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Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2008, 8, 1555-1572 1555

Medicinal Chemistry and the Molecular Operating Environment (MOE):

Application of QSAR and Molecular Docking to Drug Discovery
Santiago Vilar*†‡, Giorgio Cozza‡ and Stefano Moro‡
Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de
Compostela 15782, Spain, Molecular Modeling Section, Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche, Università di Padova,
Via Marzolo 5, Padova, Italy

Abstract: The search for new compounds with a given biological activity requires enormous effort in terms of manpower
and cost. This effort arises from the large number of compounds that need to be synthesized and subsequently biologically
evaluated. For this reason the pharmaceutical industry has shown great interest in theoretical methods that enable the
rational design of pharmaceutical agents. In the last years bioinformatics has experienced a great evolution due to the
development of specialized software and to the increasing computer power. The codification of the structural information
of molecules through molecular descriptors and the subsequent data analysis allow establishing QSAR models
(Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship) that can be applied to the design and the virtual screening of new drugs.
The development of sophisticated Docking methodologies also allows a more accurate predict of the biological activity of
molecules. Moreover, through this type of computational techniques and theoretical approaches, it is possible to develop
explanatory hypothesis on the mechanism of action of drugs. This work provides a brief description of a series of studies
implemented in the software MOE (Molecular Operating Environment) with particular attention to the medicinal
chemistry aspects.
Keywords: QSAR, Docking, Molecular Descriptors, Statistical Analysis, MOE.

INTRODUCTION search, like molecular dynamics [23, 24] or MonteCarlo

simulations [25]. Despite these difficulties, the calculation of
Quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSAR)
topological descriptors has experienced a strong develop-
studies have acquired an important position within modern
ment in the last years, since, through simple procedures, they
chemistry [1-9]. In QSAR analysis, one or more molecular
allow an effective codification of the structural information
descriptors are related with the molecular activity by means
of a molecule.
of a statistical analysis. The main objective of this analysis is
the creation of statistical models through which it is possible Also, a variety of statistical methodologies applicable to
to predict the biological activity of novel compounds that chemometrical analysis exists, like Multiple Linear Regres-
have not been tested yet. Also, through a QSAR study one sion (MLR), Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), Partial
can give a mechanistic interpretation to the activity of a Least Squares regression (PLS), Principal Component
certain family of compounds and direct their optimization. Analysis (PCA), and different types of Artificial Neural
The main steps involved in the development of a QSAR Networks (ANN). These techniques can effectively be used
model are the selection of the database of compounds with to establish a correlation model between the molecular struc-
known biological activities (training set), the calculation of tures (molecular descriptors) and the associated properties
molecular descriptors, the development of a statistical model [26-34].
that relates the activity with the calculated descriptors and, Another way of studying the interaction between a drug
later, the evaluation of the generated model with a test set and a specific biological receptor consists in modeling the
(see Fig. (1)). molecular complex formed by the two molecules. The three-
The molecular descriptors consist in a series of numerical dimensional structures of a number of drug-protein
values associated, for example, with the structural, complexes have been determined by X-ray spectroscopy and
electronic, steric, or physico-chemical properties of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. These experimental structures
molecular system in study. At the present, a great number of provide a very useful high resolution representation of the
molecular descriptors have been conceived among which, active site of the proteins and of their interactions with
topological indices [10-12], as well as quantum chemicals ligands. On the basis of this structural information it is
[13, 14], topographics [15, 16], and physical-chemicals possible to design new compounds endowed with a higher
descriptors [17]. For the calculation of the topographic and affinity for the target. However, structure-based drug design
quantum-chemical descriptors it is necessary to determine gets significantly more complicated when the structure of the
the most stable 3D structure of the compounds through proteins have not been determined experimentally, in which
molecular mechanics [18-20] or semiempirical calculations case one has to rely on experimentally-supported homology
[21, 22] in combination with methods of conformacional models.
Macromolecule-ligand complexes can be obtained by
*Address correspondence to this author at the Faculty of Pharmacy, means of molecular docking experiments, conducted using
Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Santiago de Compostela, experimental structures or homology models. Different
Santiago de Compostela 15782, Spain; Fax: +34-981-594912; docking methodologies and different scoring functions have

1568-0266/08 $55.00+.00 © 2008 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.

1556 Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2008, Vol. 8, No. 18 Vilar et al.

Compounds sampling

Molecular Description Biological assays

Molecular Parameters Biological Parameters

Mathematical Analysis

Quantitative structure-activity relationship


Prediction Interpretation

Fig. (1). Main Steps Involved in the Development of a QSAR Model.

been developed to estimate and to quantify the ligand-protein Once the descriptors have been calculated, it is possible
interaction [35-38]. These structure-based techniques to carry out different types of statistical analysis such as
revealed to be very useful to study molecular recognition Binary QSAR, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Partial
from a qualitative and quantitative point of view. Least Squares (PLS), and Multiple Linear Regression
(MLR). In the following sections, we will describe in greater
In this work we reviewed a series of recently published
detail these various aspects.
articles in which the software MOE [39] has been used to
generate models based on the calculation of molecular 1.1. Calculation of Molecular Descriptors
descriptors and statistical analysis (QSAR) and models based
on molecular docking. Baraldi et al. [40] studied a series of pyrazolotriazolo-
pyrimidines (see Fig. 2, structure 1) which had been
1. MOLECULAR DESCRIPTORS AND QSAR WITH previously reported [41] to be highly potent and selective
MOE human A3 adenosine receptor antagonists. Molecular volume
and log P values (log of the octanol/water partition
By means of the QuaSAR-Descriptor application of
coefficient), a hydrophobicity indicator, were empirically
MOE it is possible to calculate a great number of molecular
calculated using the atom fragment method implemented in
descriptors. The calculated descriptors can be divided in
the QuaSAR-Descriptor module of MOE [39]. They found a
three classes: 2D descriptors (based only on atoms and
connectivity information); internal 3D descriptors (i3D, significative correlation between the calculated molecular
volume of pyrazolo[4,3-e]1,2,4-triazolo[1,5-c]pyrimidine
based on 3D coordinate information but not affected by
derivatives and their experimental Ki values. In particular,
orientation) and external 3D descriptors (x3D, based on 3D
their affinities for the A3 receptor decrease with the
coordinate information but sensitive to absolute orientation).
increasing molecular volume values at the N8 position.
Some 2D descriptors are: physical properties, subdivided
surface areas, atoms counts and bond counts, Kier & Hall Support Vector Machine (SVM) [42] and Artificial
connectivity and kappa shape indices, adjacency and dis- Neural Network (ANN) [43] systems were applied to a
tance matrix descriptors, pharmacophore feature descriptors, drug/nondrug classification problem with good results [44].
and partial charge descriptors. 3D descriptors are classified The performance was compared using different descriptor
as potential energy descriptors, surface area, volume and sets and descriptor combinations chosen among the 120
shape descriptors, and conformation dependent charge standard Ghose-Crippen fragment descriptors [45, 46], 180
descriptors. Additionally, news descriptors can be introduced different properties and physicochemical descriptors
in MOE by means of the SVL function. calculated with MOE, and 225 topological pharmacophore
(CATS) descriptors [47]. MOE descriptors include various
Medicinal Chemistry and the Molecular Operating Environment (MOE) Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2008, Vol. 8, No. 18 1557

