Btech Ec 504a Computer Architecture 2014

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bttp:i/ mos nero wnycdn 5 /B-TRCH (ECE-NEW)/SEM-5/EC 5044/2013.18 2013 (COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE The fires the margin leat fll mares Candies are rere to owe he answers te ot words aRour- A { Mattiple Cnolce Type Questions} 1 Choose the correct alternatives for the following {oot Alortnm for computer artimetic x ased or 8 mumpteaton of runbers ist magnate frm 18 amutupleation of riimbers 2 complement form ©) ditson of numbers sie magrtude for 4) asin of numbers in 2s compsement for. oy neous rama ‘moy ym! bttp:i/ anaes semiconductor chip ts called 2 PROM b) PROM FIRMWARE, Micro instructions are kept ln ab main memory >) control sore ©) cache memory 8) none of these Associative mesnery tt content addressable memory 1) pointer addressable memory 4) mone of these 2 prey essnqenetses pos mos nero wnycdn 4 ” Mtoe di Cache memory The Ful form of DMA is 1 Direet Memory Access ©) Direct Machine Access 44) none of these Physical memory broken into groups of equal size 8 called pase bE bloc 2 frame a lnatruetion eye is @ decode-etch-exeeu by feteh-execute decode 1 Few decode exrete execute decode fetch a (turn over san oy meyers rama ‘moy ym! bttp:i/ ath combinational and sequential one of these 12 Sasi» bits complement number boat a ote aoe tan nour 8 (Short Answer Type Questions } Answer any three ofthe following, 3+ 5 = 18 2. al Write three points to diferentiate memory mapped 1/0 na 1/0 mapped 1/0 bh What are the advantages of Interrupt 1/0. over Progratnmed 1/0 * asa saa 4 prey essnqenetses pos mos nero wnycdn a ry o oad) cache ema, aes ‘Write the diferences between serial adder and parallel adder Write the diferent addressing modes. as3 Compare RSC and CISC Discuss the role of operating system ser |What do you mean by Tep down dislgn and Bottom up design styie? Dea Grour-c (Long Answer Type Questions } Answer any three ofthe fllowing Jn 16 = 45, What are the architecture ? Dottlenceks of Von-Newmann Explain with an exas converted nto age eplarements take place Evaluate the following arithmetic statement using, Tree. Two, One and Zero adress instructions x (exon casey 34666 5 (1am over san oy meyers rama ‘moy ym! a bttp:i/ Deve the aterent aad papebming, 10 Draw the ier ce aur According 10 the folowing talormation, determine the ioe of subileds (bits ) i the address for Associative. Direct and Set associative mapping heres 256 ME main memory and 1 MB eache memory Bock size = 128 bytes © and ther lock Draw and expan memory hierarchy pyramid geaeees Show the bus connection with a CPU to connect four RAM chips of ze 258 x 8 bits cach and a ROM chip of 512 » 8 bit size. Assume that CPU has Dit data bus land 16 bit address fms, Cleanly specify generation of ‘hip select signals terface oneuits wth them? why do peripherals need Explain with lhagram the datsy chaining piety err technique Imhustrate the basic “ontunusation of computer system and explain fanetons ofeach unit Se2ears 5a 6 prey essnqenetses pos mos nero wnycdn bi 8 a baa Harvard architecture Instruction pipetine Flynn's eassifieaion 7 san oy meyers

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