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Lesson Overview Lesson Outline

Scripture Isaiah 35:4-6; Micah 5:2; Zechariah 9:9; Matthew 21:1-17; Luke 19:39-48 I. INTRODUCTION
“Is He the Messiah?” skit.
Memory Verse “And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of II. PROGRESSION OF EVENTS
the world.” (1 John 4:14)
A. Flashcard 1-1
Teaching The unsaved child will see that Jesus is the promised Messiah, who fulfilled Old 1. Adam and Eve chose to go against God and sin
Objective Testament prophecy, and believe in Jesus as his personal Savior. entered the world.
2. All of us are born sinners. [Romans 5:12]
Main Teaching Jesus is the promised Messiah. 3. God promised to send a Savior.
B. Flashcard 1-2 (Micah 5:2)
Jesus: God Who Saves

Emphasis You can be confident that Jesus is the Promised One. 1. God spoke to prophets about the Messiah.
for Saved
2. “Bethlehem” prophecy scroll.
Word Up! Jesus is the Promised One! 3. All the prophecies about the Messiah were coming
true in Jesus.
Visual Aids Flashcards 1-1—6 4. People who followed Jesus wondered if He was God’s
Promised One.
Lesson Type Topical Evangelistic C. Flashcard 1-3 (Matthew 21:1-3)
On their way to Jerusalem, Jesus sent two of His disciples
ahead to bring Him a donkey.
D. Flashcard 1-4 (Zechariah 9:9; Matthew 21:4-7)
1. When Jesus rode the colt, another prophecy was
coming true!
60 90 2. “Riding a colt” prophecy scroll.
Schedule E. Flashcard 1-5 (Matthew 21:8-10; Luke 19:39-44)
Jesus the Promised Messiah

min min
This page has been designed for you to photocopy and place in your Bible as a ready reference.

1. People put palm branches on the road and

Small Group Time Attendance, snack, check Wonder Devotional Books and “Quiet Time” 7 15 shouted “Hosanna!”
sheets, “How Would You Describe Jesus” discussion 2. The people wanted Jesus to be their king and free
them from the Romans.
Theme Song “Jesus is the Good News” (visualized song) 3 3
3. Jesus is the Messiah who came to set you free from
Opening Welcome, prayer, Word Up! teaching 3 5 your sin. [1 John 4:14]
4. The religious leaders did not believe that Jesus was
Rules Introduce rules (See “UPs Rules” chart in the Word Up! Booklet, sent by God.
2 2
located in the GNC Resource Pack.) 5. Jesus wept for the people He loved.
6. God showed His love by dying to save you from your
Memory Verse 1 John 4:14 8 10 sins. [Jeremiah 31:3b]
Repetition: “What Have You Seen?”
F. Flashcard 1-6 (Isaiah 35:5-6a; Matthew 21:14-17)
Song “Trinity Song” (visualized song) 2 5 1. “Healed the sick” prophecy scroll.
2. The religious leaders wanted to stop Jesus.
Bible Lesson/ Jesus Is The Promised Messiah 15 18 III. CLIMAX (Luke 19:47-48)
Invitation They would try to destroy Jesus. The leaders would figure
Song “The Savior of the World” (1 John 4:14) 2 2 out a way to arrest Him. But they would have to do it when
Jesus was away from the crowds who loved Him.
Wonder Time/ “You Can Be Confident” 6 8 IV. CONCLUSION
Saved Child App A. Jesus knew more prophecies about the Messiah would
Review Game “Roll for Points” 5 6 come true in the days to come.
B. Have you believed on Jesus the Messiah for yourself?
[Acts 16:31]

Missions Time “Tell Everyone” (visualized song)


5 8
The Burnhams, part 1
Scripture verses in parentheses are background text.
Copyright © 2016 Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc. Permission is given to photocopy this page for club or class use. All other rights reserved.

Bracketed verses should be quoted or read from God’s Word.

Closing Announcements, prayer, hand out verse/Word Up! bookmarks 2 8
and “Quiet Time” sheets

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