2D and 3D descriptors such as volume and shape descriptors, where, Std_dim2 is three dimensional surface area, volume
atom and bonds counts, Kier-Hall connectivity and kappa and shape descriptor; Kier A3 is Kier and Hall Connectivity
shape indices, adjacency and distance matrix descriptors, and Kappa Shape Index; SlogP_vsa1 is subdivided surface
pharmacophore feature descriptors, partial charges, potential area descriptor based on sum of the approximate accessible
energy descriptors, and conformation-dependent charge van der Waal’s surface area calculated for each atom with
descriptors. A similar problem for drug/nondrug classifi- contribution to log of partition coefficient (octanol/water).
cation was analyzed by means of ANN by Givehchi et al.
A discriminant model constructed by means of the SVM
[48]. Two types of neural networks were used, supervised
method for HERG potassium channel inhibitors was reported
multilayer neural nets [49] and unsupervised self-organizing
by Tobita et al. [57]. The therapeutic categories common to
maps (Kohonen maps) [50]. 32 2D descriptors were
HERG (human ether-a-go-go related gene) inhibitors include
generated for each compound with MOE [39]. Data were antiarrhythmics, antipsychotics, antihistamines, opioid
preprocessed by logistic scaling and histogram equalization.
blockers, and Ca2+ blockers [58]. For each of the included 73
The appropriate data preprocessing is an important step
drugs, 57 2D descriptors were computed by MOE [39]. Also,
because it significantly improved classification compared to
51 molecular fragment-count descriptors were computed. In
nonstandardized data and led to a reduced error rate. To
particular, the used molecular fragments were a subset of the
measure the classification accuracy, the authors calculated
public 166-bit MACCS key set [59]. SVM classification was
prediction mean square error and Matthews correlation done using the WEKA package [60], and yielded discri-
coefficient for supervised learning, and quantization error for
minant models with an overall percentage of good classi-
unsupervised learning.
fication above 90 %. A similar study based on calculation of
Xiao et al. have employed in parallel the Catalyst 2D and 3D descriptors with MOE and the subsequent
HypoGen pharmacophore modeling approach and the development of SVM models was conducted by Rege et al.
variable selection k-nearest neighbor quantitative structure– [61] in order to study the interactions of aminoglycoside-
activity relationship (kNN QSAR) method to model a diverse polyamine with DNA.
data set of p38 mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase
Another QSAR study was performed to analize the
inhibitors [51]. Molecular topological indices [52, 53] were
affinity and selectivity of a novel series of triaryl imidazole
obtained with the MolConnZ program (MCI descriptors)
derivatives (see Fig. (2), structure 3) for the glucagon
[54], while additional molecular descriptors were generated
receptor [62]. The dataset include 30 compounds reported by
with MOE. The Catalyst pharmacophore models identified Chang et al. [63]. Statistically significant and highly
functional features important for p38 MAP kinase binding.
predictive QSAR models were derived using descriptors
The kNN QSAR modeling afforded predictive QSAR models
calculated with MOE and employing a computer-assisted
with consistently high values of both leave-one-out cross-
multiple regression procedure performed with the statistical
validated R2 for the training set and predictive R2 for the test
software SYSTAT [64] and the validation program
VALSTAT [65]. 180 Molecular descriptors were calculated
QSAR studies have been performed on a series of diaryl for the lowest energy conformers of the compounds. The
furanones that acts as selective COX-2 inhibitor using MOE generated QSAR models revealed that factors related to
[55]. The studies were carried out on 43 analogs, 31 used as hydrophobicity, molecular shape, and geometry predo-
training set and 12 as test set (see Fig. (2), structure 2). All minantly influence the glucagon receptor binding affinity of
the compounds were drawn with the builder module of the studied triaryl imidazoles, indicating the relevance of
MOE. The compounds were then subjected to confor- shape specific steric interactions between the molecule and
mational analysis and energy minimization. Descriptors were the receptor.
calculated from the lowest energy conformer. By means of
Another QSAR study has been performed on 5-amino-2-
MOE, 193 descriptors divided in three classes were
mercapto-1,3,4-thiadiazole (see Fig. (2), structure 4) based
calculated—2D descriptors; i3D, internal 3D descriptors and
inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and a bac-
x3D, external 3D descriptors. The correlation between the
terial collagenase known as Clostridium histolyticum colla-
biological activity (pIC50) and the descriptors were genase (ChC) to understand the structural features influen-
performed by stepwise regression analysis using QSAR easy
cing the affinity of these inhibitors towards the enzymes
software [56], on yielded the followings equations:
[66]. A large number of 2D descriptors were generated by
pIC50 COX 2 = 1.281(Std_dim2) + (1) means of MOE. Stepwise multiple regression analysis was
1.719(Kier A3)-0.042(SlogP_vsa1) - 0.076 used as statistical tool, with the help of the statistical
program VALSTAT [65]. Each obtained QSAR model
N = 31; r = 0.870; r2 = 0.757; adjusted r2 = 0.730; S = 0.432; explained more than 75% of the total variance (r2 > 0.75).
F3, 27 = 28.084 1.2. Binary QSAR
When 1 compound was considered outlier the equation Binary QSAR is a method for the determination of
was: quantitative structure activity relationships [67]. The method
pIC50 COX 2 = 0.921(Std_dim2) + (2)
accepts binary activity measurements (e.g., pass/fail or
1.919(Kier A3)-0.037(SlogP_vsa1) - 0.238
active/inactive) and molecular descriptor vectors as input. A
Bayesian inference technique is used to predict whether or
not a new compound will be active or inactive. A set of 1947
N = 30; r = 0.922; r2 = 0.849; adjusted r2 = 0.832; S = 0.339; small molecules with molar refractivity data was chosen to
F3, 26 = 48.807
1558 Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2008, Vol. 8, No. 18 Vilar et al.

