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The system like electrical, mechanical otherwise hydraulic is used to direct an

aerial vehicle without the involvement of a human. It also keeps the direction of the
airplane by checking the related flight information using inertial measurement
devices, after that this data can be used to cause remedial actions. This project is
used to design, implement, and develop an autopilot intended for a glider airplane.
The necessary remedial measures are involved by a set of servo motors. These
motors assist the flight to find the path and direction which are maintained at the
preferred levels.


Innovative technology like smart dust is based on MEMS with vast capacity. These are
frequent across smartphones to adjust the screen direction otherwise collect ambient data.
Smart dust is used to detect temperature, light, vibration, and chemicals/magnetism,
whereas MEMS includes small elements which are connected with electronic components.
These devices may be power efficient & little sufficient to draw energy from nearby air, so
that lifespan, as well as its functionality, can be extended greatly. This is one of the best
electrical seminar topics to choose from for engineering students. In the development of
engineering materials & 3D printing, MEMS are capable of gathering cellular data,
discovering the places which are hard to reach & making powerful the upcoming
generation of human communication.

Day by day, the population is increased in every city, so the demand for transportation also
increased but road networks are narrow and congested. To overcome this problem, the
monorail is implemented which uses fewer spaces and reduces the time for traveling. This
mono train gives supports rapid transit system of the public like suburban & metro rail
system, where this system is not obtainable & roads widening are not possible because of
the constructions on either side. The main features of this system include, it runs on a thin
guideway beam, where the wheels of this train hold on either side of the beam. This train is
less weight, the manufacturing cost is less which takes 1.5 years to 2 for manufacturing.
These trains are eco-friendly because these systems generate less noise as compared with
others. Mono train is available in Tokyo, Japan from 1963, in Malaysia, Kuala-Lumpur from
the past five years & the past three years, it is available in China. These trains are reliable
and safe.

NAME- Satyabrata Mohapatra

REGD NO- 1901298265


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