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STAT 201

Activity No. 3

Based on your SOP as stated on your Activity No. 2, state or give if what are
the statistical tools to be used.

SOP 1 - How may the profile of teachers be described in terms of: Age;
Gender; Years of Teaching; Grade Level Taught; Number of Subject/s
Taught; Computer Application in Teaching; Ownership of Computer and
Number of Hours of Computer Usage per Week?

Statistical Tools - Frequency distribution, percentage, mean using pie or

bar graph.

SOP 2 - How may the computer skills of teachers be described in terms of:
Word Processing; Spreadsheet; PowerPoint Presentation; Internet Navigation;
Vide Conferencing; E-Mail Management and Touch Typing?

Statistical Tools - Frequency distribution, percentage, mean using pie or

bar graph.

SOP 3- How may the computer literacy of teachers be described?

Statistical Tools - Frequency distribution Table.

SOP 4- Is there a significant relationship between the profile of teachers and
their computer literacy?

Statistical Tools - Non-Parametric Test: Chi-Square using nominal data.

SOP 5- Is there a significant relationship between computer skills of

teachers and their computer literacy?

Statistical Tools - Non-Parametric Test: Chi-Square using nominal data.

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