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©IDOSR Publication
International Digital Organization for Scientific Research ISSN: 2550-7974

Nationalism and Patriotism: Precursors to Leadership Development and

National Unity in Nigeria

Emegha Ndubuisi Kalu1, Offor E. Ogbonnaya2 and Elechi Felix, Aja2

Department of Political Science Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Igbariam.
Department of Political Science Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki.

Nationalism and patriotism are twin concepts mostly used interchangeably by scholars and
commentators to mean virtually the same thing, and nationalists are seen to be patriots and
loyalists to the father-land, devoid of parochialism and ethnocentrism. The struggle for a
common course (decolonization) by the nationalists was mutual irrespective of their ethnic and
religious configurations. These patriots/nationalists transposed to become leaders after
independence, but the issue of national unity expected to emerge and become consolidated by
these leaders has been a herculean task for them many decades later. The paper examines the
concepts of nationalism and patriotism as precursors to leadership development and unity in
Nigeria. Adopting the explanatory research design, documentary source of data collection and
qualitative method of analysis and anchoring our analysis on the elite theory which holds that
the elite has always dominated and controlled the affairs of the polity to their own advantage
and at the detriment of the masses, the paper argues that qualitative leadership in Nigeria that
can command followership, cannot be attained if ab initio there is absence of
patriotism/nationalism. In other words, nationalism/patriotism rather than ethnicism are the
functional prerequisites for leadership development and national unity. Findings amongst
others revealed that leaders in Nigeria, have always emerge from and across ethnic and
religious groups which has turned out to be the bane of national unity in Nigeria as these leaders
strive to dominate and consolidate their various ethnic or religious agenda, thereby endangering
the pursuit of national unity of which nationalism and patriotism are precursors. The paper
recommends that for leadership development and national unity to be achieved, there should
be policy re-orientation by the government and civil society to the public on the importance of
patriotism/nationalism as the basis for leadership and followership.
Keywords: Nationalism; Patriotism; Leadership Development; National Unity; and

In Nigeria, the concepts of patriotism and Nigeria‟s most constant priority agenda
nationalism are somewhat strange to before and since independence.
Nigerians and leaders alike. Alas! Not Unfortunately, in spite of all good
practiced. Apart from the theoretical and intentions and spirited efforts of the
conceptual meanings, which are however, nation‟s leaders before and some years
taught in institutions of learning, the after independence on 1st October 1960,
concepts depict practically much more than these duo problems remain a national
it portend theoretically, as they are dilemma and concern. Throughout Nigeria‟s
precursors to the envisaged leadership style history, sub-national or ethnic nationalism
and nation-building, and national unity. and patriotism to same have in no small
Albeit, leadership, nation-building and/or measure dominated and sabotaged all
national unity have consistently been meaningful discussions and debates


IDOSR JOURNAL OF ARTS AND MANAGEMENT 4(2): 74-86, 2019. Emegha et al

about national integration, national unity development and addressing challenges of

and nation building. struggle over resources and even
Leadership in a multi-nation state like the corruption bug. Nigerian nationalism
Nigeria, has meaning only when it has been negatively affected by multiple
emphasizes unity in diversity, and lifts up historical episodes of ethno-religious
the citizens, investing them with hope and violence and repression of certain ethnic
promise. It is so when it sets up purposeful groups by the Nigerian government has
action through the force of example and resulted in multiple secessionist
unalloyed love for the country and the movements demanding independence from
prospect of the younger generations. The Nigeria at the expense of national unity.
leadership style witnessed in Nigeria is a The question thus remains: how can
fallout of ethnicity and the absence of Nigeria be salvaged from this hotchpotch
patriotic will to lead Nigerians to the next of ethnic, cultural, religious and political
mile. Yet, leaders tolerate degenerative sentiments so as to build a Nigeria that is
values that allow discriminatory practices driven with a unified vision? Deriving
to thrive; and cannot stamp out all forms from the above, this paper is divided into
disintegration but affirming that an injury six sections, viz: Introduction, conceptual
to one is an injury to all, and that violence review, theoretical framework, reflections
and impunity will not be tolerated and will on nationalism and patriotism in Nigeria:
be met with overwhelming counter violence the old and new styles, nationalism and
in the interest of the larger Nigerian patriotism as precursors to leadership
community. development and conclusion and
Albeit, “no prize is higher than recommendations. The methodology of
patriotically ensuring the political stability this paper is based on exploratory
in Nigeria because it is the bedrock of any research design; documentary method of
possible growth and development”. data collection and qualitative descriptive
Stability has the rifling effect of sparking methods as tool of analysis.
Nationalism Reviewed and maintaining self-governance, or full
Nationalism is an ideology that, at its sovereignty, over the group‟s homeland
epicentre, holds that the nation, embodied [3]. This definition is somewhat all
in its agent, the sovereign nation-state, encompassing, as it covers a broad
should be the only object of the political spectrum of economics, politics and social
loyalty of individuals. Nationalism grows lives vis-à-vis state building. Nationalism as
from the sense of community, in that it a political ideology therefore holds that a
feeds on cultural differences and nation should govern itself, free from
turns them into a principle of national unwanted outside interference, and is
political loyalty and social identity [1]. In linked to the concept of
tandem with the above, nationalism merges self-determination, especially as a
the concepts of state, nation and decolonization process. Nationalism is
nation-state in a way that is personally further oriented towards developing and
related to citizens and how these citizens maintaining a national identity in line
act or feel about their nation-state. In the with shared characteristics like culture,
words of [2] the following takes place language, race, religion, political goals or
when citizens: a belief in a common ancestry [4].
i. Become sentimentally attached to the For [5] Nationalism is all about to preserve
homeland; the nation‟s culture. He went further to say
ii. Gain a sense of identity and self-esteem that it involves a sense of pride in the
through their national identification nation's achievements, and is closely
iii. Are motivated to help their country. connected to the concept of patriotism. In
Broadly speaking Nationalism is a range the light of the above, nationalism could be
of political, social, and economic seen from two folds, viz.; positive and/or
systems characterized by promoting the negative. In some instances, nationalism
interests of a particular nation or ethnic could be seen to the belief that a nation
group, particularly with the aim of gaining should be able to control the government