R1 SO2R1

N 2
N N O R2

N O Diaryl furanones
N 1
R Pyrazolotriazolopyrimidines
R2 H
N 3 N SH
N R1
5-amino-2-mercapto-1,3,4-thiadiazole derivatives
Triaryl imidazole derivatives

Fig. (2). Structure of Some Compounds Used for the Calculation of Molecular Descriptors.

test the correctness and robustness of the method in error Binary QSAR analysis are shown in the Table 2. The overall
measurement. Four molecular descriptors calculated with prediction accuracy of these models is very high: 94% for
MOE, were chosen to represent the molecules: two zero’th Binary QSAR model of CA II inhibitors and 89% for the
order and two first order connectivity indices [68]. The best model of ER ligands.
prediction method was implemented using the SVL Table 1. Molecular Descriptors Calculated with MOE by Gao
programming language built into MOE. The results show for Carbonic Anhydrase II Inhibitors and Estrogen
that the method exhibits high accuracy and is robust for error Receptor Ligands
Compounds with activities against seven different Table 1. Molecular Descriptors Calculated with MOE
biological targets have been used by Labute [69] to test the
applicability of VSA descriptors for compound discrimi- Symbol Description
nation via Binary QSAR. MOE was used to calculate the
b_ar number of aromatic bonds
SlogP-VSA and SMR-VSA descriptors for each of the
molecules in the database. P_VSA descriptors relate van der b_1rotR fraction of rotatable single bonds
Waals surface area with some atomic property, like logP
(octanol/water) or molar refractivity. A total of seven Binary
 zero-order atomic connectivity index
QSAR models were generated and resulted in a high 1
 first-order atomic connectivity index
accuracy of prediction (>95 %) and high significance.
 second-order atomic connectivity index
Binary QSAR also was applied to the study of estrogen
receptor ligands [70]. The binding affinities of 463 estrogen 0
v zero-order atomic valence connectivity index
analogues were transformed into a binary data format, and a 1
v first-order atomic valence connectivity index
predictive Binary QSAR model was derived using 410
estrogen analogues as a training set. The model was applied 2
second-order atomic valence connectivity index
to predict the activity of 53 estrogen analogues not included
in the training set. An overall accuracy of 94% was obtained.
 Kier first shape index

Another application of Binary QSAR with three-

 Kier second shape index
dimensional H-suppressed BCUT metrics (BCUTs) and 3
 Kier third shape index
MOE descriptors (connectivity indices, shape indices, etc)
was performed by Gao using carbonic anhydrase II (CA) 1
 Kier first alpha modified shape index
inhibitors and estrogen receptor (ER) ligands as test case 2
_ Kier second alpha modified shape index
[71]. The calculated MOE descriptors are summarized in
Table 1. The derived Binary QSAR models were validated 3
_ Kier third alpha modified shape index
with two sets of compounds not included in the training sets.
 Kier molecular flexibility index
A set of 337 CA II inhibitors (see Fig. (3), structure 1) and a
set of 463 ER ligands were collected from the literature. ASA_H total accessible hydrophobic surface area
DiverseSolutions software [72] was used for the calculation
of BCUT metrics. All other molecular descriptors were logP(o/w) partition coefficient
calculated using MOE. Binary QSAR analysis was carried
out using the MOE Binary QSAR function. Results of
Medicinal Chemistry and the Molecular Operating Environment (MOE) Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2008, Vol. 8, No. 18 1559

Table 2. Results of Binary QSAR made by Gao

Comparison of Binary QSAR Models Derived Using Different Sets of Descriptors of CA II Inhibitors

QSAR Model MOE Molecular Descriptors BCUT Metrics Combination of Descriptors

predictive accuracy actives 0.94 (0.92) 0.93 (0.89) 0.94 (0.91)

inactives 0.72 (0.58) 0.94 (0.92) 0.94 (0.92)

overall 0.90 (0.86) 0.93 (0.89) 0.94 (0.91)

Comparison of Binary QSAR Models Derived Using Different Sets of Descriptors of ER Ligands

QSAR Model MOE Molecular Descriptors BCUT Metrics Combination of Descriptors

predictive accuracy actives 0.58 (0.48)b 0.78 (0.67) 0.80 (0.73)

inactives 0.91 (0.89) 0.85 (0.84) 0.90 (0.90)

overall 0.86 (0.83) 0.84 (0.81) 0.89 (0.88)

Value in parentheses is cross-validated accuracy. 337 CA II inhibitors. 287 compounds were chosen as a training set. 50 compounds are inactive and 237 are active in the training
set. b Value in parentheses is the cross-validated accuracy. 400 Estrogen Receptor Ligands compounds were chosen as a training set.

