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Lab 1: Density and Specific Gravity of Minerals

Name: Dhannieca I. Solar

Objectives: The purpose of the Mini Lab is to help students to find the density of
an unknown mineral, it shows how formula of density used to find the mass
portion of our formula.

Theory: The Mini Lab Presentation shown and help students how to understand
and find ways to get the density of an unknown mineral. We need to figure out
the mass portion of our formula.
The formula of density equals to the mass divided by the volume.
This are the different kinds of stones related to a mineral. Color and Appearance
is the most relevant in Minerals. Color, crystal form (or shape), luster, density,
cleavage, hardness or lecture are the physical properties of a mineral.

Procedure: The step-by-step procedure in the measuring the density of an

unknown mineral.
To find the density we will use the formula.
Density= (is equal to] mass/ (divided).
To find the specific gravity the P mineral is divided to P water.
Unknown Mass Volume Density Specific The Mineral
Mineral (g) (g/cm3) Gravity
1 2g 0.70 cm³ 2.84 2.84 Dolomite

2 2g 0.25 cm³ 7.87 Magnetite

3 2g 2.55 Orthoclase
0.78 cm³ 2.55

Analysis: The mass portion of the formula needed to look to find the volume
portion to find the volume. The mass and the volume, you can take the mass in
the density formula equals mass divided by volume.
Conclusion:nit of volume. there's no unit in specific gravity and m3 is the unit of volume.
t I there for conclude that there's no unit in specific gravity and m3 is the unit of
the volume. no unit in specific gravity and m3 is the unit of volume.

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