IDOSR JOURNAL OF ARTS AND MANAGEMENT 4(2): 74-86, 2019. Emegha et al

and all means of production [6]. ideal. Political legitimacy of the state comes
In the light of the aforesaid, nationalism from its status as homeland of particular
from its political or sociological group. Its main obligation is the protection
perspectives, have three main paradigms, of the group and their interests.
according to [7] for understanding the iii. Left-wing/Socialist Nationalism: It is
origins and basis of nationalism. The first is based upon social equality, national
known as primordialism or perennialism, it self-determination, along with the popular
avers that nationalism is a natural sovereignty. It promotes anti-imperialism
phenomenon. It surmises that, although as well.
the concept of nationhood may be iv. Proto-nationalism: It is the earlier
recent, nations have hitherto always notion, which refers to the sense of
existed. The second paradigm is belonging to a particular or specific
ethno-symbolism, which holds that there interest group.
exists complex perspective seeking to v. Ultra-nationalism: It is connected with
explain nationalism by contextualizing it extremist support of nationalist ideas. It
throughout history as a dynamic, includes authoritarianism, efforts to stop
evolutionary phenomenon and by further immigration, to support expulsion /
examining the strength of nationalism as a oppression of non-native populations on
result of the nation's subjective ties to the territory of nation, etc. through
national symbols imbued with historical segregation and xenophobic attacks.
meaning. The third paradigm which is vi. Diaspora Nationalism: It refers to
seemingly the most dominant paradigm is nationalistic feeling among the people of
modernism, which sees nationalism as a one diaspora (for example, Jews in
recent phenomenon that needs the diaspora or Nigerians (Igbos) in diaspora).
structural conditions of modern society in It involves those, who are beyond the ethnic
order to exist [8]. territory.
As a corollary to the above vis-à-vis the vii. Anti-Colonial Nationalism: It is
subject matter of study, modern experienced during decolonization. This
Nationalism in Nigeria, started when the very type was seen in Nigeria during the
likes of Herbert Macaulay, Dr. Nnamdi colonial rule
Azikiwe and Chief Obafemi Awolowo, for (
example, in demonstration of their strong ationalists-i23694.html).
devotion, feeling, love to Nigeria, Nationalism and Patriotism: The Nexus
struggled through decades for the The concepts of nationalism and patriotism
freedom of Nigeria. Encapsulated with the are mutually inclusive rather than exclusive.
spirit of nationalism the nationalists, Patriotism is an emotional journey of
amidst all the oppositions and odds, formed loyalty, allegiance, impartial love and total
political parties from which delegations obedience to one‟s country or one‟s chosen
were sent to London to constantly and country other than one‟s country of birth,
relentlessly pressure the British which bestows all the rights and privileges
government with demands for accorded to him/her by the constitution
self-determination and/or independence. [9]. Patriotism portrays a less localized and
Types of Nationalism temporally attachment on how individuals
i. Civic-Nationalism: In this case, state feel concerning a state or nation. Yet, it is
usually derives political legitimacy from tilted towards the effect on conceptions
active participation of the citizenry. It that are more related to people‟s feelings
also represents the will of the people. and acts as consociates regardless of the
This type of nationalism is compatible with type of political systems and practices,
democratic values, tolerance, individual which may be: the city-state, the
rights, equality, equity, and social justice. nation-state, a region, and the like. Thus, it
ii. Ethnic or Sub-Nationalism: This type may at times coincide with nationalist
defines the whole nation in terms of concerns, but it does not always overlap
ethnicity and ethnocentrism. It means that with nationalism as it signifies a more
the members of such society share affinity, broadly conceived allegiance than the
values, culture, language, customs, and allegiance towards a nation-state.

