2007-APL-Satoshi Ogawa-Trap Elimination and Injection Switching at Organic Field Effect Transistor by

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Trap elimination and injection switching at organic field effect transistor by

inserting an alkane (C44H90) layer

Satoshi Ogawa, Yasuo Kimura, Michio Niwano, and Hisao Ishii

Citation: Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 033504 (2007); doi: 10.1063/1.2431713

View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.2431713
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Published by the American Institute of Physics.

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Trap elimination and injection switching at organic field effect transistor

by inserting an alkane „C44H90… layer
Satoshi Ogawa, Yasuo Kimura, and Michio Niwano
Research Institute of Electrical Communication (RIEC), Tohoku University, 2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku,
Sendai 980-8577, Japan and Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology (CREST),
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) 4-1-8 Hon-cho, Kawaguchi 332-0012, Japan
Hisao Ishiia兲
Center for Frontier Science, Chiba University, 1-33, Yayoi-cho, Inage-ku, Chiba-shi,
Chiba 263-8522, Japan
共Received 6 September 2006; accepted 10 December 2006; published online 17 January 2007兲
Recently, it was proposed in the literature that the electron trap on a hydroxyl-containing dielectric
interface of an organic field effect transistor 共OFET兲 hinders its n type operation. The authors
fabricated pentacene and fullerene OFETs with a hydroxyl-free insulating material, a long-chain
alkane, i.e., tetratetracontate 共TTC兲, C44H90 layer coated on the SiO2 dielectric layer. The
displacement current measurements clearly demonstrated that the electron trap of the SiO2 surface
is suppressed by the TTC layer. For a pentacene FET with an Al electrode and SiO2 dielectric layer,
a p type operation was observed, while the operation mode was switched to the n type by the
insertion of TTC on the SiO2 interface. By simple patterning of the TTC layer to produce a bipolar
injection, the authors fabricated an ambipolar pentacene FET with a single kind of metal electrode.
Thus TTC is a good material for the surface modification of a dielectric layer in OFETs. © 2007
American Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.2431713兴

Recently, the ambipolar operation of organic field effect technique to investigate the behavior of carriers in the
transitors 共OFETs兲 has attracted much attention in relation to OFETs.6,7 In order to suppress the proposed trap effect of the
light-emitting transistors and a complementary metal-oxide SiO2 surface, a hydroxyl-free material, a long chain alkane,
semiconductor logic circuit.1–4 In this operation mode, the tetratetracontane 共TTC兲 共C44H90兲 was deposited on the sur-
charges that accumulated at the channel can be switched be- face. This molecule is well known to form a well-ordered
tween the hole and electron by changing the polarity of the film,8 and the insertion into an organic/metal interface in-
gate voltage. duces an improvement of the carrier injection properties.9
Two mechanisms are proposed for explaining the ambi- We revealed that the TTC layer is effective for suppress-
polar operation. One is the control of the local Fermi level in ing the electron trap effect of the SiO2 layer. For the exami-
the organic/dielectric interface region as in the case of inor- nation of the ambipolar operation, we investigated the pen-
ganic semiconductors; the accumulation, depletion, and in- tacene FET with an aluminum electrode. We found that the
version of the majority carriers are induced by the change in electron and hole injections occur with and without the TTC
the gate bias. The other is the charge injection from the layer, respectively. By patterning the TTC layer to combine
source and drain electrodes into the organic semiconducting both injection modes, we fabricated an ambipolar pentacene
layer;5 electron injection and hole injection can be switched FET with a single kind of metal electrode. The observed
by the gate voltage. Although an ambipolar operation is re- ambipolar operation was discussed on the basis of these two
alized for various types of OFETs mainly due to the latter models.
model,1–4 understanding of the operation mechanism is not The structure of the FET fabricated in this study was the
well established. top contact type. A p-type Si共100兲 wafer with resistances
Very recently, it was reported that the remaining OH ⬍0.01 ⍀ cm was thermally oxidized and used as the sub-
group at the dielectric layer works as an electron trap.4 This strate of the FET structures. The thickness of the oxide layer
trap effect disturbs the n-type operation of the ambipolar was approximately 100 nm. Pentacene and fullerene 共WAKO
OFET, especially in the case of the SiO2 dielectric layer Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd.兲 共99.9% purity兲 were twice
which has been widely used for fabricating the OFETs. purified by vacuum sublimation. The organic material
Therefore, the above two models should be examined using 共100 nm thick兲 was deposited on the SiO2 substrate, and then
the OH-free dielectric surface. In addition, not only the mea- the source and drain electrodes 共Au or Al兲 were evaporated.
surement of the transfer characteristics of the OFET but also The fabricated FETs were quickly transferred to a measure-
the complimentary method to investigate the charge carriers ment chamber through a glove box without being exposed to
accumulated in the channel is also necessary using another air. The working pressure during the measurements was on
electric measurement. the order of 10−4 Pa. The DCM measurements were per-
In this study, a displacement current measurement formed with HP4140B by applying a ramp voltage to the
共DCM兲 method was performed to explore the mechanism of gate electrode with the ramp rate of 0.1 V / s.
the ambipolar operation. We reported the advantages of this Figure 1 shows the DCM curves of the fullerene FETs
with and without inserting a TTC layer 共30 nm thick兲 be-
Electronic mail: ishii130@faculty.chiba-u.jp tween the C60 and SiO2 layers. For the DCM, the source and

