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TEST 1. Identify the following as phrases, clauses or sentences. Write (P) if it is a phrase,
(C) if it is a clause, and (S) if it is a sentence.
_________ 1. Where I purchased my personal protective equipment.
_________ 2. I went to the wild woods.
_________ 3. A weak heart
_________ 4. I laughed and laughed all day long.
_________ 5. When we were young.

TEST II. Reflect on the four main types of sentences and give their proper end
punctuations. Write the letter of your choice on the blank provided before the number.
a. Declarative b. Interrogative c. Imperative d. Exclamatory
_________ 6. Have you ever seen a doctor recently this year?
_________ 7. A family that prays together stays forever.
_________ 8. What a surprise visit dear friend?
_________ 9. COVID – 19 is real, it’s a very contagious disease.
_________10. Tell me more about yourself.

TEST III. Find the appropriate reading strategies defined in the following situations.
11. Reading texts for enjoyment and developing general reading skills is an example of-
a. Scanning b. Skimming c. Intensive d. Extensive
12. It is reading to get the main idea of the material read before looking for details that back it
a. Scanning b. Skimming c. Intensive d. Extensive
13. It involves looking only for specific information while omitting other details of a material.
a. Scanning b. Skimming c. Intensive d. Extensive
14. This is actually reading thoroughly in detail to understand and to remember what you’ve read
and get the meaning of it.
a. Scanning b. Skimming c. Intensive d. Extensive
15. Maricela will be having a long quiz the next week. She needs to review well the lessons
discussed. What reading style is appropriate to use?
a. Extensive b. Intensive c. Skimming d. Scanning

TEST IV. Scan the given text below and find out the answers for the questions that follow.
Looking down Tagaytay Ridge, one can get a splendid view of Taal Lake and Taal
Volcano. The waters of the lake are a rich purple, but the purple changes hue with the time of the
day and the condition of the weather. Taal volcano is set squarely in the middle, but it looks so
tiny as seen from the ridge that many have asked on seeing it.” What is that?” After all, Taal is
perhaps the smallest volcano crater. Now and then, as one gazes at the lake clouds seem to rise
over the lake and dissipate in wisps and fingerlike formations.
_________ 16. Where is Taal volcano located?
_________ 17. It was said that Taal has perhaps the _____ volcano crater.
_________ 18. What color is used to describe the waters of the Taal Lake?
_________ 19. What shape is mentioned in the third sentence where Taal Volcano is set.
_________ 20. Honestly speaking, have you seen the place? If yes, When?

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