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SPH4U1 - Dynamics I Quiz

Knowledge and Understanding

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Which of the following is an example of a non-contact force?

a. a man pushing on piano
b. gravity pulling on a bowling ball
c. a horse pulling a sled
d. all of the above
____ 2. Which of these is an example of an applied force?
a. the static friction between your shoes and the ground
b. the kinetic friction on a skier sliding down a slope
c. the tension in a clothesline holding clothes for drying
d. a child pushing another child on a swing at the park
____ 3. Which statement is true about Newton’s Laws of Motion?
a. They consist of three separate statements.
b. They explain how and why objects move or stay at rest.
c. They describe the forces that objects exert on each other.
d. all of the above

____ 4. What does the equation represent?

a. Newton’s First Law of Motion
b. Newton’s Second Law of Motion
c. Newton’s Third Law of Motion
d. Galileo’s Law of Inertia
____ 5. When an object is in equilibrium,
a. it will stay at rest if at rest or it will come to rest if moving.
b. it will start moving if it is at rest.
c. the net force acting on it is zero.
d. the net force acting on it is greater than zero.
____ 6. If an object is not in equilibrium,
a. it must be at rest.
b. it must be moving at a constant speed.
c. it must be moving with a constant velocity.
d. it must be accelerating.
____ 7. A linear actuator converts
a. energy into linear motion.
b. energy into sound.
c. sound into electricity.
d. energy into light.

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Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 8. Which force does not depend on the mass of a skier?

a. air resistance
b. the normal force
c. the force of gravity
d. he force of kinetic friction
____ 9. A lumberjack pulls with a force of 100 N [N] on a rope attached to a tall tree. A second lumberjack pulls with
a force of 80 N [E] on a rope attached to the same tree. In what direction is the net force acting on the tree?
a. northeast, but closer to north
b. northeast, but closer to east
c. due north
d. directly northeast
____ 10. An airplane flying east experiences forces of lift, drag, weight and thrust as shown in the FBD. What is the
net force acting on the airplane?

a. 7000 N [E]
b. 3000 N [E]
c. 3000 N [W]
d. 3000 N [UP]
____ 11. The force of kinetic friction between a sled and the snow on a level trail is 25.0 N. The sled is being pulled at
a constant speed by rope is attached to the front of the sled. The force is exerted on the rope at an angle of
32.0° above the horizontal. In order to keep the sled moving at a constant speed, the applied force on the rope
a. must be more than 25.0 N.
b. must be exactly 25.0 N.
c. must be less than 25.0 N but not 0 N.
d. must be 0 N.

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____ 12. A tugboat is attached to a barge of mass 5100 kg with cable #1. A second barge with a mass of 12 000 kg is
attached to the first barge with cable #2. The tugboat pulls the two barges with an acceleration of 0.030 m/s 2.
What are the tensions in cables #1 and #2?
a. cable #1: 510 N; cable #2: 360 N
b. cable #1: 360 N; cable #2: 510 N
c. cable #1: 360 N; cable #2: 360 N
d. cable #1: 510 N; cable #2: 510 N

____ 13. In winter, car tires can sometimes spin or skid on an icy road. How can this tendency be minimized?
a. Buy tires that have a larger coefficient of static friction with ice.
b. Lighten the car by removing un-needed weights.
c. Always try to accelerate as quickly as possible.
d. All of these.
____ 14. A car stops when the driver applies the brakes without skidding the tires. What force is stopping the car?
a. the kinetic friction between the tires and the road
b. the static friction between the tires and the road
c. the normal force between the tires and the road
d. the force of gravity
____ 15. Why is air resistance not ignored when drawing a FBD for a skier going down a hill?
a. The skier moves at a high speed.
b. A skier has a density much less than the density of water.
c. The air above the snow is cold and very dense.
d. All of these.
____ 16. What is the force that accelerates a skier down a hill?
a. the component of gravity parallel to the hill
b. the component of gravity perpendicular to the hill
c. the force of gravity
d. the normal force

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