Binder1 (1) - Part4

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Impact of Food
Production on the

Crops, and animals 

Fertilizers Pesticides Land Water Energy


There is a lack of The massive use has Animals need food

Industry has used 20 to 1000 for 1cm of Arable land is eitther
toxicity data of caused resistance in energy to produce Food production uses
fertilizers for a long soil in use or was used  2 effects
pesticides some species meat a lot of fossil fuels

The overuse of Soil degradation has Water pollution

They kill insects and Predator and prey Desertification Unconscious use of Unbalanced use of Huge use/Big
fertiizers has brought become a huge thanks to the farmers
birds  balance disruption water sources  food energy requirement
different effects problem actions 

Soil acidity
Water pollution
increasement Overcultivication Overuse of water Production Distribuition Selling process
When animals graze
Bee colonies number has Bad farm techniques land in a heavy way
Antibiotic-resistant dropped in large amount they can cause soil
bacteria erosion

Humans may create

resistance to
antibiotics used in

coli                "Super" Bacterias

 5,000 deaths 

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