Inhibitors of JNK3 could be useful for treating HIV-1 protease, and tyrosine kinases, and ligands for the
Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, stroke, benzodiazepine 5-HT receptors, and histamine H3. A set of
and other dysfunctions of the central nervous system (CNS) 57 SSKey-type descriptors, containing 41 of 166 MDL
[73, 74]. Two sets of 2D molecular descriptors (P_VSA and structural keys, which represent small molecular fragments,
BCUT) were used to build with MOE Binary QSAR models have been calculated. Other 16 molecular descriptors
of JNK3 ligands (see Fig. (3), structure 2) using different implemented in MOE were investigated. In particular, the
biological activity thresholds [75]. 32 P_VSA descriptors MOE descriptors were related to bulkiness (e.g., molecular
were calculated with MOE. These descriptors express refractivity) or to 2D properties (e.g., connectivity index).
various physicochemical properties (lipophilic, pharma- Complete factorial analysis, i.e. evaluation of all possible
cophoric, steric, and electronic) in terms of van der Waals combinations of the 17 molecular descriptors, was performed
surface [69] and were reported to be implicitly linked to by means of a PCA-based compound classification [80] with
ligand binding in other systems. Using the DRAGON the QuaSAR-Cluster function of MOE [39]. The approach
software [76], 64 Burden eigenvalues (BCUT) were compu- has been discussed in detail elsewhere (see URL:
ted and then imported into MOE for the construction of the With the
models. The best model was found using a 100 nM IC50 MOE QuaSAR-Cluster calculations, the authors found that
threshold with surface-based P_VSA descriptors. This model three principal components and eight intervals for signature
had an overall accuracy of 98%. With the same cutoff, coding were sufficient for effective compound classification.
BCUT descriptors led to a lower but still very satisfactory
overall accuracy of 93%. To validate the predictive ability of 1.4. Partial Least Squares (PLS)
the developed models the authors have conducted a leave- Partial Least Squares (PLS) is a technique that reduces
one-out (LOO) analysis. For the models built using P_VSA dimensionality in a regression context using orthogonal
descriptors, the LOO cross-validated overall accuracy range components. PLS combines characteristic of PCA and MLR
from 90% to 94%. [81, 82].
French et al. [83] developed a QSAR Model for Inhi-
1.3. Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
bition of N-Myristoyltransferase (hNMT-1) by cyclohexyl-
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a statistical octahydropyrrolo[1,2-a]pyrazine (COPPs). MOE was used to
technique of synthesis of the information, or reduction of the calculate a large number of 2D chemical descriptors for each
dimension (number of variables). When we have too many of the COPP compounds (see Fig. (4), structure 1) which
variables to analyze, the objective will be to reduce them to a were applied for the generation of predictive equations by
smaller number losing the smallest possible quantity of means of PLS analyses. The process resulted in an optimized
information. The principal components or factors will be a QSAR equation with 37 descriptors and the following
lineal combination of the original variables, and they will statistical parameters: root mean square error, 0.50;
also be independent of each other [77, 78]. correlation coefficient (r2), 0.72; cross-validated root mean
square error, 1.02; cross-validated r2, 0.18. The descriptors
An algorithm based on PCA was investigated by Xue et
al. [79] to classify molecules in a database consisting of 455 making the largest contributions to the equation included:
zagreb (an index describing the molecular connectivity and
compounds with activities against seven different biological
shape of the heavy atoms in the molecule); weight (the
targets. The compounds were collected from the literature
molecular weight of the compound); vsa_hyd (a
and included inhibitors of CAII, cyclooxygenase-2 (Cox-2),
1560 Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2008, Vol. 8, No. 18 Vilar et al.

Representative structures

sulfonamides N N
alcohols and phenols OH

SO2NH2 benzoic acid COOH

SO2 1

Data Profile of CA II Inhibitors


2 S
Some JNK3 ligands
Fig. (3). Compounds Used in Binary QSAR Studies.

pharmacophore feature that approximates the sum of Van der The best linear model to describe the biological activity
Waal surface areas of hydrophobic atoms); and WeinerPath of the tyrphostins, with an R2 of 0.77, was:
and WeinerPol (adjacency and distance matrix descriptors log(1/IC50 ) = 4.220 + 0.0102  vdw_area - 0.0092  PEOE_VSA_NEG +
for path and polarity, respectively). These descriptors
indicate that specific aspects of molecular size, shape, and 0.0643  (log P) 2 - 0.199  KierA1 + 0.0456  Kier1 (4)
polarity are critical determinants for inhibition of NMT.
1.5. Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) In both equations (log P)2 is the squared log of the
Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) can be used in the octanol/water partition coefficient; vdw_area is the area of
prediction of values of the dependent variable based on a van der Waals surface; PEOE_VSA_NEG is the sum of the
combination of independent variables [84-86]. MLR analysis van der Waals surface area of atoms whose partial charges
is based on the hypothesis that the dependent variable (in our are negative; Kier1 and KierA1 are the Kier Kappa Shape
case the biological activity) has a lineal relationship with the Indices, which compare the molecular graph with minimal
independent variables (molecular descriptors). and maximal molecular graphs and reflect different aspects
of molecular shape [53]. In particular, Kier1 reflects the
Yuan and Parrill studied a number of diverse inhibitors of number of heavy atoms and the degree of unsaturation in the
the HIV-1 integrase [87], which is recognized as an molecule, while KierA1 includes influences from atomic
important target for therapeutic development against AIDS.
identity, thus reflecting heteroatom content, in addition to the
QSAR models were constructed to predict the IC50 values for number of heavy atoms and degree of unsaturation.
two structural classes of molecules (salicyhydrazines and
tyrphostins; see Fig. (4), structure 2). QSAR studies were The same authors reported the development of other
performed with MOE and Cerius2 [88]. Using MLR [30], the QSAR models for HIV-1 integrase inhibition [89]. The best
best linear model obtained for the description of the biolo- QSAR model derived for a set of 11 structural classes of
gical activity of the salicylhydrazines, with an R2 of 0.93, molecules had a correlation coefficient (r2) of only 0.54 and
was: a cross-validated correlation coefficient (q2) of only 0.42.
This indicated that the compounds studied may differ in the
log(1/IC50 ) = 18.63 - 0.142  vdw_area - 0.0792  PEOE_VSA_NEG +
exact relationship between structure and inhibition, perhaps
0.478  (log P) 2 + 0.125  KierA1 + 2.133  Kier1 (3) through interactions with different subsets of amino acids in
the binding pocket, or due to the presence of non-
Medicinal Chemistry and the Molecular Operating Environment (MOE) Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2008, Vol. 8, No. 18 1561

N N Cl
COPPs compounds Some salicylhydrazines and tyrphostins studied


X R 3


COX-2 inhibitors

Fig. (4). Compounds Studied in Different Statistical Analysis with MOE.

