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NAME: Twiny Love D.


Media and Information Literacy
Quarter II/IV – Week 3

Lesson 1
Deliberating the Implication of Media and information to
One’s Life and Society.

Let’s Try
Directions: Read each question carefully and circle the correct answer.

1. The following are disadvantages of social media in business EXCEPT?

A. Inconsistency of product content and quality
B. Product advertisement
C. Product replication
D. Lack of personal connection to customers

2. Which of the following refers to persons that are involved in the use, analysis,
evaluation, and production of media and information?
A. Editors C. Media practitioners
B. People Media D. Online classroom teachers

3. Which of the following are people in media who underwent training in writing and
equipped with the fundamental and significant knowledge and strategies in writing
news and stories based on real events in the community?
A. Broadcast Journalist C. Print Journalist
B. Multimedia Journalists D. Photojournalists

4. The following are capabilities of media and information literate individuals EXCEPT?
A. Develop communication skills
B. Empower economic stability
C. Encourages personal and professional growth
D. Increase social media participation
5. What type of people as media refers to influential people which communicate the
messages they get from the mainstream media?
A. Opinion Leaders C. Social Journalism
B. Citizen Journalism D. Photojournalists

6. Which of the following people as media refers to an individual who can use modern
technology as means of communication like sharing information from newsworthy
events to other people?
A. Opinion leaders C. Social Journalism
B. Citizen Journalism D. Photojournalists
7. What type of people in media refers to individuals who are often seen on television,
giving us updates on the local, national, and world events. They are skilled not just
in journalism but also in public speaking?
A. Broadcast Journalist C. Print Journalist
B. Multimedia Journalists D. Photojournalists

8. Which type of people media refers to individuals who serve as channels of

information dissemination?
A. People As Media C. People Media
B. People In Media D. None of These
9. Which type of people media refers to individuals who manipulate the media behind
the lens and pens?
A. People As Media C. People Media
B. People In Media D. None of These
10. What type of people does media use text, audio, visual, multimedia, etc to spread
information and messages for the public?
A. People As Media C. People Media
B. People In Media D. None of These

Let’s Practice


Directions: Fill in the table with the impacts of media and information on an individual’s
personal, professional and educational aspects and to society’s economic, political, social,
and education sectors.
Social Sector Political Sector Economic Sector
Ex. Greater They can easily Empowers economic
The overall impact of
community spread the news stability because of
Media and
involvement about political site and social
Information on the
changes through medias that teaches
media and a lot of and promotes
people are informed. economic growth.

Education Aspect Personal Aspect Professional Aspect

Additional Exposure to hate Finds new job
information and speech. opportunity.
helps in Sets a standard that Gives idea to
The overall impact of
topics/lessons that others are trying to improve in our
Media and
we don’t understand. reach. profession when
Information on an
Opens another Serves as reading blogs, posts,
opportunity in entertainment and videos that inspires
learning so much stress reliever. and are related to the
more than what is profession.
taught in school.

1. How did you find the activity?

I find it enjoyable because it challenges me to think about other perspectives.
2. In your perspective. what is the impact of media and information on you as an individual?
Sometimes, it makes my life easier but set a standard that I was hoping to reach. I’m also
exposed to hate speech which I don’t like.

Directions: Identify the positive and negative effects of media according to the assigned
sector provided in the graphic organizer.
Collaboration Encourage student
Improves students’
among students is collaboration.
learning for they
improved. Students who are
may use social
Students' interest in unable to attend
media websites to
the learning process class regularly may
learn meaningful
and communication be able to express
discourse, they can
abilities can both be themselves through
foster cooperation,
improved by using social media. Even
exchange ideas, and
social media. They while this cannot
all of which will
may feel more completely replace
benefit students'
comfortable class involvement, it
expressing can help students
themselves online gain confidence and
platforms. empower them to
find their voice.

It can be a Cyberbullying. On There is a lack of any

distraction. The most csedcve
the one end, social real communication.
serious consequence csedcve
Although the real-time
media can be a
of using social media great method for internet stream
in the classroom is students and provides a safe
that it can cause instructors to environment for
students to become communicate, but students to express
distracted from their on the other hand, themselves, they are
academics.Facebook it can also be a missing out on
and other social weapon of hate. important lessons in
media platforms can Students can more real-world skills.
divert students' easily harass or Students must be
attention away from bully their peers or required to be able to
what is happening in even their teachers effectively express
the classroom, thanks to the themselves and join
affecting the learning internet. with others in order to
process. have successful
personal connections
and social lives.

1. Do you think literacy on media and information could be addressed the challenges?
Yes. Because as UNESCO said, the goal of media and information literacy is to enable
individuals to become involved citizens and responsible decision-makers. Simply said, MIL
tries to encourage people to engage in a process of inquiry that allows them to think critically
about the media and the information they consume.

Let’s Do More

Directions: Analyze the picture below and answer the given questions.

1. What is the message presented by the image given?

I think the image depicts the impact of social media which
is supporting a political or social cause through social
media or online petitions, which is defined as requiring
minimal work or commitment or ‘slacktivism’.
2. Is this scenario observable today? Why or why not?
Yes, it is. When people wanted to share something, may it
be a complaint, memories, information, or their
(Source: “the major impact of social media
experiences, they immediately open their social media “,Accessed December 27, 2020. https://
platforms and post it there.
article/ amp)

3. Would such be beneficial to the community? Why?

Yes. Because social media currently has about a quarter of the world's
population. With the help of posting in the social media, we are able to
learn more about social, ethical, environmental, and political concerns of
each and everyone.

