Oromo Scrabble Dictionary (F+ G+ H +I+J)

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for example, such as, like

Namoota akka Taaddasaa Birruu fa

fa (pron) People like tadesse Biru
such as; like
Isheen faa na dorsisti? How on earth
faa (pron) sb like her threaten me?
faabriikaa (n) factory
faaccuu (v) dabble ??
1. a trophy/memento, usu tail of
displayed by a hunter as a symbol of
faacha (n) 2. gadfly
faachoo same as faacha
faafa (n) haste, rush, rapidity,swiftness
faafamuu (iv) rush;do something hastily
faaffaa (n) a flour of mixed grains , pepared for chidren
faaffa'uu (iv) become fat ?
faafuu see faafamuu
faagaa same as bo'oo
faaggaa (n) a cultural music tool
faagulloo (n) a kind of cattle food
faa'idaa (n) benefit
faaji'a'uu (v) become dull
faajjeessaa (adj,n) (male)misleading,charlatan
faajjeessituu (adj, n) (fem.)misleading,charlatan
faajjii (n) flag;logo
faakaltii (n) faculty
faaksii (n) fax
faaktura bill,invoice,receipt
faala (n) pollution;spoiling
faalama bishaan lagaa . Pollution of
faalama (n) river water
faalamuu (v) be polluted/spoiled

ifaa fi dukkanni jechoota faallaa
faallaa (n) Light and dark are opposite words.
faallee () talkative woman
faallessuu (v) disrupt
faallii (n) pollution

sa'a dhoqqee faalte .
Malaan maltummaadhaan isa faalan .
faaluu (tv) They spoiled him with corruption.
faamii (n) bright
1. sole,i.e., bottom of a foot
2. footprint;trail;spoor, i.e., marks
faana1 (n) where sb/sth moves
faana2 (conj) isa faana . With him
faanaa stirrup,i.e., rider's foot support
faandoo (n) shit/feces of horse, mule or donkey
faannoo (n) volunter fighter
faanosii (n) lantern
faanta (n) footprint
faantoo (n) stirrup
faaqa same as duuga
faaqamuu sama as duugamuu
faaqii (n) leather worker or skin dresser;tanner
faaqqachuu same as duuggachuu
faaqqee (n) comb
faaqqisuu (v) comb. See also filuu2
faaqsisuu same as duugsisuu
faaquu same as duuguu ??
promising or prospects
faara (n) oomishni baranaa faara qabaa?
faardoo (n) tomb,burial
faarfachiisuu see faarfachuu
faarfachuu (v) sing
faarfamuu (v) be sung
faarfannaa (n) song
faarfataa (n) (applies usu. To spiritual songs)singer
faarfattuu (n) (applies usu. To spiritual songs)singer
faarmaasii (n) pharmacy
faaroo same as faarsa
1. praise, appreciation
faarsa (n) 2. song
faarsaa same as faarsa
faarsachuu see faarsuu
faarsamuu same as faarfamuu
faarsituu (adj) (applies to female)singer
appreciate sb or sth via song
Qabsaa'ota bilisummaa faarsuu.
Singing in appreciation of freedom
faarsuu (tv) fighters

same as faarsa
faaruu faaruu loonii. Cattle valuing songs
faashistii (adj) fascist
faashistummaa (n) fascism
faashkoo flask
faasigaa (n) Easter
faasii (n) hammer
faasiikaa Easter
faatii same as simboo
faaximee ??
faaxuu (n) slight baldness over the temples
faaya (n) ornament;jewel;jewelry;adornment
faayaa (n) ornament
faayidaa (n) benefit
faayila (n) file
faayilii (n) file
faca’aa ma. scattered
facaafachuu see facaasuu
facaafachuu see facaasuu
facaafamuu see facaasuu
facaaftuu (n) one who sows
facaasa (n) sowing

1. seeds sowing/cultivation time

facaasaa qamadii. Wheat sowing time
Facaasaa (n) 2. Tuesday
facaasisuu see facaasuu

1. scatter;spread;broadcast
oduu hinmirkanoofne radiyooniin
facaasuu. Broadcasting unverified
news via radio
2. spille over
mucaan buna natti facaase.
The child spilled over coffe into me.
3. sow
sanyii sararaan facaasu wayya. It is
facaasuu (tv) better to sow seeds in rows.
1. be scattered
2. be spilled on
faca'uu (iv) 3. be sown
faccee fencing or resisting usu done with a club
faccifachuu see faccisuu
faccifamuu see faccisuu
faccisa (n) defense
faccisiisuu see faccisuu

1. fight sb/sth to drive away

ummanni oromoo eeboof gaachanaan
diina meeshaa ammayyaa hidhate
ofirraa faccisaa ture.the oromo peope
was fighting with spears and sheilds
to drive away its enemies who were
armed modern tools
2. flap the hand about, usu to chase
faccisuu (tv) away insects
1. (of a person) lowly, i.e.,
inferior in age, size or strength
fachala (adj) 2. slow in doing sth
fadda (n) widening
fadduu (tv) widen
fadhachuu (tv) treat ??
fadhiidhoo (adj) weak;powerless
qorichi kun na fade . This medicine
faduu (tv) cured me.
faduula dubbata . He speaks the
faduula (n) truth.
saani jabbii fafa dhalte. The cow
fafa (adj) delivered a deformed calf.

fafaa'uu (v) become deformed or maimed

fafachuu see fafaa'uu
become deformed or
fafa'uu (v) maimed
fafee same as fafa
fafeessisuu see fafaa'uu
fafeessuu see fafaa'uu
faffacaasuu see facaasuu
faffaca'uu see faca'uu
faffataa (n) sop, i.e, bread soaked in stew or the like
faffatoo same as faffataa
faffatuu (v) soak/sop bread in stew
moving head back and forth or to
quickly and repeatdly, usu as ritual
faga (n) practice
fagaacha (n) being far
fagaachisuu see fagaachuu
fagaachuu (v) be far
fagaara (n) buttocks
fagduu see faguu
fageeffamuu see fagaachuu
fageenya (n) distance
fageessisuu see fageessuu

cause to be far away or deep

fageessi darbadhu . Throw far away.
fageessuu (v) Fageessii yaadi . Think deeply.
fagoo (adj) far/distant
fagsiisuu see faguu
move head back and forth
or to the right and left
rythemically, usu as spiritual
faguu (v) practice
such as; like
beenladoota kanjedhaman bineesnsota
manaa warra akka fardaa fi harree
fa'i .
domestic animals are animals like
fa'i (pron) horse and donkey.

fajaa (n) flea

fajaja (n) stupidity;stupe;uninteligentness
fajajaa see fajajuu

fajajjuu see fajajuu

1. gaze at/stare
utuu fajajee samii ilaluu maallaqa
While he is staring at sky he lost
2. be like crazy/stupefied
jaalalaan qabame fajaje . He felt in
fajajuu (iv) love and stupefied.
fakkaachuu (tv) resemble
one who resembles sb
fakkaataa else
fakkaattii resemblance
1. one who resembles sb else
fakkaattuu 2. opportunist
fakkana (adj) ample;adequate;enough
fakkanaa adequate
fakkeennoo symbolism
fakkeenya (n) example; resemblance
fakkeenyaaf (n) for example
fakkeessa (n) imitation, pretending

fakkeessaa pretender, impositor

fakkeessituu pretender, impositor
make to resemble; pretend
nama beekaa ajjeesanitu waan
dogoggoraan ta'e fakkeessu. They
deliberately kill people and pretend
fakkeessuu (v) as if it is done by mistake.

fakkeettii image,model,picture
fakkii (n) picture
fakkisa specimen
fakkoomsaa sample, specimen
fala (n) solution
fal'aana (n) spoon
falaasama (n) philosophy;principles
Falaashaa Ethiopian Jews
falacciisuu see falaxamuu
falachiisuu go. see falachuu
falachuu (tv) find a solution for self
falaffala same as falfala
falaffalachuu same as falfalachuu
falaffalamuu same as falfalamuu
falaffalsiisuu same as falfalsiisuu
falaffaluu same as falfaluu

falaka luck
be nursed/looked after
sababa falamteef fayyite .
She recovered because she was nursed
falamuu (v) properly.

falaxaa (n) a splitted fragment of wood

falaxachuu see falaxuu
a fire wood, log or stone splitted
falaxamaa (n) some fragments
falaxamuu see falaxuu

split, usu fire wood, logs or stone

falaxuu (tv) jirma falaxuu . Splitting a log
faldhaana (n) spoon
falfala1 (n) shucking
falfala2 (n) same as mora

falfalaa ad. same as mortuu. See also qaalluu

falfalachuu see falfaluu

falfalamaa boqqolloo falfalamaa . Shucked maize
falfalamuu see falfaluu
falfalchiisuu see falfaluu
falfallii (adj) shucked
falfalsiisuu (tv) make to shuck
falfaltuu same as mortuu. See also qaalluu
shell/shuck, i.e., separate the
shells/kernels of maize, bean, etc
from the cob/seeds
isheen boqolloo falfalte . She
falfaluu1 (tv) shelled the corn.
falfaluu2 go. same as moruu
falka (n) technique , procedure, method ??
fallaana same as fal'aana
falma same as falmii
falmachiisuu see falmachuu
falmachuu see falmuu
1. arguer,debater
falmataa 2. fighter
1. arguer,debater
falmattuu 2. fighter
falmii (n) argument; dispute
falmuu (iv) argue;contest;dispute

falquu hate
feces of cattle
faltii (n) faltii sa'aa . Feces of cow

faltiitii chyme and chyel

faltiitii same as faltii
faluu (v) give solution or devise way out of a problem
fandalala (n) wandering, vagrancy
fandalalaa see fandalaluu
fandalaltuu see fandalaluu
fandalaluu (v) wander aimlessely
fandalummaa (n) brokering
fandishaa same as misingaa

crippe or lame a slave by

cutting one or more muscles in the
fanga'uu (v) ankle so that he/she cannot run away. ??
fannifachuu see fannisuu
fannifamuu (v) be hung
fannisa (n) hanging;suspending
fannisuu (v) hang
1. act of hanging
2. sth to which certain things are
fannoo (n) 3. same as masqala
fanxoo (n) lues;syphilis
faqqadamuu same as hayyamamuu
faqqadsiisuu same as hayyamsiisuu
faqqaduu same as hayyamuu
faqqifachuu (v) comb oneself
faqqisuu (v) comb
fara’uu (v) flirt
fara'aa (n) carving for quarrel
farada (n) ruling, verdict, jury decision
faradamuu (v) be decided
faraduu (v) give verdict, pass judgment, decide ??
farajaa interpreter, solver
farakasaa (n) a kind of plant
faranjii (n) a white person
farankaa (n) money usu coins

(esp for young person) unruly or wild

faranqaaqa (adj)
faraqa (n) shift
manneeen barnoota tokkotokkotti
faraqaa (n) faraqaatiin baratama.

farasullaa 17 killograms
fara'uu (v) taunt or provoke sb
farda (n) horse
fardii (adv) daily, every day
farqa (n)
farqachuu (v)
farqeessuu see farqachuu
farquu (n) incomplete;defect
farra anti, against
farramamuu same as qubeessamuu
farramsiisuu same as qubeessisuu
farramuu same as qubeessuu

farraqii (adj) wrath, anger

farriftuu (adj) doomsayer ,pessimist
farrisa (n) doomsaying
farrisaa (n) doomsayer,pessimist
farrisiisuu see farrisuu

farristuu (n) doomsayer, pessimist

farrisuu (v) expect the worst to happen
prophet of doom, doomsayer
jaartii farroo tokko . A doomsayer
farroo (adj) old woman
be drunkard/intoxicated,
be stupefied b/c of taking too much
farsaa'uu (v) alcohol

farshaana (n) drunkenness

farshaanuu (v) intoxicated/drunken
farshaa'uu same as farsaa'uu
farsoo (n) local beer
become abortive, be
fashalaa'uu (v) foiled/thwarted
fashaleessuu foil
fashinii fashion
fataffachiisuu go. make/cause to sop
fataffata (n) sop
fataffatamuu (v) be sopped
fataffatuu (v) sop
fatanaa (n) (academic)examination
fattaga see fattaguu
fattagamuu see fattaguu
fattaguu (v) remove shells of grains by grinding in a mortar
fatta'uu (v) straddle
fattee (n) frog
faxamuu be levered
faxara (n) breakfast
faxaraa (n) breakfast
faxoorraa halter
faxooruu halter
faxuula (n) boasting
faxuulsisuu (v) cause to boast
faxuuluu (v) boast
fayfayoo (fem.)cheerful
fayyaa1 (n) health
fayyaa2 (adj) healthy
fayyaada’uu same as barakachuu
fayyaalessa (adj) innocent
fayyaduu (v) benefit
fayyifachuu see fayyisuu
fayyifamuu see fayyuu
fayyiftuu healer,curer,saviour
fayyisaa (adj) curer,saver
fayyisiisuu (v) cause/make to heal
fayyisuu (v) cure; restore health, heal
fayyumma (adv) for no reason
fayyuu (v) be cured;recover
fe’a (n) loading
fe’amuu (v) be loaded
fe’uu (v) load
fe'achuu (v) load for oneself
fe'amuu1 see fe'uu1
fe'amuu2 see fe'uu2
fececuu (v) (usu of oozing wound)ooze or trickle
feceraa'uu same as beceraa'uu
federaala (adj) federal
niitii fuudhuuf fedha hinqabu . He
fedha (n) has no desire to marry.
fedhii same as fedha
fedhuu (v) want; desire;wish
feecca'uu same as beceraa'uu
feellasaa (of a farm land)second round of ploughing
feellasuu (v) plough for second time
feerroo (n) metal used in building construction
feesisuu (v) cause/make to load
feexoo (n) cress
fe'isa (n) load
fellencoo (n) fine splinter
ferenxexxuu (n) anus
fe'uma same as teepha/wadaroo
fe'umsa see fe'uu2

farda fe'uu. To load on horse back
konkolaataa irratti fe'uu. To load
on a vehicle
fe'uu1 (v) softiweerii kompitera irratti fe'uu .
swallow wrong way; be choked with
with food or drink
inni bishaaniin fe'ame . He was
fe'uu2 (v) choked with water.

fi (conj) buddeenaa fi waxii. bread and stew
ficcisiisuu see fixuu
fichisiisuu (v) cause to bring
fidachuu (v) bring sth for self
fidala same as qubee
fiddoo (n) trousers
fiduu (v) bring
figgimii (n) falling flat on once face
figgimsa (n) making to fall by throwing or beating
figgimsiisuu see figgimsuu
figgimsuu (v) make sb/sth fall by throwing or beating
fiigaa (n) runner
fiigduu (n) runner
fiigicha (n) running
fiigichoo (n) running, race
fiigsisuu (v) cause/make to run
fiigsuu (v) cause/make to run
fiiguu (v) run
fi'ila (n) verb
fiilmii (n) film
fiinoo (n) a kind of sand
fiinxaa (n) hint
fiishkaa (n) whistle
fiixa same as fiixee
fiixee (adj,n) apex; tip ;top
fiiziksii (n) physics
fijjaana (n) cup
filaa (n) comb
1. comb
2. elect,select
filachuu (v)
1. hair combing
filama (n) 2. election
1. elected,
filamaa 2. combed
filamuu (v) be elected or selected
1. choice,election,selection
filannaa (n) 2. act of combing
filannoo (n) choice; election;poll
1. combing
filata (n) 2. electing,selecting
filataa () voter,elector,selector
preferable,superior, choice
filatamaa (n) sanyii filatamaa.

preferable,superior, chosen,cjoice
filatamtuu sanyii filatamaa . Chosen race/seed
Filatamuu same as filamuu
filattuu elector,voter,selector
a period of 15 days of prayer in
filchata (n) orthodox christian calander
cattle horn that is sharp
sangaa gaafa filee . An ox with sharp
filee (n) horn
filfillee (adj) gap-toothed
filii (n) seedilings
filmaata election,selection
filmaata (n) combing
filsata same as filchata
filsiisuu see filuu1,2,3
filtuu (n) comb
filuu1 (v) elect;select;choose
filuu2 (v) comb
filuu3 (v) repair a house
fincaa’uu (v) urinate
fincaa'aa (n) water fall
fincaan (n) urine
fincee (n) exit/oulet [for liquid usually urine]
finceessisuu see fincaa'uu
fincila ma. violence
fincilaa (n) rebel,insurgent
fincilamuu go. see finciluu
fincilsiisuu go. see finciluu
finciltuu (n) rebel,insurgent
finciluu (v) rebel, revolt
fincoo (n) eaves. See also ashandaa
fincoofsisuu (v) make urinate
fincooftuu (adj) coward
findaaruu (v) cross or go along side a river
findiga (n) ploughing virgin land
findigamaa (adj) dug up
findiggoo (n) ploughed virgin land
findiguu (v) plough virgin land
finfinnee (n) spring water
Finfinnee (n) previous name of Addis Ababa city
finiina (n) a kind of cultural tool
finiinaa (adj) glowing
finiinsuu (v) intensify, make better
finiinuu (v) perspire
finjaala (n) a kind of coffee cup
finna (n) ovary ??
finniiqqisuu (v) (usu for perfumes)smell strongly
finniisa (n) pimple
finnoo (n) small box
finqilchaa (n) crowbar
finxaalummaa (n) faction; sectarianism

commission , usu given in the form of

for helping two persons making
finxira (n) business agreements with each other
finxiriira (n) gambol, frolic
finxiriirsuu (v) make/cause to run highly
finxiriiruu (v) run highly, gambol
fira (n) relative
firaakshinii (n) (mathematics) gosa lakkoofsa
firdii same as murtii
firee (n) seed
fireenii (n) brake
firfirfamuu (v) be sprinkled
firfirsa (n) sprinkling
firfirsaa (n) watering cart
firfirsituu (adj) wasteful
firfirsuu (v) sprinkle
firiffaarii (n) leftovers of food
firii (n) result, fruit
firiixuu same as firinxiixuu
firinxiichuu (v) make/cause to gambol
firinxiixa (n) frolic,gambol
firinxiixuu (v) gambol, frolic . see also burraaquu
firixii (n) bow
firooma (n) relation
firoomfachuu (v) make one's friend
firoomsee (n) preposition
firoomsuu (v) match;relate
firoomuu (v) become one's friend, be related to sb/sth
firrisa (n) outranking, taking precedence
firrisuu (v) take precedence
firummaa (n) friendship, relationship
fishkaa same as fiishkaa
fitfitoo same as fataffata
fittaala (n) a kind of women's wear
1. compeletion, finishing
fixa (n) 2. extinction
fixachiisuu see fixachuu
fixachuu (v) finish one's possession
fixamuu (v) become extinct
fixeensa (n) dew
fixeensa'uu (v) be dewed
fixeensessuu (v) dew
fixifixoo (n) a kind of soup
fixuu (v) finish
fo'aa (n) string
(usu of liquids or semi-liquids)
tasteless or watery
farsoo foca nu obaaste. She made us
focaa (adj) tasteless (local)beer.
fociin antuuta fakkaatti .shrews
focii (n) resemble mouse.

bowels, viscera, i.e., internal

organs of stomach
waraabessi focoo harree jigse . The
focoo (n) hyena took out the dankey's bowels.
foddaa (n) window
gorge, i.e., openning usu between
fododdoo (n) hills/mountains
fodoo ad. same as conqola'aa/dhundhula
fodooddoo same as fodoo
foggii (n) vulture
1. isolation
2. spining,i.e, creating yarn from
fohaa (n) cotton, silk, etc
fohuu1 (v) isolate, distinguish, identify
fohuu2 (v) spin,i.e., create yarn from cotton, silk, etc
fokkachiisuu see fokkachuu
fokkachuu same as fokkisuu
fokkataa same as fokkisaa
fokkattuu same as fokkistuu
fokkiftuu same as fokkistuu
fokkina (n) ugliness
fokkisa (n) ugliness
fokkisaa (adj) (applies to male)ugly
fokkisiisuu (v) make ugly
fokkistuu (adj) (applies to female)ugly
fokkisuu (v) be ugly
fokkoruu (v) boast; brag off
fokkuu (adj) ugly
foksa (n) rubbing
foksamuu see foksuu
foksiisuu see foksuu
foksoo (n) wipping cloth,mop
wipe, rub sth (esp. cloth ) against a
mucaan wayyaa isaa lafatti foksaa
The baby is rubbing his cloth against
foksuu (v) the floor.
folachuu (v) be restless
folama1 ma. over eating
folama2 ma. being insulted badly
folamuu1 see foluu1
folamuu2 see foluu2
folee a kind of climping plant ??
folloqa ma. see folloquu
folloqaa see folloquu
folloqfachuu go. see folloquu
folloqsaa see folloquu
folloqsiisuu go. see folloquu
folloqsuu see folloquu
(applies usu to the outer layer of
sth) break off/away, detach, chip
madaa isaa irraa folloqsee dhiigse.
He broke away the outer layer of his
folloquu wound and bleeded it.
foloda ad. gibberish talk
folodaa gibbering/prattling man
folodduu gibbering/prattling woman
disembowel,i.e., remove internal
organs of
folodeessuu animals,esp. intestines
foloduu (v) talk gibberish
folsiisuu see foluu1,2
foluu1 (v) eat over
foluu2 (v) insult badly
foncaa chain
fondogaa scoop
fonfacha same as funfacha
fonfachiisuu same as funfachiisuu
fonfachuu same as funfachuu
fonkaa (n) blood relative
fonqolcha (n) overthrow