overlapping binding pockets. Descriptor-based cluster pKi = - 22.65 - 1.352R - 0.426B5 - 59.535Q(Oortho) (7 ) r2 =
analysis indicated that the 11 structural classes of integrase
inhibitors studied belonged to two clusters, one consisting of 0.946. RMSE = 0.122
five structural classes (tyrphostins, coumarins, sulfonamides, Where R is the resonance, B5 is the size and Q(Oortho)
chicoric acids, and tetracyclines), and the other of six is the partial charge of the ortho oxygen.
structural classes (arylamides and naphthalene-based com-
pounds, thiazolothiazepines, curcumins, salicylhydrazines, 1.6. Combination of Different Statistical Analysis
styrylquinolines, depsides, and depsidones). QSAR models Using classification (Self-Organizing Map, Learning
for these two clusters had r2 values of 0.79 and 0.82 and q2 Vector Quantization, Binary QSAR, Decision Tree) and
values of 0.71 and 0.74, respectively. MOE was used to regression algorithms (Partial Least Square, Bayesian
calculate over 180 descriptors. All QSAR studies were Regularized Artificial Neural Network, Genetic Algorithm
performed with MOE and Cerius2. coupled to k Nearest Neighbors, Regression Linear), Baurin
An MLR analysis of P2Y11 receptor antagonists was et al. [92] reported the generation of eight 2D-QSAR models
performed by Ullmann et al. [90] Fragment constant for a 266 COX-2 inhibitor training set (see Fig. (4), structure
descriptors of physicochemical properties were derived with 3). The predictive performances of these eight models were
BuildQSAR [91], while the subsequent MLR analysis was subsequently compared using a test set of 88 COX-2
conducted with MOE. The analysis yielded the following inhibitors with good results. Each ligand was described by
three equations for the pKi calculation: 52 2D descriptors expressed as van der Waals Surface Areas
(P_VSA) calculated with MOE [39, 69] and its COX-2
pi = 7.282 - 2.100R - 0.410B5 (5) r2 = 0.880. RMSE binding IC50.
Of the different QSAR models, three models were built
= 0.182 with MOE and were based on a linear regression, Binary
2 QSAR, and a classification technique based upon a Decision
pKi = - 46.066 - 0.443B5 - 106.376Q(Oortho) (6) r = 0.851. Tree algorithm, also called Recursive Partitioning (RP) [93].
The results of classification models are shown in the Fig. (5).
RMSE = 0.328
1562 Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2008, Vol. 8, No. 18 Vilar et al.

Fig. (5). Classification of the Predictions Made by the Four Quantitative COX-2 Models and the Four Qualitative COX-2 Models on the 266
Ligand Training Set (True Positive, False Negative, True Negative, False Positive; Compounds Number; Percentage).

Subsequently, the authors generated a QSAR consensus molecular move to find an optimal solution. Molecular
prediction protocol that resulted to be more predictive than moves that decrease the energy of the system are accepted,
any single QSAR model. while moves that increase the energy can be accepted or not.
Costanzi et al. [94] combined QSAR and Docking scores Simulated annealing is based on the Monte Carlo method
in a ligand- and structure-based consensus model (LIST-CM) [25]. The following parameters control the search: cycles per
for the prediction of the activity of a series of P2Y1 run (each run consists of different cycles and each cycle
antagonists. This model was based on LiaScore (Glide consists of a various steps or moves), iteration limit, and
scoring function) [95], SGB-LIE [96], CoMFA [97], initial temperature.
CoMSIA [98], MOE QSAR with 2D descriptors, MOE
Tabu search performs a stochastic search maintaining a
QSAR with 3D descriptors, and MOE QSAR with 2D and
list of previously visited conformations that are forbidden to
3D descriptors [39]. The consensus model yielded a
future moves. This is very useful to drive the search into
prediction power superior to that of any individual model. unvisited areas of space. The new conformations are
2. MOLECULAR DOCKING WITH MOE compared to the visited conformations using the root mean
square (RMS) deviation. The parameters that control the
MOE-Dock searches favorable binding configurations search process are the steps per run, moves per step, and tabu
between ligands and macromolecular targets. The search is list length.
carried out inside a 3D docking box. The box size and
orientation depends on the selected atoms. The search is Docking run begins with a random conformation of the
carried out by means of molecular mechanics forcefields [99, ligand or a user-determined conformation. In the context of a
100] and it is possible to use two different protocols that binding configuration search, a move consists of random
optimize the spatial contacts and the electrostatic interactions perturbations of some or all of the rotatable bonds of the
among the molecules generating random changes to the ligand. It is also possible to restrict the search using angle,
coordinates of the ligands. The two different protocols torsion, and distance constraints. The interaction energies
available are simulated annealing and tabu search [101]. between the ligand and the target are calculated with the
These methods have an acceptance-rejection test for each built-in potential function or grid-based potential fields. In
Medicinal Chemistry and the Molecular Operating Environment (MOE) Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2008, Vol. 8, No. 18 1563

