English Notes (Topic 3)

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VEDANT KADAM (RA2111003010241)



• Conjunction is a word that joins/connects words, clauses or phrases

together in a sentence.

• It creates a link between words or phrases in a sentence to make it

more meaningful.

Types of Conjunctions

• Coordinating Conjunctions

• Subordinating Conjunctions

• Correlative Conjunctions

• Conjunctive Adverbs

Coordinating Conjunctions
• Coordinating conjunctions glue two words, phrases or independent
clauses which are parallel in structure.
• Coordinating conjunctions will occur only in the middle of the
• Eg: so, but, for, or, yet, and

1. I love to read but I have an eye problem.
2. She is rich so she doesn’t mind investing in it.
3. Do you want coffee or tea?
Subordinating Conjunctions
• Subordinating conjunctions are words that join a dependent clause
with an independent clause.
• Eg: since, unless, though/although/even though,
• until, after, before, if, because, that, whereas etc.,

1. Unless he runs faster, he will not win the game.
2. Though he practiced a lot, he could not perform well.
3. Mona is shocked because she has seen a ghost.

Correlative Conjunctions
• Correlative conjunctions are a set of words which occur in pairs to
show contrasting or comparative relationships in a sentence.
• Eg: neither…or, either…or, both…and, not only… but also, whether…or.

1. Taslima is not only a writer but also a social activist.
2. Alex had neither the experience nor the skill to play the guitar.
3. I want both chocolate and ice cream.

Conjunctive Adverbs
• Conjunctive adverbs are really adverbs which are used as connectors.
These adverbs usually include a semicolon or period before them and a
comma after them.
• Eg: then, therefore, finally, nevertheless, after all, in fact, however,
besides, consequently etc.,

• He is tired. Therefore he went to sleep early
• She loves the sari; after all, black is her favorite color.
• Kenny kept talking in class; therefore, the teacher sent him out.

VEDANT KADAM (RA2111003010241)

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