1.be overthrown
fonqolchamuu (v) 2.(of load) be lifted up by a lever
fonqolchiisuu (v) see fonqolchuu
1. lever up, lift a load up by a
fonqolchuu (v) 2. oust; over throw
foo’uu same as foohuu1,2
foo'a same as fooha1
foo'aa same as foohaa
foo'achuu same as foohachuu1,2
foo'amuu same as foohamuu1,2
fooggala bragging, boasting
fooggaluu (v) brag,boast
fooha1 ma. same as maxxaari'a
fooha2 ma. isolation
foohaa ma. thin rope
foohachuu1 go. see foohuu1
foohachuu2 go. see foohuu2
foohamuu1 go. see foohuu1
foohamuu2 go. see foohuu2
foohuu1 go. same as fowuu1
foohuu2 go. same as fowuu2
foola'aa stinking
(for animals)labor, i.e., be in the
process of giving birth
foolachuu (iv) see also ciniinsuu
foolannaa labor
foolcee (n) climbing plant
odor or smell
foolii daakuu bunaa . Odor of coffee
foolii (n) powder
foolisii ma. police
1. holey;perforated
foollee1 (n) 2. a large , drinking cup
foollee2 (n) a stage in Gada system,next to daballee
foollessuu same as fullaasuu
fooloo same as foolee
fooltoo () (usu of humans)gluttonous
fooluu eat as much as one can
foon (n) meat
foonaa (n) a fenced enclosure for cattle
fooqaa ad. toothless
fooqii (n) building. See also gamoo
fooqqisuu whistle
foorica (n) whistling
fooricuu (v) whistle
fooriya same as foorica
fooriyuu same as fooricuu
foormulaa formula
foosisuu see fowuu1,2.
footogiraafii photograph
footoo photograph
footoosintaasisii photosynthesis
footuu ad. one who spins cotton, spinner
fooxaa ma. scarf
fooxana ad. (applies to grasses,hair,etc)beginning to grow
fooxanuu (usu for grazing land) begin to develop grasses
fooyaa thread
fooyituu uniform
fooyuu same as foohuu
fooyya'uu ( iv) improve, feel/be better
fooyyee improvement
fooyyessuu see fooyya'uu
foqaa same as fooqaa
foqoqa ma. sliding with buttocks
foqoqsuu go. see foqoquu
foqoquu slide with buttocks
1. walk lonely
foqoruu go. 2. reject the idea of others
foqqisuu same as fooricuu
foraanfoxa ad. unpleasantly fat
foraanfoxaawuu go. become unpleasantly fat
foraanfoxee ad. unpleasantly fat woman
foraanfoxeessuu go. see foraanfoxaawuu
foranfoxee same as foxee
forfoxee same as foxee
foriyoo whistle
foroca ma, sucking with tounge, as dogs do when drinking
forocamuu go. see forocuu
forocciisuu go. see forocuu
forocuu go. suck with tounge
foroforii dandruff
fororsaa beams,rafters
foroxee same as foxee
forrosuu suck
fosee (adj) (usu of alcohol or tobacco) weak and of poor quaity
fosforasii phospherous
fosoliyaa (n) a kind of vegetable
fossoo (n) wiping cloth, usu for milk utensils ??
fottoksuu scratch itchy skin
fottoqa secessionism, breaking away
fottoqaa secessionist,fragment,split
fottoqee same as fottoqaa
fottoqsuu see fottoquu

secede, be splitted ;break away (usu

at the edge or joint)
Ertiriyaan Itiyoopiya irraa
fottoqxe. Ereteria was spliltted from
Afaan okkotee irraa fottoqe. The
fottoquu (v) edge of the jar has been broken away.
fottoqxuu (n) secessionist,fragment,split
1. isolate,choose
fo'uu (v) 2. spin
fowaa (n) string
fowachuu see fowuu1,2.
fowamuu see fowuu1,2.
1. plait, i.e., twist two or more
strings into one strand
2. form a string
jirbii fowuu. To form a string of
fowuu1 (v) cotton
fowuu2 (v) separate , isolate, sort
foxee (adj) (usu of house) low quality; ugly
foyisa same as foksa
foyisamuu same as foksamuu
foyisiisuu same as foksiisuu
foyisoo same as foksoo
foyisuu same as foksuu

1. chance or opportunity
fucha (n) 2. lonely; without anybody's support ??
fuchii (n) vagina
fudee (n) anus ??
fudhachuu (v) take for self
fudhataa receiver
fudhatama (n) acceptance
fudiddisoo swing
fududuu dart away
fuduuddee slope
fufa (n) knot;continuity
fufaa see fufuu
fufachiisuu see fufuu
fufachuu see fufuu
fufamuu see fufuu
fufata (n) sth. needed for joining/tying to sth. else
fuftuu (n) dots
fufurdaa see furdaa
fufuttuuruu (v) (usu of eyes) bulge
1. join, splice or tie together
fufuu (v) 2. continue; go ahead.
1. carving;woodwork
fugaa (n) 2. a person whose work is carving
fuggeessuu (v) negate
1. turning upside down
fuggiffoo (n) 2. opposite
fuggina (n) contrast
1. turning upside down
fuggisoo (n) 2. opposite; antonym
1. nod head when in a dowsy/sleepy
fuggummaa'uu (v) 2. (fig) toil ??
fugguu (n) negation
fulaa (n) a person having bad behavour
Fulbaana (n) (approximately) september
fulchuu (v) make sb grasp the crux of a matter
fulfulii (n) (of a local beer) mellow. See also guushii
mouse or shrew like rat with long
fuliyyoo (n) snout

fulla'aa (adj) perpetual,permanent,ongoing,lasting

fullaafamuu see fullaasuu
fullaasa (n) completion
fullaasisuu see fullaasuu
fullaastuu (n) burglar

complete a started task,perpetuate

barumsa baranaa fullaasuu
He couldnot complete his study of
fullaasuu (v) this academic year
fulla'ina (n) perpetuality, lastingness
fulla'uu see fullaasuu
1. glass
fullee (n) 2. mirror
fullisuu (v) go from house to house with no purpose
fuluduu (v) burst
fuluu (adv) a narrow back door
funaana (n) picking
funaannachuu see funaanuu
1. gathering
2. picking
wayitiilee funaansa bunaa . Coffee
funaansa (n) picking seasons
funaansisuu see funaanuu
funaantuu (n) picker,gatherer

1. gather
qoraan funaanuu . To Gather fire wood
2. pick things with fingers
midhaan lafaa funaanuu . Picking
grains from ground
funaanuu (v)
funee (adj) hot-blooded
funfacha (n) smelling
funfachiisuu (v) make to smell
funfachuu (v) smell
funfannaa (n) smelling
funfatamuu (v) be smelled
fungaa (adj) a person with narrow case
funuuna (n) epistaxis,i.e, nosebleed
funuunfamuu see funuunuu
funuunsuu (v) cause to bleed from the nose
funuunuu (v) bleed from the nose
funyaalessa (n) a kind of shoes
funyaan (n) nose
funyee (n) stripe
funyoo (n) rope.
fura 2 (n) a kind of grass
fura1 (n) loosening tie
furaa (adj) loose,relaxed
furachuu see furuu
furamuu see furuu
furdaa (adj) (of male)fat or plump
furdachuu (v) be or become fat
furdifamuu see furdachuu
furdina (n) thickness;fatness
furdisiisuu see furdisuu
horii fooniif furdisuu .
furdisuu (v) To fatten cattle for beef
furdoo (adj) (of female)fat or plump
1. body swelling
2. gradual increase of water in a
furfura (n)
furfuraa'uu see furfuruu
furfursuu see furfuruu
1. (usu applies to humans) swell, usu
a result of some illness
2. (for a river) begin to have more
Arfaasa keessa lageen furfuruu
eegalu. Rivers begin to have more
furfuruu (v) water in Spring.
furgaafachuu see furgaasuu
furgaafamu (v) get untied from a slip-knot
slip-knot, i.e., a way of tying that
is not firm
hingudunfiin;furgaasaa hidhi.
furgaasaa (n) Donot tie firm; tie slip-knot.
furgaasuu (v) untie, unknot, or loosen a slip-knot
furga'uu see furgaafamuu
furgoo (n) railroad car; carriage of a train

slip and stagger

furgugga'ee kufe.
furgugga'uu He slipped, staggered and fell down.
furguggee (n) a wooden missile
furguggeessuu (tv) throw or hurl a rod (usu a thin & short stick)
furguggifamuu see furgugga'uu
furguggisoo same as fududdisoo
furguggisuu same as furguggeessuu
Furma same as Guraandhala
furmaata (n) solution
furnoo (n) a kind of bread

furoo (n) working by turns

(of male humans) snotty, i.e.,having
too much nasal mucus
gurbaa furraa'aa kana biraa deemi.
furraa'aa (adj) Go away from this snotty boy.
furraa'uu (iv) have excessive nasal mucus
furreessuu see furraa'uu

furrii (n) mucus

sling, i.e., a loop of ropes used to

furrisa (n) propel stones or other objects. ??
furrisaa (n) catapult, sling. See also borongoda
furrisuu (v) propel a stone by a sling
furroo (n) (of horse, donkey, , camel or mule)cough

(of female humans)snotty,i.e, having

too much nasal mucus
intala furroftuu tokkotu na arrabse .
furrooftuu (adj) a snotty girl has insulted me.
fursiisuu see furuu
means of calming
furtoo pain or other hardship
furtuu (n) key, i.e., door openner
furushkaa (n) a kind of cattle food
solve or ease a problem
Qorichichi mataa bowoo naa fure . The
furuu (v) tablet has eased my headache.
furuurfamuu see furuursuu
1. act of throwing with might
furuursa (n) 2. same as garaakaasaa
furuursisuu see furuursuu
furuursuu (tv) throw with might
futee same as munnee
futtaafachiisuu see futtaafachuu
(usu used of tied things) slip
afaan jooniyyaa ni futtaafate.
futtaafachuu (v) The tie of the sack has slipped.
futtaafamuu see futtaafachuu
futtaasa (n) releasing a tied or restrained thing
futtaasaa (n) bow,i.e., a weapon used to fire arrows ??
futtaasee same as futtaasaa
futtaasisuu go. see futtaasuu
futtaasoo same as futtaasaa
futtaasuu see futta'uu
(usu used of tied things) be loosen
futta'uu (v) suddenly released
futtee same as quunxee
futteetti (adv) spontaneously;unkowingly
futtifachuu see futta'uu
futtisaa same as futtaasaa
slip or escape from one's grip
sinbirroon naharkaa futurruqxe .
futurquu (v) The bird slipped out of my hand.
futuruqsuu see futurruquu
(usu of soil) fertile and rich
futuruu (adj) lafa futuruu . Fertile land

(applies to male)marriage
fuudha isaa booda biiroo hingalle.
He did not enter office since his
fuudha (n) marriage.
fuudhamuu go. see fuudhuu2
fuudhuu1 take
fuudhuu2 (applies to male)marry
1. face
2. page
Kitabni kun fuulota 300 qaba .This
fuula (n) book has 300 pages.
fuulabaasuu weep out a row of weeds from crop
infront of; ahead of
fuuldura koo taa'ee TV ilaalcha na
He sat infront of me and blocked me
fuuldura (adv, n) from watching TV.

in the future; forward

fuulduraat deemi . Go forward.
fuulduratti ilmi namaa pilanetoota
ka biroo irra qubaachuu
dandaa'a. Human beings can collonize
fuulduratti (adv) other planets in the future.
fuulii decoration of horses

face to face; across from; opposite

manni isaanii fuullee waliitti
Their houses are located opposite to
fuullee (adv) each other.
focus;concentrate; direct one's
fuulleffachuu (v) attention to sth
fuulleffannaa attention,focus
headpiece, i.e., part of horse's
fuuloo (n) bridle that fits around the head
fuuluu decorate
fuunfacha (n) smelling
let sb smell sth
shittoo ishii na fuunfachiiste.
fuunfachiisuu (V) she let me smell her perfume.
smell or sniff at sth
saroonni dandeettii fuunfachuu cimaa
qabu .
Dogs have strong ability to smell.
fuunfachuu (v)
fuunfata (n) smelling
fuunfannaa (n) smelling
fuunfatamuu see fuunfachuu
fuusisuu see fuudhuu
fuuttee (of baboon,etc)excrement/stool
fuutuu (n) a type of insect
takaayis yookinis
z. dhundhula conqola'a
z. dhundhula'uu conqola'uu
ga’iftuu (adj) joker (female)
ga’o same as qoosaa
gaashattuu (adv) by estimation
ga'a (n) arrival

ga'aa (adj) adequate;satisfactory;enough

gaabaalcha same as agiboo
gaabba (n) regret
gaabbaa (adj) (male)one who regrets

gaabbii (n) regret

gaabbisiisuu (v) cause/make to regret
gaabbituu (adj) (fem.)one who regrets

gaabbuu (v) regret

gaabii (n) a kind of blanket

gaachana (n) shield

gaachii (n) large jar
gaadaa (n) a kind of room in a house

gaadamuu (v) be watched closely and secretely

gaaddiddeessuu (v) shade
gaaddidduu (n) shadow
gaaddilee (n) enemy
gaaddisa aegis;shade
gaaddisee (n) umbrella
gaaddisiisuu (v) cause/make to shade

gaaddoo (n) leader of a group of baboons

gaadduu (n) surveillant, plotting ill, spy

gaadee (n) canine teeth
gaadi'a (n) act of tying both legs of a cow
gaadi'aa see gaadi'uu
gaadi'achuu see gaadi'uu
gaadi'amaa see gaadi'uu
gaadi'amuu (v) (applies to cow)be tied while being milked
gaadidduu (n) shadow, shade
gaadii1 (n) rope used for tying legs of a cow

gaadii2 (n) (applies to Orthodox christians) a period of fasting

gaadi'oo (n) (applies to cow) part of a leg

gaadisiisuu see gaadi'uu

gaadi'uu (v) tie both legs of a cow when milking

gaaduu (v) watch closely and secretely

gaa'ela (n) marriage

gaafa1 (n) horn
(applies to day or date) on
gaafa sanbataa.
gaafa2 (prep. ) Gaafa Guraandhala 10.
1. make accountable
gaafachiisuu (v) 2. cause to be /make/ asked
gaafachuu (v) question,ask
gaafannoo (n) questionnaire

gaafas (adj) that day

gaafa-silkii (n) antenna
gaafata (n) interrogation
gaafatamaa ad. accountable

gaafatamtuu accountable
gaafatamuu go. be questioned/asked

gaaffii (n) question

gaafoo (n) snail. See also cilallluu
gaaftorboo (n) wild goat

gaaga'a casualty
gaaga'ama casualty
gaaga'amaa victim
gaaga'amtuu harmed, victimized,
gaaga'amuu (v) be victimized, be hurt
gaaga'uu (v) victimize, hurt
gaagubbaa (n) a kind of bread
gaagura (n) hive
gaagurtuu (n) beekeeper

gaa'ila (n) marriage

gaala (n) camel
gaalala grass
gaalamoota () widow
gaalamootummaa adultery
gaalcha ma. similarity, resemblance

gaalchuu go.. resemble

gaalee (n) phrase
(male)innocent and brave person
gaaleessa (adj)
gaalituu (adj) (fem.)innocent and brave person
gaallamoota (n) widow
gaaltama1 (adj) huge

gaaltama2 (n) nun

gaama (n) gaama fardaa . Hair on horse neck
gaamara (n) old age
gaamaraa (adj) (male)mature, old
gaamareessa (adj) (male)mature, old

gaamareettii (adj) (fem.)mature, old

gaamarsuu see gaamaruu

gaamartuu (adj) (fem.)mature, old

gaamaruu (v) 1. (for cereals)start ripening

2. get aging
gaam'ee same as gaammee
gaammee (n) a kind of children's hair style

gaana (n) mating, sexual intercourse

gaanamuu (v) mate

gaanfa (n) horn

1. antenna
gaanfollee (n) 2. snail
gaanfuree (adj) active, brave
gaangee (n) mule
gaangolii (n, plural) mules
gaangoo (n) mule

gaanii (n) jar

gaannama (n) hell
gaansa (n) (animal)sexual intercourse
gaansisuu (v) make/cause to mate
gaansuu (v) mate
gaantii (n) glove
gaantuu (adj) an animal that mates often
gaanuu (v) (applies to bull or ox)mate
gaanyii (n) quarrel
gaara (n) hill
gaararraa (n) chameleon
gaarayyuu (n) mistress
gaareffannaa same as gaarreffannaa
gaareffata same as gaarreffata
gaargaluu (v) be in a problem
gaarii1 (n) cart
gaarii2 (adj) good;fair;fine;nice
gaariitti (interj.) bye

gaaromsuu (v) make good

gaaromuu (v) be good
gaarree1 (n) cattle having a spot on skull

gaarree2 (n) animal feed

look malciously/hatefully
gaarreffachuu (v)
gaarreffannoo (n) hateful looking,

gaarreffata (n) hateful looking,

gaarummaa (n) goodness

gaasha (n) trend

gaashaan (adv) properly

gaashartuu (n) mixer

gaasii (n) gas

gaattiraa (n) a kind of tree

gaawaa (n) a hollow object

gaawoo (n) a kind of grass
gaawwaa1 (n) a kind of container

gaawwaa2 (adj) large

gaayoo a kind of grain/plant

gaayyaa (n) a device used in smoking tobacco leaves

gaayyoo (n) heavy rain
gaazexaa (n) news paper
gaazexeessaa (n) journalist
gaazii (n) gas
gab jechuu (v) calm down

gabaa (n) market

gabaabaa (adj) short
gabaabaatti (adv) shortly
gabaabbacha (n) shortness;abridgment

gabaabbachuu be shortened
gabaabbina (n) shortness;abridgment
gabaabduu (adj) short
gabaabee same as misingaa,boobee
gabaabfachuu (v) shorten for self use
gabaabina (n) abreviation, shortness
gabaabsuu (v) abreviate;shorten;shrink
gabaalcha same as gaabaalcha
gabaasa (n) report

gabaasaa (n) reporter

gabaastuu (n) reporter
gabaasuu (v) report
gabajjajuu (v) (usu. Of roasted grain) loose dry-ness and sweetness
gabalamaa same as jeeja'aa/kaka'aa
gabalamuu same as jeeja'uu/kaka'uu
gabalcha same as gameelcha
gabardiina (n) a kind of wear

gabarii (n) lining

gabaroo (n) commoner

gabataa (n) a kind of dish from which food is eaten

gabatee (n) board

gabatee beeksisaa . Notice board
gabatee-miilaa (n) a kind of furniture
gabbaasa (n) release,disclosing

gabbaasuu (v) release ,disclose

gabbachiisuu (v) make to enhance/flourish

gabbachuu (v) be enhanced, be flourished

gabbara (n) 1. tax

2. money paid as compensation for adultery

gabbarachuu go. pay tax for one's possession

gabbaramuu go. see gabbaruu
gabbarsiisuu go. see gabbaruu
gabbartuu tenant

gabbaruu 1. pay tax

2. pay compensation for adultery
3. beg to convince
gabbata (n) fatness

gabbataa (adj) fattened

gabbattuu (adj) fattened

gabbifachuu (v) fatten for self

gabbiinaa (n) the front cabin of a car

gabbina (n) fleshiness, plumpness, fatness

gabbisa ma. fattening

gabbisaa1 (adj) sth that fattens

gabbisaa2 same as qoricha-lagaa

gabbisayyoo (n) a cultural song sung during irreecha festivity
gabbisiisuu (v) make/cause to build up
gabbisuu (v) build up, enhance,fatten
gabloo scorpion
gaboo wild
gabra (n) slave
gachii (adj) an ear of humans or animals that is torn apart
gachiisuu (v) make/cause to discard or drop
gad (prep.) bellow;bottom;down
Gadaa (n) a socio-political system of Oromo people, Sidama people, etc
gadaada horizontal
gadaaduu agony;misery
gadaafamuu be cleansed
gadaamecha ovary
gadaamessa ma. ovary
gad'aanaa low class;low cast ; low level
gadaansa " palm see also ganaa2

gadaantoo minimal
gadabii untamed
gadadama (n) misery, agony

gadadamaa (adj) 1. tormented, persecuted, tortured(male)

2. impoverished(male)
gadadamsuu (v) cause misery

gadadamtuu (adj) 1. tormented, persecuted, tortured(fem.)

2. impoverished(fem.)
gadadamuu (v) become miserable
gadadoo (n) misery, agony

gadafee (n) a block of soil

gadameessa (n) ovary
gadamoojjii (n) retired priest
gadamsa (n) kudu, antelope

gadarba (n) married woman

gadareessa (adj) fool, stupid

gadda (n) tragedy;sorrow;sadnesss
gaddaa (adj) affected,saddened
gaddafuu (v) support
gaddii (n) luck. See also carraa,milkii
seenaa gaddisiisaa qabdi . She has a saddening
gaddisiisaa (adj) story.
gaddisiisuu (v) cause/make to feel sad

gadduu (v) grieve,mourn,feel sad

gadee (adv) down

irraan-gadee ilaaluu . Top-down view
gadhaa same as garaa
gadhaa'uu (v) become bad
gadhaawuu (v) become bad
gadhafaa fallen flowers

gadhafuu (v) begin to blossom

gadhee (adj) bad
gaarii fi gadhee . Good and bad
gadheessuu (v) put to shame
gadhiisaa (n) (of cattle)season of release
gadhiisii (n) release

gadhiisuu (v) release

gadhooftuu (adj) bad

gadhoomsuu (v) humiliate

gadhoomuu (v) get humiliated

gadhummaa (n) badness

gadi da. 1. down

Inni darajaa fooqii irra gadi adeemaa jira.
He is going down the stairs of a building.
2. out
manaa gadi ba'uu . To go out of a house

gadigaloo (adj) worthless

gadii (prep.) from down

gadiitoo (n) anchor

gadlakkisuu (v) release

gadnaquu (v) spill away liquid

gadoo (n) grudge
gadoochuu (v) cause to/make scream or shout
gadooda (n) high screaming
gadooduu (v) scream highly
gadoomsuu (v) circumcise

gadoomuu (v) be circumcised

gadqabuu (v) oppress

gadulessa (n) black termite

ga'ee (n) share

ga'eessa (n) adult
gafaggafuu (v) (for food) become too sweat to eat
gafara (n) a kind of fodder (animal food). See also okaa
gafaree (n) straight hair
gafarsa (n) buffalo

gaffaa (n) virgin land

gaffazalam (n) backwater
gagaa (n) beeswax

gagamaa (adj) arrogant

gagaw jechuu (v) enter into sth quickly. See also kakaw jechuu
gaggaafachisuu see gaggaafachuu
gaggaafachuu (v) ask,question,inquire
gaggaafatamuu (v) be asked
gaggaba (n) loss of conciousness

gaggabaa (adj) sb who lost conciousness

gaggabaabaa (adj) short ones
gaggabdoo (n) epilepsy

gaggabduu ad. sb who lost conciousness

gaggabsaa1 (n) a kind of food
gaggabsaa2 (n) pressing, requiring urgency
gaggabsiisuu see gaggabsuu
gaggabsuu1 (v) cause to lose conciousness
gaggabsuu2 (v) cause/make to rush

gaggabuu1 (v) lose unconciousness

gaggabuu2 (v) be greedy/zealous

gaggalaanuu stagger
gaggaragalchuu turn over and over again
1. be lead
gaggeeffamuu 2. being seen off

gaggeessa (n) farewell

gagoo (n) vulture

gaguubbaa (n) local bread

gahaa (adj) enough
gahee (n) share
gaheessa (n) adult
gahumsa (n) adequacy;merit
gahuu (v) suffice, be adequate
ga'iisa1 (n) reaching an intended destination
ga'iisa2 (n) adequacy, sufficiency

ga'isa (n) mockery

ga'isaa (adj) mocker

ga'isuu (v) mock,jest

gajafa same as faga
gajafsiisuu same as fagsiisuu
gajaftuu see fagduu

gajafuu same as faguu/dalaguu

gajamoo1 (n) uncircumcised woman

gajamoo2 (n) cutlass

gajara (n) cutlass

gajjallaa down. See also gararraa
gala1 (n) entrance

gala2 (n) journey from a trip

galaa (n) provisions food

galaafacha (n) killing or harming severely
galaafachiisisuu (v) cause to be killed or severely harmed
galaafachiisuu see galaafachuu
galaafachuu (v) harm severely or kill
galaafannaa (n) killing or harming severely
galaafata (n) killing or harming severely