the grid-based method, the interaction energy is calculated the correct orientation and the qualitative affinity of the
using electrostatic and van der Waals potential fields that substrates for a specific isozyme.
have been sampled on a grid overlaying the docking box.
The grid-based method calculates the potential energy grids 2.2. Protein Kinases
only at the beginning of the docking calculation. This Anthracycline antibiotics are among the most effective
method is faster than the built-in potential energy function. agents used for the treatment of cancer [104]. Roaten et al.
Finally, MOE-Dock saves the resulting conformations conducted a molecular modeling study to investigate the
and energies (total energy, the electrostatic energy, the van interaction of the anthracycline AD 198 with the Protein
der Waal energy between the protein and the ligand, the Kinase C- [105]. The structure of AD 198 was generated
energy of the ligand and the salvation energy) into a MOE using the "Small Molecule Builder" application of MOE and
database. minimized using the AMBER94 force field [106].
Conformers of AD 198 were generated using the random
The software MOE has been used in various studies to incremental pulse search (RIPS) methodology within MOE.
carry out molecular docking of different ligands to a number Docking of AD 198 was carried out manually or using the
of biological targets. In this section, we review a series of automated docking module MOE-DOCK. The automatic
studies performed for various therapeutic targets, which docking procedure was validated by removing phorbol-13-
demonstrate the applicability of the MOE software to acetate from the crystallographic complex and docking it
structure-based computational medicinal chemistry. back in. The study yielded three models of AD 198 bound
It is worth noting that the results in this type of studies into the groove formed between amino acid residues 6-13
vary according to the crystallographic information available and 21-27 of the C1b domain in a manner similar to that
for different proteins and protein-ligand complexes. When reported for phorbol-13-acetate and other ligands of the C1
the docking protocol is adjusted through the crystallized domain. Two of the identified models were consistent with
structures the results are more accurate and reliable it is more previous experimental data demonstrating the importance of
remarkable. When the docking experiments are conducted at the 14-valerate side chain of AD 198 in binding to the C1
homology models, the results should be interpreted with domain. These studies are a starting point for the rational
more caution due to the lack of an experimental model. design of potential new drugs targeting PKC and other
proteins with C1 domains.
2.1. Carbonic Anhydrases (CA)
Using a virtual screening approach, Cozza et al. [107]
Esposito et al. [102] reported the docking of identified the ellagic acid, a naturally occurring tannic acid
sulfonamides to CA II and IV, which are of interest due to derivative, as a novel potent Casein Kinase 2 inhibitor (CK2
their application in glaucoma therapy [103]. The study was inhibitor). At present, ellagic acid represents the most potent
carried out with the use of MOE-Dock and was based on the known CK2 inhibitor (Ki = 20 nM). In particular, a
X-ray structures of the CA II complex with the inhibitors combination of four docking protocols (MOE-Dock [39],
AMS and AZP, and of the CA IV complex with AZP. In the Glide [95], Fred [108], and Gold [109]) and five scoring
majority of the cases, the structure with the lowest or next functions (MOE-Score [39], GlideScore [95], GoldScore
lowest calculated interaction energy was the overall best- [109], ChemScore [109], and Xscore [110] was utilized to
docked structure. Using this protocol the authors predicted appropriately dock and rank the large studied database. The

Known CK2 Inhibitors MMS-Database

(15 compounds) (2000 NP-compounds)

Conformational Space Exploration
(performed by OMEGA)

Ellagic acid

Rigid-body shape fitting Top 50 %

(performed by FRED)
Flexible complementarity
(by MOE-Dock/Glide/Gold)

Top 5 %

Consensus scoring
Hit selection (by MOE-Dock/Glide/Gold/Xscore)

Fig. (6). Flowchart of the High-throughput Consensus Docking Made by Cozza et al. and the Structure of Ellagic Acid.
1564 Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2008, Vol. 8, No. 18 Vilar et al.

flowchart of the high-throughput consensus docking and the authors demonstrate that trapping of topoisomerases by CL is
structure of ellagic acid are shown in the Fig. (6). specific for type II enzymes. The guanine-alkylating ability
of CL suggests an unprecedented mechanism of Topo II
Tetrabromocinnamic acid (TBCA, see Fig. (7), structure
poisoning, according to which the enzyme renders the drug
1) and related compounds represent another class of specific
Protein Kinase CK2 inhibitors (TBCA IC50 = 0.11 μM). reactive toward DNA by distorting the double-helical
structure of the nucleic acid at the cleavage site. Moro et al.
These compounds were docked at the human CK2 (PDB ID:
[116] have also performed molecular modeling studies to
1JWH) [111] by Pagano et al. [112]. The structures of all
construct an interaction model for anthracycline activity
ATP-competitive inhibitors were constructed with MOE and
against DNA Topo II. Their findings may explain several
minimized, and subsequently docked at the CK2 by means of
established structure-activity relationships of antitumor
MOE-Dock and GOLD [109]. Only the top-ranked pose of
each ligand obtained by both docking protocols was anthracyclines and may thus provide a framework for the
development of effective Topo II poisons.
evaluated. MOE conformational samplings were conducted
within a user-specified 3D docking box. From modeling it 2.4. HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase
also appears that the brominated benzene ring of TBCA is
more remote from the side chains of V66 and I164 than it is The interactions of non-nucleoside inhibitors of HIV-1
in the case of the most widely employed inhibitor 4,5,6,7- Reverse Transcriptase with the non-nucleoside binding
tetrabromobenzotriazole (TBB). pocket of the enzyme are of great pharmaceutical interest
[117-120]. Zhou et al. [121] docked known and potential
2.3. Topoisomerase II non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (potam-
getonin, neotripterifordin, tripterifordin, kaurenoic acid,
Moro et al. [113] studied clerocidin (CL, see Fig. (7),
kaurane) at the enzyme by means of MOE-Dock. The
structure 2), a diterpenoid with antibacterial and antitumor
coordinates of nevirapine and 105U91 were obtained from
activity [114]. This compound stimulates in vitro DNA
X-ray structures (PDB codes 1VRT, 3HVT and 1RTH). The
cleavage mediated by mammalian and bacterial Topo-
isomerase (Topo) II [115]. CL was docked into both the original crystal structures of 3HVT, 1VRT, and 1RTH [122]
were used to validate the applicability of MOE-Dock to the
major and minor grooves of DNA using MOE-Dock. The
HIV-1 RT system by moving the inhibitor outside of active

Br O 3 R1
Br 1
Br N
Tetrabromocinnamic acid (TBCA) Pyrazolotriazolopyrimidines
15 O O
14 HO
13 O O


Structure of clerocidin (CL). The dicarbonylic form of the drug (left) is shown in equilibrium with the closed hemi-acetalic ring (right). The numbered
atoms outline electrophilic carbons possibly involved in the reaction with nucleophilic moieties in the DNA.

O 4 5
1,2,4-Triazolo[4,3-a]quinoxaline Derivatives

Fig. (7). Structure of Some Compounds Studied with Docking.