IDOSR JOURNAL OF ARTS AND MANAGEMENT 4(2): 74-86, 2019. Emegha et al

Patriotism according to [10] democratic order could be a propelling

: …is not the specific force on individuals to make remarkable
allegiance to a nation-state, sacrifice [18]. Making the above clearer, [19]
as we may reserve this for submits that it is attainable if “citizens
nationalism. But patriotism have a strong sense of fellow feeling for
may concern attachment to each other.” Thus, [20] highlighted some
an ethnos regardless of striking dissimilarity between nationalism
whether the latter has the and patriotism. “Patriotism is closely linked
status of the nation-state, or to political virtues of individuals. It is not
belongs to a multi-national necessarily a corporate affair like in
state or (in more historical nationalism. The meeting point between
applications) to city-states both concepts is commitment to the
[11]. common good.” However, this
In the same vein, [12] avers that patriotism commitment could either be
could be a form of jealous and exclusive all-encompassing or take an exclusively
loyalty or love of one‟s own locality without limited approach based on issues of
a professed corresponding antagonism applicability at any point in time.
towards others. Similarly, [13] submitted Leadership and Leadership Development
that patriotism is conceptually distinct Reviewed
from nationalism does not mean that it is The concept of leadership is essentially
not practically conflated with the latter. embraced from a personality perspective
This often results in patriotism being which proposes, for example, that
accused for pathologies usually occasioned leadership is a combination of special
with nationalist excesses. From the various traits or characteristics, which individuals
conceptual underpinnings of nationalism, ought to possess, so that they can
an element that remains constant is the persuade others to accomplish tasks
idea of jealously protecting a nation through effective governance practices
against foreign domination and [21]; [22]. None the less, [23] defines
interference. This achievable when there leadership as the actions of a person who,
is a driving force that gives whether elected, appointed, or emerging by
sentiment/passion to this endeavour group consensus, directs, coordinates, and
[14]. Put simply, patriotism as love for one‟s supervises the work of others for the
country, requires giving utmost and special purpose of accomplishing a given task.
consideration that guarantees it. Leadership is also a willingness to take the
More so, patriotism and nationalism are blame. Therefore, it is imperative state that
not mutually exclusive because there leadership is to be regarded as a
can be nationalism without patriotism relationship or a partnership between
and vice versa. Albeit, “sincere patriotic leaders and followers. Based on that,
concerns should be nationalistic”. Thus, people who engage in leadership are
Nationalism is akin to geographical referred to as „leaders‟, whereas
concerns, while patriotism appeals to individuals, toward whom leadership is
humanitarian feelings [15]. In the words of directed, are referred to as „followers‟.
[16]: Consequently, leadership can be described
Patriotism needs not be as a transactional event that occurs
hostile to foreigners, yet between the leader and his or her followers
nationalism, being group within a particular context to promote or
egoism, too often is. As achieve an outcome through effective
nationalism is often used to governance practices [24]. [25] stress that
incite to war, it is then not leadership is the art of mobilizing others to
patriotic, since the love of want to struggle for shared aspirations. In
country should lead to the this perspective, leadership is about
love of peace [17]. inspiring and guiding the efforts of others
Consequently, patriotism is more likely to by creating an environment in which they
harmonize with the siblinghood of can become motivated. From this
humanity. This is because defending the perspective, the foundation of good

IDOSR JOURNAL OF ARTS AND MANAGEMENT 4(2): 74-86, 2019. Emegha et al

leadership lies in understanding what vision, an alignment with the environment,

motivates people and appealing to these a healthy mechanism for innovation and
criteria and prerequisites. However, the creativity, and a resource for invigorating
importance of leadership is self-evident the organizational culture [26]. Leadership
no matter what the setting and thus, development has emerged as an important
cannot be overemphasized. In theoretical and practical stream of
organizations, states or societies, effective government and administration. It
leadership facilitates higher-quality therefore requires integration of knowledge
governance, production and development with experience, as a functional
with more efficient service delivery; it prerequisite. There is an implicit
provides a sense of cohesiveness and assumption that leadership is important,
inclusiveness, personal development, and that leaders make a difference, and that
higher levels of satisfaction amongst the positive group and organizational effects
citizens and leaders too; it provides an are produced by leaders and the leadership
overarching sense of direction and process [27].
Table 1: Combination of Dimensions for Leadership Development
Leadership Development
Spirituality Emotional Intelligence Morality
(Vision-Charisma) (Intellectual Stimulation) {Individualized consideration)
Competence Ethics

Will Creativity Integrity

Self-belief Objectivity Mutual

Loyalty Empathy Respect

Respect Engagement Self-esteem

Agreeableness Development Honesty

Conscientiousness Mentoring

Source: Tshiyoyo, (2012), Modified by Authors.

