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VEDANT KADAM (RA2111003010241)


Alternating-Current Circuits

➢ The symbol for an AC

voltage source is

An example of an AC source is V(t)=Vosinωt

where the maximum value Vo is called the amplitude.

The voltage varies between Vo and - Vo since a sine

function varies between +1 and −1.

A graph of voltage as a function of time is

An Alternating Voltage may be generated by rotating a coil in a

magnetic field or by rotating a magnetic field with in a
stationary coil.

The value of the generated voltage depends in each cause

➢ upon the number of turns in the coil
➢ strength of the field
➢ speed at which coil or magnetic field rotate.
Equation of Voltage


The sine function is periodic in time. This means that the value of the
voltage at time t will be exactly the same at a later time t′=t+ T where T is
the period.

➢ Cycle
One complete set of positive and negative values of alternating quantity

➢ Time Period
Time taken by an alternating quantity to complete one cycle (T).
➢ Frequency
The number of cycles/second

➢ Amplitude
The maximum value, positive or negative , of an alternating quantity

Measurements of AC magnitude

Peak voltage of a waveform

➢ Phase:
The phase of an alternating variable at any instant is the time interval that
has elapsed since the instantaneous value of the variable last passed
through zero from negative to positive direction.

This interval is measured either in terms of a fraction of the time period of

the waveform as φ=t1/T, where φ is the phase and t is the time elapsed
More commonly in terms of the time angle f=2π φ=2π(t1/T) =ωt1

R.M.S Value

The word RMS stands for Root Mean Square. An RMS voltage is defined as
the square root of the mean square of instantaneous values of the voltage
signal. The RMS is also known as the quadratic mean. RMS voltage can also
be defined for a continuously varying voltage in terms of an integral of the
squares of the instantaneous values during a cycle.

The RMS value is most important in the case of an AC signal. Because the
instantaneous value of an AC signal varies continuously with respect to
time. Unlike a DC signal, which is relatively constant.

Therefore, the instantaneous value of voltage cannot directly be used for the

The RMS voltage is also known as the equivalent DC voltage because the
RMS value gives the amount of AC power drawn by a resistor similar to the
power drawn by a DC source.

Analytical Method
In this method, the RMS voltage can be calculated by a mathematical
procedure. This method is more accurate for the pure sinusoidal waveform.

Consider a pure sinusoidal voltage waveform defined as VmCos(ωt) with a

period of T.

Where,Vm = Maximum value or Peak value of voltage waveform

ω = Angular frequency = 2π/T
Now, we calculate the RMS value of voltage.

On deriving we get VRMS=Vm0.7071

Average value

Average Value of Sinusoidal Voltage or Current:

The average value of AC (sinusoidal voltage or current) is the value of DC
which would send the same amount of charge through the circuit for half
cycle of the AC as is sent by the AC through the same circuit in the same
time. It is denoted by Iav.
The average value of sinusoidal alternating voltage or current over one cycle
is zero. It is because the area of the positive half cycle is exactly equal to the
area of the negative half cycle. However, the average value over the half
cycle either positive or negative is not zero. Thus, the average value of
sinusoidal voltage or current means half cycle average value.
Derivation – The average value of AC can be obtained by integrating the
instantaneous values of current or voltage over the half cycle i.e. area of the
curve over half cycle and dividing the result by base length of half cycle.

Average value= Area Over Half Cycle/ base length of half cycle
The equation of a sinusoidal varying voltage is given by


Let us take a strip of thickness dθ in the positive half cycle of the wave.
Consider v be the average height of the strip. Hence,

Area of Strip=νdθ

Area Of Half Circle=∫νsinθdθ


Average Value(Vaν)=Area Of Half Cycle/Base Length Of Half Cycle
Similarly, for Sinusoidal alternating current,Average Value(Iaν)=

Area Of Half CycleBase Length Of Half Cycle=2lmπ=0.637lm

Average Value(Iaν)=Area half cycleBaselength half cycle=2lmπ=0.637lm

Therefore, the average value of sinusoidal alternating current or voltage is

equal to 0.637 times of the maximum or peak value.

➢ Form factor
The ratio of the root mean square value to the average value of an
alternating quantity is called Form Factor.

i.e 1.11

➢ Peak factor
The peak factor of an AC current or voltage waveform is the ratio of its peak
value to root mean square(RMS) value.The peak factor of an AC voltage or
current can be found by measuring its peak value and root mean square

Peak factor or crest factor =√ 2 =1.414

-VEDANT KADAM (RA2111003010241)

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