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Personal Statement


My name is Mibu Tamang, son of Mr. Surya Bahadur Tamang. I was born on 21 November 2000. My
passport number is 11368627. I am a permanent residence of Province no 1, Panchthar, Nepal. I am a very
determined, hardworking and genuine student looking forward to pursue bachelors in marketing
management at University of Wolverhampton.
Full Name: Mibu Tamang

Course Title: Bachelor’s in Marketing Management

1. Why are you applying to the University of Wolverhampton?

Starting off, from my childhood days I was very eager to experience the international culture and exposures
into the global world. So, without wasting anytime I opted to continue my further studies in abroad. Choosing
destination wasn’t easy at all and after performing a lot of researches about universities around the world that
offered the choice of course I wanted to learn and after visiting different educational fairs & expos along with
some suggestions from my friends in abroad, I came into conclusion about pursuing my studies in UK. UK has
a lot of outstanding universities but particularly the University of Wolverhampton seemed the best of interest
for me. I discovered that University of Wolverhampton hosts over 2,500 overseas students from more than 140
countries. From the web, I also found that University of Wolverhampton uses innovative technology, have
depth of staff expertise, and employer-responsive courses. Its location in the West Midlands, is easy to reach
from other parts of the UK, and further afield. As a dynamic, career-focused university, with outstanding
business connections, its undergraduate curriculum equips graduates for opportunities in the business and
professional world. The Academic grade and standards at the University were also been positively commended
by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), which examines UK higher education teaching. While researching I
also found out that the university was praised for its 'regard for the student's voice' and QAA inferred that
confidence could be placed in the management of academic standards and the high quality of learning
experiences available to students. Along with this, the university also supplies a range of IT facilities to help
with studies, including extensive computer provision, wireless Internet, remote-access email, and equipment
for disabled students, and dedicated staff giving us all the aid we need. The universities career and
Employment Services includes a job matching assistance that can match our skills to full and part-time
vacancies and also their Student Enabling Centre offers outstanding support to students with disabilities. I also
find out that On-campus sports facilities on the university are also outstanding including a fitness suite, squash
courts, exercise classes, indoor and outdoor pitches, and a swimming pool are open to students, staff, and
members of the public. Thus, high quality standard educations, outstanding facilities, career and employment
service, ideal location, value of education were the major things that attracted me to join the University of

2. Why does studying in the UK and this course interest you?

To begin with, as discussed earlier I was always keen on going abroad for my studies to taste a different
educational system. I could see that how the international education system has impacted on the students and
their growth globally. I wanted myself to grasp the required level of knowledge and skill to compete in the
ever so challenging market. So, without wasting any more time I researched on the internet about the
destinations that will be ideal for me to continue my further studies. Among the other top performing
countries, I chose UK. While researching I found that currently the most popular destination for international
students in English-speaking countries is UK. Its qualification is acknowledged and respected globally. UK
has grown to become one of the top destinations to study around the world. With traditions of excellence
dating back hundreds of years, high-class institutions at every hub, and much more flexibility than in many
other countries, students coming to study scientific and technical subjects in the UK gets high benefit from
learning alongside some of the world’s top scholarly achievers. The learning experience in UK also allows
student’s independent thought, encourages proactive problem-solving skills, enables the development of
intellectual skills, and empowers creative and effective thinking. The diverse range of courses available in UK
is also matched by the wide range of institutions that give students a varied choice to discover the most
suitable study environment for them. Thus, UK aligns with everything I required to step ahead in the path of
my goal and its safe, friendly, sophisticated, and yet harmonious society along with its recognition were
equally relevant for me to choose UK.

