Heat Analyisis

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Cd. Victoria, Tamaulipas, México June, 2022


During the preparation of this report, different types of analysis were implemented, mainly of the
thermal type.
The first step is to identify the actual model to be tested. Once we have identified the model,
we have to switch to the design environment.
The models that will be tested are an iron plate belonging to a conventional ome iron, a cooking pot
and a spark plug commonly used in car engines.

Iron Plate Car spark plug

Kitchen Pot

Concepts used during the preparation of this report and during the analysis
carried out.

Temperature.: Temperature is a physical quantity that depends on the average kinetic energy of
the particles in an object. With it, we can express the perceptions of hot and cold. Temperature is
measured with thermometers, which we can calibrate in relation to various temperature scales.

Thermal analysis.:is defined as the measurement of physical and chemical properties of materials
as a function of temperature. in practice, however the term thermal analysis is used to cover certain
specific properties only. These are enthalpy, heat capacity, mass and coefficient thermal expansion.

Convection: Is the transfer of heat from one place to another due to the movement of a fluid.
Although often discussed as a distinct method of heat transfer, convective heat transfer involves the
combined processes of conduction and advection.

Radiation: Is the radiation emitted by a body due to its temperature. This radiation is
electromagnetic radiation that is generated by the thermal movement of charged particles in matter.

Conduction: It is a process of heat transmission based on direct contact between bodies, without
exchange of matter, because heat flows from a body of higher temperature to another of lower
temperature that is in contact with the first. The physical property of materials that determines their
ability to conduct heat is thermal conductivity.
The inverse property of thermal conductivity is thermal resistivity, which is the ability of materials
to oppose the passage of heat.

Heat transfer:
It is the physical process of heat propagation in different media. The subdiscipline of physics that
studies these processes is called thermodynamics. The study of heat transfer is applied in chemical
industries in stages such as evaporation and drying.


In the first practice we perform a thermal analysis on a plate under specific conditions.
In this case we analyze the heat conduction of the iron, on the one hand we have a uniform flow of
heat and on the other hand convection.

Here we have the Environment conditions of the iron plate and analytic results obtained for initial
temperature and final temperature.

For the development of this design using applied studies, where we can see how the heat is provided
to a single metal plate; however, in a normal or daily case, this is not the adequate and correct
heating mechanism that we could find, since there would not be a correct distribution of heat.

So basically the purpose of the simulation is to analyze the temperature found in both plates due to
heat transfer.

We can observe here the simulation test carried out on the piece. In the same way we can also
observe that the maximum temperature has a value of 533.2 °C while the lowest value is 519.8 °C.

The values obtained in the simulation comply with the results obtained from the analytical method
shown in the previous image with an error of 0.037% and 0.038% .

Here is the Iron plate temperature distribution

In this practice the piece used was a pot, it was necessary to do three simulations, two thermal for
two cases, the pot with boiling water and the second without water.
The intention is to find the temperature distribution in the pot with respect to time.
In the same way , it is also important to investigate the stress distribution in the component due to
temperature. shipments To do this, we perform several thermal analyses,like a structural thermal
coupling study is also performed in this analysis.

Height 86 mm,
Diameter 100 mm ,
Thickness 4 mm ,
Material AISI STEEL 304

To start this analysis, it is necessary to define the initial conditions of the pot. In this way, for the
first analysis that was applied to the pot, it is full of water to its maximum capacity with an internal
temperature of 100°C.
Outside, the ambient temperature is 23°C and air convection plays an important role. Therefore, it is
necessary to be able to find the temperature distribution caused by the thermal loads.
Checking the results of the analysis we can appreciate that the highest temperature peak is recorded
on the outer surface of the pot, near the base.
Until this point, the material reaches 100°C. Also the lowest temperature is found at the point of
our handle (90°C)

Here we have the Temperature distribution of the kitchen pot.

In the second study we used the pot without water after 10 seconds so we only use convection with
a value of 65 W/𝑚2K in a Ambiental temperature of 296K. the result of this simulation shows that,
after 10 seconds the maximum temperature is 88°C and the minimum 81°C

1) 2)


Temperature distribution of the pot after 10 seconds (1)of cooling 500(2) and 1000 segs(3)

This graph shows us the relationship between time and temperature. Our program allows us to
obtain this kind of graphs to observe in a detailed way the analysis.

Temperature-time graphs showing the behavior of three random points in the pot.

Static analysis stress distribution URES(mm)

-Static analysis stress distribution ESTRN

Here we have all the Simulation comparison and the results of how the data is shown .

Spark Plug

During the elaboration of this analysis, the use of a car spark plug was implemented, which had
different materials, which in turn allowed us to observe how the heat is distributed throughout the
For this simulation we use different materials with different thermal properties, thus allowing us to
obtain different values in different areas of the spark plug.

The contact and the ground strap are made of plain carbon steel, the electrode is made of pure silver
and the filet is made of porcelain, thus resembling the results we wanted to obtain.

Here we have some of the main volumetric properties of all the final pieces .

The Spark Plug is inside a motor so it is under different thermal loads, in the simulation we used
three; one of temperature of two of convection. The temperature load is inside of the Sparkle and
has a value of 1000°F

The convection loads are two, one in the down and the upper part of the Spark the values are 0.008
BTU/s.𝑖𝑛2 °F and 0.001 BTU/s.𝑖𝑛2 °F respectively

Here we applied some time to observe how the spark plug works and divide all the figure

When we make the simulation, we obtain that in the upper part the temperature is less than in the
dawn, the maximum temperature in the Spark is 1000°F and the minimum is 200°F.
And also in the image we can observe that the spark plug is divided to allow us to visualize in a
better way the piece and how the heat works and affects it .

In this image I show how the behavior
of our piece passes through time and
how it finally looks.

In this image I show how the behavior of our piece passes through time and how it finally looks,
taking a key point of it as a reference and how it behaves.


During the development of this report different analyzes were elaborated and put to the test in 3
different pieces, all of them related to something in common, basically what they shared was the
heat and how we can evaluate in different and similar ways the way in which they respond to these
analysis to be able to represent very closely how they would react to conditions in real life is so The
use of simulations can allow us to save a lot of money instead of doing physical tests, in engineering
we work with many components that transfer or produce heat and it is important to see the behavior
of the pieces that work.
With the help of these thermal analyzes we can observe to a greater extent the behavior of three
different components of quiet daily use in the lives of many of us in a quite normal environment, in
addition to allowing us to see how the temperature is distributed, the use of different materials
and how they can change its behavior.


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