In order to become an effective leader, [28] states/societies.

opined that: These values according to [30] include
…it is essential to have a such things as: love of other, one‟s
mixture of the above mentioned commitment and responsibility to family,
dimensions. In other words, a clan, community and state; self-worth;
good leader must have a one‟s sense of dignity, honour and respect;
combination of spirituality, relationships, etc. These values can allow
emotional intelligence and leaders to be the prime mover of events and
morality. This is because assist the change they want to see within the
change is a process that is state or society. By and large, it could be
driven by multiple forces insisted that the combination of the
[29]. above-mentioned dimensions can assist
One needs to realize that if we seek lasting in developing leaders that are able to
change, it has to be from within. But also address the multifaceted crises that
externally bedevilled the Nigerian body-politic in
influenced, and rooted from amongst recent times.
individuals, citizens, organizations,
The beacon of analysis of the study is anchored on Elite Theory. The theory is


IDOSR JOURNAL OF ARTS AND MANAGEMENT 4(2): 74-86, 2019. Emegha et al
mostly concerned or associated with the religious leader at the expense of a
disciplines of political science and nationalist/nationalism, national unity and
sociology. The theory could be traced to what the grand norm says. In the same
the works of Vilfredo Pareto; Gaetano vein, political leaders and socio-cultural
Mosca; Robert Michels in the 1950s leaders are ethno-nationalists or
[31]. Elite are those in political, economic, subnationalists who constantly preach
and military circles, which as an intricate parochialism, ethnicity instead of
set of overlapping small but dominant nationalism. Whereas, the former also
groups share decisions having at least portrays negative characters that
national consequences. Insofar as national constantly mar the image of the nation and
events are decided, the elite are those who by implication, mirror and/or bequeath
decide them at the expense of the vast negative ripples and tendencies for the
masses [4]. Elite theory is a theory of the vast majority, especially the youths to
state which seeks to describe and explain learn and follow. Hence, everything
the power relationships in contemporary (whether good or bad) rises and falls on the
society. Proponents of the theory are: shoulders of the leadership (the elite).
Elmer Eric Schattschneider; Wright Mills Reflections on Nationalism and
C.; Floyd Hunter; William Domhoff G.; Patriotism in Nigeria
James Burnham; Robert D. Putnam; Thomas The Old and New Styles Nigerian
R. Dye and a host of others [7]. traditional nationalist movement started
The theory posits that a small minority, before 1900. Hence, there was a struggle
consisting of members of the against the colonization by British Empire.
political/military elite; economic elite, There were several wars and, finally, few
religious elite, socio-cultural elite and colonies were created. During those times,
policy-planning networks, hold enormous there were several prominent individuals,
power and that this power is independent who wanted to preserve their ancestors‟
of a state‟s democratic elections process culture and traditions. They are often called
and/or national rules or even what the the heroes of Nigeria
constitution stipulates. Thus, the basic (
characteristics of this theory are that: ationalists-i23694.html).
power is concentrated or revolved around Modern nationalism is said to have started
the elites; the elites are unified; the in 1920s, by vibrant nationalists like
non-elites are diverse and powerless; Herbert Macaulay, Nnamdi Azikiwe,
elites‟ interests are unified due to Obafemi Awolowo, Ahmedu Bello and the
common backgrounds and positions and like, who instigated the need to respond to
the defining characteristic of power is conquest and new policies of the colonial
institutional position [9]. rule. The radical phase came during and
The theory as applied in this study after the Second World War, subsequently
is apt in explaining the question of leading to independence. Nigerian
nationalism/patriotism and leadership; nationalism radicalized and grew in
and how the pockets of minority whose popularity and power in the post-World
decisions, attitudes, actions and inactions, War II period when Nigeria faced
idiosyncrasies rub-off on the vast masses undesirable political and economic
or majority, who seemingly are conditions under British rule [11]. The most
hypnotized to sheepishly following the prominent agitators for nationalism were
dictates of the elites rippling Nigerian ex-soldiers who were veterans of
continuously without recourse to World War II who had fought alongside
nationalism. In the Nigerian body-politic, British forces in the Middle East, Morocco,
the elite or leaders in circles like politics, and Burma; another important movement
religion, economic, education, etc. call the that aided nationalism were trade union
shots for others (vast masses) to follow leaders [16].
irrespective of the malignant nature of their Nationalism in the early years was
decisions and body languages. The theory expressed mainly as a feeling of
tends to explain why a Nigerian prefers to national consciousness and an awareness
follow the preaching and teachings of a that Nigerians were all members of one