galaafatamuu (v) be killed or harmed severely

galaalcha (n) being late
galaalchaa (n) journalist
galaalchisuu (v) cause to become late
galaalchuu (v) become late

galaaloo (n) a kind of tree

Galaan (n) an Oromo clan

Galaana Diimaa (n) Red sea

galaana (n) sea

gal'aanuu (v) walk slowly and gracefully
galaasuu1 (v) provide provisions food

galaasuu2 same as galaafachuu

galabaa (n) straw

galagalchuu same as garagalchuu

galalchaa (n) conciliator
galalee same as qalaqalloo/karaxitii
galata (n) praise, thank
galateeffachiisuu (v) make/cause to praise
galateeffachuu (v) praise

galateeffataa (n) (male)one who praises

galateeffattuu (n) (fem.)one who praises

galatoo (n) praise
galatoomaa (interj.) thank you

galatoomfachuu (v) praise

galbii (n) porch, verenda
galcha1 (n) making/causing to return
galcha2 (n) response

galchaa (n) sacrifice, spiritual offering. See also gashaa

galchii (n) score,goal

galchisiisuu see galchuu

galchuu (v) bring sth to where it comes from

galda'a (n) jumping like a lion or tiger

galdaasa (adj) conceited,snobbish,toffee-nosed

galdaa'uu (v) sprawl

galda'uu (v) jump like a lion or tiger

galee (n) outsider

galfachuu see galchuu

galfata (n) consignee,sth entrusted
galgala (n) night
galgalaa'uu (v) become night
galgaleeffachuu (v) stay out of home until it becomes night
galii (n) income
galiisa same as galii1,2
gallii (n) tenant

galloo (n) barrier

galma1 (n) 1. goal
2. entrance
3. hall
4. coming back home from a trip
galma2 (adj) residential
mana galmaa . Residential house
galmaa'uu (v) be registered

galmee (n) record, ledger

galmeeffama (n) registeration
galmeeffamaa (n) one who is registered
galmeeffamtuu (n) one who is registered

galmeessa (n) registeration

galmeessaa (n) registrar,registrant

galmeessisuu (v) make/cause to be registered

galmeessituu (n) registrar,registrant

galmeessuu (v) register
galmoomsuu (v) prevent leakage

galoo same as lolaa

galta'a same as raata'a
galta'uu same as raata'uu
galtummaa (n) servitude
galtuu1 (n) entrant, servant
galtuu2 (adj) one who lacks skill(esp. in cookery, home management, etc)

galuu (v) 1. enter

2. return back from a journey
galvanaayessuu (v) galvanize
gama1 (adv) that side
gama2 same as gaamaa
gama3 (n) persistent admonishment/wrath
gamaa from that side

gamaa gamana (adv) all sides

gamaaggama evaluation,assessment

gamaaggamsiisuu make/cause to be evaluated

gamaaggamtuu evaluator. See also gamaggamtuu

gamaaggamuu (v) evaluate,assess. See also gamaggamuu
gamaaluu (v) walk with unbalanced gait
gamada1 same as gama2
gamada2 same as haada1
gamaggamuu (v) evaluate,assess
gamana (adv) this side
gamanumaan (n) from the outset
gamareessuu (v) make bushy
gamaruu (v) overgrow without bearing seeds
gamas (adv) yonder, that side
gambaallee (n) soccer socks

gambeela (n) a kind of tree

gambelo (n) a type of tree
gamboo1 (n) a kind of pot
gamboo2 (n) a kind of disease
gamdal gochuu (n) cut out at once

gameelcha (n) indirect insult

gameessa (adj) good. See also gaarii,misha,baroo

gameettii (adj) (fem.)wise, good

gamisa (n) half

gamisiisuu (v) make/cause to bisect

gamisuu (v) halve, bisect

gammachiiftuu pleasing, enjoyable

gammachiisaa pleasing, enjoyable

gammachiisuu1 (v) make happy

gammachiisuu2 (v) make estimated

gammachuu (n) happiness

gammadaa (n) cheerful , happy

gammadduu (n) cheerful , happy
gammaduu (v) be happy

gammata (n) estimation

gammatachuu (v) estimate for self
gammatuu (v) estimate
gammoojjii (n) lowland

gammoora (n) a kind of plant

gammureessa (n) colt, stallion

gammureettii (n) young female horse

gamna (adj) smart, astute, shrewd

gamnooma same as gamnummaa

gamnoomuu (v) be smart

gamnummaa (n) smartness, shrewdness

gamoo (n) building

gamoora (n) stretcher

gamshaa (n) tobacco rolled in a piece of paper

gamsiisaa (adj) (male)pestering

gamsiistuu (adj) (fem.)pestering

gamsiisuu (v) pester

gamtaa (n) union
gamtaa'uu (v) be organized
gamtakkee (n) a cow that is milked only once a day
gamteessa (n) organizing
gamteessaa (n) organizer
gamteessituu (n) organizer
gamteessuu (v) organize
gamureessa (n) adult

gamureettii (adj) mare

keep admonishing sb persistently
(Inni )natti gama .He persistently admonishes
gamuu1 (v) me.
gamuu2 (v) get tired
Naa game . I got tired.
gana (n) betrayal,denial

ganaa (n) palm

ganaanaa (n) boiled dough. See also absiitii
ganama (n) morning

ganamee (n) morning communal labor

ganameeffachuu (v) be late in the morning

ganamuu (v) be betrayed

gana'uu (v) relapse

ganda (n) village

gandaa (n) reservoir

gandaa'uu (v) be affected by a disease called gandii
gandalabee (n) vagabond

gandhaaluu (v) recreate, relax (by walking)

gandii (n) a kind of disease
ganduleessa (n) army ant

gangalacha (n) writhing oneself

gangalachiisuu (v) make writhed
gangalachuu (v) writhe, (animals)roll
gangalannaa (n) writhing

gangalata (n) writhing

gangalattuu (n) writher

gangalcha (n) writhing sb/sth

gangalchiisa (n) making to writhe

gangalchiisuu (v) make/cause to writhe

gangalchituu (n) one who writhes sth

gangalchuu (v) make/cause to writhe

1. summer
ganna (n) 2. age
gannaa same as qillee
gannee (n) a word used to address a married woman
gannii same as qillee
gannoo (n) crops that give yield in short time
ganshoo () credit

gansiisuu cause/make to betray

gantuu traitor
ganuu (v) betray
ganyaa (n) mare. See also qalaamaa
ganyuu pack mule, pack horse
1. about
gara nama soddomaa . about 30 people
2. into,to
Inni gara godina Gujii adeeme. He went to Guji
gara (prep) zone.
gara malee (adv) wrong way
garaa (n) abdomen, torso
garaacha (n) stomach
garaachoo belly
garaagara (adj) different

garaagarummaa (n) difference

garaajii (n) garage

garaayinaa (n) a kind of plastic container

garabaqeessa (n) cow

garadii (n) house servant
garafa1 (n) lashing

garafa2 see horora

garafachuu1 see garafuu1
garafachuu2 same as hororachuu
garafamuu1 see garafuu1
garafamuu2 see garafuu2
garafannaa (n) lashing
garafuu1 (v) lash,slash, flog
qacceedhaan garafuu . To lash with whip
alangaadhaan garafuu . To lash with scourge

garafuu2 same as hororuu

garagala (n) turning away
garagalcha (n) copy

garagalchaa (n) a kind of bread

garagalchii (n) copy

garagalchituu (n) retailer

1. copy
2. transfer sth from one container to another
garagalchuu (v) 3. invert, turn upside down
1. copy for self
2. transfer sth from one container to
another(for self)
garagalfachuu (v) 3. invert(for self)
garagalfamuu (v) 1. be copied
2. be inverted
garagaluu (v) be turned
garagar (adj) different
garagara (adj) different
garagarcha same as garagaluu
garagarchuu same as garagaluu
garagarfamuu same as garagalfamuu
garagaruu same as garagaluu
garagoomtuu ad. virgin and fertile land
garagoontuu same as garagoomtuu
garajabeenya (n) cruelty
garajabeessa (adj) cruel

garajabeettii (adj) cruel

garam where

garambaa (n) a kind of plant

garambee (n) a kind of plant

garamiin da. from which way

garamitti da. to which way

garana (adv) on this side
garanbaa (n) a kind of tree

a kind of ritual ceremony. See also jaarii

garanfasa (n)
gararraa (adv) above
garas (adv) on that side. See also achi,as,garana
garayuu same as sanyoo
garba1 (n) ocean. See also galaana
garba2 (n) (male)slave. See also gabra,garbicha, garbittii
garbicha (n) (male)slave
garbii (n) a kind of tree

garbittii (n) (fem.) slave

garbooma (n) slavery

garboomsuu (v) enslave

garboomuu (v) be slave

garbummaa (n) slavery

garbuu (n) barley

Gardaaduma (n) name of a day of the month

gardaaffoo (n) edge(trimmed)
gardaasaa (n) hair tied with sash

garee (n) team, group

gareetaa () wheelbarrow
garero (n) a kind of container made from calabash

gargaara ma. aid

gargaaraa (n) assistant, helper
gargaaramuu (v) get helped
gargaarii (n) harvesting in team
gargaarsa (n) aid
gargaarsisuu make/cause to be aided
gargaarsisuu (v) make/cause to aid

gargaaruu go. aid

gargada ma. interwoven tree lives that can shade from rain

gargar gargar deemuu . Go apart
garichoo ma. an affectionate term of address
garii some
gariibaa hermit
garittuu da. what so ever

garjaammaa (adj) solid,hard

garjalee ma. under belly
garmaama ma. riding horse hither

garmaamsa horse riding,galloping

garmaamsuu go. make/cause to ride horse hither
1. (fem.)one who gambols
garmaamtuu (n) 2. (fem.) one who rides horse hither
garmaamuu ride horse hither
too much
garmalee1 garmalee nyaate. He ate too much.
garmalee2 wrong way

garnya'uu (v) (for food)be cooked improperly

garoo (n) group, team

garraamii (adj) humble, docile, innocent, harmless

garraamummaa (n) docility

garrii (n) trumpet

gartii (n) a kind of container
gartokkee (n) half

gartokko half
gartuu faction, team

garuu (conj) but

gasaa (n) a kind of mat

gasa'achuu see gasa'uu

gasa'uu (v) dig

gashaa (n) spiritual offering

gashaantii (n) maiden
gashamaa (n) a stage in threshing crops
gashamuu see gashamaa
gasharee (n) a child whose parents are dead
gashuu same as galchuu
gasiisuu (v) tantalize
gasoo (n) a kind of digging tool
gassee (n) tent
gasuyyee (n) same as gomjii
gataa (n) abandoned ;dirty
gataa'aa (adj) valid
gataa'uu (v) validate
gatachiisuu (v) cause to abort
gatachuu (v) abort
gatamaa1 (n) a kind of tree

gatamaa2 (adj) abandoned

gatamoo (n) dusk

gatamuu (v) be disposed, be forgotten

gatanba'ii (n) honey

gatanbayii same as gatanba'ii

gatannaa (n) abortion
gatantara (n) faltering

gatantaraa (adj) (male) tottering,staggering

gatantarsiisuu (v) make/cause to be faltered

gatantarsuu (v) make/cause to falter

gatantartuu (adj) (fem.) tottering,staggering

gatantaruu (n) falter, stagger,totter

gatata (n) stillborn

gatattuu (v) an animal that has aborted

gateettii (n) shoulder
gatii (n) price
gatiittii same as gateettii
gatuu (v) discard
ga'uu (v) 1. reach, arrive
2. suffice, i.e., be sufficient
gawisoo same as torbaan-qabaa
gawwaa (adj) absurd;daffy;daft;obtuse;sappy
gawwaa'uu (v) (for soil)lose fertility
gawwii (n) borqii
gawwituu (n) unfertile soil
gayeessa (n) adult
gayyaa (n) step mother
ge’ii (n) sth that gives happiness

ge’o same as dabaaqula

geba same as geeba
gebeexii (n) roost

geddaraa same as geeddaraa

geddarachuu same as geeddarachuu
geddaramuu same as geeddaramuu
geddaruu same as geeddaruu
geeba (n) cup
geebaa (n) penis of horse,donkey or mule

geeboo (n) a kind of climber plant

geecha same as geessa

geechamuu same as geessamuu
geechisuu same as geessisuu
geechuu1 same as geessuu1
geechuu2 same as geessuu2
geedala same as sardiida

geeddara (n) change

geeddarama (n) change,exchange

geeddaramaa (n) substitute

geeddaramtuu (n) substitute

geeddarraa (n) exchange

geeddarsiisuu (v) make/cause to change

geeddartuu (adj) one who changes

geeddarumsa (n) change

geeffachuu (v) move sth/sb to some place for self

geeffamuu (v) be taken

geega'oo (n) bug

geegawoo (n) bug

geejjiba (n) transport
geelaba (adj) short legged

geelee (n) fiance

geeloo (n) divorced couples

geemmoo same as sunsuma,gullichaa,gomjii,gemjii

geengoo (n) circle
geengummaa (n) roundness,circularity

geenyaa (n) pack horse/mule

geerara (n) a kind of song

geeraraa see geerara

geerarsa same as geerara
geerarsiisuu see geerara
geerartuu see geerara
geeraruu see geerara
geergii (n) caterpillar

geergoo same as bacoo

geerrii (n) caterpillar

geesaa (n) a frontliner in war

geesharuu (v) mix up

geeshoo (n) buckthorn

geessa see geessuu1
geessamuu (v) be taken
geessisuu see geessuu1
geessoo (n) basket

geessuu1 (v) take,i.e., carry or transport sth/sb

geessuu2 (n) a girl who has reached mariage age
geggeecha same as geggeessa
geggeechisuu same as geggeessisuu
geggeechuu same as geggeessuu
geggeeffachuu see geggeessuu
geggeeffata see geggeessa
geggeessa (n) 1. leading
2. seeing off
geggeessaa (n) 1. leader
2. one who sees sb off
geggeessisuu see geggeessuu
geggeessituu (n) 1. leader
2. one who sees sb off
geggeessuu (v) 1. lead
2. see off
gelgexxoo (n) snail
gelloo (n) a kind of dance
gembicha same as gumbii
gemjii same as gomjii
gemmii same as sunsuma
gemmoo same as gemmii
genda same as ganda
gengee same as gomboo
genjoo (n) food that cannot be easily cooked

gennee (n) woman

ge'oo (n) squash, gourd

gephee (n) buttocks

gergoo same as bacoo
geso same as guboo
geyrii1 (n) a kind of worm
geyrii2 (adj) thin, emaciated,skinny

gibbona (n) basket

gibira (n) tax

gicee (n) sedge

gichaa same as diqdiqa
gichillaa (n) a kind of wild animal
gichillee (adj) active

gidaadaa (adj) huge

gidaaduu (v) become huge

gidaaraa (n) wall

giddii (n) obligation
giddiitti (adv) by obligation
giddisiisa (n) enforcing

giddisiisuu (v) compel, enforce, force

giddoo same as jabeenya

giddu-galeessa (n) average, central

gidduu (adj) between, middle

gidduu-gala (adj) centre
gidee (n) feeling, idea
gidiraa (n) misery
gidiramaa (n) 1. (male)one who is in misery
2.(male) indigent, wretched
gidiramtuu (adj) 1. (fem.)one who is in misery
2.(fem.) indigent, wretched
gidiramuu (v) be in misery, be troubled/tortured
gidirsamuu (v) be in misery, be troubled/tortured
gidirsiisuu (v) cause/make to be troubled

gidirsuu (v) put into misery

gidiruu (v) put into misery

gifira (n) measles
gigirii (n) fighting of bulls/oxen

giicuu (n) a kind of pot

giidoo (n) strength, force, power

giifaatoo (n) a kind of holiday song

giiftii (n) noblewoman,master(female)
see also gooftaa & Gooftaa
giiftoomuu (v) become a noblewoman
giiftummaa (n) (fem.)nobility, aristocracy. See also gooftummaa
giigigsa (n) flock

giigigsuu (v) flock

giigissa same as giigigsa
giigissuu same as giigigsuu
giilee (n) sword
giima'uu (v) become ember
giimessuu (v) burn out wood to ember

giimii (n) ember

giimoo (n) refining flux

giinga’uu (v) stammer,lisp,brattle, stutter,stumble

giinga'a (n) stammering

giingaa ma. stammering

giingaa'aa (n) stammerer,i.e., one who stammers

giingee same as giinga'aa/giingoftuu
giingeffachuu same as giinga'uu
giingiftuu same as giingoftuu
giingoftuu (adj) one who stammers
giingoo same as giingaa

giinoo (n) grain storage

giixoo (n) a kind of plant

gilaasa (n) caparison
gilaasii (n) caparison
gilba (n) wild animals
gilgaala (n) exercise
gilgidaa same as odolcha
gilgilii (n) a kind of utensil

gilindaa (adj) vivid, clear(to see)

gilindiftuu same as gilindisee
gilindisa (n) gamboling

gilindisaa (n) one who gambols

gilindisee (n) one who gambols

gilindisiisuu (v) make/cause to gambol

gilindisuu (v) gambol
gimbii (n) a place in oromia
gimboola (n) ball played by foot
gimfoo same as jinfuu

gimijaa (adj) callous,hardhearted, uncaring

gimijaa'uu (v) become callous

gimjaa (n) a kind of clothes

gimmilii (n) unleavened bread

gimmisuu (v) (of sky)rumble before raining

gimmitii guess, estimate

beam of plow
gindii (n) gindii fi qambarrii . Beam of plow and yoke

gindillaa (n) the trunk of a tree

gindoo 1. same as gundoo

2. same as gindii
gingilcha (n) sieving

gingilchaa sieve, strainer

gingilchituu (n) a woman who sieves
gingilchuu (v) sieve, strain

gingilfachuu (v) sieve for self

gingilfamuu (v) be sieved
gingishuu (v) sieve
giniinaa (n) a boy who sobs frequently

giniintuu (n) a girl who sobs frequently

ginnisuu (v) cackle, buzz

gino same as baaxii

giphoo (n) conflict

giraaba (n) hill. See also tabba

giraassoo (n) grease

girdii (n) (of harvest)by product
girgaatii (n) stove
girgiddaa (n) wall

girgijjii (n) shelf

girgiraa (n) stove for smoking incense
girgirtaa’aa fidget,i.e., sb who fidgets

girgirtaa’uu go. fidget

girgirteessa ma. fidgetting

girgirteessisuu go. see girgirteessuu

girgirteessuu go. make/cause to fidget

girjaa (n) copper

giroo (n) affair,matter of concern

girrigirrii ma.
Girrii (n) one of the clans of oromo people

girrisa (n) flock, jumbling

girrisuu (v) flock, jumble
gishee (n) hair(of goat)

gishxaa (n) a kind of (fruit) tree

gisoo (n) communal labor

gissillaa (n) a type of animal
1. equivalent
gita (adj) 2. class
gitabittaa (n) ruling class
gitatoo (n) scale, weighting machine

gitichaa (n) dust bin, rubbish storing basket

gitummaa (n) equivalency

gituu (v) be equivalent

gixaanuu (v) toil, work hard

go'aa (n) blood vessel

goba (n) beating
gobaa (n) wooden spike/prickle
gobamuu (v) beaten up
gobbaa (adj) congested, crowded

Gobbaa (n) a town in Oromia

gobbaanii (n) two males whose wives are sisters of each other
gobbachuu (v) become dense or crowded

gobbisuu (v) make too dense

gobbo cage
gobbuu (adj) thickly grown, bushy

gobbuu (v) be densely grown

gobeensa (n) reed

goblaa (n) wing

goblola (n) partially eaten carrion/carcass

a kind of plant. See also hidda
gobo (n)
gobocorroo (n) vulture
make hit/beat
gobsiisuu (v)
gobuu (v) hit
1. action, activity
gocha (n) 2. verb
gochaa (n) action, activity

gochima (n) verb

gochoo (n) saucepan

gochuu (v) do, make

goda (adv) down
godaa1 (adv) from down
godaa2 (n) a kind of wild animal

god-aambaa (n) museum

godaana same as godaansa
godaanaa (n) migrant
godaannisa (n) scar
migration,exodus,mass departure
godaansa (n)
godaansisuu (v) make/cause to migrate
godaantuu (n)
godaanuu (v) migrate

godambaa (n) museum

goddoo (n) solitary baboons

godeessa (adj) (male)narrow-nosed
godeettii (adj) (fem.)narrow-nosed
1. same as gocha
godha (n) 2. (taboo) sexual intercourse
1. doer
godhaa (n) 2.fucker
1. do sth for self
2. develop sth
godhachuu (v)
godhamtuu (adj) (fem.) fucked
1. be done
godhamuu (v) 2. (taboo) be fucked
1. action
godhiisa (n) 2. sexual intercourse
godhuu (v) do

godina (n) zone

godoo (n) nest,hut
godooma (n) ugly-ness(esp. of nose)
godoomsuu (v) make ugly (by deforming nose)

godoomuu (v) be unattractive(esp. facially)

go'ee (n) old woman

gofla (n) wing

goflaa (n) a kind of disease

goflola (n) carcass

gofonnonsuu go. see gofonnonuu
gofonnonuu go. feel afraid to eat sth just by seeing
goga (n) drying

gogaa1 skin
gogaa2 dry
gogduu1 ad. (of food)without curry/stew
gogduu2 ad. dry
1. line, row
gogeessa (n) 2. member(of a party)

gogfachuu (v) dry for self

gogfamuu (v) be dried

goggocoroo (n) vulture. See also gogocoroo

goggogaa (adj) dry, emaciated

goggogduu (adj) dry, emaciated
goggogfachuu (v) dry for self

goggogfamuu (v) make to be dried

goggogsuu (v) cause to/make dry

goggoguu (v) become dry

gogii (n) mildew

gogiinsa (n) dryness

gogocoro (n) vulture

gogogfachuu same as gogfachuu
gogogfamuu same as gogfamuu
gogogsuu same as gogsuu
gogoguu same as goguu

gogolee (adj) sickly. See also dhukkubsataa, dhibamaa

gogoosuu (v) making heavy sound

gogorrii (n) patridge
gogsa (n) drying
gogsiisuu (v) make/cause to dry

gogsuu (v) make sth dry

goguu (v) become dry
gohaa (n) echo
gojjola (n) roast meat

gojjoluu (v) cook sth by putting near fire

gojoma'a (n) carving
gojomaasisuu (v) cause/make to whet

gojomaatuu (n) a woman who has a strong desire for sth

gojoma'uu (v) whet

gojomii (n) craving, longing, yearning

gojoo same as godoo

gola (n) compartment

golaaduu (n) archives

golabuu (v) culminate, conclude

golba same as dhooqa

golba (n) valley

golbaa (n) a kind of cattle disease
golbachuu (v) be curved

golbee (n) parenthesis, brackets

golbeessuu (v) cause to/make curved
golboo (adj) curved

golboobuu (v) cover, shield

golca (n) tough meat

goldurii (n) museum

golee (n) corner

golfa1 (n) a kind of spirit
golfa2 same as golfaa
golfaa (n) a kind of disease
golfofa (n) a person dressed unpleasantly

