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Bai Rahaaf M.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Progress Note - Day 1 (October 17, 2022)

Today is the first day of our second week rotation in the ward. As I entered the
hospital this afternoon, I was silently praying that the patient that would be assigned to
me would be as kind as my previous patients, and God listened to me. After the
endorsement at 4 pm, we proceeded to our assigned patient. The first thing I did was
introduce myself, and I was glad because my patient was as kind as my previous
patients, and his watcher was so kind to me too. He was 82 years old and a male.
Tatay was so cute because even though he was so sick, he was still so jolly. I was able
to get his vital signs at 4 pm with 110/80 mmHg blood pressure, 36.4°C temperature,
22 BPM respiratory rate, 60 bpm pulse rate, and 99.9% SP02. After checking, I was
about to go outside when I heard him murmuring something and then I asked the
watcher what he just said and she told me that Tatay was asking me. And then I asked
Tatay what was that and then asked me if his vital signs were still under control (Under
control lang ma’am?) and laughed. I can't help but smile and laugh a little, then tell him
that his vital signs are fine and still "under control," and walk outside. After 4 hours, I got
back to Tatay because I needed to get his vital signs again. This time, his blood
pressure is 110/70 mmHg, his temperature is 37.4°C, his respiratory rate is 25 BPM, his
pulse rate is 65 BPM, and his SPO2 is 95%. I was happy again that time because his
vital signs were good and in the normal range.

My patient and his watcher (his daughter) made me think of my parents. I want to
cherish every moment with them because they are not getting younger anymore. And I
want to take care of them and stay by their side forever. Family is really everything.
Bai Rahaaf M. Lumanggal
Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Progress Note - Day 2 (October 18, 2022)

Today was the second day of our second week clinical duty in the ward. Today I was not
in the right mood because I felt like I was so tired and exhausted at the same time. I wanted to
cry as I entered the hospital. I felt like my thoughts were killing me. I have so much in my mind
like “How can I survive this day? '' and “Why did I pursue this course in the first place” (ngano
mani akoang gisudlan na course uy). But I am glad that I mastered how to calm and contain
myself all the time. At 3pm, our clinical instructor told us that the wing we had yesterday was
now being used by the other school, so we need to move to the other station. We were so
happy because that is the station we are used to but it also means that our patients will be
changed too. At 3pm we did the endorsement and after that we proceeded to our patient’s room
to introduce and monitor our patients. This time, my patient was Sir Kenneth Espino, 66, Male.
At 4 pm I monitored his vital signs. His blood pressure was 110/90 mmHg, with 37.7
temperature, 19 BPM respiratory rate, 98 bpm pulse rate and 98% SPO2. Though his vital signs
are good and in normal ranges, I can't help but to be sad because of his condition. He is badly
hurt. While monitoring and regulating IV fluids I noticed that his watcher was his wife and
sometimes their sons are also in there too. They are so patient and understanding. At 5:30 pm, I
gave him his medications so he could drink them by 6 pm. While waiting for 8 pm, I couldn't help
but to cry again silently because of exhaustion not because of our clinical duty but because of
me overthinking things again, but then again I remained calm and fixed myself. At 8 pm I get
back to my patient’s room so I can monitor his vital signs again. At this time, he has 110/90
blood pressure, 36.7°C temperature, 22 BPM respiratory rate, 72 bpm pulse rate, and 95%
SPO2. Glad that everything is in normal range.

Today, my realizations are just like yesterday. Family is everything. But I want to add how
I was amazed by Sir Kenneth’s wife. She didn’t leave him, he was with him all the time. And it
melted my heart. This couple is a living proof that true love exists and they strongly affirm the
vow that said “to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for
poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part” and I think that is beautiful. I wish that
when I am older enough, I will have a relationship like theirs.
Bai Rahaaf M. Lumanggal
Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Progress Note - Day 3 (October 19, 2022)

Today was the third day. As I entered the hospital, I was a bit nervous. I don't know why, but I
think the coffee is still kicking. Today our shift was the morning shift. At 7 am, we proceeded to
the station. We prayed and then started the endorsement. After the endorsement, we proceeded
to monitor our patients. same patients as yesterday. As I entered the patient's room, I felt the
cold breeze hug me. The room was so cold and I saw my patient freezing but refused to lower
the air conditioner, so I continued to monitor his vital signs at 8 a.m. His bp was 130/100 mmHg,
with 37.7 temperature, 19 BPM respiratory rate, 115 bpm pulse rate and 97% oxygen saturation.
I still felt sad about his condition. He was shouting in pain while having physical therapy. His wife
was holding him and sometimes she brushed her fingers through his hair. She was comforting
him. That scene melted my heart again. T'was 11:45 when I gave him the medicine that he
needed to drink at 12 and proceeded to get his vital signs again. He has a 130/90 mmHg blood
pressure, a 38.10C temperature, a 23 BPM respiratory rate, a 113 bpm pulse rate, and 96%
oxygen saturation. After that, I regulated the IV fluid. After returning to the station, our clinical
instructor told us to have lunch first, and so we did. After having lunch, at 1:30 pm, I proceeded
to my patient's room and noticed that her IVF was almost empty, so I told the nurse on duty
about it and she was shocked because, supposedly, the IVF would be changed by 10 pm, later
tonight. So I panicked because in the endorsement it was PNSS 1L @ 120cc/hr and it was kind
of my fault because I didn't ask questions about how much gtts/hr is only allowed when it was
KVO (Keep vein open) . I am just so sad that I made a big mistake by not clarifying that matter.
And I will keep that as a lesson.

My conclusion is that mistakes are a constant in our lives. Nobody's perfect. You can't avoid
mistakes, but what's important is that you learn from your mistakes and do the right thing to
make it right. And it was never hard to admit the mistakes you made. Sometimes, you have to
swallow your pride and ego for the betterment of yourself and your peace of mind.

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