IDOSR JOURNAL OF ARTS AND MANAGEMENT 4(2): 74-86, 2019. Emegha et al
race or nationality who came together to during the colonial era like
fight the common enemy [14]. As the urbanization, international organizations
colonial era began, an awareness of being and exposure, Western education, and
residents of the same country became transportation, etc. contributed to the
important, and a desire for freedom growth of nationalist activities in Nigeria.
from colonial rule was a paramount With cities acting as centres of interaction
expression of nationalism. Nationalists and acculturation, urbanization
wanted to work within the new state of contributed to the development of
Nigeria rather than within their older national feelings. Newspapers, magazines,
indigenous nations, such as those and other information circulated to
of the Igbo, Hausa/Fulani, Yoruba, Efik, influence opinions. Political and nationalist
Bini, Idoma, Isoko, Ibibio and avalanche ideas grew and spread in the cities [5].
more. Urban dwellers carried many of these ideas
Although the ultimate goal of nationalism to their villages and ethnic communities,
was to secure the country‟s independence, thus connecting the city with the
it had other interrelated dimensions: the countryside (villages). The new
„new Nigeria‟ would be governed by a infrastructure gave room for both the
westernized elite, working, through the movement of people and the integration of
agency of political parties and Western different parts of the country. Thousands
political ideas, to create a united of Yoruba and Igbo moved to the north,
and developed country. If the British took with many of them becoming members of
over power from a traditional elite, political parties outside their own home
nationalism and modernization forced areas. The spread of Western education,
them to hand it over to an educated elite especially in the south, created a population
[23]; [24]; [25]. Nationalism was accelerated segment that could read and write and
by colonial rule, whether those forces follow the discourse on nationalism and
merely demanded corrections to abuses in development. Education produced leaders
the system or acted more radically, seeking with new ideas, patriotic views, visions,
self-rule and unification. Among the and ambitions [4]; [5].
issues that displeased the nationalists A growing local media devoted space to
were racism and outright discrimination, nationalist issues, raising consciousness to
political and economic alienation, social a high level in editorials and special
segregation and the damage to traditional columns devoted to anti-colonial issues.
values during European rule. Nigerians in One of the early heroes in this area was
the civil/public service complained of John Payne Jackson, originally a Liberian,
racial discrimination in appointments, who lived in Lagos from 1890 to 1918. His
wages and promotions [31]. Colonial newspaper, the Lagos Weekly Record,
policies generated discontent among the supported demands for reforms and called
people, especially the elite who originally for unity among Nigerians to fight the
demanded political reforms and/or British. The press had an ally among the
restructuring, and later on, aspired for Nigerian students abroad who established
independence. After the much sought organizations to unite and protest. The
independence was achieved, the idea of best known of these organizations was the
fighting the common enemy was jettisoned West African Students‟ Union (WASU)
by these nationalists and the later founded in London in 1925 with the
generations or crop of leaders, embracing objectives of, among others, fostering
sub-nationalism and in furtherance of national consciousness, racial pride,
divide and rule policy as instituted by the self-help, unity, and cooperation among
colonial masters. Africans. WASU called for cooperation
Nationalism and Patriotism as Precursors among the chiefs and elite, lobbied British
to Leadership Development politicians to initiate reforms, and used
The conceptions of nationalism and its monthly journal to serve the
patriotism as reviewed above will help nationalist cause [8]; [9].
guide this section of the study. It is Political associations emerged very quickly
instructive to note that the notable changes and ultimately became the key platform