Directions: Write the similarities of People As Media and People In Media on the
space provided below.


• They deal with media and information in terms of

use, analysis, evaluation, and production.
• Both of them provide information.

Let’s Sum It Up

Directions Write an essay about how media affects the society as a whole
(economic,social,political and educational). Write your answer
on the space provided below. Your essay must have a title, Refer
to the rubric for grading.
The Spread Of Media Use And It’s Influence

It is undeniable and noticeable that the use of media has widen as time passes by. Each person with
a minority viewpoint can understand that they're not alone thanks to the internet. Social, ethical,
environmental, and political concerns would have little visibility if not for social media. But in social media
people can connect and when they do they can do things like developing newspapers, and entire online worlds
that support their point of view, then break into the mainstream. Because social networks thrive on human
connection, they become more powerful as they expand.

The media has different affects on our society there are cons and pros in using the media, but let’s
start in the positive side. The way individuals socialize has changed dramatically thanks to platforms like
Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. It has created a simple way to communicate with our family, friends, and
relatives in real-time and with those loved ones abroad. People are sharing photos and videos on social media
and communicating with their loved ones. People also have the opportunity to make and meet new friends.
This has deepened ties and brought us all together.The business has also benefited greatly from the media.
Social media has had a significant impact on businesses, from marketing to timely consumer interaction. A
company that has embraced social media has a distinct advantage over its competition. Businesses may
advertise their goods in real-time and attract more clients via online platforms at a lower cost. Through various
programs, it has made it easier for businesses to reach out to a larger client base and strengthen customer
loyalty. Businesses can swiftly grasp the market and adopt new strategies by interacting with and providing
feedback to their customers. They can also conform to the changing tastes and expectations of their clients.
While in politics, the media has had a significant impact. It is now where the majority of people acquire their
news; in certain situations, it is even before the news organizations do. It is the media that makes political
and other news the most accessible. People can also use these internet venues to express their political issues
with their elected officials and demand that action be made. It is also a platform via which massive political
rallies, campaigns, and even political unrest are organized. Meanwhile, the media has had an impact on our
economy, particularly in terms of job hiring. The media has had a tremendous impact on job recruitment.
The majority of businesses base their recruiting decisions on their social media profiles. It has also made it
easier for job seekers to find job openings. This is visible on platforms such as Facebook, where job searchers
can create profiles with their qualifications and search for jobs or check what recruiters are promoting. The
impact of media on education is noticeable and significant. Media has helped people build and develop a
variety of skills and talents. Online learning is on the rise, especially in light of our current circumstances,
where we have an online class for everyone's safety. Because of the existence of media, learning has been
easier and more diverse, thanks to educational channels and shows that have supplied new knowledge and
a wealth of information.

Although the media makes our life easier, media has consequences too. Invasion of privacy such as
impersonations, fraud, and harassment, among other unhealthy habits, are all potential dangers of sharing
personal information online. Also, Employers often use social media to assess job applicants. And because
'the internet never forgets,' posting anything unpleasant or embarrassing might cost you to lose your job.
Furthermore, online social platforms are addictive, which has resulted in a significant drop in professional
productivity. Some people, particularly introverts, have become overly reliant on the virtual world rather than
the real world as a result of it. Another one is the spread of fake news. Because information spreads more
swiftly online, a piece of false information might quickly reach a large number of individuals and trigger
widespread panic. And for me, the most concerning effect of media is cyberbullying. Victims of cyberbullying
have experienced depression and, in the most extreme circumstances, have taken their own lives as a result
of their experiences. Also, it seems that hate speeches are normal just because everyone is doing it and if you
stand against it they'll call you 'sensitive' or 'kill joy' when in fact what they're doing are wrong. Media is great
power that was given to use, we must use it responsibly.
Let’s Assess
Directions: Read each question carefully and circle the correct answer.

1. Which of the following people as media refers to an individual who can use modern
technology as means of communication like sharing information from newsworthy events to
other people?
A. Opinion leaders B. Social Journalism
C. Citizen Journalism D. Photojournalists

2. What type of people in media refers to individuals who are often seen on television, giving us
updates on the local, national, and world events. They are skilled not just in journalism but
also in public speaking?
A. Broadcast Journalist B. Print Journalist
C. Multimedia Journalists D. Photojournalists

3. Which type of people media refers to individuals who serve as channels of information
A. People As Media B. People Media
C. People In Media D. None of These

4. Which type of people media refers to individuals who manipulate the media behind the lens
and pens?
A. People As Media B. People Media
C. People In Media D. None of These

5. What type of people does media use text, audio, visual, multimedia, etc to spread information
and messages for the public?
A. People As Media B. People Media
C. People In Media D. None of These

6. The following are disadvantages of social media in business EXCEPT?

A. Inconsistency of product content and quality
B. Product advertisement
C. Product replication
D. Lack of personal connection to customers

7. Which of the following refers to persons that are involved in the use, analysis, evaluation,
and production of media and information?
A. Editors B. Media practitioners
C. People Media D. Online classroom teachers

8. Which of the following are people in media who underwent training in writing and equipped
with the fundamental and significant knowledge and strategies in writing news and stories
based on real events in the community?
A. Broadcast Journalist B. Print Journalist
C. Multimedia Journalists D. Photojournalists

9. The following are capabilities of media and information literate individuals EXCEPT?
A. Develop communication skills
B. Empower economic stability
C. Encourages personal and professional growth
D. Increase social media participation

10. What type of people as media refers to influential people which communicate the messages
they get from the mainstream media?
A. Opinion Leaders B. Social Journalism
C.Citizen Journalism D. Photojournalists

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