I have seen that as the situation continues, there
are more challenges or issues that occur such as having
the teacher being stressed on how to handle the class.
gave you further insight on
this topic. Moreover, I am still proud that I was able to
experience that kind of situation in the past because now,
that I am going to be a teacher soon and now that I have
learned a lot about the challenges of multigrade teaching,
I am more motivated and willing to still pursue my first
dream, and that is to teach.

Reflection Being a teacher, it really requires a lot of efforts and

patience to the situation you are going in. It is truly a
Present your thoughts on the challenging job and even more challenging if you are
topic. This may comprise of handling a multigrade class. With this, I really admire the
one or more of the following: dedication that our teachers possess. They are really
important lesson learned or aiming to provide quality education and produce
essential values taught and productive learners in the future.
learned by the learning
experience from the activity, After the discussion, I have realized that there are
realization/thoughts you had really challenges that we might face in the future, and
after the activity, and any that day, I was able to asked myself if I am ready to
additional personal insights conquer the field and overcome these challenges. But I
know that I can do all these things, and I am confident
that once I become a teacher, I will be equipped with
knowledge and skills and be able to face the tasks given
to me. And by that, I should possess the qualities and
characteristic in becoming an effective multigrade
teacher. As a future educator, I should reach my goal,
with all my best, and that is to serve and provide the
knowledge and skills that my pupils need to become
lifelong learners.

Lastly, I would like to share that the most important

thing that I have learned from this discussion or module is
that even though we are going to face challenges in
future, as a future educator, I believe that we should be
ready with those challenges and always keep in mind that
whatever challenge it is, we will not surrender on the idea
of giving quality education for the next generations.
Action From the module that we tackled this week, I really
learned a lot of things which I know that will help me in
Present a plan of action becoming an effective teacher in the future. I felt so
(what will you do next?) for happy being able to gain knowledge about the challenges
your reflection after your of multigrade teaching. Rest assured that all the things
introspection and cognitive that I have learned will be useful and applied in the near
understanding of the future. And also, I will share these knowledge or learnings
experience (positive or to my fellow future educators because I believe that we
negative), explain your will surely benefit from it.
answer and then suggest
what concrete steps of any One concrete step that I will do is to focus on my
impact to change and studies, as I am near to my dream profession, I need to
transform one’s self and/or still do my best to gain more knowledge and skills to be
others. able to apply it in my future career. I will surely attend
seminars and trainings that would definitely help in
developing my knowledge and skills as a teacher or a
multigrade teacher. With this, I believe that I can
overcome the challenges that I might face.

Evaluation It was indeed a great opportunity for me to be able to

gather information about multigrade teaching, from the
Looking back, wrap up module, virtual teacher and videos I watched on
learning by measuring the YouTube, and most especially being in this class. And I
extent/intensity by giving also learned that I need to always consider the needs of
your honest opinion about my learners, by that I can set my goals and prepare the
the said activity, provide proper approaches in meeting their needs. After the
suggestions/recommendatio discussions, I realized a lot of things and be able to reflect
n for the room of if I am really ready for the challenge but as what I’ve
improvement to enhance the said, it is part of the journey, therefore I must have the
next activity/event courage to face it.

Content and Analysis – 20 pts
Organization of Ideas – 10 pts
Originality – 10 pts
Total – 40 pts

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