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Bai Rahaaf M.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


This day is the first day of our clinical duties here in Tagum and the only thing I can think
of this morning is “how can I survive this day?” I was very nervous and uneasy. I cannot explain
how anxious I was when I entered the hospital. I was shaking and the noise made me want to
cry. I was wanting peace so I could contain myself, but because of my friend, I was able to
contain myself and overcome that “stage”. At 7 am when we went inside the nursing station for
the endorsement, we prayed first and started the endorsement and then we did the rounds. The
patient that was assigned to me was a 58 years old woman named Kim Cordila with an infected
wound caused by diabetes mellitus II. The first thing I did when I went inside of her room with
our clinical instructor was to introduce myself, and check the IV Fluid. I am glad that the patient
and the watcher are so kind to me. They were participative and gave me some advice while
getting the patient's vital signs and regulating the IVF. They told me to continue working for my
future because they know that my sacrifices as a student nurse will be all worth it in the end.
Her blood pressure at that time was 110/80 mmHg, her temperature was 35.8°C with 88 bpm
cardiac rate, 14 BPM respiratory rate and 98% SO2. I am happy that her vitals signs are good
and are in normal range but seeing her left foot makes me want to comfort her. It must be so
hard for her. At 11 am, our Clinical instructor asked me if I knew how to use glucometer so I
answered NO. I can only see that small device in our home but I never got the chance to use
and try it, so our clinical instructor taught me how to use it properly and accurately and how to
solve the mmol/L . When the time came for me to get the glucose level of Ma’am Kim, I was
nervous and shaking but glad that I was able to do it. It was my first time and it made me so
happy. At 12pm, I checked her vital signs, again. Her blood pressure was 110/80, 35.3°C
temperature, with 68 bpm cardiac rate, 15 BPM respiratory rate and 98% SO2. Everything was
good. So then I get her intake and output so I can start the charting. After charting, our shift
ended. We bid goodbyes, then Sir Lim talked to us for a while and we went home.

My realization today is that you are learning everyday and starting something is not easy,
just listen to the quiet as you set your spirit of place to light the path you are going to take on
your new adventure.
Bai Rahaaf M. Lumanggal
Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Today was our second day. We arrived at the hospital at 6:20 am, and compared to
yesterday I can say now that I entered the hospital more calm and contained. As a routine, we
started the endorsement at 7 am, did the rounds, got the patient’s vital signs, and regulated the
patient’s IVF but she can now be discharged from hospital. Her vital signs on my second day
were pretty good. Her blood pressure is normal, 120/80mmHg, her temperature was 36°C, with
19 BPM respiratory rate, 78 bpm cardiac rate and 95% SO2. And same as yesterday, they kept
on telling me “paningkamot gyud dae ha?” It motivates me so much. Before Lunch I gave three
medications to the patient. Paracetamol + tramadol, NaHCO3, and ketoanalogue. and then it's
12pm and we need to regulate and check the vital signs again. After that, we had lunch but then
when I was in the stairs walking while massaging my temple, I heard a man in the back, asking
me if I have a headache, I just smiled and the man just continued walking. I proceeded to laugh
with my classmates again but then I had to stop because I needed to get the glucose level of my
patient. Surprisingly, the man who asked me if I had a headache happened to be my patient’s
son. While I was getting the patient’s Vital signs, the man asked me again if I still had a
headache and told him I was now okay. Ma’am Kim’s vital signs at that time was 120/70 mmHg,
her temperature was 36°C, with 17 BPM respiratory rate, 67 bpm cardiac rate and 98% SO2. As
part of the routine also, we did the charting, got the input and output then recorded it and then
bid our goodbyes.

I just came to a conclusion today that some children really got their attitude to their
parents. My patient and her son, and daughter are my examples. Their attitude towards others
is everything. They care about the people around them. I hope that they will continue to have
that attitude because I am amazed by them.
Bai Rahaaf M. Lumanggal
Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Today is our third day. It was 2 in the afternoon when we arrived at the hospital.
Everything is fine, my classmate seems happy because we were moved to the pm shift, and so
was I. And as part of the routine, we started the endorsement at 3 pm. Today was the day, my
patient is now going home, but while waiting for them to go home, I still monitored my patient’s
vital signs. At 4 pm, she has 120/70 blood pressure, 35.2°C temperature, 19 BPM respiratory
rate, 67 bpm cardiac rate, and 96% S02. Ma’am Kim was alone today because her watchers are
busy processing the bills and papers that they need in order for them to go home. No
medication today so I went to the other rooms with my classmates. At 8 pm I needed to get my
patient’s vital signs again so I went to her room, but unlike yesterday, my patient wasn't nice.
She was pissed because she wanted to remove the IV line. I remained calm while she nagged
and continued checking her. Her blood pressure at that time was 120/70mmHg, 35.7°C
temperature, 19 BPM respiratory rate, 67 bpm cardiac rate with 96% SO2. After getting her vital
sign, I went to my classmates and talked about random things. I didn’t think of it that much but
while laughing, I saw my patient in a wheelchair, she saw me and smiled. She apologized for
her behavior a while ago (dae sorry kaayo gaina ha?). Told her that everything is fine and no
need to worry. I bid goodbye to her and her watcher. T’was nice meeting you ma’am, and I wish
I will not see you in the same setting again. After she left, I did the charting then I was done. I
went back to my classmates and laughed again. At 9pm, our clinical instructor started to check
the charts.

My realization this day is that never let your anger come your way. Always be patient and
try to be calm anytime because you might vent your anger to someone that is mentally unstable.
Always clear your mind, validate your feelings and know the other side of the story. Do not be
narrow-minded, because you might be a prisoner of your own thoughts.

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