0003-6951/2007/90共3兲/033504/3/$23.00 90, 033504-1 © 2007 American Institute of Physics

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033504-2 Ogawa et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 033504 共2007兲

FIG. 1. 关共a兲 and 共b兲兴 Schematic diagrams of the device structures of C60 FET
with and without TTC layer, respectively. 共c兲 DCM results of C60 FET 共gray
circles兲 and C60 FET with inserted TTC layer 共black circles兲. The direction
of the voltage scan is indicated by the arrows. The TTC insertion drastically
improves the horizontal asymmetry, indicating the suppression of the elec-
tron trap on the SiO2 surface.

drain electrodes were grounded and a triangular voltage

wave was applied to the gate electrode. The current through
the device, which is basically proportional to the effective
capacitance of the device Ceff, was measured as a function of
the gate voltage. The details of the DCM were described
FIG. 2. 共a兲 DCM wave form of pentacene FET with no TTC layer 共solid
elsewhere.6,7,9,10 In the first quadrant of the curve, the dis- lines兲 and 30 nm thick TTC layer over the dielectric surface. By inserting
placement current was increased with the increasing gate the TTC layer, the hole injection is switched to electron injection. 共b兲 DCM
voltage. This is due to the electron accumulation current; curve of pentacene FET in which a bare and TTC-covered SiO2 surface
during the increase in the gate voltage, electrons injected areas coexist under the source and drain. Both the hole and electron injec-
tion properties are observed, indicating an ambipolar mode.
from the source and drain electrodes are accumulated in the
device. During the initial stage of the injection, the area of
the charge sheet is formed only under the source and drain. pentacene layer can be expected because the work function
While the charge sheet is growing at the dielectric interface, of Al 关4.28 eV 共Ref. 11兲兴 is between those of the cathode and
the extension of the area of the charge sheet increases the anode metals. Figure 2共a兲 shows the DCM curves of penta-
Ceff, inducing the peak structure around the shoulder due to cene FET without and with the 30 nm thick TTC layer. In the
dCeff / dt term.10 After the completion of the area extension, case without the TTC layer, the current increases at the nega-
the Ceff becomes equal to that of the SiO2 layer, leading to a tive gate voltage, indicating the hole injection. This is a typi-
constant current. In the fourth quadrant, an electron dis- cal result of the p-type behavior. In the case with the TTC
charge current during the decrease in the gate voltage is ob- layer, the current increases on the positive side, indicating
served. In the third and second quadrants, no additional cur- the electron injection from the source and drain. This result
rent due to hole injection was observed. indicates that the insertion of the TTC layer at the dielectric
In the DCM curve of the C60 FET without the TTC layer, surface can induce the switching of the injection properties at
the current is horizontally asymmetric. The number of accu- the source and drain electrodes. At the present time, the rea-
mulated electrons estimated from the numerical integration son for the injection switching is not clear, but the change in
of the current for the upper hatched area is much greater than the morphology of the pentacene film and/or the change in
that of the discharged ones from that of the lower hatched the voltage profile at the pentacene/electrode interface due to
area. The difference corresponds to the amount of the elec- the suppression of the trap at SiO2 surface may be related to
trons trapped in the device. The density of the electrons this phenomenon. A further study is currently in progress.
trapped at the SiO2 interface is approximately 1.5 The observed injection switching can be applied to real-
⫻ 1013 e / cm2. In contrast, the curve becomes almost sym- ize the ambipolar operation by simple patterning of the TTC
metric for the FET with the TTC layer. This result clearly layer. By using a mask, part of the SiO2 surface was covered
demonstrates that the coverage of the SiO2 surface with the by the TTC layer. Thus, under the source and drain elec-
TTC layer suppresses the traps on the dielectric surface as trodes, the Al/pentacene/SiO2 and Al/pentacene/TTC/SiO2
proposed in Ref. 4. The observed trap is not due to the C60 structures coexist. Figure 2共b兲 shows the DCM of the device
bulk region because the deposition of C60 was performed in with the partial insertion of the TTC. We observed an in-
the same batch to fabricate the devices with and without the crease in the displacement current on both the positive and
TTC. negative sides, clearly demonstrating the bipolar injection
Next, the effect of the TTC layer on the pentacene OFET into the pentacene layer. Figure 3 shows the transfer proper-
with the Al electrodes was examined. Bipolar injection into ties of this device. It worked in the ambipolar mode; the
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033504-3 Ogawa et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 033504 共2007兲

