Lesson 1 138

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Cardiac reserve is – maximum cardiac output to resting

2. Homunculus – Wilder
3. Destroy foreign cells – Lysins and perforins
4. Homeostasis maintains acid-base – 7.1 and 7.4
5. Cardiac output measured ml/min – Stroke volume x heart
6. Lesions – Diplopia
7. Inner ear contains – Hearing and balance
8. Both of these motor fibers – Viscera and Somatic
9. Thirst and hunger – Hypothalamus
10. Entire autonomic – Involuntary
11. Protections is a function – Maintenance
12. Paradoxical parasympathetic – Involuntary defecation
13. The organ of Corti – Endolymph fluid
14. SNS lies along the – Spinal Cord
15. Cardiogenic shock – Malfunction
16. Second cranial nerve – Optic
17. Physiologically – Autodigestion
18. Rule of thumb – 220 and subtract
19. Lightest layer – Plasma
20. P-R interval – beginning of the atrial contraction
21. Two lateral ventricles of the brain are located in the – cerebral hemisphere
22. Sinoatrial node – High in the right atrial wall
23. Shock – Pulmogenic shock
24. Somatic nervous system is – voluntary and impulses to the skeletal
25. Erythrocytes capture – Hemoglobin molecules
26. Tenth cranial nerve – Vagus nerve
27. Weighing about – 3 pounds
28. Digest triglycerides – Lipase
29. Detoxifying organ – Liver
30. Utricle – Static
31. PET scan – Positron
32. Semicircular canals – Dynamic
33. Auditory association – Temporal lobe
34. Cardiac output is varied by – Rate and stroke
35. Only time the heart – Diastole
36. Epidural hematoma – pool of blood between the dura and skull
37. Hepatocellular cancer – Aflatoxin
38. Flared end – Helix
39. Top layer of blood – Plasma
40. Olfactory nerve controls sense of – smell
41. Amino acid conversion – Ammonia
42. Sinoatrial node has an inherent – 60-100 beats per minute
43. Neuroglia – Connective nerves
44. Modern definition of death is – cardiac arrest
45. Accidental injection – Extreme terror in client
46. General somatic motor neurons – Outgoing
47. Actual organ of hearing is the – Cochlea
48. Sympathetic system is generally an – Excitatory pathway
49. If a client’s heart rate is 60bpm – 0.25 seconds
50. Bilirubin – feces
51. Densest layer – erythrocytes
52. Stage 1 shock – Compensated non-progressive
53. Sympathetic system stimulates – Adrenal gland
54. Middle layer of the meninges – arachnoid
55. External ear – Pinna
56. First heart sound – closure ventricular systole begins in full
57. Efferent nerves – Away from the brain
58. Most common ear infections – Otitis media
59. Mixed nerves contain – Sensory and motor fibers
60. Pacemaker – Rate of blood flow
61. Brain functions, homunculus – little man
62. Vertebral arteries join in the head – Basilar artery
63. Lactic acid is broken down – gluconeogenesis
64. Baroreceptors – Carotid artery
65. Size of an erythrocyte – 8 microns
66. Ventricles of the brain – Cerebrospinal
67. Neuron delivers – Axon
68. Sensory nerve of the glossopharyngeal – Taste buds
69. Endocrine system – Hormones
70. Psychomotor epilepsy – Temporal lobe
71. Smallest bone – stapes
72. Sensory input of the autonomic nerve – Unconscious
73. Autonomic nervous system is – Involuntary and conducts impulses to the internal organs
74. All of the following are stimulators – Cholecystokinin
75. Second phase of the cardiac cycle – ventricular filling
76. Brain stem connects – Diencephalon
77. Pons are fibers – Cerebellum
78. Functions of blood, except – hydrolysis
79. The parasympathetic nervous system promotes – Energy conservation
80. The innermost layer of the meninges is called – Pia mater
81. This can release and stimulate insulin production – Gastric
82. Semicircular canals in the ear – Endolymph fluid
83. Parasympathetic stimulations of the pancreas occur in response to the – Digestive
84. When all clotting factor in the body is used up – Widespread bleeding
85. Hypothalamus is located – Under the thalamus
86. Nervous impulses travel – Two direction
87. Cochlea is an – peritoneal spiral
88. The outer and toughest covering of the brain – Dura Mater
89. Hematopoietic Stem cell – leukocytes
90. Hepatocellular carcinoma – Africa and Asia
91. P-wave in an ECG – Electrical picture of atrial depolarization
92. Classified ear stones – Otoliths
93. Stereocilia can detect – Direction of motion
94. Meniere’s disease produce – vestibular
95. Heart sound – valves close
96. Heart block procedure – Interruption
97. These secretive digestive juices and enzymes that aid – pancreas and liver
98. Number of pairs – 12
99. During periods of increased heart rate – Diastole
100. Subdural hematoma – a pool of blood under the dura that puts pressure on the brain
101. Third phase – ventricular systole
102. Thoracolumbar origin – Sympathetic system
103. Fifth cranial nerve – Trigeminal nerve
104. Sensory nerve of the facial – Taste from the anterior
105. Some axons are myelinated – rapid impulse delivery
106. Sensory input of the somatic nervous system – conscious
107. Corti has multiple rows – Microcilia
108. Young, healthy – 200
109. Basic pancreatic functions – Corticosteroids
110. Perforation of the eardrum – Scarring
111. Hemophilia is a disease – lacks clotting
112. Third cranial nerve – Oculomotor nerve
113. Diastole is the – Relaxation of the ventricles when they are filling with blood
114. Used to block the manufactured cholesterol - statin
115. Cirrhosis of the liver - Alcoholism
116. Hemoglobin is – carries oxygen in the red part of the body
117. First cranial nerve – Olfactory nerve
118. Frank-starling’s law – Muscle Power
119. Second heart sound – Closure of the aortic and pulmonary semilunar valves as systole
ends and diastole begins
120. Ninth cranial nerve – Glossopharyngeal nerve
121. Brain Contains – More than 100
122. Semicircular canals in the ear are surrounded – Perilymph fluid
123. One of the symptoms – Bleeding
124. White blood cells break up into – Megakaryocytes
125. Regulation of pancreatic secretions – CCK and secretin
126. Hyperacusis – Heightened hearing
127. Subarachnoid hematoma – Internal Hemorrhage
128. Turns off gastric secretions – vasoactive intestinal
129. Gland secretes melatonin – Pineal gland
130. Special Visceral sensory neurons – taste and smell from the organs
131. General Visceral motor – CNS to the viscera in the autonomic
132. Rapidly breaks down large amounts – Glycogenolysis
133. Seventh Cranial Nerve – Facial
134. Area located at the back of the brain – Visual
135. Fourth Cranial – Trochlear
136. AV node’s inherent – 40-50 bpm
137. Systole is the – ventricles that pushes blood outward to the lungs
138. Motor and sensory nerves cross sides – Medulla Oblongata

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