golfofuu (v) (of a wear put on sb) become unattractive

golfoo (n) sweater

golga (n) curtaining, obscuring

golgaa (n) curtain

golgachuu (v) be curtained

golgamaa (v) curtained

golgamuu (v) be obscured, be hidden
golgola (n) evening
golgolaa’a (n) emaciation
golgolaa’aa (adj) skinny,emciated
golgolaa'uu (v) become emaciated
golgolaaya (n) emaciation

golgolaayaa (adj) skinny,emaciated

golgoleessisuu go. see golgoleessuu
golgoleessuu (v) make emaciated
golgolooftuu (adj) skinny, emaciated
golguu (v) obscure, mask, hide(esp. with curtain), curtain
goljaa (n) wart hog. See also karkarroo
gollobaa (n) a kind of disease
golloo (n) home

golobee (n) iddirii

1. work poorly
golom'isuu (v) 2. same as gugguufuu
goloo-urgee (n) kitchen

golxa same as golca

gom’a (n) depression, sorrow
gom’aa (adj) depressed
goma (adj) healthy, normal

gomaasuu (v) beat hard

gomara1 (n) throat

gomara2 (n) a kind of Song

gomara3 same as gaamaraa
gombifachuu same as dhundhunlfachuu
gombisa (n) turning down, covering with a lid
1. granary
gombisaa (n) 2. a kind of lid
gombisamuu see gombisuu
gombisii (n) overthrowing a government forcefully

gombisiisuu see gombisuu

gombisoo (n) skirt
gombistuu same as gombisaa2
1. turn down
gombisuu (v) 2. fall over
gomboo (n) jar
gombooba same as duufa
gomboobaa same as duufaa
gomboobsuu same as duufsisuu
gomboobuu same as duufuu
gombora (n) sexual organ of wild animals
gom'isiisuu (v) cause to be depressed

gom'ituu (adj) brooder, melancholic

gomjaa ma. same as gojoma'a
gomjii (n) (cultural)stove
gommaa (n) tyre
gommiinoo (n) a kind of material used in installing and fixing pipes
gomo1 same as hoxxee
gomo2 (n) trap for catching birds

gomodee (n) a sack that can hold 50kg of grains

non-arable land
gomoolee (n)
gom'uu (v) become sad (usu. by collapsing head ), be depressed
gonaaddisa (n) scar. See also godaannisa
gondaa same as goondaa
gondolcha (n) (of cows)licking genitals of calf

gondolchamuu see gondolchuu

gondolchiisuu see gondolchuu
gondolchuu (v) (of cow)lick the genital organ of a calf
gondolfamuu see gondolchuu
gondoshuu same as gondolchuu
gonfa (n) adornment, beautification

gonfaa (n) (male)one who adorns or enables to acquire sth

1. make/cause to acquire
gonfachiisuu (v) 2. be adorned
1. acquire for/by onself
gonfachuu (v) 2. be adorned
1. be adorned
gonfamuu (v) 2. be acquired
gonfee (n) (fem.)one who adorns or enables to acquire sth

gonfoo (n) crown

1. cause to acquire
gonfuu (v) 2. adorn
gongaa (n) wooden barrel

gonjaa same as gomjaa

gonjaasisuu same as gojomaasisuu/gomjaasisuu
gonjaree (n) ant
gonja'uu same as gojoma'uu
gonjooftuu same as gojomaatuu
gonka (adv) never
gonkii (adv)
gonkisa (n) hate

gonkisaa (adj) hated

gonko1 (n) end of sth

gonko2 (adv)
gonkuma (adv) never
male genital organ
gonnee (n)
gonnoffee (n) a kind/style of trousers
gonnonnaa'aa (adj) wrinkled, contracted
gonofee (adj) a kind of basket
gonoggona (n)
gonoggonachuu see gonoggonuu
gonoggonamuu see gonoggonuu
gonoggontuu (n) interweaver

gonoggonuu (v) interweave

goo’uu same as kobbuu, raphachuu,tuuta'uu
gooba (n) hump. See also dalluu
goobaa (n) charsmatic bull
full moon
goobana (n)
goobanuu (v) (of moon) be full

goobbaa see gobba1

goobbuu (adj)
goobee (n) a song sung during Meskel festivity

goobsuu (v) make/cause to dare

goobuu (v) dare, be energetic/mascular
gooda (n) folding and stiching the edge of a cloth
goodaa (n) field
goodamaa (adj) (applies to the edge of a cloth) folded and stitched
goodamuu (v) (applies to the edge of a cloth)be folded and stitched
goodarree (n) a kind of plant

goodisiisuu see gooduu

gooduu (v) fold and stitch the edge of a cloth
goofaree (n) long hair
goofareessuu (v) make one's hair long
Gooftaa (n) Lord;God
gooftaa (n) master;lord. See also giiftii
gooftummaa (n)
goohuu (v) yap, yelp
goojee1 (n) a person believed to have evil eye
goojee2 (n)
goojjoo same as godoo
goolabamuu (v) be culiminated
goolabuu (v) culminate, conclude
goolee (n) trouble maker

goolii1 same as michuu

goolii2 same as lola
goolloo1 (n) cold rain
goolloo2 (n) big sack made from the skin of a goat

gooltuu aggressor, terrorist, trouble maker

gooluu (v) terrorize, aggress
gooma (adj) inadequate, unsatisfactory, insufficient
goomachiisuu (v) make/casue to envy
goomachuu (v) envy
goomataa (n) (male)one who envies
goomattuu (n) (fem.)one who envies

goomii (n) envy, jealousy

goommada same as goommana
goommana (n) cabbage
goommii same as goomii

goomoo (n) trap for catching hyena

goomtuu same as goomattuu

live comfortable life
goomuu (v)
goondaa (n) ant

goondee (n) a kind of plant

goonoo (n) place for milking cows

1. same as gaadi'oo
2. the neck of a traditional milking
vessel,called okolee
go'oo (n) see picture : milk utensils
goorana (n) compartment for sheep in a house

goorannoo same as goorana

gooree (n) a place in a room where a calf lives

gooressuu (v) rape

goor'isaa (n) a kind of climbing plant

gooroo same as gaara
gooruu same as goorana
goosaa ad. same as roorrisaa

gooshoo (n) fiance

goosii (n) verb. See also gocha/gochima

goosisa (n) doing/making to do/make

goosuu (n) a kind of plant

goota (n) hero;heroine

gootaraa (n) barn,granary

gootomsuu (v) cause to be hero/brave

gootomuu (v) be hero/brave

goottana (n) bushy hair

gootummaa (n) heroism
1. echo
gootuu (n) 2. water fall
goowaa (n) a kind of disease
1. halting a trip briefly to take rest
gora (n) 2. turning right/left from one's path
goraa (n) a kind of fruit plant
goraadee (n) sword
goraashii (n) a kind of barn
gorba (n) big calves

gorbobbaa'uu (v) cluster together

gorboo (n) a trough from which horses are fed

gordammoo (n) beehive

gordee (adj) (of hunger)satiated, satisfied

gordii (n) Autumn crop farm
gordoman (n) roofed structure for beehives
gorduuba (n) sitting room
gorfachuu (v) advise
gorfamaa (adj) advised

gorfamuu same as gorsamuu

gorfamuu (v) be advised

gorfoo (n) a kind of woman's wear

gormaa (adj) ripe

gormuu (v) be ripen

goromsa (n) heifer

goromtii (n) young female mammal

gorora (n) saliva

gorori'a (n) the noise a dog/cat makes when eating as a sign of affray
gororiituu (n) uvula
gorori'uu (v) salivate
gororsaa (n) a disease of cattle
gororsiisuu (v) make/cause to salivate
gorortuu (adj) (fem.)one who salivates

gororuu (v) salivate

gorra’achuu (v) slaughter for self

gorra’uu (v) slaughter

gorra'a (n) slaughtering

gorra'amaa (adj) slaughtered

gorra'amtuu (adj) slaughtered

gorra'amuu (v) be slaughtered

gorraasisuu (v) make/cause to slaughter

gorra'uu slaughter
gorresuu same as rakkisuu/ergaruu
gorroo (n) barricade
gorsa (n) advice
gorsaa (n) advisor
gorsamaa (n) advisee
gorsamtuu (n) advisee
gorsamuu (v) be advised
gorsiisuu1 (v) make/cause to advise
gorsiisuu2 (v) make/cause to stop-off
gorsituu (n) advisor
gorsuu (v) advise
goruu stop-off
gosa1 (n) kind,type, sort,category,variety, class
gosa2 (n) clan
gosee same as daasii/godoo

goseessuu (v) classify

gosh (Interj. ) bravo

goshee (n) friend

goshi je. an expression used to express support for sb

gosoomsuu assimilate to one's clan

gowaa (n) a kind of disease

gowwaa (adj) foolish

gowwicha (adj) foolish

gowwittii (adj) foolish

gowwooma (n) being cheated

gowwoomsa (n) cheating,foolishing

gowwoomsama (n) being cheated

gowwoomsamuu (v) be cheated /foolished by sb

gowwoomsituu () cheater,deceiver

gowwoomsuu (v) deceive,fool,cheat

gowwoomsuu (v) cheat,foolish

gowwoomuu (v) be fooled

gowwoomuu (v) be cheated, be foolished

gowwummaa (n) foolishness

gowwummaa (n) foolishness

goyyeessuu (v) mock

gu'aa (adj) weaned cow
1. a kind of grass
guba (n) 2. hotness
1. a tool used in treating a disease of cattle
2. sb/sth that irritates
gubaa (n)
gubaalessa (n) a tree with burned-out leaves

gubacha same as gubata

gubachuu (v) be burned
gubamuu (v) cause/make to burn
gubanii same as maqaanii
gubannaa same as gubata
burn, burning
gubata ma. gubata asidii . Acidic burn
gubataa ad. burned
gubattuu ad.. burned
gubbaa da. above
gubbachuu same as gobbachuu
1. same as sammuu
gubbee ma. 2. apex
gubboo ma.. bribe
gubbuu same as baay'ee
gubduu ad. burner
guboo1 ma. chronic disease
guboo2 ad. a plant that continues growing after its stem is cut
gubsiisuu go. make/cause to burn

gubuu go. burn

guca torch
guchii ostrich
guchuma ma. a kind of milk utensil

gudda ma. a kind of belt

guddaa big
1. be big
guddachuu go. 2. grow
guddadhaa (interj.) an expression used in blessing prayer

guddadhu go. an expression used in blessing prayer

guddata same as guddina
sth/sb that has the potential of growth
guddataa ad.
guddattuu ad. sth/sb that has the potential of growth
guddifacha ma. adoption, child fostering
guddifachaa adoption, child fostering
guddifachuu adopt,foster
guddifannaa adoption, child fostering
1. female who raises a child
guddiftuu ad. 2. amplifier
1. size,bigness
guddina ma. 2. growth
1. growing,
guddisa ma. 2. amplification
1. amplifier
guddisaa 2. sth/sb that makes sth/sb grow
guddisiisuu (v) cause/make to be big

guddisuu (v) make big

gudeeda (n) front part of human leg b/n waist and knee

gudeeduu (v) rape

gudeelcha (n) big tree stem

gudeesha () widow
gudii1 same as dinqii
gudii2 (adj) dwarf
gudufii (n) a kind of disease
gudunfaa (n) knot
gudunfachiisuu (v) make/cause to make knot
gudunfachuu (v) knot for oneself
gudunfamaa (adj) knotted

gudunfamuu (v) be knotted

1. knotting
gudunfata (n) 2. saving
1. (male)one who knots for self
gudunfataa (adj) 2. (male)saver
1. (fem.)one who knots for self
gudunfattuu (adj) 2. (fem.)saver
1. make/cause to knot
gudunfisiisuu go. 2. make/cause to save
1. sth used to tie two things together
gudunfituu ad. 2. saver
1. knot
gudunfuu (n) 2. culminate
Guduru ma. a place in Oromia region

guduruu ma. a style of hair, braide

gufaay(y)aa (n) skinny cattle

gufachiisuu (v) obstruct

gufachuu (v) be obstructed

gufannaa (n) obstruction
gufata (n) obstruction

gufattuu (n) (fem.)one who is obstructed from his way/plan

guffee (n) hair left on front side of a child

guffura same as gunfura2
guffuree (n) one who has dense and long hairs
1. head sash
guftaa (n) 2. dense and long hair
guftachiisuu see guftachuu
1. wear head sash
guftachuu (v) 2. (of hair)become densely grown
gufucuu same as gufuu
gufufa (n) mourning

gufufaa (adj) (male)mourner

gufufsuu (v) cause to mourn

gufuftuu (adj) (fem.)mourner

gufufuu (v) be depressed, mourn
gufuu (n) obstacle
gufuufaa () unkempt hair
gugacha (n) flocking, i.e., running/going in large numbers

gugachiisuu see gugachuu

gugachuu (v) dash or rush
gugannaa same as gugacha
gugee (n) pegeon
gugfachuu (v) chase out for self
guggubataa (adj) burnt
guggubuu (v) burn out
gugguufa (n) bowing
gugguufsisuu (v) cause/make to bow
gugguuftoo same as bosonuu
gugguuftuu (adj) one who bows

gugguufuu (v) stoop, bow

gugguutuu same as guutuu
gugsa (n) chasing out
a type of game
gugsii (n) gugsii fardaa . Horse galloping race
gugsiisuu see gugsuu
gugsuu (v) (usu. of animals)make/cause to run, chase out
guguddaa (adj) (pluralizer)big

guguddisuu (v) make bigger and bigger

gugurguruu (v) sell again and again
gugurraa (adj) black one's
gugurraacha (adj) black one's
dhaggeeffadhaa, maaltu gugussaa jira? Listen,
gugussuu (v) What is uproaring?
Gujii (n) an oromo clan
gujja'a (n) cluster, bunch, crowding together

gujja'uu (v) cluster, bunch, crowd together

(usu. Of tuber plants)bunch,cluster

gujjii (n) dinnicha gujjii tokko . One bunch of potatoes
gujufa (n) a pile of wastes
gula same as gulana
gulaalaa (n) editor
gulaaltuu (n) editor
gulaaluu (v) edit
gulana (adv) soon, shortly, after awhile

gulantaa (n) level,stage

gulanteessuu (v) classify, set standard
gulbaana (n) a kind of boiled grain
gulbata same as duubee/uunjoo
gullichaa same as sumsuma,gomjii, gemmoo,geemmoo
gulloo (n) hyena
gulo same as waraabessa
gultii (n) a mode of land ownership in fedual Ethoipia
guluba (n) catapult
gulubii (n) ankle
gulufa (n) horse riding,galloping

gulufsiisuu (v) cause/make to gallop

guluftuu (adj) one who is riding horse
gulufuu (v) gallop
private , personal
gulummaa (adj?) qonna gulummaa . Private farm
1. seed
gumaa (n) 2. murder compensation
1. approach
gumaa’uu (v) 2. be gathered
gumaa1 (n) seed
money paid as murder
gumaa2 (n) compensation to the victim's family
1. producing seeds
gumaa'a (n) 2. approaching
gumaacha (n) contribution, sacrifice
gumaachuu (v) offer, contribute
gumaata (n) gift, offering
gumalii (n) door-sill
gumarii (n) a kind of tree
gumbii (n) a kind of barn for storing grains
1. exagerate
gumbisuu (v) 2. play the drum
gumcuu (n) tree stump
1. same as alangee
gumee (n) 2. a kind of jewelry
gumeecha same as gumeessa
gumeechisuu same as gumeessisuu
gumeechuu same as gumeessuu
gumeessa (n) converging

gumeessisuu (v) cause/make to converge

gumeessuu (v) converge,come together,meet,join

gumfura (n) afro style hair cut
gumguma (n) grumbling

gumgumaa gossiper
gumgummii grumbling
gumgumsiisuu go. make/cause to grumble

gumgumtuu ad. grumbler

gumgumuu go. grumble,murmur,whisper

gumii (n) meeting;conference

gumjaa same as gomjaa
gumjii same as gomjaa
gumna (n) prostitute
gumnummaa (n) prostitution
gumrukii (n) customhouse
gumuduu (n) amputee
gunaa (n) bribe
gunamtuu one who takes bribe
gundoo (n) a kind of utensil
gunfura same as daabee
gunfuree a woman with long hair
gunfurroo a person with long hair
gunguma (n) thunder
gungumaa (n) testicles of a castrated ox
gungumuu same as gumgumuu
gungurii (n) cotton seed
gunii () ox with only one testicle
gunjaa same as gomjaa
gunja'a (n) convergence, coming together
gunjaasisuu (v) cause/make to convege

gunjaa'ummaa (n) convergence, coming together

gunjaa'uu (v) converge

gunjii same as gomjaa
gunjulluu (n) handle of a spade
gunnee (n) tension
gunnuuffachiisuu see gunnuuffachuu
gunnuuffachuu (v) refuse, esp. to give milk(of cow)

gunnuuffata (n) (of cow) refusing to give milk

gunnuuffattuu (adj) a cow that refuses to give milk

gunnuuffii refusal
1. same as shuntuuruu
gunnuufuu (v) 2. walk fast or jump
guntuu (n) briber
guntuuta (n) (of a girl )breast. See also harma, mucha
gur’aacha same as gurraacha
guraamala (n) a kind of bird
guraamalee (n) a kind of tattoo on teeth
Guraandhala (n) (approximately) February

guraangurxii same as quraanqurxii

gurbaa (n) a word used to address a young man
1. basket
gurboota (n) 2. quintal
gurcuu same as gufuu
gurcuu (n) tree stump
1. belt
gurdaa1 (n) 2. sediment
gurdaa2 (n) a cow that doesnot conceive with few mating
gurdaa'uu (v) fell to conceive

gurdummii (n) a style of swimming

gurdumuu (v) swim like a butterfly
gurgubbee (n) nettle
gurguboo (n) nettle
gurguddaa (adj) big one's

gurguddisuu (v) amplify, magnify,increase in size

gurguduu (n) old person
gurgura (n) sale
gurguraa (adj?) sales man
gurgurachuu (v) sell once property
gurguramaa (adj) (masc.)sold
gurguramtuu (adj) (fem.)sold

gurguramuu (v) be sold

gurgurataa (adj?) seller
gurgurattuu (adj?) seller
make/cause to sell
gurgursiisuu (v)
gurgurtaa (n) sale
gurgurtuu (adj?) sales woman

gurguruu (v) sell

gurjaa (n) insomnia
gurjaa'uu (v) feel tired due to lack of sleep
gurjeessuu see gurjaa'uu
gurlamee (n) a kind of pot

gurmaa'uu (v) be organized

gurmeessaa (n) organizer

gurmeessuu (v) organize

gurmuu (n) eg. gurmuu kanniisaa . Swarm(a group of bees)
guroo (n) hump
guroo1 same as quraanqurxii
guroo2 (n) a kind of plant

gurra (n) ear

gurraa (n) a kind of spice
gurraacha (adj) black
gurraacha'a same as gurraachummaa
gurraacha'aa (adj) black colored

gurraacha'aa (adj) blackened

gurraacha'uu (v) be blackened

gurraachechuu (v) blacken

gurraachessuu (v) blacken

gurraachoftuu (adj) feminine)black colored

gurraachummaa (n) blackness

gurraalee (adj) black one's
gurraattii (adj) black
gurraharree (n) a kind of plant
gurramukaa (n) a kind of plant
gurree (adj) black
gurrii same as hanxarfaa
gurroo (n) small handle on pottery materials
gurroolee (adj) black colored
gurruu (n) udder
gursee (n) divorced woman
gursummaa (n) widow or divorced woman
gursummeetti (n) widow or divorced woman
guruc godhuu (v) take in and swallow little liquid once

gurucii (n) swallowing little liquid once

gururi’a same as gorori'aa

gururi’uu same as gorori'uu
gurur'uu (v) growl,grumble
gussoo (n) bush
gussoota (n) three years old buffalo
gussuu same as gugsuu
gutichaa (n) ear-ring
gutoo (n) womb
guttiyyaa (n) hair left unshaved(on front side of children)

guttiyyee (n) hair left unshaved(on front side of children)

(2nd person singular)you
guu akkami guu?
guuboo (n) basket
guucca'uu (v) heap up

guuchisiifachuu (v) make/cause to be filled for self

make/cause to fill
guuchisuu (v)
guufachiisuu (v) cause a baby to stop breast feeding by itself
guufachuu (v) make a baby to wean
guufata (n) weaning

guuffee (adj) skinny

1. refusal
guula (n) 2. galloping
guulaa (adj) stubborn
guulana same as gulana
guulii (n) clod;dry dung
guulsisuu see guuluu
guultuu (n) stubborn
guuluu (v) gallop
guumaa (n) a kind of crop plant

guura same as guuraa

guuraa (n) gathering sth to one place
1. being collected to one place
guurama (n) 2. vomiting
1. sth gathered to one place
guuramaa (adj) 2. vomited
1. be gathered at a place
guuramuu (v) 2. vomit
guurii (n) earwax
guurrachuu see guuruu
guursiisuu (v) cause/make to gather
guurtuu (n) one who cheats measurement when selling
1. collect to one place
guuruu (v) 2. vomit
guusa (n) weaning
guushii (n) a kind of local beer
guusii (n) a kind of tree
guusisuu see guusuu
guusuu (v) to stop breast feeding
guuta (n) filling,fulfillment
guutaa (adj) one who fills
guutachuu same as guuttachuu
guutamaa (adj) filled
guutamuu (v) fill, i.e., become full
(of sth)it/there is plenty/full
Albuudni Oromiyaa keessa guute.
guute () There is plenty of minerals in oromia.