the DCM results of the unipolar C60 and pentacene FET

共Figs. 1 and 2共a兲, respectively兲, the current increase due to
the charge accumulation occurred only for the unipolar gate
voltage. It should be noted that our measurement is very
slow 共13 min for 1 cycle, 0.1 V / s兲. It is probably slow
enough to observe the carrier generation in the organic layer
due to thermal excitation. However, no current increase due
to inversion was observed. This result indicates that the
accumulation-inversion model is not plausible for intrinsic
organic semiconductors because of the extremely low den-
sity of the thermal carriers.
In summary, we investigated the surface modification of
the SiO2 layer in OFETs with an alkane molecule, TTC. In
order to realize a stable n-type operation for ambipolar
mode, surface modification should improve two factors: One
is the suppression of carrier traps on the dielectric surface
and, the other, the effective carrier injection. Concerning the
former, we found that the insertion of the TTC effectively
suppresses the electron traps on the SiO2 surface suggesting
the wide applicability of TTC for that purpose. Concerning
the latter factor, we found that the insertion of the TTC layer
can switch the injection property at source and drain
electrode/pentacene interface from hole injecting to electron
injecting. In addition, by simple patterning of the TTC layer
to make both injecting natures coexist, an ambipolar opera-
FIG. 3. Transfer characteristics of ambipolar pentacene field effect transis-
tion was realized. It is not clear whether the observed injec-
tors with partial insertion of TTC. 共a兲 p-channel region of the gate bias, tion switching is a general phenomena or specific to Al-
Vth = −6.2 V, VSD = −20 V, ␮h = 4.7⫻ 10−4 cm2 / V s. 共b兲 n-channel region of pentacene system. A further study is in progress. The TTC is
the gate bias, Vth = 11.1 V, VSD = + 20 V, ␮h = 1.7⫻ 10−5 cm2 / V s. very easy to make by vacuum vapor deposition and a well-
ordered molecular orientation in comparison with other ma-
operation mode is switched between the p type and n type terials such as the self-assembled monolayer. Thus the TTC
depending on the gate polarity. The nominal mobilities is a good material for the surface modification of the dielec-
estimated from the saturation current are ␮h = 4.7 tric layer in OFETs.
⫻ 10−4 cm2 / V s and ␮e = 1.7⫻ 10−5 cm2 / V s. The value of
␮h is less than that of the conventional values of the hole 1
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