After opting to go for UK then I started looking at the universities and the coursed that I wanted to go for.
Among them, University of Wolverhampton deemed reasonable and also had offered the course about
marketing management which I had planned to choose. To mention, back from my child days I was very
curious to know about business, how big corporate organizations operate their businesses, what their
marketing techniques are, and often I had to question myself regarding it. Growing up I discovered more about
business fundamentals and how it works then it got me more interested to find how marketing aspects of
business progresses, what marketing techniques are used, how one can successfully setup a brand in the market
and how Nepalese market is running. So, to imbue my knowledge by continuing my study and to pursue my
dream about studying in abroad, I chose degree in Marketing Management. The course allows us to develop
proper understanding about the trends in the consumer behavior, market trends as well as the promotional
strategies. Also, this program combines both theory and practice to enhance professional success after
graduation which is exactly what I wanted to go for.

3. Why do you think you’re suitable for the course and how will studying this course benefit you?

Being enthusiastic about the field as well as on the path to become a top marketing manager and the change
maker in the corporate and banking sector, Nepal being a developing country, it’s a nice opportunity to grab
and explore different marketing and branding tools and ideas in my country. I always has had interest toward
business and its marketing activities. My curiosity always pushed me towards learning and practicing different
ideas about marketing and with the aim for reaching new heights in marketing managerial role I couldn’t think
about other courses than to go for Marketing Management.

From my research, I also came to know how Bachelor of Marketing Management has a perfect blend of
syllabus that I really liked to learn. The course included intensive applied business training with an emphasis
on marketing management, as well as new and emerging media, marketing analytics and consumer behavior
which are perfectly suited for my interest. Managers play a vital role in all organizations as they are
responsible for organization’s growth and development. I found that this program will develop my business
and marketing skills and give me the ability to commercialize products/brands, understand consumer behavior
and know about market statistics and make organizations successful. The degree also ensures that students
have the possibility to develop essential business skills and knowledge including finance and marketing
principles, business law, and well-developed management skills. Along with this, the course supplies us with
the understanding of basic principles of business and management along with marketing and branding which
is required to perform different management roles in the corporate sector. The degree gained from the
University of Wolverhampton will be a foundation for me to work in the management sector in my home
country and fulfill my dream of being a top-notch manager.

4. What would you like to do after completing this course?

After completion of my bachelor’s degree, I’ll return to my home nation and have planned to be involved in
the sector related to business and marketing as graduates in management are highly demanded in Nepal. First
and foremost, I will straightly start searching for jobs that are ideal and in the field of interest. Also being a
responsible son It’s also my prime responsibility to look after my parents and aid in the finances as well. All
the experience, knowledge, and skills that I acquire from my study in the UK at the University of
Wolverhampton will surely play a vital role in getting me a good job in a well operated company as a
marketing assistant for the starting phases of my career.

Further, after gaining the right amount of experiences and exposures in my related fields of interest, I am
planning to apply for a bigger managerial level job in at a top-level multinational company and become a
successful marketing manager while also boosting finances for my family. In addition, I also want to become a
person to transform the corporate and banking sector in my country with more technical and data driven
marketing approaches starting by tutoring the students in this particular subject.

5. Intentions to Return Back Nepal

After completion of my bachelor in UK, I plan to make use of the post-study work visa that the UK
government grants once I graduate in order to obtain some actual work experience there. After that I must
return back to Nepal. Nepal is a country with growing opportunities in the field of management and thus I
will have plenty of rooms to grow.

I see in Nepal we still use outdated syllabus and theoretical based education still being provided and also
most courses aren’t offered as well. I see a window of opportunity here and believe that with all my
internationally honed skills and in-depth knowledge, I can be a valuable asset to my country in improving the
course curriculum and update the skills for new generations. Since this kind of course is currently not
available in our country I also plan to voice my opinion about this concept in Nepal and crusade to appeal to
the government for the expansion of this course in our universities as well.

With my family hopes clinging on me, and to uphold and bolster our finances, immediately after returning I
will be Starting off my career as a marketing assistance and then gradually, I plan to make it to the top-level
marketing manager here in my home country. Once I have enough experience and knowledge, I have further
planned on starting up my own business company and working hard to fulfill long term goals while
continuing to boost up my experiences and financial matter for my family.

University of Wolverhampton | The Housman Building | Camp Street | Wolverhampton | WV1 1AD |

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