1. a cultural song sung during Meskel festivity

2. an ornament pasted to roof covering from
guutee (n) outside
guutina (n) overflow
guuttachiisuu (v) cause/make to fill
guuttachuu (v) fill for oneself
guuttataa (adj) one who fills for self
guuttiyyaa same as guttiyyaa
guutummaattii (adv) entirely, fully
guutuu1 (v) fill i.e., make sth full
guutuu2 (adj) full
gu'uu (v) be weaned
guuza same as daboo
guyloo (n) epigram
guyyaa (n) day, date

guyyaafacha same as barfannaa

guyyaafachuu same as barfachuu
guyyaafannaa same as barfannaa
guyya'uu same as barfachuu
guyyee1 (adv) daily
guyyee2 (adj) dwarf
guyyeeffachuu same as barfachuu
guyyeessuu see barfachiisuu
guyyuu (adv) always, every day
nana eg. Nama nanaa
waliiba'uu compete

yaabbannoo ladder
z. bacarraquu
riod of fasting
and sweetness
le, Sidama people, etc
ome management, etc)
and fixing pipes

be depressed
d and stitched
ded and stitched
as a sign of affray
ts stem is cut
achaayyoo sibiila
buqqee-seexanaa a kind of plant
coba droplet
dayya'uu dhohuu
dinniina warning
gingilchaa sieve, sifter
gingilchuu sieve
godolfamuu arraabamuu
a prefix to some verbs
haa haa deemnu. Let's go.
haabhaab (n) watermelon
1. broken grass
haabucaa (n) 2. tiny fire woods
haachisuu (v) make to shave
haada (n) rope
haadamaa (adj) shaved
haadamuu (v) be shaved
haaddachiisuu (v) make to shave
haaddachu (v) shave for oneself
haaddamuu same as haadamuu
haaddannaa (n) shaving for oneself
haadduu (n) shaving tool
haadha (n) mother
haadhachiisuu (v) make to scratch/scrape
haadhachuu (v) scratch for self
haadhamuu (v) be scratched
haadharaawuu (adj) (taboo) mother f**ker
haadhoo1 (n) (usu for hen, sheep or goat) mother
haadhoo2 (n) two persons born of same father and mother
haadhummaa (n) motherhood
haadhuu (v) scratch about (as hens do with their claws)
haadsisuu (v) make to shave
haaduu1 (v) shave
haaduu2 (n) knife, shaver
haafa (n) straw used as fire wood
haafa'aa (adj) (male)greedy, ravenous
haafa'ummaa (n) greedness, eagerness(to get sth)
haafa'uu (v) be too eager or greedy
haafawuu same as haafa'uu
haafoftuu (n) (fem.)a rushing/greedy person
haafoytuu same as haafoftuu
haajaa (n) affair,matter,business
haajisa ad. a person who begins to revive from sickness
haajisaa'uu go. begin to revive from sickness
haakkii (n) sputum
haala (n) condition, situation
haalaa (adj) traitor
haalachiisuu (v) cause/make to be seen as a threat
haalachuu (v) see as a threat
haalamuu (v) be denied
haalatamuu (v) be considered as a threat
haalchisuu (v) cause/make to deny
haalduree (n) precondition
haaloo grudge
haaltuu traitor
1. deny, reject,disagree
haaluu 2. betray
haama reaping
haamaa ma. waqtii haamaa. Reaping season
haamamuu be mowed
haammachuu mow for self
haamsifachuu go. make to harvest for oneself
haamsisuu go. cause/make to be mowed
haamtuu sickle
haamuu mow, reap
haancaa gum
haangaa same as haangii
same as uka
haangii ma. uka shankooraa.
haanqachuu be limited, be inadequate
haanqina limitation,inadequacy
haanquu1 incomplete
haanquu2 a kind of tree
haanquu3 two-forked object
haanxaa splinter
haanxii ma. splinter
haaqiboo praise
haaraa new
haara'uu go. be renewed
haarawa new
Haaraya new
haarechiisuu same as haaressiisuu
haareffachuu renew for self
haareffamuu be renewed
haaressaa renovator
haaressiisuu go. make to be renewed
haaressituu renovator
haaressuu go. renew
haarii ma.. same as aarii
haaromsa renewal
haaromsuu renew
haarrii ma. silk
haarrittii kind of color
haarsuu same as aarsuu
haaruu same as aaruu
haasaa speech
haasa'achuu propose mariage for a girl
1. play
2. speak
haasa'uu 3. make speech
haasisuu go. make to scratch/scrape
haasofsiifachuu go. make to play/talk for oneself
haasofsiisuu (v) make to play/talk
haasoftuu jocker
haasolee ad. talkative/nagging woman
haatachiisuu go. see haatachuu
haatachuu go. ask to come toward onself by hand signal
haatamuu go. ask to come by hand signal
haata'umalee however
haatoo pea
haatuu1 ad. sb/sth who/which scratches
haatuu2 ma. extravgant woman
haaya okay
habaabaa watermelon
habaabayyuu ma. great grandparent
habaaboo flower
habaabuu go. (new born)begin to eat food
habaarsa same as abaarsa
habaayyoo ma. my father
hababbaluu persuade
habala humour
habalaa part of a hand palm
habalaka diagonal
habalakii swift waking up
1. cut diagonaly
habalakuu 2. wakeup swiftly
habalaq gochuu snatch
habalee sword,knife
habaqaa grain chaff
habaqaala seedling
habaqaawuu be chaff
habaqeessuu make/cause to be chaff
habaqii grain chaff
habara chaff of sorghum
habararuu be over-heated
habarasuu calm down
Habashaa ma. Abyssinia

habashii ma. same as sunqoo

habbayyoo same as habbaayyoo

habbisuu go/walk fast
habbuuqa ma. taking mouthful of drink
habbuuqamuu go. (drink)be taken mouthful
habbuuqqachiisuu make to drink mouthful
habbuuqqachuu go. take a mouthful of drink
habbuuqqii ma. mouthful of drink
habbuuqsisuu go. make to gulp
habbuuquu go. gulp,sip
habeebe ma. name of an Oromo clan
habhaaba watermelon
habishii same as sunqoo
haboo aunt
habootamuu same as abootamuu
haboottee same as aboottee
habruu same as arbuu
habucaa ma. broken pieces of grass
habudduu thumb
habuubbii ma. a kind of callabash
habuuca rubbish, dirt
habuudduu ma. thumb
habuyu ma. mother's brother
hacamooyyaa a kind of weeding song
hacanxarii same as haxanxarii
hachiisa ma. making to steal
hachisiisuu cause to steal
hacuucaa (male)oppressor
hacuucama same as hacuuccaa

hacuucamaa (male)oppressed
hacuucamtuu (fem.)oppressed
hacuucamuu go. be oppressed
hacuuccaa ma. oppression
hacuuccituu ad. (fem.)oppressor
hacuuccuu (fem.)oppressor

hacuucsisuu cause/make to oppress

hacuucuu oppress
hacuucuu oppression
hacuucuu oppress
hadaa a kind of plant
hadaabola dry stalk(esp. of corn)
hadaamii cactus
hadaanoo ma. same as addaanuu
hadaanuu ma. same as addaanuu
hadaar ma.. grains of previous harvest year
1. in the name of
adaraa waaqaa. In the name of god
hadaraa ma. 2. enrustment

hadaree ma. same as furguggee

haddaanuu same as addaanuu
haddaar fallow land
haddaarsa archive
haddub jechuu fall
1. a kind of worm
hadhaa 2. a kind of infection
hadhaa'a ma. bitterness
hadhaa'aa bitter
hadhaadhiyyuu rehabilitate
hadhaadhuu same as hadhaa'uu
hadhaa'uu taste bitter
hadhaba desolated forest
hadhadhaa snail
hadhawaa bitter
hadheessa a kind of tree
1. make to taste bitter
hadheessuu go. 2. tarnish

hadhicha poisoneous
hadhoodhuu (v) cause poke
hadhooftuu (n) bile
hadhuwaa (n) bone marrow
hadiida railway line
hadiyyoo same as adiyyoo
hadoocha (n) unconsiousness, lack of sensation
hadoochaa (n) sth that causes unconciousness
hadoochuu (v) make unconsious/insensitive
hadooda (n) unconsiousness, lack of sensation
hadoodaa (adj) dull, unconcious
hadoodduu dull, unconcious
hadoodoo (n) unconsiousness, lack of sensation
hadooduu (v) be unconcious/insensitive
hadraa guardian spirit
hadufaa same as haduffaa
haduffaa ma. same as duffaa
haf gochuu cut with a very sharp edge
hafa1 ceasing, remaining, absence
hafa2 salvage
hafaa remaining
hafaa1 absecnt
hafaa2 obsolescent
hafaa3 oddment
hafarfachuu1 go. winnow with fan for self
hafarfachuu2 go. rush
hafarfajii thin cloud
hafarmaa aeration
hafarroo (n) moustache
hafarsa (n) winnowing with fan
1. (agriculture)winnowing tool
hafarsaa (n) 2. fan
hafarsaataa (n) a kind of community meeting
hafarsituu (n) fan
hafarsuu (v) fan
haffee new grass that is just growing
hafii (n) grain left unintentionally in a harvest field
hafiitii same as hafa
hafraa (n) a kind of skin disease
hafraasaa (n) Autumn
hafrattuu a kind of tree
hafsiisuu (v) make to cease/remain
haftee (n) left over, remainder
haftuu (n) old maid
hafuu (v) be absent
hafuura 1. breathe
2. spirit
1. tarnish the name of a person on false
hafuursuu (v) 2. breathe

hafuuruu (v) (of air) get hot

haga1 (n) defecating
haga2 (adv) haga har'aatti. Until today
hagabsiisuu see hagabsuu
hagabsuu (v) cause to be hungry
hagabuu (n) hunger
hagadaa (n) stalk, cane
hagamsa (n) a kind of plant
haganuma just this much
hagaroo a kind of song sung by unmarried girls
hagasmara that much
Hagayya (n) (approx.) August
hagbeessa one who insults in a disguised way
hagbeettii one who insults in a disguised way
hagboo veiled insult
hagduu (n) anus
hagicha verandah
hagoobara (n) a kind of traditional umbrela
hagooggachiisuu same as haguuggachiisuu
hagooggachuu same as haguuggachuu
hagooggii same as haguuggii
hagsiisuu cause to defecate
haguu defecate
haguuggacha ma. wraping a cloth around one's head
haguuggachiisuu go. see haguuggachuu
haguuggachuu go. wrap a cloth around one's head
haguuggamaa ad. covered up
haguuggii same as haguuggacha
haguuguu cover (usu head)with cloth
hahaaraa new
hajalaa cassette
hajamsiisuu same as ajjamsiisuu
hajamuu same as ajjamuu
hajii one who has made piligrimage to Mecca
hajjii ma. piligrimage to Mecca
hakaakuu ma. same as akaakuu
hakabala a kind of local bread
hakiimii physician
hakkamachuu be medically treated
hakkamsiisuu go. make to be medically treated
hakkamuu give medical treatement service
hakkee phlegm
hakkifachuu go. spit sputum
hakkii ma. phlegm, sputum,i.e., coughed-up mucus
1. spitting of mucus from throat
hakkisa ma. 2. sputum
hakkisuu go. cough mucus
hakkoo same as akkoo
hakooftuu a material for roasting
halaachisuu go. same as komachiisuu,ajjifachiisuu
halaachuu go. same as komachuu,ajjifachuu
halaakuu to sound (for donkey)
halaala distant;far
halaali ad. sanctified, pure
halaalii ma. same as maxa'oo
halaatamuu go. same as komatamuu, ajifatamuu
halabuu exclude,segregate
halagaa stranger
halagummaa ma. strangeness
halala1 ma. same as alala
halala2 ma. same as ejja
halalaa ma. colored wire grass
halalchiisuu go. cause to be adulterous
halalee ad. same as ejjituu
halaltuu1 ad. (fem.)adulterer
halaltuu2 ma. dregs of a munched sugar cane
halaltuu3 ma. a kind of tree. Also alaltuu
halalummaa ma. adultery
halaluu go. commit adultery
halangaa whip. See also alangaa
halangee whip. See also alangaa
halayaa ma. cliff
halbee ma. same as biillaa
halcafa testicles
haleela ma. strike,attack
haleelchisuu go. cause/make to attack
haleellachuu go. attack for self
haleellii strike,attack
haleeluu2 ma. strike,attack
halgata (n) wooden bowl for serving porridge
haliiba (n) belching
halkan (n) night
halkanaa'uu (v) get night
halkaneeffachuu (v) stay out of home until sunset
halkaneessuu (v) stay out of home until dusk
halkoo (n) base
hallacha (n) dipping cloth in colored liquid
hallachuu (v) dip one's clothes in colored liquid
hallaga (n) horizontal cutting
hallagachuu (v) cut sth horizontally for self
hallagamaa (adj) sth that is cut horizontally
hallagamuu (v) be cut horizontally
hallagsiisuu (v) make to cut horizontally
hallaguu (v) cut horizontally
hallanyaa private property
hallayyaa (n) cliff, precipice
hallayyaa'aa (adj) precipitous
halle (adj) every,all
hallee (adj) every,all
halleessuu1 go. same as diimessuu
halleessuu2 go. same as baay'isuu
halletti da. what so ever
1. color
halluu 2. red
haloojinii halogen
haluu ma. shame
haluullee flute
halyaa same as hallayyaa
hama same as hamii
hamaa wicked
hamaagota honeybadger
hamaakosii aardvark, anteater
people who accompany a
hamaamota on wedding ceremony
hamaamuu escort
hamaandirroo race
hamaaqixa clover
hamachiisuu go. cause/make to backbite
hamachuu go. backbite
hamadaaya ma. morning cold
hamadeessa morning cold
hamajaajjii ad. enemy, evil person/thing, evil eye
hamakuu chaf of sorghum
hamalchiisuu go. cause/make to long for
hamara ma. a kind of bird
hamaraa'uu become tangled
hamarreelee a kind of wild animal
hamartii ma. same as amartii
hamarxaasaa a kind of medicinal plant
hamata same as hamii
hamataa backbiter
hamatamuu go. be backbited
hamattuu ad a person that backbites
1. heritage
hambaa 2. leftover, remains
hambabbeessa a kind of tree
hambareeruu lack of satisfaction
hambarreessa a kind of tree
hambifachuu go. remain for self
hambifannaa remainder
hambisa ma. ceasing, remaining
hambisiisuu make to cease/remain
hambisuu go. cease, remain
hamdii thanks,praise
hamdoo the lower lip
hamfala ma. same as saqqii/qabattoo
hamii ma. backbite
hamilee ma. reaching age of mariage
hamluu go. desire, long for
1. until, till
2. as much as, as many as
hamma ma. hamma koo. as much as me.
hammaachuu go. become wicked
hammaalummaa work of a coolie
hammaara ma. scooping
hammaaramaa ad. scooped
hammaaramuu go. be scooped
hammaarrachiisuu make/cause to scoop
hammaarrachuu scoop up for self
hammaarressa a kind of tree
hammaarrii ma. scooping
hammaarsisuu go. make/cause to scoop
hammaartuu scoop
hammaaruu go. scoop
hammaattuu ad. wicked
hammacaa act of heating grains on pan lightly
hammachiisa ma. see hammachiisuu
1. make/cause to hug/embrace
2. to make a newborn baby get a name
hammachiisuu go. and blessing of a Qaalluu
hammachuu embrace, hug
heat grains slightly on a flat pan.
hammacuu See also akaawuu & hunkuruu
hammakam same as hammam
hammam da. how much, how many
hammamalee da. more than necessary. See also garmalee
hammamii amount
hammana da. this much
hammannaa same as ammannaa, hammata
hammanuma da. just this much
hammarrachuu to pick grains by hand usually in mass (not single grain0
hammas da. same as ammas
hammata ma. embracing,hugging
hammatamuu go. be embraced
hammattuu parenthesis
hammattuu ad. sb/sth that embraces/hugs sb or st
hammeechuu same as hammeessuu
hammeenya evil,wickedness
hammeessuu make/cause to be evil
hammichoo ma. root of false banana
hammina evil,wickedness
hammoyii gigantic,massive
hammuu da. same as yemmuu
hamoommacha same as hamuummacha
hamoommachiisuu same as hamuummachiisuu
hamoommachuu “ same as hamuummachuu
hamoomota same as hamaamota
hamphee gum
hamtuu evil,wicked
hamtuu ad. (fem.)serpentine,evil,wicked
hamuummacha ma. yawn
hamuummachiisuu go. cause to yawn
hamuummachuu yawn
hamuummii yawn, yawning
hanaaxii ma. twig
hancaa chewing gum
hancabbii ma. a kind of plant
hancaqee ma. a kind of gum
hancata sexual organ of male animals
hanciroo ma. a kind of sorghum
hancootee ma. a kind of plant
hancufa ma. saliva. See also gorora
hancuraa same as bosoqqee
handaaqqoo ma. fowl
handaara edge
handaaraa "y-shaped" stick
handaqii ma. a kind of mat
handaraafa ma. part of a cattle b/n the two fore legs
handaraqa ma. unsuccessfulness
handaraquu go. fail to be successful
handarii ma. same as makoodii/bullaallaa
handarraa ma. a kind of sheep/goat disease
handhura ma. same as handhuura
handhuraa ad. samee as hnadhuuraa
handhurachuu go. same as handhuurachuu
handhuramuu go. same as handhuuramuu
handhursiisuu go. same as hanadhuursisuu
handhurtuu ad. same as hanadhuurtuu
handhuruu go. same as handhuuruu
1.umbilicus, navel, belly button
handhuura 2. center
handhuuraa one's private possession
handhuuramuu see handhuuruu
handhuuree same as handhuuraa
handhuurfamuu go. see handhuuruu
handhuurrachuu see handhhuruu
handhuursisuu see handhuuruu
handhuurtuu a person who cuts the umbilical cord
handhuuruu cut the umblical cord
handoodee ma. a kind of plant
handoolessa ma. a kind of bird
hanfaarroo hanfaarroo leencaa
hanfala sash. See also sabbata
hanfalii dried dung
hanfuree a kind of tree
hanga1 mass
hanga2 about
hangaasuu shining (waaqa roobu, warqii, kkf)
hangaatuu sth that shines
hangafa ad. elder
hangafummaa ma. elder-ness
hanga'uu go. (rain)make sound and light before raining
hanjamuu mock
hankaaka same as hanqata
hankaakaa same as hanquu
hankaakfamuu go. same as hanqifamuu
hankaaksee a kind of spear
hankaaksuu same as hanqisuu
hankaaktuu same as hanquu
hankaakuu same as hanqachuu
hankaassa abortion
hankaassee ma. same as hankaaksee
hankuu aborted fetus
hanna theft
hanniisaa ma. same as anniisa
hanqa ma. same as cirrii arbaa
hanqaaquu1 ma. egg
hanqaaquu2 go. lay egg
hanqachuu go. be inadequate
hanqalbaa a leather cloth for holding infants on back
hanqareessa millipede
hanqareessa millipede
hanqata1 ma. inadequacy
hanqata2 ma. a kind of cultural medicine
hanqee same as hanquu
hanqina inadequacy
hanqisuu go. make/cause to be inadequate
hanqooqa same as haqooqa
hanqooqachuu same as haqooqachuu
hanqooqamuu same as haqooqamuu
hanqooqee same as haqooqaa
hanqooqqaa same as haqooqqaa
hanqooqsisuu cause to claw,maul
hanqooqsisuu same as haqooqsisuu
hanqooquu same as haqooquu
hanqooqxuu same as haqooqxuu
hanquu ad. inadequate
hansara ma. shell of a grain
hanshaafa hodge-podge,junk,rubbish
hansoosillaa henna
hansoosoo ma. a kind of roasted barley grain
hantuuta rat
hantuutee1 ad. the flesh on an arm
hantuutee2 ma. an animal that resembles rat
hantuutee3 a kind of children game
hantuutoo same as hantuutee3
hanxaa splinters
hanxarfaa a kind of plant. See also aannannoo
hanxaxii thin fire stick
hanxiffachiisuu go. same as haxxiffachiisuu
hanxiffachuu go. same as haxxiffachuu
ha'oo same as a'oo
ha'oo ma. same as a'oo
haphachuu go. be thin
haphee ma. a kind of adhesive substance
haphifachuu make/cause to be thin for oneself
haphifamuu go. be made to be thin
haphii thin
haphina thinness
haphisuu make thin
haqa justice
haqaa ma. erasure, removal of semi-liquid waste(like mud)
haqaaquu twist,bend
haqaaraa ma. a unit of measurement for khat
haqaaruu wrap up sth
haqacha fading,i.e., gradual lose of color
haqachuu see haquu
haqamaa ad. erased, deleted, cancelled
haqamuu go. be erased/deleted
haqanqaalamuu go. (for neck)be twisted
haqanqaaluu (for neck)twist
haqara (usu for khat)bundle
1. a person that resembles his mum/dad
in many aspects
2. sb/sth that changes its

haqattuu ad
haqiila expert
haqla expert, knoweledgable
haqlii expertise, knoweledge
haqooqa ma. (for semiliquids) removal by rubbing with sharped object
(for semiliquid) removal by rubbing for
oneselves use
haqooqacha ma. haqooqacha marqaa.

