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Northwestern Polytechnical University Deadline : 15 October, 2021

Numerical Analysis & Modern Numerical Analysis

Exercise series 1

Requirements : Send the pdf file to my mailbox with the email theme
and file name as Exercise1-student ID-yourname.

Problem 1 : Bisection method [Page 6, Problem 1.1-Ex2]

Show that there is a unique real solution of 5x7 = 1 − 2x. Use bisection to approximate it to four
decimal places. Repeat with inverse linear interpolation.

Problem 2 : Fixed point theorem [Page 30, Problem 1.3-Ex6]

(a) Estimate how many iterations it would take to find the sole fixed point of cos(x) to six decimal
places by fixed point iteration of xk = cos(xk−1 ) starting from x0 = 0.8. Do this by estimating
λ from the proof of the Fixed Point Theorem and then applying the iterative error relations.
(b) Use fixed point iteration on g(x) = cos(x) to find the fixed point to six decimal places. Compare
your actual number of iterations to your estimate from part (a).
(c) Use Newton’s method on f (x) = x − cos(x) to find the fixed point to six decimal places.
Compare the number of iterations for Newton’s method to the number of iterations from part

Problem 3 : Newton’s method [Page 42, Problem 1.4-Ex9]

(a) Show that if f (x) has a zero x∗ of multiplicity m, then f (x) = (x − x∗ )m g(x) for x 6= x∗ , where
g(x∗ ) is nonzero.
(b) Does the Newton’s method still work if m > 1 ? Show that if m > 1, then the method

f (xk )
xk+1 = xk − m
f 0 (xk )

converges quadratically.
(c) Show that f (x)/f 0 (x) has only simple zeros. Write the Newton’s method iteration for f (x)/f 0 (x).
What additional assumptions on f are needed. Compared with the method in (b), is this me-
thod better or not ?

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