IDOSR JOURNAL OF ARTS AND MANAGEMENT 4(2): 74-86, 2019. Emegha et al
from which to express nationalism and each other, and a common Nigerian
contest elections. The early leaders sought identity has been fostered amongst the
changes in the system rather than more-educated and affluent Nigerians
independence. Nigerian leaders organized as well as amongst the many Nigerians
political associations and mobilized who leave small homogeneous ethnic
different constituencies to gain communities to seek economic
concessions. The leaders appealed to opportunities in the cities where the
anti-colonial sentiments, and less to population is ethnically mixed [4]. For
history, sub-national cultures, and instance many southerners (like the Igbos)
languages. They exaggerated what migrate to the north to trade or work while
independence would bring to everybody, a number of northerner seasonal workers
contrasting this with the limitations of and small-scale entrepreneurs go to the
colonial accomplishments. Thus, younger, south [11]; [12].
radical nationalist leaders emerged, who The Nigerian nationalism has been
later became or constituted leadership adversely affected by multiple historical
after independence. episodes of ethnic and religious violence
Clearly, our challenges of nationhood are and repression of certain
linked to the inadequacies and lack of ethnic/religious groups by the Nigerian
patriotism of our leaders at all levels. More government between the various
so, another intriguing argument peoples, has resulted in multiple
explaining our developmental secessionist movements demanding to
backwardness is failure of citizens to take break-away from Nigeria [4]. However
ownership of their country through Nigerian nationalism in the 1940s was
nationalism patriotic displays. Therefore, already facing regional and ethnic
addressing the leadership question without problems to its goal of promoting a
tackling the absence of this fundamental united, pan-Nigerian nationalism and
emotional attachment (i.e. nationalism and patriotism [8]. Nigerian nationalism and
patriotism) and investments in the country its movements were geographically
would not be enough answer to the significant and important in southern
Nigerian challenges. Nigeria while a comparable Nigerian
Nonetheless, the Nigerian leaders are not nationalist organization did not arrive
showing any reason for the world to in northern Nigeria until the 1940 [16].
respect them. Going very deep, you will This regional division in the development
find some dirty deals by some Nigerian and significance of Nigerian nationalism
Government officials. If leaders are also had political implications for ethnic
polluted and un-patriotic, what do you divide, as southern Nigeria faced strong
expect from the followers? They will follow ethnic divisions between the Igbo and the
suit because Nigerian leaders do not see Yoruba while northern Nigeria did not have
anything wrong with their actions. strong internal divisions, this meant that
Sub-Nationalism: A Bane to National northern Nigeria that is demographically
Leadership Development and National dominated by the Hausa/Fulani was
Unity politically stronger due to its greater
Before and just after the attainment of internal unity than that of southern
political or flag independence, the Nigeria that was internally dis-unified [17].
Nigerian body-politic was relatively The south that was ethnically divided
peaceful, and there was to a very large between the Igbo and the Yoruba, though
extent unity in diversity and national the region most in favour of Nigerian
out-look in the social configurations of the nationalism; faced the north that was
entire polity. This relative peace was short- suspicious of the politics of the south,
lived due to issues or conflicts arising from creating the North-South regional cleavage
sub-national groups which culminated into that has remained an important issue in
coups, counter-coups and civil war. Nigerian politics, leadership tussle and
However, apart from instances of national unity [25].
violent extremism, most Nigerians have When Nigeria became an independent
continued to peacefully coexist with country, Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe became the