haqooqachuu go. same as duguuggachuu

haqooqamuu go same as duguugamuu
haqooqqaa ma. same as duguuggaa
haqooqqii same as anqooqqii
haqooqsisuu go. same as duguugsisuu
haqooquu same as duguuguu
haqooqxuu1 ad. same as dguugduu
haqqee vomit
haqqii dhugaa
haqqisiisuu vomit
haqqisuu go. vomit
haqsiifachuu go. see haquu
haqsiisuu (v) cause to wipe,clean or delete
1. erase
2. (for semi-liquid such as mud) clean by
haquu (v) See also haxaa'uu
haqxuu1 (n) eraser, duster
haqxuu2 (n) wiper, usu used to remove mud from plough
har'a (adv) today
hara1 (n) wiping
hara2 (adj) ownerless
hara3 (adj) total, holistic
hara4 same as haroo
hara5 (n) weariness
1. broom
haraa (n) 2. rubbish,trash,waste material
haraada (n) addiction. See also araada
haraadsisuu (v) cause/make to be addicted
haraaduu (v) be addicted
haraajii (n) auction
haraama (n) behaviour contrary to norm/custom
haraamummaa (n) contrariness to norm
haraamuu same as haraama
haraaraa (n) addiction
haraatii (n) grandstand,balcony
haraaxaa same as araaxaa
harachuu (v) sweep, wipe for oneself
haraddaa (n) father land
haramaa1 (n) weed
haramaa2 ad waste resulted from sweeping
haramachuu weed for self
haramamuu be weeded
1. pagan
haramanee ad. 2. same as aramanee
haramsiifachuu go make to weed for self
haramsiisuu go make to weed
haramtuu a person who weeds a crop
haramuu1 go. be swept
haramuu2 go. w weed,i.e., remove weed from
harangamaa ma. a kind of plant
haranjaa a kind of plant
a kind of liquor,i.e., an alcoholic drink
produced by distillation
haraqee ma.
harata ma. same as girdii
harataa broom,sweeper
harawwa a kind of land topography
harba ma. same as arba
Harbaa ma. wedenesday
1. stout,fat
harbaqa 2. chaff
harbaqaawuu same as habaqaawuu
harbaqeessuu same as habaqeessuu
harbuu ma. a kind of tree
harca'a ma. dropping
harca'aa ad. harca'aa fuduraa . Dropped fruits
harcaafachuu go. drop for oneself
harcaafamuu go. make/cause to be dropped
harcaasa ma. dropping
harcaasisuu go. make/cause to drop
harcaasuu go. drop
harcaatuu leftovers, remains
harca'uu go. drop, fall (usu. from tree)
harcee ma. powder
harcummee twig,stick,lath
hardaa ma. same as haraddaa
hardha da. today
hardhuma da. just today
hardiidoo zebra
hare same as hunda
hareeda ma. mustache
hareedoo ad. a person full of mustache
hareera1 ma. same as dhama
hareerrachuu go. add water to milk
hareerramaa ad. milk to to which water is added
hareerrannaa ma. mixing milk and water
hareersisuu go. make/cause to add water (usu.to milk)
hareeruu go. add water(usu. to milk)
harfaasaa ma. same as arfaasaa
harfii ma alphabet
hargana ma. panting
harganaa ad. sb that is panting
hargansiisuu go. cause to pant
hargansuu panting
harganuu pant
hargiisa aloes
hari'a same as hariisaa
1. abduct
hari'achuu go. 2. win by fighting
hari'amuu go. same as arii'amuu
hariifachiisuu go. same as ariifachiisuu
hariifachuu go. same as ariifachuu
hariifata ma. same as ariifata
hariifataa ad. same as ariifataa
hariifattuu ad. same as ariifattuu
hariira nagayaa. same as hiriiraa nagaa
hariira1 same as hiriira1
hariira2 same as hiriira2
hariiroo relationship
hariisaa ma. same as ariisaa
hariisifachuu go. same as ariisifachuu
hariisisuu go. same as ariisisuu
hariitii ma. same as ariitii
harinta ma. passing a night outdoors
hari'uu go. same as arii'uu
harjaa ad. same as arjaa
harjoomuu go. same as arjoomuu
harjummaa ma. same as arjummaa
harka hand
harkadhahuu applause
harkee a kind of wooden bowl/plate
harkicha sluggard, sluggish
harkifamaa sluggard, sluggish
harkifamtuu sluggard, sluggish
harkifamuu be pulled
harkiftuu1 sth that pulls sth
harkiftuu2 a farm tool
harkisa pulling
harkisaa ma. kind of rope used when loading a horse/donkey
harkisiisuu cause to/make pull
harkisoo corn porridge
harkistuu one who pulls
harkisuu pull
harkoo a wooden bowl
harkuu ad. a cow that is being milked after its calf dies
harma breast
harmalaa ad. a woman with no husband
harmee mother
haroo lake
haroorecha same as harooressa
harooressa a kind of tree
harqa sound of leopard
harqisiisuu make/cause to make sound of leopard
harqoota gabrummaa. Yoke of oppression
harqoota ma.
harquu make sound of leopard
harraaba ma. licking
harraabaa a kind of thread
harraabamuu go. same as arraabamuu
harraabsisuu go. same as arraabsisuu
harraabuu go. same as arraabuu
harraagecha same as harraagessa
harraagessa a kind of bird
harraa'uu1 go. develop grey hair
harraa'uu2 go. lack intelligence
harraawuu same as harraa'uu
harraayuu same as harraa'uu
harraba same as arraba
harraba ibiddaa flame
harrabsa same as arrabsa
harrabsamuu same as arrabsamuu
harrabsoo same as arrabsoo
harraqoo mushroom
harrawa ad. redish cattle
harree donkey
harreedaa ad. an animal that can walk
harree-diidoo zebra
harreedsisuu same as arreedsisuu
harreeduu same as arreeduu
harreessuu go. cause to develop grey hair
harrii ma. grey hair
harrittaa budaa ma. a type of plant
harrittaa ma. same as harrittii
harrittii a kind of plant
harrixxaa leopard
harsama ma. fat,stout
harsasee tonsil, uvula
harsassee tonsil, uvula
harshamii deputy
harshima file,document
harsiifachuu cause to sweep
harsiisuu go. make/cause to sweep
hartuu broom, sweeper
har'umee interim, provisional, temporary
haruu sweep
hasaasa. ma whisper
hasaasaa rumour
hasaasoo same as hasaasaa
hasaastuu dabber
hasaasuu dab, whisper
hasansara trash
hashara ma. same as qishirii
hashquraa same as bilbilaa
hashuffee ma. a kind of grass
haskaa family
hatachuu go. steal for self
hatama ma. theft
hatamuu go. be stollen
hatattama emergency, urgent
hatattamaan unrgently
hattummaa ma. being thief
hattuu theif
ha'uu inni eeboo ha'e . he threw spear.
hawaa1 ad. innocent, inelegant
hawaa2 ma. space
hawaalaa money transfer
hawaannisa locust
hawaasa community
hawantee barbet
hawee same as hiikkannoo
hawuxii a kind of fruit
hawwaa eager
hawwaannisa locust
hawwaasummaa social,communal
hawwachuu go. wish for oneself
hawwagamaa sealed, packed up
hawwaguu cork,cover, seal
hawwamuu go. be wished
hawwataa attractive,impressive
hawwawwessa very dry season
hawwii wish,interest
hawwisiisuu go. make to wish
hawwisoo ma. music band
hawwuu go. wish
hax gochuu go cut out sth abruptly
haxaa'a wiping
haxaa'achuu go. wipe for oneself
haxaa'amaa wiped
haxaa'amuu be wiped
haxaaree prudent,clever
haxaarii malicious,vicious
haxaa'uu sweep,mop
haxaa'uu swee,map
sweep,i.e., a cleaning of sth with a broom
or brush
haxaawwii ma. see also hara
haxaayee same as haxaawwii
haxanxarii ma. a kind of wood used in fences
haxarii active
haxaxee ma. a kind of disease. See also qaxqaxee
haxeeraruu go. remove the leaves of a plant
haxiyoo marksman
haxoofsifachuu go. make to wipe or sweep sth for oneself
haxoofsisuu make to wipe or sweep sth
haxooftuu mop, sweeper
haxoolaa mop, sweeper
haxooluu mop,sweep
haxumaa ma. same as boojjitoo
haxxaa'uu1 go. be active, artful, cunning
haxxaa'uu2 go. form thorns

1. active;cunning;acumen;adept;subtle
haxxee 2. forest, esp. that has thorns
haxxeessuu (v) forest,afforest
haxxiffachiisuu cause to sneeze
haxxiffachiisuu go. cause to sneeze
haxxiffachuu sneeze
haxxishoo sneeze
haxxissoo ma. sneeze
haxxoomuu go. forest,afforest
1. afforestation, forestation
haxxummaa ma. 2. cunningness
1. good quality salt
haya1 ma. 2. salty water
haya2 je. (approx.) ok
hayamii ma. possession of charisma, charm, attractiveness
hayeetuu ma. fresh, uncurdled milk
haygalee backless
hayilii ma. wisdom,inteligence, sense
hayisaa oats
hayya opportunity
hayyaasee a type of song
hayyam admitance
hayyama permission
hayyama opportunity
hayyama authorization;approval;permission
hayyamaa (male) one who permits
hayyamsiifachuu take permission
hayyamsiisuu cause to/make permit
hayyamtuu (fem.) one who permits
hayyamuu go. permit
hayyee (interj.) by the way, ok
hayyu-duree chairman
hayyummaa expertness,skillfulness,expertise
hayyuu elite, guru,kowledeable
heda ma. estimation
hedaa scruple,i.e, moral consideration
1. make moral consideration
2. make proximity consideration to favor
hedachuu go.
1. one who makes moral consideration
2. one who tirelessly work to make a
hedataa ad.
hedattuu ad. (fem) sb that earns a living by hard effort
hedda account
heddachuu same as heddummachuu
heddummachuu go. be increased in number;be multiplied
heddummeeffachuu go. make to be increased in number for oneself
1. same as hedduu
heddummeessa ma. 2. causing to be abundant
heddummeessuu multiply;increase in number
heddummina ma. abundance
heddumminaan abudantly
hedduu many,much
hededa ma. same as ededa
1. to desire to do sth
heduu go. 2. take into account,consider
heebana carbon
heebba ma. same as eebba
heebbifachuu go. same as eebbifachuu
heebbifamuu go. same as eebbisuu
heebbisa ma. same as eebbisa
heebbisiisuu go. same as eebbisiisuu
heebbisuu go. same as eebbisuu
heeboo same as eeboo
heechoo ma. a kind of milk utensil
heefa ad. weak
heefee weakling
heela1 ma. knoweledge
heela2 same as eela
heellee traditional song of woman
heeluu go. be burned of anger
heena ma. longing for sth
heennaa ma. wiping/sweeping cloth/twig
heera constitution
mariage of a woman to a man. See also
heeruma ma. heeruma caaltuu . Mariage of caaltuu
heerumsiifachuu go. to make a woman married for oneself
heerumsiisuu go. give a girl for marriage
heerumuu (fem.)marry
heeruu go. draw constitution
heetoo rivalry
heewwasuu stumble

heexoo a kind of tree

hegere future
hejjechiisuu go. same as ejjechiisuu
hejjechuu go. same as ejjechuu
hejjeta ma. same as ejjeta
hejjummaa ma. same as ejjummaa
hejjuu go. same as ejjuu
hektaara ma. hectare
hela same as heelaa1
helellaa ma. same as elellaa
helemaa same as elemaa
helmachiisuu same as elmachiisuu
helmachuu same as elmachuu
helmamtuu same as elmamtuu
helmamuu same as elmamuu
helmannaa same as elmannaa
helmisiisuu same as elmisiisuu
helmuu same as elmuu
hennaa when
hephoo ma. a type of grain
herraga gramma
herreega mathematics
herreegduu actuary
herreegduu calculator
1. hope;confident desire
herrega ma. 2. mathematics
herregacha ma. hoping
herregachuu go. hope for oneself
herregamaa ad. hoped
see herreguu
herregsiisuu go.
1. hope
herreguu go. 2. figure out mathematically
hetechuu same as hetessuu
heteffachuu same as hetessuu
hetessuu go. same as morkachuu
hetoo ma. same as morkii
an expression used to show rejection.
hi’ii See also hindhoo
hi’iikoo same as hi'ii
hibbiqii ma. chaff
hibriiqa coffee kettle made of clay
hibboo riddle
hicinaawaa rough
hiciqii same as didhaa
hida’a same as ida'a
hida’amuu same as ida'amuu
hida'achuu same as ida'achuu
hidaasisuu same as idaasisuu
hida'uu same as ida'uu
1. root
hidda 2. a kind of plant
hiddaa1 ma. a tool used in cotton processing
hiddaa2 ad. same as iddaa2
hidda-dhalootaa geneology
hiddamaa ad. same as iddamaa
hiddamuu go. same as iddamuu
hiddii a kind of plant
hiddii looloo ma. same as holootoo
hiddoo ma. blood vessels on left and right sides of neck
1. establish base
hiddoomuu 2. be firmed up
hiddituu same as iddituu
hidduu same as idduu
hidha 1. arrest,prison
2. dam
hidhaa1 same as hidha
hidhaa2 eg. hidhaa abbayyaa
1. bind,fasten,tie
qabattoo hidhachuu. Fastening belt
hidhachuu 2. arm onesef
1. make to fasten
hidhachiisuu 2. cause to/make armed
hidhamaa (male)prisoner
hidhata 1. girdle,belt
2. friend
hidhataa (male)armed person
hidhattuu (fem.)armed person
hidhannoo armament
hidhamuu be arrested/jailed
hidhamtuu (fem.)prisoner
hidhiba dense forest. See also hadhaba
1. imprison
hidhuu 2. arrest,tie
hidhii lip
hifacha same as ifacha
hifaatuu denigrate,berate
hifachuu same as ifachuu
hifannaa same as ifannaa
hifatamuu same as ifatamuu
hiibboo ma. same as hobboo
hi'ii no
hi'iiyyoo no
1. meaning, translation
2. releasing from prison/yoke
3. untying
4. solution
hiika ma.
1. time for releasing a prisoner or
tied/yoked animal
hiikaa 2. translator,interpreter
1. be translated
2. be freed from jail or yoke
a place where a person confesses his/her
hiikee sin/crime
1. disarm
2. make to untie
1. disarmament
hiikannoo 2. untying
definition, translation
hiiktuu key
hiikkachuu go. be disarmed
1. make/cause to untie
hiiksisuu go. 2. make/cause to be freed from jail
hiiksuu go. same as hiiqsuu
1. define, translate, interpret
2. untie,unfasten
hiikuu 3. divorce
hiiqa ma. a little progress/headway/advancement
hiiqsuu go. make a little progress or movement
hiiquu go. progress/move a little
hiiroo a song on wedding eve
hiisifachuu go. make/cause to be accused for oneself
hiisisuu go. make/cause to be accused
hiixacha see hiixachuu
hiixachiisuu go. cause/make to stretch hand to take/give sth
hiixachuu go. stretch one's hand so as to give or take sth
hiixannaa see hiixachuu
see hiixachuu
hiixata ma.
hiixuu far
hi'iyoo no
hijoo a form of addressing 2nd person pl.
hijoo, eessa turtan? You guys, where have
you been?
hikkaa definition;interpretation;translation
hikkama acquittal
hila ma. thinking for others
hilamuu go. see hiluu
hilleensa rabbit
hilleettii rabbit
hilluu clever

think for others

kafaltii mana barumsaa irratti hiyyeessaaf
hiluu hiluu. Thinking for the poor in school tution

hima sentence
himachuu accuse
himamuu be told
himannaa accusation
himannoo grievance
himansa ma. advice
himata complaint
himtee legend,mytheology
himimmaan ma. same as imimmaan
himimsa neigh
himimsiisuu cause to neigh
himimsuu neigh
himimuu go. sweat, perspire
himsiifachuu go. cause/make to tell for one self
himsiisuu go. cause/make to tell
himtuu teller
himuu go. tell
hin- (prefix) hin nyaatiin. Do not eat.
hinaafaa (masc.)jealous,envious
hinaaffaa jealousy
hinbaabsuu neutralize
hinaafsisuu go. make or cause sb to covet
hinaaftuu (fem.)jealous,envious
hinaafuu go. be jealous
hincinnaawuu abrade
hincinnii a kind of plant

hindaaqqoo chicken
hindhee ma. a kind of tree
hindooyyee aunt
hinjijooftuu one infested with nits
hindiddii hum of teeth
hindheessa ma. same as gaattiraa
hindhoo da.go. an expression of rejection
1. a kind of grass
hingiccaa 2. a festivity celebrated by girls
hinjifannaa same as inaaffa
hinjifannoo same as injifannoo
hinkoo role
hinata period,session
hinjijii same as injijii
hinphisuu leaking
hinqirfachuu go. hiccup
Hinqirfoo same as hinqirfuu
hinqirfuu hiccup
hintala same as intala
hiphoo1 narrow
hiphoo2 riddle
hiphuu poverty
hiqaabaa torment, plague
hiq jechuu same as hinqirfachuu
hiqama ma. identification card
hir'ifamuu be subtracted
hir’uu ad. not full
hiraara agony;misery
hiraarfama suffering
hiraarsuu afflict, torture,distress
hirachuu go. share from
hirama same as hira
hirata ma. taking one's own share
hiraa distributor
hiraar torment,torture
hiraara torment,agony,torture

hiraaruu suffer
hirachuu share for self
hiraarfamuu toil
hir'achuu be incomplete or non-full
hiramuu be divided
1. mixing a coagulated thing with a
branched stick
hirba () 2. heel
hirbaa (n) a kind of tree
hirbaata (n) lunch
hirbachuu see hirbuu
hirbisiisuu see hirbuu
hirboo1 same as irboo1
hirboo2 same as irboo2
hirbuu (v) mix a coagulated thing with a branched stick
hirdhachuu same as hir'achuu
hirdhina same as hir'ina
hirdhisa same as hir'isa
hirdhisuu same as hir'isuu
hirdii ma. a kind of grass
hiree me. chance, fate,luck
hir'ifamaa deduced, difference
hiriira ma. queueing, line, i.e., a row of people or objects
hiriiraa a person who is among people in a queue
hiriirsuu make to be in queue
hiriiruu line up, queue
hirqinfachuu same as hinqirfachuu
hir'ina deficiency, shortage
hir'isa deduction, removal, subtraction
hir'isuu subtract, deduct
hir'isiisuu make to subtract/diminish/deduce
hiriyaa ma. same as hiriyyaa. See also michuu
hiriyooma ma. friendship. See also michooma
hiriyyaa friend
hirkacha same as irkacha
hirkachiisuu make/cause to lean
hirkachuu lean, be supported
hirkifachuu lean sth against sth for oneself
hirkifamuu be leaned , support
hirkisa support
hirkisaa ad. support, i.e., sth /sb that supports. See also dalasaa
hirkisuu support
hirkoo support
hirqinfuu same as hinqirfuu
hirma a kind of female's wear
hirmaachisuu make to participate
1. loins
hirma 2. cloth waist band
1. participant
hirmaataa 2. (maths)factor
hirmaattuu participant
hirmaachuu participate
hirmama divided,allotted
hirmeemmii same as fraction
hirmaannaa participation
hirmaata same as hirata
1.religiously forbidden food
hirmii 2. cursed thing
1. same as hiriyyaa
hiroo 2. pillar
hirphaa donor, aid giver
hirpha ma. subsidy, aid, help
hirphachiisuu cause to be supported/helped
hirphamuu go. be subsidized
hirphuu go. subsidize
hirree same as irree
hirreecha same as irreessa
hirreeffachuu go. same as irreeffachuu
hirreessa ma. same as irreessa
hirriba (n) sleep
hirrii elevator
1. a kind of gift
hirsii (n) 2. amulet
hirsiisuu go. see hirsuu
hirsuu go. share one's possession with poor
1. same as irboo
hirtaa (n) 2. a kind of trade
sb who conveys shares of individuals
hirtuu ad. a common property

hiruu (v) divide

hirroo (n) reproof,rebuke,criticism,blame
hir'uu (adj) not full
hisaaba same as herrega
hisachiisuu go. cause/make to accelerate
hisachuu go. accelerate for self
hisannaa (n) acceleration,activeness
hisataa (adj) active,diligent
hisattuu (adj) active,diligent
hisatummaa (n) diligence
hisiisuu accelerate
hiticha same as iticha
hitichuu same as itichuu
hititaa same as ititaa
hitittuu same as itittuu
hitituu same as itituu
hixaa ma. same as hiree,carraa
hixiichoo ma. same as qayya citaa
hixinxima joint
hixxiffachuu snort,snuffle
hiyituu key
hiyyeecha same as hiyyeessa
hiyyeechuu same as hiyyeessuu
hiyyeessa poor
hiyyeessuu go. make poor
hiyyeettii poor
hiyyoomsuu go. make poor
hiyyoomuu go. be poor
hiyyummaa poverty
hiyyuu same as iyyuu
ho'a hot
ho'aa1 tree type
ho'aa2 warm
1. relief from (eminent) problem or fatigue
2. death
hobbaasuu accomplish
hobbaatii placenta
hobbasuu adjourn
hobdii same as oogdii
hobdoloqqee beautiful
1. (sheep) mating
2. the sound male sheep makes when
hobobsaa mating
hobobsuu make sound of male sheep when mating
hobolaa hyena
1. a farm tool
hoboloo ma. 2. same as jabaloo
hobomboleettii windstorm,whirlwind
hobonboleettii windstorm

hocola a dish made of mined meat with butter

hoddhaa needlework
1. sew/stitch/tailor for oneself
hoddhachuu go. 2. embroider
hoddhamaa stiched
hoddhamuu go. be stitched
hoddhisiifachuu go. make to be stitched for oneself
hoddhisiisuu go. make to sew/stitch
hoddhituu ad. tailor
1. sew;stich
hoddhuu 2. embroider
hoddhuu sew;stich
hodeessa same as odeessa
hodha dam
hodhabaa absurd
hodhobee foolish,naïve,silly
hodhuu suck
hodolee dirty spots on clothes
ho'ee collarbone
hofaa a kind of spear
1. hollow
2. dry stalk of corn or sorghum.
hoffaa See also hossee, adaabolaa
hoffala same as ofkola
hoffaltii same as ofkoltii
hofkalcha same as ofkolcha
hofkalchuu same as ofkolchuu
hofkaltii same as ofkoltii
hofofa ruins
hofonfola (masc.)sth with hollow interior
hofonfolee (fem.)sth with hollow interior
hofuu go. same as loqoduu
hogala hyena
hogdii same as oogdii
hogee ring
1. same as waggaa
hoggaa ma. 2. same as yeroo,ennaa
hoggana da. this year, this time
hogganaa ad. same as hoogganaa
hoggayyuu always
hogolaa ad. sb whose talk is unpleasant
hogolee hidden corner
hogoluu go. talk unpleasant
ho'isuu heat up
hojeessuu implement
hojii work,job,task,duty
hojiidhaan practically
1. height
2. work,job,task,duty
hojjaa 3. shin
hojjechiifachuu make/cause to be worked for oneself
hojjechiisuu make to work
hojjechuu work
hojjetaa worker
hojjetachuu do for self
hojjetamuu be worked
hojjettuu (fem.)worker
hojmaata system of work
hojoommii implementation
hokkachuu become cudgel
hokkannaa cudgel forming
hokkara aggression
Hokkeechuu same as okkeessuu
hokkeessuu go. same as okkeessuu
hokkola limp
hokkolaa limping
hokkoluu limp, hobble
hokkoo ma. same as okkoo
hokolchiisuu same as okkolsiisuu
hokolee milking vessel
hokolee ma. same as okolee
hokoloo ma. a farm tool. Same as hudhaa
hokoltuu limping
hol'ataa shaky
hollacha shaking
hollachiiftuu (fem.)sth that causes shaking
hollachiisaa (masc.)sth that causes shaking
hollachiisuu cause to shiver
hollachuu jar, shake,shiver,quiver,tremble
hollata shaking
hollataa1 a shaking thing
hollataa2 ma. a kind of bread
holloo a kind of game played between two sheperds
hololeessuu write a pose
hololoo discursiveness
holootoo a kind of plant
Holotaa ma.. flame. See also labooba
holqa cave
holqee sth that has a deep sunk surface
holqeessuu bore
holquu go. make a cave
homaa none;nothing
hommoquu (usu. For flexible object)bend
homtuu ma. nothing
honga'uu become dry
hongee drought
hongeessuu go. cause drought
hongochaa small injera
hoo1 (interj.) an expression of wonder
hoo2 same as yoo2
hoo3 je. sound used to respond when one's name is called
hoobdii same as oobdii
hooda amazing
hoodachuu go. same as hooddachuu
hooddachuu consult fortune teller amid some situation
1. fortell future
hooduu go. 2. same as ooduu
hoofaa ma. a kind of cudgel
hoofee snuff
hooffalaa one who is blessed
hoofichoo ma. fiber of false banana
hoofii ma. limestone
hoofuu go. unable to pronuonce words correctly
hoogana hair that smells bad when butter is applied to it
hooganaa’aa see hoogana
hooganaa’uu go. see hoogana
hooganeechuu see hoogana
hooganeessuu go. see hoogana
hooganooftuu ad. see hoogana
hooggana leadeship
hoogganaa leader
hooggantuu leader
hooggayyuu always
hoogguu often. See also ugguu
hoo'ifachuu warm oneself in the sun or by the fire
hoo'ifamuu caused to be warmed by sun/fire
hoo'isuu warm up, heat up
hookaan hi. same as yookan
hoola care
hoolaa sheep
hooloo difficult situation
1. flock
hoomaa jaldeessaa
hoomaa 2. army
hoomacha foam,i.e., mass of bubbles
hoomachaa'uu lather, form bubbles
hoomacheessuu cause to form bubbles
hoomecha same as hoomacha
hoomii a kind of tree
hoonga'uu become arid
hoongoo dry wilderness
hooqa scratching
hooqaa ma. comb. See also filaa
hooqqaa scratching
hooqqachuu go. itch oneself
hooqqata scratching itchy skin
hooqqisa vomit
hooqqisiisuu cause to vomit
hooqqisuu vomit
hooquba praise
hooqubaa same as hooquba
hooquu scratch itchy skin
hoorii ma. dirt in teeth
hoorma same as yaaddoo
hoormoonii hormone
hooroo a camel used only for carrying water
hooruu go. same as yaadda'uu
hoosa trifle
hoosifachuu breast-feed for oneself
hoosiftuu breast-feeding animal
hoosisuu breast-feed
liquid discharged from a pregnant animal
shortly before delivery
hoota ma.
1. a sucking person/animal
hootuu ad. 2. same as ortuu
hoo'uu become warm
hophoo rind,dry bark,scab
hoqxoo (n) itch
hora (n) salty water
1. raise/acquire cattle for oneself
horachuu (v) 2. acquire possession
horata (n) acquirement,yield, production
horatamuu (v) be acquired
horatuu (v) acquire
horbobbaa (n) small swellings on skin
horbobbeessuu (v) make skin swollen
horbobbuu bruise,weal
horcalleessa fiscal
horco'ii balance
horda (n) digging land with a sharpened wood
a pointed wood used to dig land.
hordaa (n) See also dongoraa

