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Coca-Cola Company

Description of the company

As the world's largest beverage company, we refresh the world. We do this by developing superior soft
drinks, both carbonated and noncarbonated, and profitable nonalcoholic beverage systems that create
value for our Company, our bottling partners, our customers, our share owners and communities in
which we do business. In creating value, we succeed or fail based on our ability to perform as worthy
stewards of several key assets: Coca-Cola, the world's most recognized trademark, and other highly
valued trademarks. The world's most effective and pervasive distribution system. Satisfied customers,
who make a good profit selling our products. Our people, who are ultimately responsible for building
this enterprise. Our abundant resources, which must be intelligently allocated. Our strong global
leadership in the beverage industry in particular and in the business world in general.

Value Proposition of the Company

Coca-Cola’s value proposition is unique in that is has a patented secret formula that others can only
imitate. They have over 500 brands and 3500 products worldwide including soft drinks, water, juice,
coffees, teas, decaffeinated, low calorie, zero calorie, and energy drinks that meet every kind of thirst
need. They usually provide the best sale prices on many different sizes of drinks. They offer Coke
Rewards where individuals can get free drinks, clothing and amusement park tickets. Customer
preference is a core value to coke. Coke has dedicated itself to meet the thirst needs of every customer.
They engage with their customers at home, restaurants, sporting events. Almost everywhere customers
go, they can find a coke product. They build their top line growth and capital efficiency through
investment in FIFA World Cup, “Open Happiness” global campaign, and have many worldwide partners,
increasing their business nearly 5% every year by creating a diverse customer base.

Triple Bottom Line (TBL)

Coca-Cola Company addresses social aspect of the triple bottom line by offering good health care to its
employees, providing a healthy and safe working environment and giving employees an opportunity to
advance their education. Additionally, Coca Cola Company does not exploit their labor force by either
employing children or paying sweatshop wages. This company promotes the health living of the
community by providing health checkups and health education to rural communities. It also conducts
blood donation camps in some countries and supports emergency services for children which are
accessible 24 hours. Coca-Cola company take pains to conserve the environment by conserving water
through projects such as, watershed protection, rainwater harvesting project and investment in a
reverse filter system. The company also invests in energy conservation by reducing its consumption and
emission of greenhouse gasses as well as making their equipment efficient. This company also packages
their products in recyclable materials.

Economic bottom line measures the flow of Money. Coca-Cola measures its economic aspect through
profit which is obtained by deducting the cost of inputs and cost of capital tied from the revenues
obtained. Apart from the normal profit coca cola uses the economic framework of the triple bottom line
to measure and understand the real economic benefit that is enjoyed by the society. Coca-Cola
economic bottom line is evaluated by personal income earned by employees, taxes paid to the
government, employment created and job growth.

Corporate Governance of the company

The Coca-Cola Company complies with the OECD principles of corporate governance. The Board of
Directors is elected by the company’s shareowners and provides control over the key operations and
decisions to meet their interest and ensure the overall growth of the company in the competitive
market. The Coca-Cola Company conducts its operations and makes decisions within the framework of
the established regulations and the Corporate Governance Principles. Recent report shows that the
company continues to strengthen its sustainability, ensuring that all business operations are conducted
appropriately and stakeholder engagement is supported (The Coca-Cola Co. Annual Report). Corporate
governance policies include evaluation of the CEO’s successes and failures in performance, as well as the
Board’s performance evaluation.

First of all, the Coca-Cola Company’s corporate governance framework is aimed at promoting
transparent and fair markets. In addition, it is based on comprehensive allocation of resources. The
Coca-Cola’s corporate governance framework consists of relevant regulations and practices that reflect
the company’s traditions and history. The company’s activities aimed at the proper allocation of
resources include reuse of recycled bottles, cans and use of plant bottles. Besides, the company has
developed programs to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS in Africa (The Coca-Cola Co. Annual Report).

Secondly, the Coca-Cola Company’s corporate governance framework provides protection of the rights
of its shareholders, ensuring the equitable treatment of all shareholders, including minority groups and
foreign shareholders (The Coca-Cola Co. Annual Report).

Thirdly, the Coca-Cola Company’s corporate governance framework provides comprehensive incentives
through investment, ensuring the opportunities for functioning of the markets and contributing to good
corporate governance (The Coca-Cola Co. Annual Report).

Fourthly, the Coca-Cola Company’s framework recognizes the established rights of all stakeholders and
promotes dynamic cooperation practices between the company and its stakeholders in order to create
positive climate, create jobs, and the overall sustainability (The Coca-Cola Co. Annual Report).

Fifthly, the Coca-Cola Company’s framework ensures all important information is disclosed timely and
accurately, including the information on the company’s financial situation, performance, ownership, and
governance (The Coca-Cola Co. Annual Report).

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