IDOSR JOURNAL OF ARTS AND MANAGEMENT 4(2): 74-86, 2019. Emegha et al
first President of Nigeria. However ethnic to be more of ethnic champions than
tensions and power struggles soon nationalist leaders [30]. While Obafemi
emerged and became a crisis in 1966 when Awolowo and Ahmedu Bello were more
Nigerian military officers perceived by open and direct, the indecision of Azikiwe
the northerners to be of Igbo descent did not help the Nigerian people or the Igbo
overthrew the democratically elected people as it were [4].
government of Tafawa Balewa who along In the words of [5] this trend of
with the Northern Premier Ahmadu Bello sub-nationalism, historically prepared the
and others were subsequently grounds for the agitations that we
assassinated, which led to ethnic experience these days in the name of
suspicion and mistrust, truncating the ethnic loyalties that abound in different
supposed national bond that was built forms. This development has been
during nationalist struggle/agitation for observed across the country. For
self-rule against the colonial rule [9]. instance, the Movement for the
From the above, we posit that the Actualization of Sovereign State of Biafra
insurgence or uprising of sub-nationalist (MASSOB) founded in 1999, and Indigenous
tendencies which eventually culminated to People of Biafra (IPOB) founded in 2012, are
ethnic militia is a flow-out of the tension Igbo dominated ethnic movement.
that has always been between Similarly, in the North, various ethnic
civic-nationalism and ethnic-nationalism. movements were established; among these
According to [10], these conflicts of ethnic organizations in the North are the Arewa
and civic-nationalisms in Nigeria People‟s Congress (APC) which emerged to
constitute for the average Nigerian citizen, counter the OPC, the „hambada‟ and
a conflict and dislocation of loyalties „hisbah‟ to enforce sharia compliance in
between the Nigerian state and the various northern states. In recent years, there has
ethnic nationalities in the state. When this been renewed rush to join in the race
conflict and dislocation manifest in the through the militant Islamic body (boko
political class, elites, and/or leaders, haram) that pervades the area and
the matter is further complicated for the these developments stem from the
result is no longer a case of feeling of perception of marginalization and
personal loyalty, but of the practical non-accommodation of pure Islamic
privatisation, ethnicization, and principles/way of life by the Nigerian
misappropriation of state resources with political system. In the West, there exist
unbridled rascality. This is however, viewed Oodua People‟s Congress (OPC) is
from the aspect of civic-nationalism as the dominated by the Yoruba extracts and could
ethnic-nationalist could tend to see and be traced to the return of democracy in
agree with such actions as just, appropriate 1999, but became more visible later on, in
and patriotic. their pursuit for a transposed Yoruba
Wilmot as cited by [20] traced the challenge nation in the government and politics
of ethnic nationalism to the earlier days of of Nigeria. Akin to the above is the
Nigerian state. He opines that when the Movement for the Survival of Ogoni People
leaders of Nigerian nationalist struggles (MOSOP) in the Niger Delta, founded in the
graduated into the leaders of 1990s, which necessitated the formation of
post-independence Nigerian government, ethnic militia and armed groups that are
they seemed also to have transformed based in that region such as the Niger Delta
instantaneously from Nigerian nationalist People‟s Volunteer Force (NDPVF) and the
freedom fighters to ethnic nationalist Movement for the Emancipation of Niger
leaders and champions of same at the Delta (MEND) and most recently the Niger
expense of civic-nationalism. Thus, in the Delta Avengers (NDA). These organizations
first republic Nigerian political are not only struggling to call attention
experience, the leaders of the three to the plundering of the environment of the
major ethnic groups, viz.:-Nnamdi delta due to oil exploration, but are also
Azikiwe (Igbo), Ahmadu Bello (Hausa) and demanding that a good proportion of the
Obafemi Awolowo (Yoruba) showed resources exploited from their region be
themselves, in moment of personal crisis retained there, so as to right the wrongs of


IDOSR JOURNAL OF ARTS AND MANAGEMENT 4(2): 74-86, 2019. Emegha et al
years of conspicuous deprivation and Hence, patriotism which traditionally
marginalization [17] [18]. begins as a love for one‟s country, which
The reason for these acts perpetrated by transposes to love for a person simply
different sub-groups to gain recognition is because they share the same ethnic
essentially because Nigerian political empathy. Rather because the history of
workers/office holders have made little Nigerian government and politics is that of
remarkable difference compared with the plunder, leaders are basically interested
struggles, which our foremost nationalists in making fellow citizens better tools for
undertook to make Nigeria a reality. This their own selfish gains. It is however
dialectical reversal according to [21] paves imperative to say that the various hitherto
way for people to vent anger on the struggles for recognition at the end the
government. Those who on many occasions 19th century are not unconnected to
dare to take positive steps are daunted by conceived ideologies by politicians to
the political elites, which make them lure various groups toward violent
enemies of the government. agitations all for the good of the political
Paradoxically, the government by her elite, yet with little or no benefit to the
actions has overtime projects itself as an greater majority who are the victims of
enemy of democracy. According to [8] misery and rejection [1]; [2]; [3]; [4].
patriotism is possible under any form of By and large, [8] stressed that nationalism
government, but it is only under is but a projection of the will of a few unto
democratic governance that it is felt the whole; subsuming the masses to the
“because only there is it possible for extent that they have no individuality of
citizens to identify themselves with the their own; yet “constitutional democracy
whole community.” Since democracy has exists in order to give people a chance to be
not been built, there is no opportunity for individuals” [10]. He went to make this
continuity, as we can only properly striking statement that
conceive the idea of continuity on existing …the purpose of the
structures. Love of country can therefore nationalism we seek is not
not be futuristic under such conditions, as the consciousness against
leaders of tomorrow may not but build on external domination that
some of the foundations of yesteryears. leads to fundamental rights
[9] noted some points based on the aforesaid of the human person. We
that: It is not young people who seek freedom not because
degenerate, they are ruined only when we feel deprived as a result
grown men have already been corrupted... of domination, but because
Today‟s young will corrupt tomorrow‟s, of our selfish quest to put
even as they were corrupted by yesterdays. fellow nationals in bondage
And where in this chain of generations will [12].
virtue be found? [13]. Similarly speaking, [15] surmised that:
In an era of enlightenment, according to …the various struggles we
[23] it is very clear that engage ourselves shrouded in
…behind the various the spirit of nationalism are
agitations for ethnic but wars that ironically
liberation/emancipation, are prepares us for our own
political elites who primarily bondage. Nigeria is therefore a
start with the quest for country because of its
national liberation and territorial distinctiveness, a
constantly limit their nation because of its capability
struggle to smaller groups of having an independent
when there is perceived mind of her own, yet a nation
freedom from former in disguise, because what is
captors; the more the presented as national
limitation of the quest, the ideologies/practices is not an
higher the chances of extension of the general will
national disintegration [18]. of the people [19].