hordisiisuu (v) cause/make to drive stake into ground

hordofa (n) adherence;follow up
hordofaa (n) follower
hordofamuu (v) be followed
hordoffii (n) follow up
hordofsiisuu (v) cause to be followed
hordoftuu (n) follower
hordofuu (v) follow;accompany
horduu (v) drive sth into ground
horee relative
horee (n) lineage
horfaa (n) sth used for poking
horfamuu (v) be poked
horfisiisuu (v) cause to poke
horfoo (n) stick used to poke
1. poke, i.e., push a pointed object into
horfuu (v) 2. meddle

horgoggee (n) doll

1. 4-legged domestic animals
horii (n) 2. money
horma same as orma
hormaata (n) reproduction
hornaga (n) limitation
horocoo (n) a kind of clay material
horofee1 (n) mud
horofee2 (adj) fool
horofsiisuu same as xureessuu
horomee same as oromee
horonguddaa (n) lizard
1. wealth
horoo (n) 2. hot spring
horooboo (n) a kind of jar made of clay
horooma (n) value,worth,imortance
horoomuu (v) get worth, be valuable
horora (n) coarse grounding
hororaa coarsely grounding of grains
hororachuu see hororuu
hororamaa coarsely grounded grain
hororamuu be coarsely grounded
hororessa1 same as harooressa
hororessa2 a good- looking
hororoo split bea or beans. See also kiikkii
hororraa coarsely grounded
hororsiisuu go. cause to grind coarsely
horortuu (fem.)grinder
hororuu go. grind coarsely
horosiiftuu breeder
horroqoo mushroom
1. breed for self
horsiifachuu go. 2. make to reproduce for self
horsiila breeding site
1. reproduction
horsiisa ma. 2. breeding
horsiisaa breeder
1. make to reproduce
horsiisuu go. 2. raise an animal
horsosseessuu go. make to be hollow
hortee family,relative
hortuu fertile, animal that breeds well
horummaa (n) animalism
horuu (v) breed
hospitaala (n) hospital
1. wilted
hossee 2. dry stalk of corn
hossee dried stalk of bean plant
hosummaa fairness
hoteeala hotel
ho'u (interj.) take
ho'uu same as oo'uu
hoxxee hut
hoxxoo same as hooqxoo
hoyixoo same as hooqxoo
hoyixuu same as hooqxoo
huba (n) hurt,harm
hubaabaa (n) phyton
hubaatii hurt,harm
hubacha same as hubata
hubachiisa ma. notice
hubachiisuu go. make noticed
hubachuu ascertain
hubamaa harmed
hubamtuu (adj) harmed
hubamuu (v) be hurt/harmed
hubannaa understanding
hubannoo understanding
1. perspective,view
hubata 2. surveilance, i.e., close watch
hubatamuu be understood
hubboo ma. same as okkotee
hubii1 same as huba
hubii2 same as hubata
huboo same as huba
hubsiisuu go. make /cause sb to be harmed
hububbee same as hobomboleettii
hubuu go. harm,hurt
hubuyu mother's brother
huccuu (n) cloth
hucuba (n) goiter
(feudal systems jargon ) a farm work for a
landlord or government
hudaada ma.
hudaadee ma. (Orthodox christians jargon)Easter Fasting
hudaan same as udaan
hudaansisuu same as udaansisuu
hudaantuu hudaanuu same as udaantuu
hudaanuu same as udaanuu
1. a horse tool
2. sitting on a horse back behind another
huddeela (n) person

huddeelaa see huddeela

huddeellachuu see uddeellachuu
huddeeluu see uddeeluu
hudduduuba (n) background
huddumuruu (v) cheat price when shopping
hudduu (n) buttock
hudha (n) choking
hudhaa1 (n) a farm tool
hudhaa2 (n) a kind of tree
hudhaa3 (adj) crop that is about to flower
hudhaa4 (n) drawback
hudhaaboo (n) oblong shaped bread
hudhamaa ad. choked
hudhamuu be choked
hudhuu jam
hududa ma. joint
hududdaa joint
hududdee same as urduddee
huduma ma.. overfilling a container forcifully
hudumachuu go. overfill for oneself forcifully
hudummii overfilling a container forcifully
hudumsiisuu go. make to overfill forcifully
hudumuu peck
huffaa abdomen,belly
huffata same as uffata
huffee1 ad. liar
huffee2 di. same as ashuu,ishoo
immersing grains such as barley in hot
huffisa ma. boiling water before roasting
huffisiisuu go. see huffisuu
huffisoo ma. same as ashuuqii
huffisuu go. immerse grains in hot boiling water
huggum! (Interj.) same as uggum
hujeekaa manual
hujii same as hojii
hujuba graveyard,cemetery,burial place
hujuba same as ujuba
hujufa cemetery of very old people
hujummoo pipe
huka same as joint
huka same as uka
hukaa same as ukaa
hula ma. same as ula
1. narrow door, gate,entry and exit
hulaa 2. possibility
hulaa door;enterance;gate
hulachiisuu go. same as ulachiisuu
hulachuu go. same as ulachuu
hulamaa ad. same as ulamaa
hulamuu go. same as ulamuu
hulbata ma. a drink made from fenugreek
hulchiisuu go. same as ulachiisuu
hulee1 ma. same as ulee
hulee2 ma. place
hullee dried calabash container used for drinkng from
hulluuqa ma. passage through narrow openning
hulluuqaa ad. sb/sth that slips through a narrow openning
hulluuqqoo openning(usu for escaping)
hulluuqsifachuu go. see hulluuquu
hulluuqsifamuu go see hulluuquu
hulluuqsuu go. make/cause to pass through an openning
hulluuquu go. pass through an openning
hulma nursing mother
hulmaa ma. delivery room
hulsiisuu go. same as ulsiisuu
hulullee ma. same as haluullee
huluu go. same as uluu
huluulloo same as haluullee
hum (interj.) word used to express wonder
humaa none;nothing
1. a kind of tendril, vine
2. an object believed to protect a calf from
humbaachoo ma. evil eye

humbii ma. elephant trunk

humbu'uu laugh(of hyena)
humma desert
humma ma. dense forest
hummoo ground hornbill
humna joint
humna momentum
hunda all, every
hundata master
hundee background;base;root
hundeeffamaa foundation,establishment
hundeeffamuu go. be established
hundeessaa founder
hundeessituu founder
hundeessuu found, establish
hunduma all, every
hundumaa ad. all, every
hundumee a person who interfers in every situation
hundumtuu all, every
hunduu ad. every,all
hungaayee ma. a kind of aromatic tree
hungulaala same as ungulaala
hungulaalachiisuu same as ungulaalchisuu
hungulaalachuu same as ungulaalachuu
hungulaalamaa same as ungulaalamaa
hungulaalamuu same as ungulaalamuu
hungulaaluu same as ungulaaluu
hunkura same as unkura
hunkurachuu same as unkurachuu
hunkuramaa same as unkuramaa
hunkuramuu same as unkuramuu
hunkuroo same as unkuroo
hunkursiisuu same as unkursiisuu
hunkurtuu same as unkurtuu
hunkuruu 1. mix together
2. roast massive powder of roasted corn

hunkutaa'aa sth that is broken into fragments

hunkutaa'uu be broken into fragments
hunkutaawuu same as unkutaa'uu
hunkutamaa same as hunkutaa'aa
hunkutamuu1 same as unkutamuu1
hunkutamuu2 same as unkutamuu2
hunkuteessuu break sth into fragments
hunkutoo same as xamasa
hunkutuu same as unkutuu
hunqaa roasted grain. See also akaayii & qorsoo
hunqooftuu ma. behaviour
hunsiisuu same as unsiisuu
hununsuu grumble;murmur
hunuu same as unuu
huqqachuu same as huuqqachuu
huqqataa same as huuqqataa
huqqattuu same as huuqqattuu
huqqina same as huuqqina
huqqisuu same as huuqqisuu
huqqoo same as huuqqataa
huraa (n) hole. See also uraa
huramuu (v) be perforated/pierced. See also uramuu
hurataa perforated/pierced
1. bunch
hurbuu ma. 2. same as harbuu
hurgufa ansoolaa. Shaking of bed sheets
hurgufachuu go. shake for oneself
hurgufamuu ablaze
hurgufoo soup
hurgufsiisuu go. make to shake
hurguftuu ad. shaker,i.e., sb that shakes sth
hurgufuu shake,wobble
hurjii ma. same as urjii
hurkaa vapor;steam
hurkaa ad. vaporized
hurkuu go. vaporize
hurmada same as hurmata
hurmaduu go. respect
hurmata ma. a gift of respect
hurraa firewood
hurraa'aa ad. (usu for firewood) broken , crushed, smashed
hurraa'uu go. (usu for firewood)be broken
hurree fog
hurreeffachuu go. break fire wood into fine parts
hurreeffamuu go. make to be broken/smashed/crushed
hurreessisuu go. see hurraa'uu
hurreessuu smash
hurreysuu smash
hurrii cloud
hurrisuu rush/dash in mass
hurroo ma. an expression used to call cat
hurrooftuu ad. broken
hurrumuu forest
hurruuba ma. a kind of dance
hurruubduu ad. a person dancing in a particular way
hurruubsisuu go. see hurruubuu
hurruubuu dance to please a spirit
hurruuma dense forest
hurufa ma. open field
hurufuu go. (of plants) bear many fruits
huruma forest
hurumuu ma. same as huruma
hurunguu owl
hurursuu lull a baby. See also urursuu
huruu same as uruu
huruursuu lull a baby
part of a tree that remains fixed to the
huruxuu after its main stem is cut out
hushaala ma. wedge. See also shibilliqii
hushaalamuu go. see hushaaluu
hushaalsisuu go. see hushaaluu
wedge,i.e., put a wedge between two
things,esp between two splits of a
partially splitted wood, to split them more
hushaaluu go.
husii ma. bush
hususa same as hasaasa
hususuu (n) gossip
huuba (n) chaff
huubaqoonqoo (n) tonsil
huubboo (n) large water jar
huuffisaa same as ashuuqii
huukkoo (n) mushroom
huumaa (n) creator
huumamaa (n) creature
huumamuu same as uumamuu
huumbii (n) unedible, false banana bunch
huummacha mouthful of food
huummachuu1 eat mouthful
huummachuu2 same as uummachuu
huummata same as uummata
huummatee same as garbittii
huummoo (n) stork
huumuu same as uumuu
huunjoo (n) credit
huuqqachuu (v) become thin/emaciated/skinny
huuqqataa (adj) skinny,emaciated, skeletal
huuqqattuu (adj) skinny,emaciated, skeletal
huuqqina (n) thinness,skinniness
huuqqisuu (v) make/cause to be thin/lean
huuqqoo same as huuqqataa
huura (n) weed
huuroo (n) a kind of jar made of clay
huursa (n) sound of some flying objects like beetle, airplane, etc
huursaa see huursuu
huursuu (v) sound like a flying thing(eg. Plane,beetle,etc)
1. muzzle,snout
huuruu 2. chin
huusa (n) potential energy
huusisa see hudhuu
huusisuu see hudhuu
huusoo (n) excrement,shit,feces
huuxii (n) bush
huuxoo (n) tendril, shoot,pad
huuxxii (n) kindiling
huwwisa same as uwwisa
huwwisaa same as uwwisaa
huwwisiisuu same as uwwisiisuu
huwwisuu same as uwwisuu
imiimuu bishaan yaasuu
jilma-jaldeessaa a kind of plant
leedaa tikkusaatii=hoo'ina qaamaa
marsarriitii website
oggoluu cabuu
pooliyoo laamshee=gudufii
qullubbii waraabessaa
qullubbii-waraabessaa a kind of plant
rigaa tooth pick
sheeramuu soramuu??
shibilliqii wedge
shiftii gifira
suurduga spinal cord
walfaanommii tartiiba
wayyaba majority
xilfii cross-stitch
yesuus misiyoonaawwii

church misiyoonaawwii

kiristiyaan hulluu misiyoonaawwii new

qbtse tsfa
` secret
prefix used to negate verbs
hin (prefix) Daa'imni hin nyaatu. Baby doeanot eat
ibaaduu (v) worship
ibaayyuu (n) libation/. See also dhibaayyuu
ibbiqii (n) grain chaff. See also hibbiqii
ibboo (n) riddle
ibfachuu same as ibsachuu
ibidda (n) fire
iblee (adj) crime doer
ibliisa (n) insect;dare devil . See also ilbiisa
iboora (n) armlet
ibraangoo (n) a variety of cabbage
ibrikuu (n) trachoma
ibsa (n) clarification, explanation
ibsaa (n) light
1. explain(for self)
ibsachuu (v) 2. lighten(for self)
1. be explained
ibsamuu (v) 2. be lightened
1. make to explain
ibsiisuu go. 2. make to lighten
ibsituu (n) expository
1. explain
ibsuu (v) 2. light
ichiba same as ichima
ichibachuu same as ichimachuu
ichibuu same as ichimuu
1. fagot
2. a kind of plant
ichima (n) 3. scar created on hand by deliberate burning
ichimachuu go. see ichimuu
a person that burns hand
ichimee (n) with dry leaves of a certain plant
burn hand deliberately with burning dry leaves of a certain
ichimuu (v) plant
ici same as eci
ida’achuu (v) add/increment for self
idaa (n) debt
ida'a (n) increment
ida'aa (n) accretion
idaa'ataa (adj) ascending
ida'ama (n) sum
ida'amuu (v) be added
ida'annoo (adj) additional
idaasisuu (v) cause to/make increase
1. a term used to address recently married woman. See also
idaayyaa (n) 2.a food which is given to couples who are just married
ida'uu (v) add
idaya (n) bride
idaya ma. same as iddayya
idda same as hidda
1. stinging
iddaa (n) 2. bow
iddamaa same as hiddamaa
iddamuu same as hiddamuu
iddasii same as ergasii
iddiddii (n) gum
iddii same as hiddii
1. cause to/make sting
iddisiisuu (v) 2. cause to/make bow
iddituu (n) stinging
iddoo (n) place eg. Iddoo kam?
iddoofedhe (adv) everywhere
iddooma (n) representation,mandate
iddoomaa (n) representative
iddoomfamuu (v) be represented/delegated
iddoommii (n) representation,mandate
iddoomsaa (n) one who delegates sb
iddoomsisuu (v) cause to be delegated/represented
iddoomsituu (n) one who delegates sb
iddoomtuu (n) representative
iddoomuu (v) be delegated/represented
iddoosaa (n) substitute
1. sting eg. Kannisni na iddite.
idduu (v) 2. bow
idiftee (n) a kind of utensil
idil (adj) idil addunyaa . worldwide
idilee (adj) regular, permanent
idileela (adj) non-formal
idina (n) tobacco pipe
if (pron.) one self
light, brightness
ifa (n) ifa biiftuu . Sun light
ifaa (adj) clear,visible
ifaaduu (n) sunlight
ifaajee (n) effort
ifaajjuu (v) one who strives to succeed
ifaata (n) rebuke,i.e., sharp criticism
ifaatee (n) potatoe
ifaatii (n) rebuke,i.e., sharp criticism
ifaatoo (n) admonition
ifaatuu (adj) ill-tempered
ifacha (n) rebuking, wrath
ifachiisuu (v) cause to be rebuked/berated
ifachuu (v) rebuke, berate
ifana (adv) nowadays, by this time
ifannaa (n) rebuking,wrath
ifatamuu (v) be rebuked
ifatti (adv) clearly,openly
iftaan (adv) the day after tomorrow
iftee (n) iftee anaaxii . carpenter kit
iftiinaan (adv) on/in time
iftooma (n) transparency
iftoomina (n) transparency
iftuu (n) sb/sth that gives light
ifuu (v) to become fully light
iggitaa (n) password
iggitii (n) conclusion
iggituu (v) forbid,prohibit
igir same as irig
igira (n) windbreak
iita'aa (adj) swollen. See also dhiita'uu
iita'uu (v) swell
iitoo (n) swell
ija (n) eye
ijaaba (n) army
ijaajjisuu (v) cause to/make stand
ijaajjuu (v) stand
ijaara (n) constructing
ijaaraa (n) builder
ijaaramaa (adj) built
ijaaramaa ad. built
ijaaramuu (v) be built
ijaarrachuu (v) build for oneself
ijaarrannaa (n) construction for oneself
ijaarsa (n) construction
ijaarsiisuu (v) make/cause to build
ijaartuu (n) builder
ijaaruu (v) construct
ijabbaachisaa (adj) conservative
ijabbaachistuu (adj) conservative
ijahinfuunee (n) shameless
ijee (n) chaff of sorghum
ijibbaachuu (v) toil
ijibbaata (n) last effort
ijiruu same as iriguu
ijjattoo ma. rung,i.e,
ijjettoo same as ijjattoo
ijjuu go. same as ejjuu
ijoo (n) main point
ijoollee (n) children
ijoollomuu (v) be young
ijoollummaa (n) childhood
ikkifachuu (v) (applies usually to wound,)ache, feel pain
ikooloojii (n) ecology
ikoonomii (n) economy
ila (n) eye. See also ija
ilaa (Interj.) look!
ilaada (n) mouse
ilaafilaamee (n) mutual understanding
ilaala same as halaala
ilaalaa (adj) observant
ilaalamaa (adj) oservable
ilaalamuu (v) be observed
1. outlook,impression,insight, observation
ilaalcha (n) 2. remark
ilaalchisa same as ilaalcha
ilaalchisuu (v) make/cause to be visited
ilaallachuu (v) look for oneself
ilaallannaa (n) courtship, consideration of a girl for dating
ilaaltuu (n) eye
ilaaluu (v) look
ilaamaa (n) target,i.e., object aimed at in shooting
ilaamee (interj.) listen to me
ilacha (n) part of a human body
ilbiisa (n) insect
ililcha (n) ululation
ililchuu (v) ululate
ililii same as ililcha
ililishoo same as ilillee
ilillee (n) ululation
ilillii (n) flower
ilka (n) ivory, tusk
ilkaan (n) tooth
ilkabeera (n) corn on cob having seeds that are wide apart
ilkee (n) stings of bee
ilkoo (n) saw
illacha (n) cheek
illama (n) a type of snake
illee (n) area around the ears
illeensa same as hilleensa
illeentii same as hilleensa
ilma (n) son
ilmoo (n) cup,kid
ilmoolee (n) offspring
iluu same as qamalee
imaala (n) luck
imaama (n) leader of prayer in a mosque
imaammata (n) policy
imaanaa (n) entrust,safe-keeping of others belongings
imala (n) journey;trip;tour
imalaa (n) tourist,visitor
imaltuu (n) tourist,visitor
imaluu (v) travel
imamii (n) a row of people in mowing crop
imamuu (v) be in row when harvesting
imbaabsa (adj) neutral
imbaabsummaa (n) neutrality
imbiraa (n) rubber
imii (n) germ
imimmaan (n) tears
imimsa (n) (for horse)neighing, snorting
imimsituu (n) one that neighs (like horse)
imimsuu (v) neigh
imimuu (v) ooze
immaanaa (n) entrustment
immee (n) one whose lip is split
immifachuu (v) roast slightly(for self)
immifamuu (v) get slightly roasted
inni hakiimii dha ishiin immoo barsiistuu dha.
immoo fu. He is a physician and she is a teacher.
immuu (n) bead
impaayara (n) empire
imuu (n) a kind of bird
1. same as hin [West Oromia]
in (prefix) 2. same as ni[East Oromia]
inaada (n) grudge
inaafa (n) jealuousy
inaafaa (adj) jealous,envious
inaaffaa (n) jealousy
inaaffii (n) jealousy
inaafsisuu (v) cause to be jealous
inaaftuu (adj) jealous,envious
inaafuu (v) be envious
inaay (n) ombudsperson,i.e., complaint investigator
inaba (n) grape
inchilaala same as inshilaala
incinnii (n) a kind of plant
indaaddaa (n) full load that a camel carries or can carry
indaaqqoo (n) chicken
indhee (n) a kind of plant
indoodee same as andoodee
indootoo (n) aunt
indooyyee (n) aunt
ingiccaa1 (n) a kind of annaul festival celebrated in parts of Oromia
ingiccaa2 (n) a kind of grass
ingirdaada (n) a kind of plant
injifacha victory
injifachiisuu go. make to win
injifachuu (v) win
injifamaa (adj.) fallen
injifannaa ma. victory
injifannoo (n) victory
injifata (n) victory
injifataa (n) winner
injifattuu (n) winner
injijii same as cinii
injijjaa'uu (v) develop nits
injijjii (n) nits
injijjooftuu (n) one who is infested with nits
injira (n) picking lice
injiraan (n) louse
injiraanoftuu (adj) one who is infested with louse
injiree same as injiraan
injiruu (v) take out lice
inkaaruu (v) deny
inkirdaada (n) tares
1. turn
inkoo (n) 2. portion
inni (pron. ) he
1. first day of a month
innika (n) 2. moon on first day
innumaayyuu (adj,adv,pron
inqaaquu (n) egg. See also anqaaquu, killee,buphaa
inqiwotoo (n) wild rose
inqooxoo (n) type of plant
inshilaala (n) type of plant
insilaala (n) anise,dill (type of plant)
insilaalee (n) type of plant
intala (n) girl
intalashee (n) doll
intaloo (n) a term used to address a girl
ippiidarmiisii (n) epidermis
iqaama (n) identification card
iqraarii (n) foreshadow
irba (n) stirring semisolid such as curd
irbaata (n) dish
irbachuu (v) stir for self
irbamuu (v) be stirred
irbisiisuu (v) make/cause to stir
irbituu (n) one who stirs
irboo (n) one-fourth
irbooraa (n) ivory bracelet
irbooree (n) ivory bracelet
irbuu1 (n) oath,promise
irbuu2 (v) stir
irdii (n) saffron
irga same as iddiddii
irga-takkaa (adv) simultaneously
irgoo (n) meat grown b/n teeth
irigi same as bakka ,iddoo
any where
iriguu (adv,n) iriguu hindhaqu. I do not go any where.
iriira same as hiriira
iriiruu same as hiriiruu
iriyaa same as hiriyyaa
irkacha (n) sitting while supporting one's back
irkachiisuu (v) make/cause to support
irkachuu (v) support/lean oneself against sth
irkannaa see irkachuu
irkifachuu see irkachuu
irkifamuu see irkachuu
irkisa (n) supporting, leaning
irkisuu (v) support/lean sth against sth
irkoo (n) support
Tisiisni mataa koo irra teesse.
irra (Prep.) Xiyyaarri mataa irra na tare.
irraa (Prep.) from
irraajala (n) complete suit
irraanfachiisuu (V) cause/make to forget
irraanfachuu (v) forget
irraanfannaa (n) forgetfulness
irraanfataa (adj) abscent-minded, forgetful
irraanfatamuu (v) be forgotten
irraanfattuu (adj) abscent-minded, forgetful
irraan-gadee (adv) downhill
irraan-olee (adv) uphill
irrabutaa (n) highlighting
irrabutuu (v) highlight
irrakeessa (Prep.) above,over
irranfachiisuu (v) cause sb to forget
irrasararuu (v) overline
irratti (Prep.) on,upon
irree (n) muscle