Medicinal Chemistry and the Molecular Operating Environment (MOE) Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2008, Vol. 8, No. 18 1565

site entrance and then docking it back into the active site. With a similar molecular modeling approach a study was
The docking results of the five diterpenoids showed that the carried out to elucidate the binding mode of triazolo-
structurally homologous inhibitors bind with a very similar quinoxalines (see Fig. (7), structure 4) as new selective
position and orientation within the HIV-1 RT. human A3 adenosine receptor antagonists [133-135].
2.5. Helicobacter Pylori Urease
A homology model of the Helicobacter pylori urease was
developed by using the crystal structure of the urease from
Klebsiella aerogenes as template (entry 2KAU [123]). The
protein modeling tools available in the computer software
package MOE were used for protein modeling. The
geometrically optimized protein structure was used as a
starting point for docking experiments. Acetohydroxamic
acid was docked into the active pocket of the protein [124]
by means of MOE-Dock [39]. Specific information
identifying the amino acids involved in the formation of the
urease active pocket was obtained from the literature, and
this information was used to define the docking box and
volume to be explored during docking [125]. Twenty-five
putative complex geometries were generated and optimized
during the docking process. However, the final configuration
was selected on the basis of similarity to the crystal structure
of acetohydroxamic acid as bound to the K. aerogenes urease
[126]. In both cases, the hydroxamic acid binds to the nickel
ion, which is present in the active site and is very
fundamental for the activity of the enzyme [125].
2.6. Human Adenosine Receptors Fig. (8). Side View of the A3-inhibitor Complex Model.

Baraldi et al. performed a molecular modeling inves- Another paper reports the study of some 2-aryl-
tigation intended to elucidate the binding mode of new pyrazolo[3,4-c]quinolin-4-ones, 4-amines, and 4-amino-
human A3 adenosine receptor antagonists and, in particular, substituted derivatives (see Fig. (7), structure 5) designed as
to better rationalize the correlation between their chemical antagonists of the human A3 receptor [136], towards which
structures and the corresponding binding results [127]. By some of the compounds showed a nanomolar affinity.
homology modeling, the authors have built an improved Homology modeling, energy calculation, and docking
model of the transmembrane region of the human A3 studies were performed using MOE. All docked structures
receptor, using the crystal structure of rhodopsin as template were fully optimized without geometry constraints using
[128]. The human A3 receptor model was built and RHF/AM1 semiempirical calculations. A flow chart of the
optimized using MOE. All pyrazolo[4,3-e]-1,2,4-triazolo applied ligand-based homology modeling technique is shown
[1,5-c]pyrimidine derivatives (see Fig. (7), structure 3) were in the Fig. (9). Molecular modeling studies were performed
fully optimized using RHF/AM1 semiempirical calculations on the pyrazoloquinoline derivatives in order to identify the
[129]. The software package Gaussian98 was utilized for all hypothetical binding motif of this class of compounds and
quantum mechanical calculations [130]. The ligands were rationalize the observed SAR. The main issues to be
docked into the binding site by using MOE-Dock (see Fig. addressed were to clarify the different role of the R subs-
(8)). The study provided useful information concerning the tituent on the affinity and selectivity for the human A3
optimal structural requirements necessary for antagonist receptor of the 4-oxo/4-amino and 4-acylamino/4-benzyl-
recognition by the A3 adenosine receptor. By the use of ureido derivatives and to interpret the advantageous effect of
molecular modeling studies, it has been demonstrated that the 4-acylamino moieties. The effect of a hydrophobic R
the steric characteristics of the substituent at the para substituent appeared to be significantly different for the two
position on the phenyl ring play a fundamental role for classes of compounds. The 4-oxo and 4-amino derivatives
affinity at the human A3 receptors. Moro et al. [131] investi- interacted only with the upper part of the binding pocket, and
gated by means of MOE optimal structural requirements the introduction of a methyl group in meta or para position of
necessary for molecular recognition of pyrazolotriazolopyri- the phenyl ring increased affinity versus the human A3
midines as antagonists of the human A2B adenosine receptor. receptor. However, molecular docking studies carried out for
The studied demonstrated that bulky groups at the N5 and all the pyrazoloquinoline antagonists, using the appropriate
N8 positions on the core of the molecules confer a slightly conformational states of the receptor, have shown a similar
better affinity for the A2B adenosine receptor subtype with binding motif, indicating that a common receptor-driven
respect to the other receptor subtypes, and clarified the pharmacophore model can be depicted. An important
differences in the interaction of this class of compounds with hydrogen-bonding network could be observed in all
the human A2B and A3 receptors. More recently, new series energetically stable docked conformations of all pyrazolo-
of 5-Heteroarylcarbamoylaminopyrazolo[4,3-e]1,2,4-triazolo quinoline antagonists; in particular, Thr94, His95, and
[1,5-c]pyrimidines as human A3 adenosine receptor anta- Ser247 were able to interact through hydrogen bonding with
gonists were also studied [132].
1566 Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2008, Vol. 8, No. 18 Vilar et al.

Fig. (9). Flow Chart of the Ligand-based Homology Modeling Technique Used to Study Pyrazoloquinoline Antagonists.