IDOSR JOURNAL OF ARTS AND MANAGEMENT 4(2): 74-86, 2019. Emegha et al
From the foregoing the ultimate victim is interim, there exist two possible attitudes
the Nigerian state, she grieves practically which are: to claim to be a Nigerian
in all areas; ranging from the aspects of nationalist and blame others of ethnicism;
services designated to be rendered to her or to accuse Nigeria of being a failed state
citizens; yet she fails because she is and to call for dissolution of the Nigerian
debilitated as a result the actions and state. All these point to how we have
inactions of ethnic-nationalist who nurtured the seed of discord that was sown
benefits from the current challenges facing by the colonial masters to their own
her, but his loyalty is tilted to his ethnic advantage, hence, creating more
nationality and not to the Nigerian state. tendencies to further divide and rule
From the perspective of the which has marred leadership development
ethnic-nationalist who is not gaining at the and national unity.
Nigeria since independence in 1960 is still hard for us to crack. Nigeria still ranks poor
bedevilled with plethora of issues internal in many development indices while the
and external to governance and leadership, menace of corruption is threatening to
but these were swept under the carpet; choke the country to death due to the
most notable among these were ethnicity, excessive stealing of our resources by
minority complaints, violence, and some handlers of our affairs.
growing corruption. There exist mutual However, patriotism being one of the best
suspicion and ethnic jingoism that has qualities that any well-thinking Nigerian
that have also deprived us of all sense of can possess, does not simply entail loving
reasoning as a people, sense of justice and Nigeria; patriotism also entails that each
fairness are have also been traded to the Nigerian, young and old, make active,
wind as a result of non-patriotic and healthy and positive contributions to the
un-nationalistic eccentricities. Yet we development of the country. It entails
laugh and hug in public and plot against having enough passion for this country
each other when we retire to our on the issues that affect the country and
ethno-religious enclaves. Once in a while, to demand for the policies that would
this mistrust finds ludicrous expression alleviate the challenges facing the country.
among our people as we witness Whenever one speaks about these
bloodbaths ethno-religious contempt for challenges, one must not do it solely for
each other. By implication, development is the sake of sounding intelligent, or to
impeded in virtually all parts of our signal any political ambitions or
country and there appears to be nothing to intentions, but as a testament of one‟s
be proud of in almost all spheres, apart passion for national leadership
from cases of personal achievements of development and national unity, which
spirited citizens. Basic amenities are are the resultant end of nationalism and
lacking in all areas. Issues that other patriotism.
nations have long taken care of are still

The paper suggests the following honest and modern leadership that
recommendations. would be a uniting point for
 There should be policy citizens, one that can tame the
re-orientation by the government consuming tides of corruption and
and the civil society to the public evolve creative solutions to our
on the importance of innumerable issues and
patriotism/nationalism as the challenges. It is therefore our firm
basis for leadership and resolve that virile and sincere
followership, which will in turn leadership is the precursor for
bring about the much desired industrious and patriotic
national unity. followership.
 It is germane to say that what the  Managing Nigeria‟s diversity in the
country is in dire need of is context of justice, equity, equality


IDOSR JOURNAL OF ARTS AND MANAGEMENT 4(2): 74-86, 2019. Emegha et al

and fairness is a pathway to an Arewa bloodline, or as members

progress. If we address these of the Ohaneze Ndi Igbo, or as the
existential and leadership Afenifere Pan Yoruba group, or any
challenges, we are more than other tribe or religious groups.
half-way into addressing all our  The cliché that says: united we
problems. stand, divided we fall, should be
 There should be a deliberate policy continuously preached, especially to
and campaign for the love of Nigeria upcoming generations. Because it is
and patriotism in various ways, in unity that we can find strength
including promotion of religious and ability to conquer the dangers
and cultural tolerance. To achieve that bedevil our polity. If we are not
this, we should build more bridges united, we cannot fight corruption,
and strengthen the existing ones insecurity, or any other societal
like the NYSC and Unity Schools. malaise.
 We should de-emphasise factors  Issues based discourses that can
that accentuate our fault lines such enhance national development and
as regional socio-cultural cum bring an end to current mutual
political associations within mistrust that is shaking the very
institutions and schools. foundation of our nation should be
 We should look into our common regularly stressed and encouraged.
bonds as basis of our shared
humanity and associations, not as

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