irreeffachuu (v) ( ritual activity)put tall grass under a tree or dip in river water
irreeffama (n) promotion rank
irreeffamaa (adj) official
a man who puts grass under a tree or dip grass in river water
irreeffataa (n) as a ritual
a woman who puts grass under a tree or dip grass in river
irreeffattuu (n) water as a ritual
tall grass believed to appease god when put under a tree or
irreessa (n) dipped in water
irreessaa (n) commander
irriba same as hirriba
irroo (n) officer in charge
irrooma chiefdom
irsa (n) husband
irsaasii (n) pencil
isa (Pron.) he
isa (Pron.) him
isaa his
isaan (Pron.) they
isannaa (n) vigilance, watchfulness
isee (Pron.) she
ishee (Pron.) she
ishii (Pron.) she
ishoo (Interj.) hurrah
isii she
isii (Pron.) she
isilaama ma. islam
isin (Pron.) you
islaagii (n) slag,i.e., waste of melted metal
islaama (n) islam
Isniina (n) Monday
Ispeektiramii (n) spectrum
ispoonjii (n) sponge
ispoortii (n) sport
istaadiyoomii (n) stadium
istaatistiksii (n) statistics
istimaara ma. same as isximaara
istoolonii stolon
istoomaataa (n) stomata
isximaara (n) imperialism
itichaa (n) utesnil used to curdle milk
itichuu go. make/cause to coagulate
itillee (n) mat of cattle skin
itita ma. coagulation
ititaa (adj) coagulated
itittuu (n) yoghurt
itituu (v) coagulate, curdle
ittana ma. same as ittansuu
ittansiisuu see ittanuu
laboring, i.,e attempting to discharge sth out of one's body by
ittansuu (n) hard effort
labor, i.e., attempt to discharge sth out of one's body by
extremely hard effort as when giving child birth. See also
ittanuu (v) aaduu(=moan)
itti'aanaa (n) deputy,vice, follower, subsequent
itti'aanuu (v) follow, come after sb/sth

itticufuu (v) block, prevent movement through,into or out of sth

ittifamuu (v) be prevented
ittifufuu (n) continue
ittigaafatamaa (n) responsible person, person incharge
ittigaafatamtuu (n) responsible person, person in charge
ittigaafatamummaa (n) responsibility,accountability
ittigaafatamuu (v) be accountable
itti-guuta (n) compensation
by, by which
Fufaan Sangoota ittiin lafa qotatu qaba. Fufa has oxen by
ittiin ma.du. which he ploughs land .
ittisa (n) resistance
ittisaa (n) resistant
ittisiisuu go. make/cause to resist
ittisuu (v) resist
ittobsee (n) snack b/n breakfast and lunch
ittoo (n) stew
ittuma (adv) ittuma dabali . Add more
ixaa (n) lot
ixaana (n) incense
ixinxima (n) joint
iyifaraa (n) sorghum
iyya (n) shout,cry
iyyaa (n) wild cat
iyya'a ma. telling the whereabout of sth lost
iyyaafachiisuu (v) cause to/make inquire
iyyaafachuu (v) seek information
iyyaafamaa ma. request for whereabout
iyyaafannaa (n) investigation, inquiry
iyyaafannoo (n) information, inquiry
1. browser
iyyaafataa (n) 2. info. Seeker
iyyacha same as iyyannaa
iyyachuu (v) apply
a traditional form of
iyya-labsii (n) info communication among oromo people
iyyannaa ma. appeal
iyyannoo (n) appeal
iyyata (n) application
iyyattuu (n) applicant
iyya'uu tell the whereabout of sth
iyyeecha same as hiyyeessa
iyyeessa same as hiyyeessa
iyyeessuu same as hiyyeessuu
iyyeettii same as hiyyeettii
iyyiba (n) seediling
iyyisiisuu cause to / make cry
iyyoomsuu same as hiyyoomsuu
iyyoomuu same as hiyyoomuu
iyyummaa same as hiyyummaa
iyyuu (v) shout,yell
no singular form
Bakka mucaan kiyya jiru naa iyyaafadhu.
ja'a same as jaha

jaabanaa (n) coffee pot

ja'affaa (adj) sixth

jaafoo (adj) jiant

1. strong
jaagamaa (adj) 2. clumsy

jaagamuu (v) walk clumsily

jaa'ii (adj) a sheep that has white spot on its forhead,leg and tail

jaakkeeta (n) jacket

jaakkeettii (n) jacket

1. same as miinjee
jaala (n) 2. a person that hugs a child during circumcision

jaalaba (n) (Gada system)assistant of a spiritual leader

jaalachiisaa (n) philter,i.e., sth that causes sb to fall in love

jaalachiisuu (v) make/cause to love

jaalachuu (v) love;like

jaalal (n) adoration,deep love

jaalala (n) love;affection

jaalallee (n) lover

jaalaltee (n) longing

jaalataa same as jaallataa

jaalatamaa (adj) lovely,dear

jaalatamtuu (adj) lovely,dear

jaalatamuu (v) be loved

jaallataa lover

jaallatamaa lovely,dear

jaallatamtuu lovely, dear

jaallatamuu (v) be loved

jaallee comrade

jaaloo (n) a kind of utensil

jaaltoo lover

jaaltuu (n) best-woman, friend

jaamaa1 blind

jaamaa2 ant

jaamsuu (v) blind,i.e., make sb permanently unable to see

jaamtuu (adj) blind

jaamummaa (n) fanatcism

jaamuu (v) be blind

ja'amuu (v) be called/said

jaanja’uu (v) be confused

jaanjawa (n) confusion

jaanjessuu (v) confuse, make dizzy

jaanjoo (adj) confused;addled

jaannama (n) hell

jaanoo (n) a kind of utensil

jaara (n) construction

jaaribbii (n) (diety worship)kneeling and groaning

jaarii (n) a kind of godess or diety

jaarmaa (n) building

jaarmayaa (n) institution, organization

jaarmiyaa (n) institution, organization

jaarraa (n) centuary

jaarsa (n) old man

jaarsomuu (v) become old

Jaarsoo (n) an Oromo clan

jaarsummaa (n) mediation

jaartii (n) old woman

jaaruu same as dulloomuu

jaatama (n) sixty

jaatammaffaa (n) sixtieth

jaatanaa'uu (v) be busy

jaatanadhaa (adj) occupied

jaatanawaa (adj) busy

jaataneessuu (v) make busy

jaatanii (n) (usu. of construction) heavy project

jaatanoo (adj) lazy

1. leather scourge, whip made from skin of hippo
Jaawwii (n) 2. cloth with red fringe

jaaz (n) jazz

jabaa1 (adj) strong, hard

jabaa2 (n) big wood in fire

jabaachuu (v) be strong/hard

jabaataa (v) strong,hard

jabajjii (n) hardware

jabala (n) boat,ship

jabaloo same as yabala

jabana (n) era,epoch

jabanaa (n) kettle,coffee pot

jabbii (n) calf

jabbiilee (n) calves

jabduu1 (adj) strong, hard

jabduu2 (n) act of bravery

jabeenya (n) strength

jabeessisuu (v) make to be strengthened

jabeessuu (v) strengthen

jabina (n) strength

jabloo (n) peddler

jaboo1 (n) (of plants)wild

jaboo2 (adj) (pluralizer)strong, hard

jabultii (n) eve

jabummaa (n) strength

jacha (n) word. See also jecha

jadii (n) buffalo calf

jafajjafa (n) overcutting (usu.of trees)

jafajjafamuu (v) be over cut

jafajjafsiisuu (v) make/cause to over cut

jafajjafuu (v) over cut

jafaree (n) a kind of sorghum

jaftaa (n) Afro-style hair

jagama (adj) stout

jagna ( adj) brave, hero

jagnoomuu (v) be brave

jagnummaa (n) bravery

jaha (n) six

jahatama (n) sixty

jaheenta (n) one sixth,i.e., one of six parts

jahii1 (n) a kind of utensil

jahii2 (n) a group of six stars that are apparently aligned

jaja (n) praise,admiration,appreciation

appreciate (for self)
jajachuu (v) ijoollee ofii jajachuu. To appreciate one's own children

jajal'aa (adj) bent, jagged

jajallaa (adj) bent, jagged

jajamuu (v) be appreciated

jajii see jaji'uu

jaji'uu (v) cut meat into long stripes
same as shanbaqqoo
jajjaba Inni jajjaba raasa.he is shaking

jajjabaa see jabaa

jajjabduu see jabduu

jajjabee (n) a military term

jajjabeessuu (v) encourage, strengthen

jajjaboo1 (n) Bishaan jajjaboo miti, inni dhangala'oo dha.

jajjaboo2 same as shanbaqqoo

jajjuu (n)?? admirer

jajuu (v) admire;appreciate

jal jechuu same as raata'uu

jala (Prep.) under

jalaa (Prep.) jalaa hatame.

jalaanii (n) under wear

jal'achuu same as jallachuu

jala-kaachuu (v) wag

jala-muruu (v) underline

jala-sararuu (v) underline

jalbu'aa (n) servant

jalbultii (n) eve

jalbuutee (n) servant

jalbuutuu (n) servant

jaldeemaa (adj) subservient

jaldeessa (n) monkey

jaldhaaba a kind of metal tool used by blacksmiths

jaldii sorghum
1. a person that goes on foot behind another person on horse
jalee (n) back

jalgalee (n) lady-in-waiting.

jaliitii (n) coffee pot stand

jal'ina (n) crookedness

jalkaattuu (adj) subservient

jallaa (adj) bent, crooked

jallaaba same as jaldhaaba

jallaabiyaa same as marxoo

jallaama'uu (v) be wicked

jallaamessa (adj) evil,wicked

jallaamessuu (v) cause to/make evil

jallaattii (n) ice cream

jallaba (n) apron

jallachuu (v) become bent

jalladuu (v) qabsiisa jalladuu. To Bind notes

jallataa (adj) bent

jallina (n) wickedness, crookedness

jallinaan () (of sth said)backhanded, devious

jallisa (n) act of bending

jallisii (n) irrigation

jallisiisuu (v) make to bend

jallisuu (v) bend, divert

jalliyaan (n) tributary

jalloo (adj) bent,crooked,rude

jaloo (n) a kind of utensil

jaloommii (n) demotion

jalqaba (n) beginning

jalqabamuu (v) be started

jalqabbii (n) beginning,start

jalqabduu (n) beginner

jalqabsiisuu (v) make/cause to begin

jalqabuu (v) begin

jaltusuu (v) interupt/interfer while an elder is talking

jaltuu (n) copy

jamaa (n) mass, people

jamalii (n) penis

jamama (n) piling

jamamaa same as tuullaa

jamamii (n) grain stack

jamamuu (v) (of harvested crops) pile

jamaree1 (n) a kind of flower

jamaree2 (adj) beautiful
one of the two full sacks of grains
jambii (n) loaded on animals

Jamjam (n) an oromo clan

jammura (n) shoulder

jamura (n) a kind of hair cut

jandee (n) hide,pelt

jandoo (n) heavy rain

janfala1 (n) ripen coffee fruit

janfala2 (n) uncivilized person, backward person

jangula (n) hyena

jannata same as jenneta

jannata (n) heaven;paradise

jannatoo (n) bead

janyummaa (n) daring

jaqaa (adj) naïve,fool

jara (Pron.) they

jarafa same as saamicha

jarafamuu same as saamamuu

jarafsiisuu same as saamsisuu

jarafuu same as saamuu

jaragidduu (Prep.) among

jaree same as jara

jargee (adj) innocent

jarjara (adj) rush, speed

jarjaraa (adj) hasty, speedy

jarjarsiisuu (v) cause/make sb to hasten

jarjarsuu1 (v) cause/make sb to hasten

jarjarsuu2 same as jarjara

jarjartii (n) haste, hurry

jarjartuu (adj) hasty, speedy

jarjaruu (v) rush

jarmii (n) germ

jarrabuu (v) assess someone's work/habit

jasada (n) body

ja'uu (v) say;claim

jawaaba (n) voice

jawwaruu (v) be confused

jawwee (n) phyton

jawwisa (adj) thin slender

1. thin and tall person
jawwisaa (adj) 2. hasty

jawwuda (n) dragon

jayii (adj) sheep with white spots

1. word
jecha (n) 2. saying

jechama (n) idiom

jechiisuu (v) make/cause to say

jechuu (v) say

jedhamuu (v) be called/said

jedhuu (v) say

jeedala (n) jackal

jeedalloo (n) jackal

jeeja’aa (adj) starved

jeeja’uu (v) be starved

jeejee (n) starvation, famine, extreme hunger

jeejessuu (v) starve

1. same as xibaara
jeekkara (n) 2. holiday song

jeekkarsiisuu see jeekkaruu

1. same as xibaaruu
jeekkaruu (v) 2 . sing holiday song

jeemaa (n) eye socket

jeemfa (n) truth, wisdom

jeenjee same as jeejee

jeeqaa (n) trouble maker

jeeqama (n) trouble,violence,disturbance

jeeqamuu (v) be upset, be disturbed

jeequmsa (n) turmoil,chaos,disorder,havoc,turbulence

jeequu (v) upset, disturb

jeeqxuu (adj) troublemaker

jeeshii (n) group,team

jeessoo (n) gypsum

jeettii (n) jet

jefuraa (n) keyword

jejjuu (n) owl

jembee (n) hoe

jeneraala (n) general

jengaa (n) boiled coarsely grounded maize

jennata (n) paradise

jerjeraa (adj) hasty, speedy

jerjersuu (v) cause to be in a hurry

jerjertuu (adj) hasty, speedy

jerjeruu (v) be in a hurry

jette jettee (n) rumour

jeyna (adj) hero;heroine

jeynummaa (n) bravery;patriotism

ji'a1 (n) month

ji'a2 (n) moon

jibaat (n) dense forest

jibba (n) hatred

jibbaa (n) straw carpet or mat

jibbinsa (n) hatred

jibbuu (v) hate

jiddugaleessa (adj) mana barumsaa jiddu galeessa sadarkaa 2ffaa. Junior

jiddujireessa (adj) medium,intermediate,junior

jidduu (prep.) between;among;middle

jifaara (n) ornament

jifaaree (n) cloth worn by brave hunters

jifaaruu (v) embellish,decorate

jifachiisuu see jifachuu

jifachuu (v) (of cattle) butt, gore, horn,i.e., attack with horns

jifannaa (n) butting

jifata (n) daring

jifatamuu (v) be butted

jifatuu (v) dare,i.e., have the courage needed to say/do sth

jifa'uu (v) butt

jiffuu same as jinfuu

bumpy,i.e., rough surface
jifira (adj) karaa jifira. Bumpy road

jifuu (n) culture,tradition

jifuu1 (n) butting,i.e., attacking with horns

jifuu2 same as jinfuu

jiga (n) fall

jigaa (adj) fallen, collapsed

jigayyeessa (adj) liable to fall apart

jigda (n) discarded weeds

jigii same as daboo

jigita (adj) jigita zayitaa. Crude oil

jigjiguu (v) fall repeatedly

jigoo (n) land slide, avalanche

jigsaa (n??) sth/sb that makes sth fall/collapse

jigsuu (v) make/cause to fall down

jiguu (v) fall down

jiibbuu (v) abominate

jiidha (n) moisture,dampness,wet-ness

jiidhaa (adj) damped;wet;moist;humid

jiidhina (n) moisture,dampness,wet-ness

jiidhuu (v) become wet

jiifaara (n) ornament put on finger or neck

jiifachuu (v) moisten for self

jiifamuu (v) be moistened

jiifata (n) pad,i.e., a piece of material used to absorb moisture

jiija (n) comfort

jiila (n) learning from problem

jiilamuu (v) be learnt from problem

jiilcha (n) learning from problem

jiilchuu see jiiluu

jiilfachuu see jiiluu

Jiillee (n) an Oromo clan

jiiluu (v) become fearful after a punishment

jiiroo (n) corner

jiisa (n) dampening,making wet

jiisaa (n) bee larva

jiisamuu (v) become wet

jiisisuu (v) make to moisten

jiisuu (v) dampen, make wet,moisten

jiita'aa (adj) dull

jiita'uu (v) be dull

jiitessuu (v) cause to be dull

jiitoo (adj) foolish

jija (n) happiness

jijfachuu (v) butt,horn,i.e., beat with horn [for cow]

jijiidhaa (adj) wet

jijimbila (n) ginger

jijjigaa (n) ruins

jijjirachuu (v) change for self

jijjirama (n) jijjirama hundee. Radical change
1. changed
jijjiramaa (adj) 2. (maths) variable

jijjiramtuu (adj) changed

jijjiramuu (v) be changed

jijjirraa (n) change, transformation,alteration

jijjiruu (v) change,convert. See also sharafuu

jijjiruufii (v) change sth for sb

jikita (n) crude

jikitaa (n) crude

jiksuu (v) cause to/make collabse/fall/demolish

1. envoy; ceremony;delegate
jila (n) 2. festival

jilba (n) kneel

jilbeeffachiisuu (v) to make sb kneel down

jilbeeffachuu (v) kneel down

jilbeeffannaa (n) act of kneeling down

jilboo1 (adj) powerful

jilboo2 (n) a kind of tree

jildhaaba (n) a body guard of Abba Geda

volume,book, a bound collection of
jildii (n) written pages

jiluu (v) undergo

jimaa (n) Biyya tokko tokkotti jimaa qama'uun dhorkaa dha. In some

jimaata (n) Friday

jiminaastikii (n) gymnastics

Jimmaa (n) an Oromo clan; a place in oromia

jimmiitee (n) a kind of children game

jimnoospaarmii (n) gymnosperm

jinaa'aa (n) nagging

jinaa'uu (v) be irritated

jineessuu (v) make irritated

jinfeessuu (v) put metal ring to an end of a spear/cudgel

jinfuu (n) metal ring on an end of a spear or cudgel

jingala (v) get lost

jinjibila (n) ginger

jinnii (n) demon,evil spirit

jinooftuu (n) nagging

ji'ogiraafii (n) geography

ji'ometrii (n) geometry

jiraa (adj) unripe;raw

jiraachisuu (v) cause/make to live

jiraachuu (v) be alive,exist, be available

jiraaroo (n) a kind of tree

jiraata (n)?? money or food given to a bereaved family

1. resident
jiraataa (n) 2. undying,everlasting

jiraattuu (n) inhabitant, resident

jirbii (n) cotton

jiree (n) a kind of utensil made up of gourd

jireenya (n) life

jirkaa (n) heavy rain

jirma (n) (of trees) stem

jirma-jaldeessaa (n) a kind of plant

jirraa (n) bet

jiruu (n) jiruu fi jireenya. Livelihood and life

jissaa sperm

jiysuu (v) make to fall

joffee (n)?? same as hanfaarroo

jogee (n) vulture

1. building
jogola (n) 2. well trained horse

jogoo landslide

jogoraa (adj) graceful

jojobiituu (adj) over eager

jojobi'uu (v) be greedy

jojonqol (n) a kind of plant

jojoonja'uu (v) to be confused repeatdly

jojoonjessuu (v) to confuse repeatdly

jongolloo (n) shaft

joobira (n) vulture

jooniyyaa (n) sack

joonja'aa (adj) confused;addled

joonja'uu (v) be confused

joonjee (n) dizziness

joonjessuu (v) fool;baffle

joonjii (adj) fool;confused

joonjoftuu (adj) confused;addled

joonjoo same as joonjii

joonyee (n) switch board

joora (n) wandering

jooraa (adj) addled

joorga'uu same as jorga'uu

joorgee same as jorgee

joorgoo (adj) slim/slender woman

joormaa (n) weariness

joorsisuu see joorsuu

joorsuu (v) cause/make to wander

joortuu (adj) wanderer

jooruu (v) wander

jorgaafamuu see jorga'uu

jorgaasa (n) (usu. of human)making to fall down heavily

jorgaasisuu (v) make to be fallen

jorgaasuu (v) make/cause to fall down heavily

jorga'uu (v) fall down heavily

jorgee (adj) (of fem.) slim, slender

jorgoo (adj) (male) slim, slender

jorqaa (adj) graceful

jorroo (adj) (of woman)slender/slim and beautiful

ju (n??) sound used to arouse a bull to mate a cow

jufunfula (adj) naïve

jum'aa (n) Friday

jumna (n) energy

junjuu same as raatuu

jununooftuu (adj) sluggish,slow

jununuu (n) hemeralopia, vision impairement

junuunfachiisuu (v) make to close eye

junuunfachuu (v) close eye

jurgufee (n) potato

juriri same as ju

juujuu (adj) inactive

juulii (adj) slow,stupid,obtuse

juzama same as qurcii

juzamuu (v) be affected by leprosy

qancabboo (n) snake

qurruu (n) quraa

jaarsuu same as dulloomsuu

eg.inni isii jallata. He loves her.
eg.Zayita Jigita, farsoo jigita

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