the studied compounds. Finally, the pyrazoloquinoline pounds within the cyclooxygenase COX-1 and COX-2
moiety did not present any specific hydrogen-bonding binding cavities [140]. The ground-state geometry of all
interaction with Gln167, Phe168, or Asn250 as previously docked structures were fully optimized using RHF/3-21G*
reported for other classes of antagonists. ab initio calculations. The Spartan software package was
utilized for all quantum-mechanical calculations [141]. The
2.7. NAD(P)H/Quinone Acceptor Oxidoreductase Type 1 X-ray crystal structure of COX-1 complexed with ‘-methyl-
(QR1) 4-biphenylacetic acid’ (PDB entry 1Q4G) [111], and that of
NAD(P)H/quinone acceptor oxidoreductase type 1 (QR1) COX-2 complexed with the selective inhibitor SC-558 (1b;
protects cells from cytotoxic and neoplastic effects of PDB entry 1CX2) [111] were used to perform docking
quinones through two-electron reduction [137]. Docking, studies. All furoxan derivatives (see Fig. (10), structure 1)
and binding affinity calculations were performed on a series were docked into the recognition cavity using MOE-Dock.
of structurally varied quinone substrates [138]. MOE was Some compounds showed good steric and electrostatic
used to perform molecular building, coordinate preparation, complementary with the COX-2 cavity. For COX-1 it is
docking, and calculations of solvation energies and relative different and none of the products exhibited any significant
binding free energies. Autodock3 [139] also was used for complementary. Several authors reported certain structural
docking and relative binding free energy calculations. A differences between COX-1 and COX-2 [142]. Ile523 in
good correlation between calculated and measured binding COX-1 is substituted by Val523 in COX-2 and it permits
affinities was obtained. Also in this case, to validate the access to a side pocket adjacent to the central COX channel.
MOE-dock method, the authors docked duroquinone back The enzyme COX-2 has an Arg513 and not and Hist513 like
into the active site. The experimental and theoretical studies in COX-1. This substitution permits to the inhibitors have an
independently supported a model in which quinones (with H-bonding with the SO2 moiety of COX-2 The substitution
one to three fused aromatic rings) bind in the QR1 active site of His513 in COX-1 by Arg513 in COX-2 allows for H-
utilizing a -stacking interaction with the isoalloxazine ring bonding with the SO2 moiety of COX-2 inhibitors. There is
of the FAD cofactor. In the QR1 active site, the duroquinone another difference because the enzyme COX-1 has a Phe503
ring stacks 3.5 Å above the flavin ring, with carbonyl and COX-2 has a Leu503. This allows larger inhibitors to
oxygens running almost parallel with the length of the bind in the cavity of the enzyme.
isoalloxazine ring. One quinoid carbonyl forms a hydrogen Furthermore, the orientation of the highly potent and
bond with a water molecule, which in turn hydrogen bonds selective COX-2 inhibitors (3-alkylthio-4,5-diaryl-4H-1,2,4-
to Y128 and H161. The other carbonyl hydrogen bonds to triazoles) [143] in the COX-2 active site was examined with
Y126. MOE. The ligand molecules were constructed using the
2.8. Cyclooxygenase Builder module and were energy optimized. Docking at
COX-2 (1cx2) was conducted within a specified 3D docking
A molecular-docking study was carried out to explore the box with MOE-Dock using simulated annealing based on the
steric and electrostatic complementarities of novel com-
Medicinal Chemistry and the Molecular Operating Environment (MOE) Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2008, Vol. 8, No. 18 1567

Monte Carlo method and MMFF94 molecular mechanics (HCVP), polypeptide deformylase (PDF), and peroxisome
force fields. Molecular modeling studies indicated that the proliferator-activated receptor  (PPAR). The goal of this
SO2Me moiety inserts deeply into the COX-2 secondary study was to examine three tasks: binding mode prediction,
pocket andthe C-3 SR sulfur atom forms a weak hydrogen virtual screening for lead identification, and rank-ordering by
bond with NH2 atom of Arg120. affinity for lead optimization. Some programs evaluated
have different scoring functions or docking algorithms to
2.9. G-Quadruplex of Human Telomere DNA resulting in a total of 19 docking protocols (see Table 3).
A novel series of benzothiazole urea and thiourea Table 3. Docking Softwares and Protocols Included in the
derivatives was synthesized and evaluated for its in vitro Docking Study Made by Warren et al.
cytotoxicity against MCF-7 breast cancer cells [144]. The
compound N1-(benzothiazol-2-yl)-N3-morpholinourea
displayed the highest cytotoxic activity in this series. A Docking Software Protocols
docked pose of this compound was obtained bound to G- MOE
quadruplex of human telomere DNA active site. The
coordinates of the X-ray crystal structure of I (see Fig. (10), MVP
structure 2) bound to the G-quadruplex were obtained from
Dock4 Chemistry
Protein Data Bank (PDBID: 1L1H). The ligand molecules
were constructed using the builder module and were energy Contact
minimized. The active site of G-quadruplex was identified
using the MOE-Alpha Site Finder, and then ligands were Energy
docked within this active site using the MOE-Dock. The Fred ChemScore
lowest energy conformation was selected and the ligand
interactions (hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interaction) ScreenScore
with G-quadruplex were determined. Docking of the energy DockIt
minimized conformation of the compound II (the most
effective; see Fig. (10), structure 3) into the G-quadruplex of Glide
human telomere DNA showed a very close pattern of
binding to the G-quadruplex of human telomere DNA as that
resulting from the crystal structure of I. In both cases (I and FlexX FlexX score
II) a hydrogen bond interaction could be observed between a
carbonyl group of the ligand and the thiamine 1006 base. DrugScore

1 O O
S Flo Mcdock
N N Mcdock+
O 3
General scaffold of furoxan Compound II Sdock
derivatives studied by Moro et al.


O 2 O The first goal was the prediction of protein-bound

conformations. Different docking protocols were used to
HN N NH predict bound conformations for the 136 compounds for
which protein/ligand crystal structures exist. The docking
programs were able to reproduce the conformations of the
crystals. For all proteins except HCVP, at least one program
Compound I was able to dock 40% of the ligands within 2 Å of the crystal
conformation. For several protein targets, 90% of the ligands
Fig. (10). Structure of Some Compounds Studied with Docking. could be docked in the correct orientation. The docking
algorithms effectively explored the conformational space to
generate correct docked poses. A limitation was that the
2.10. Inaccuracy of Scoring Functions in Different
scoring functions were less successful at distinguishing the
pose closest to the crystal conformation. In general, when
An evaluation of 10 docking programs (among them the considering only the best-scoring pose, only some com-
MOE) and different scoring functions was conducted by pounds were docked within 2 or 4 Å of the crystallographic
Warren et al. [145] against eight proteins of seven protein conformation. Another limitation was that no single docking
types: chk1 kinase, factor Xa, gyrase, methionyl tRNA program performed well across all protein targets. In others
synthetase (MRS), hepatitis C RNA polymerase NS5B
1568 Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2008, Vol. 8, No. 18 Vilar et al.

words, there is no one program that is located near the top of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the list.
The authors acknowledge scholarship funding from the
The second interesting aspect was to know if scoring Xunta de Galicia for one-year post-doctoral position (2007)
functions could distinguish active chemotypes from inactive in the Molecular Modeling Section, Dipartimento di Scienze
chemotypes. With the application of knowledge about the Farmaceutiche, University of Padova, Italy. Thanks are also
protein target, docking algorithms and their scoring functions given to Dr. Humberto González-Díaz. S. Vilar acknow-
could carry out a virtual screening and identify leads, and ledges to Dr. Stefano Costanzi his collaboration and his
combining the results of the different docking programs, it important help to improve the manuscript.
was possible to identify active compounds from a pool of
decoy compounds. REFERENCES
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Received May 8, 2008 Accepted May 12, 2008

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